Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Left_bar_bleue0/0Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:46 am
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] HEADER_FWBAzJZaAAAqWA0

What a waste.
It was all Sam could really think about as she stood on the edge of the cliff overlooking the valley. The wastes of destroyed towns found off in the distance was a sorry sight. She'd thought that America had gotten it pretty bad. And certainly under the vile rule of Demons, that had certainly been the case in some places. But here on the edge of the great wastelands in Asia, she couldn't help but wonder if this was worse. The stench of hollows was.... pretty strong.

"Don't know what I dislike more. The smell of Demons, or the smell of Hollow." She sighed, shaking her head as she looked over her shoulder to the town. There were a few settlements on the very edges of the wastes. Pretty strong ones too. On the edge of such a dangerous place, it only made sense that some people would make a tradition out od braving the danger itself. Apparently some people travelled a long way to train here, even supposedly some souls from the land of the dead came here to train. She didn't know if she quite believed THAT one though.

"Fuckin hell. That's a whole lot of cesspool. Reminds me a little of the craters back home. If it were the size of a whole fuckin country. Colt commented, bringing a little half smile to Sam's face. "A little. Now that's enough outta you. We're heading into one of these towns. You know the rules. No talking unless I tell you to." She noted sternly before she slipped back onto her bike and started her drive to the nearest of the settlements.
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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 11:16 am
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] 97ZeGbM


Vanyel knew his body wasn't going to be back to normal if he didn't work for it. So, he found himself in the wastelands of Asia, duking it out with Hollows. It wasn't exactly the most pleasant place to get a workout in, but, when your capabilities were well beyond the normal world, it wasn't like you had a whole lot of options. He'd left his motorcycle a decent distance away to make sure that nothing happened to it, but still keeping it somewhat in eyesight.

As a Hollow approached him, Vanyel kept his stance ready, taking careful steps backward to avoid it surging forward and smashing into the ground in front of him. As it was trying to dig its claws out, he leapt forward, striking at the Hollow with a sudden kick to the head, sending it down and skidding backward. He didn't waste time as he landed, he kicked forward to keep his momentum going, pushing him toward where it had landed and slamming his fist into the mask.

Without much issue, it cracked and shattered, with the Hollow itself disintegrating in short order. As the noise died down, Vanyel took in a deep breath, before breathing a sigh of relief. He could sense more Hollows in the distance, but he could at least take a quick breather before heading off. So, he made his way back to his bike, letting the helmet rest on the end of the handlebars.

He grabbed a bottle of water from the storage compartment under the seat, before sitting down and taking a drink. He could sense someone in the distance -- didn't seem like a Hollow, so, maybe there was someone else coming out to train and take advantage of the increase in undead populace.

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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 11:45 am
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] HEADER_FWBAzJZaAAAqWA0

Hm, well that certainly didn't take long. The sensation of a hollow dying was quick to draw Sam's attention, and she spotted Vanyel in the distance, through the corner of her goggles. Deciding to circle around, she abandoned the road itself and promptly drove over, stopping a short distance away and then parking her bike. Dismounting from her ride and making her way over to Vanyel. She was dressed for the rough ride of course. Leather pants and jacket, as well as a sleeveless turtleneck beneath the jacket itself. Nothing that made her stand out too much.

"Hey there, everything okay? I thought I sensed a hollow." She called out to him as she made her way over at a slight jog, sweeping the area with her Reikaku, making sure that no other hollows were hiding around. She didn't get that much of a sesne of whatever Vanyel was. After all, it wasn't like he used his powers or anything like that. But even so, she did keep her senses out for any hints of spiritual ability. Old habits.
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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:35 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] 97ZeGbM


He felt the spiritual presence coming closer, and from what he could hear, she was on a bike too. He peered through his sunglasses, seeing the vehicle come into view. As she started to jog up to him and call out, Vanyel put the cap on the water, setting it on his lap. She didn't real stand out too much, but, given that she asked about the Hollow that was there, it wasn't hard to assume that she was there for it.

"Yeah, there was one here, but, I killed it."

He slipped off the seat of his motorcycle, letting the water bottle drop in, taking a long-sleeved jacket out from the storage, unravelling it and sliding his arms through. Like her, he took a brief respite to scan the area with his Reikaku, making sure that it was okay for him to take a rest in the first place.

"Guessin' you sensed it and wanted to take care of it?"

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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:41 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] HEADER_FWBAzJZaAAAqWA0

She couldn't help but smirk just a little. Her own spiritual senses picked up a few more hollows, but they were by and large fairly far off. Safely distant to say the least, she sighed and gave a little slow shake of her head. "Ah, and here I thought I was gonna get a nice workout. Still, I gotta say It's strange seeing the casual bystander able to handle a hollow. I'm not from around here, if my accent didn't already tell you that." She pointed out, Her japanese certainly left much to be desired.

"So, you happen to live around these parts? Or just passing through?" She decided to venture with a nod toward his bike. Which certainly left things a little open on that end. If the guy was a local, then certainly she could probably get a few questions answered about the area. Especially if any work turned up around these parts. A place as dangerous as a wasteland, there was almost assuredly work to be had. And having a local always helped with that.
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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:57 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] 97ZeGbM


Thankfully, any more Hollows were far from a problem at the moment, so, he didn't feel too bothered in taking a break. He looked to her, noting the rather, well, notable accent and somewhat flimsy Japanese. But, at least she knew some of it.

If she wasn't from around here, might as well try and accommodate -- so, he switched to English as he spoke, forgetting how easily he had fallen into the habit of just speaking Japanese when he was in Japan, China in Japan, and so on.

"If it's easier to speak English, I can do that. I know Japanese, Mandarin, English, and a little bit of Norwegian."

He took a moment to stretch and look around. Local wouldn't really be the word he'd use to describe himself, but, if she wanted to get a workout in, he was certainly someone applicable for that.

"Not a local, per say, but I've been visitin' this place more and more to fight Hollows. Tryin' to get back into shape after some, uh...experiences. If ya want a sparrin' partner, I can go a round or two. Probably would be better practice than on a bunch of brainless Hollows that don't really know how to fight, hm?"

He leaned against his bike, a hand reaching to the hem of his jacket to take it off, if need be. Would be good for him to get more practice in too, especially with him trying to recovery.

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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:15 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] HEADER_FWBAzJZaAAAqWA0

She raised her brows a little when he suddenly switched to english. A little chuckle escaping her as she put a hand on her hip. "Is my JApanese that bad? Guess I shouldn' be surprised. Language was never my strong suit." She shrugged her shoulders, Though as he spoke about the quality of the hollows. She tilted her head then furrowed her brows in....confusion. "Brainless? Hm. The hollows here must be pretty weak then. But still. I won't say no to a little spar." She murmured, reaching down to peel the sidearm from her waist and set it on the halster on her bike, lightly criking her neck before turning toward him.

Awfully....friendly. It wasn't what she was used to. But perhaps the constant threat of hollows made people a little more codependent than she was used to. Not that she had any intention of dropping her guard , of course. She had every intention to make sure that if this guy pulled anything funny that she'd be able to take care of it. But otherwise, a little ...warmup would be more than fine. She flexed her fingers and sighed.

"That said. You ask every person you run into for a little sparring? I know things are a little more spartan around these parts. But still, it's a bit of a surprise." She smirked.
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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:35 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] 97ZeGbM


Vanyel shrugged as she commented on the language shift and Hollows. It wasn't really about the quality of her Japanese. She wasn't from around here, the accent gave enough away, so, he figured that it was better to just speak English. His eyes went to the sidearm at her waist -- was she some kinda cop? As she set the weapon on her bike, Vanyel took a few steps away from his bike, rolling his shoulder a bit.

"You're the one who said you were hopin' to get a workout in with the Hollows, so, I figure I may as well offer. Besides, it's somethin' that helps me with my recovery, too, so it's a win-win."

Cracking his knuckles and stretching, he left his jacket on. He had left his weapons in the storage compartment anyhow, save for the one around his hand under his gloves. Taking some more steps away from his bike, he turned to face her, taking a simple, unassuming stance. He kept his back foot prepared to move, his arm prepared to strike, block, or retaliate.

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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:44 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] HEADER_FWBAzJZaAAAqWA0

She raised a brow slightly at that. "Recovery huh? Any areas in particular I should treat with care?" She ventured, a hint of tease to her voice, but also being quite serious. Last thing she wanted to do was fuck up this guy's rehab. Though she DID manage to tilt her head just a little when he took up a stance. "Certainly eager huh. Not much one for conversation?" She asked with a slight smile and nodding off to the distance. "Let's head out a little. I'd rather not get thrown into my own bike.' She advised. A little unsure of what to expect. The guy was recovering, but also out here fighting hollows. Maybe it was just the culture shock of this place, but still, she decided to roll with it. She'd just have to hold back a little at first and get a feel for her opponent.

"If you don't mind me asking. What are you? Quincy? Substitute shinigami? I know back home wqe have a lot of supe humans, but well. I don't exactly know the demographics around these parts."
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Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] Empty Re: Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 5:25 pm
Working up a Sweat [Samantha, Vanyel] 97ZeGbM


"Nah. Already spent enough time doin' that. Besides, it'll do me some good to push myself. There's only so much that gym equipment can do for the supernatural."

He broke his stance, slipping his hands into pockets as he shrugged, turning to put a bit more distance between their vehicles. He could understand not wanting to get knocked into her own mode of transportation -- especially since, well, there were barely any tows as far out here in basically the boonies.

"Huh. Guess I'm jumpin' the gun a bit. Been a bit too eager to get back to normal. Sorry if that bothers ya."

As the two made their way away from the vehicles, he made sure to keep his bike in something close to eyesight, just to make sure that he could make his way back to it. Where she was from had a lot of supernatural humans, huh? That felt weird to hear. Then again, demons had occupied the world for so many years, he shouldn't have been too surprised.

"Nah, just a good ol' human. Not a Quincy, Substitute, none o' that. Far as demographics go, it's...hard to really say. Hollows had a surge on another continent, but, you probably saw the news about that. There's a lot of people that aren't spiritually sensitive. Doesn't seem to be too many people that are like me or you."

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