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Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] Empty Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]

Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:37 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The Suika had heard a few rumors of a woman who looked like a certain ex-lieutenant of the first division; one who was now retired, and wholly removed and basically broken up with Shuten, up in the zero division. Suffice to say… rumors, even if they were unfounded, even if they may be false… Well, curiosity killed the cat. Even if Shuten was still trying to get over Magnolia’s sudden decision to retire, and her acceptance up to zero division, the Suika still couldn’t help but be curious about a woman who was rumored to look almost exactly like Shuten’s ex.

This led to Shuten visiting the apparent source of said rumors, and ones that were confirmed by a few squad members, the division 7 barracks. Whoever this woman was, Shuten couldn’t help but be curious. Of all things, of all people, it was Magnolia the woman looked like. It was frustrating, but Shuten’s curiosity got the best of her. Which was why Shuten began to wander around the barracks, asking around for a blonde haired woman; so that she may find this apparent look alike swiftly.

After all… Shuten was dying to see Magnolia in some part of her being. Perhaps this would bring her some modicum of closure, or perhaps not. Regardless of the situation with her own feelings, her own troubles, curiosity was at the forefront; and this was likely for the best. Someone who was not Magnolia, who wasn’t Shuten herself, couldn’t give her the closure she needed. No… she needed to find it herself. With time. For now, however, it was time to meet what Shuten knew would be quite the hot blonde; assuming she really was Magnolia's twin.

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Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] Empty Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]

Thu Jul 06, 2023 10:49 pm
Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] HEADER_Ft47vg8aEAAknlF

Lerna would be found in something of a rare state: Stillness.

A great many things had happened as of late. Things that put her on edge, made her want to strive for more. But also drew concern. She was....distant from the people who helped keep her grounded.

Murasaki was now the Captain Commander, and not as available for counsel. No less replaced by someone who couldn't possibly begin to fill the shoes legft behind by the former Captain of the Seventh.

Magnolia was gone as well. And though they had known eachother a bit more briefly, she still couldn't help but mourn the loss of the woman to wherever it was she'd gone off to. She hadn't been told. Not in any specific terms at least. And so.... Lerna had resigned herself. Really all she had left was Asami, and that was.... a bit different now. They had their venture, but something bothered Lerna a little. Remembering the words from Asami prior. That she feared that this would ruin their friendship. It seemed insipid really. If things didn't work ouy, surely thry'd just be friends, right?

But Asami didn't seem to think as much. And that uncertainty wasn't something she enjoyed. It meant that she might lose Asami as well. And all at once, the world in the sereitei suddenly felt so much emptier. And so, she'd looked inward. To try and get a handle on her Zanpaku'to. She was meditating in Jinzen, attempting to get her Zanpaku'to spirit under control. Her release of Shikai had been an exemplary step in bonding with her zanpaku'to, but with it had come ....something else. That slow bleed of instinct. A sort of rolling wave of old feelings and sensations. Hunger. Violence. Things that had been under control for ages. And yet, her bones vibrated with a sense of disquiet. A feeling that got worse whenever she used her Shikai. And so, she'd hoped meditation would help. Connect with her Zanpaku'to. Get it to back the fuck off.

And so, as Shuten entered into the room. She would have all the opportunity in the world to have a look. Lerna, sitting quietly, with her weapon resting in her lap. A blade sheathed into a gourd. And a visage that would look all too familiart indeed. And well... as much time as she wanted to brace herself. Lerna was far too focused to notice her until she spoke up.
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Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] Empty Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]

Fri Jul 07, 2023 6:54 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Perhaps these two women were simply two peas in a pod. It was an interesting prospect, if either figured the issues of the other. However, that was if either did. That didn’t stop Shuten from entering the supposed room of this Magnolia lookalike; which she had learned her name beforehand from a young-looking Shinigami. Lerna… Not even remotely similar to Magnolia in name, but certainly in appearance. As Shuten stepped into the room, quietly shutting whatever door there may be behind herself, the Suika stared at the woman before her; seemingly meditating. She looked… almost exactly like Magnolia. It was eery, and quite uncanny. Even their hair had a very similar look to it… but her energy, that composure, and especially other tells of a person’s presence were wholly different.

In an odd way, to know that this woman only looked like Magnolia was a comfort; but it was also a bit painful to realize. The hurts were still fresh, as were the feelings of deep love; and what they had given up by splitting up when Magnolia left. Suffice to say, Shuten stood in front of the door far longer than was polite. However… it was obvious the woman was trying to commune with her Zanpakuto. Oddly enough, Shuten noticed it was a blade sheathed into a gourd; somewhat similar to the Zanpakuto that was currently on Shuten’s back. As hers was in constant shikai, thanks to how it helped to contain her wild Reiatsu, the gourd attached to the pommel was always obvious. Of course, the gourd she normally had affixed to her hip, being larger and full to the brim of Shuten’s sake, was a bit easier to notice; even if it was currently parked against a wall. Eventually, Shuten cleared her throat gently.

“I’m… sorry to disturb you. My name is Shuten Suika. I believe you are Lerna… correct? I have a few things to ask you… Especially about your appearance. You… You look like someone I know, she retired recently and it’s… been difficult. Could we talk some…? I’d like to know more about you, and… and how you look like Magnolia.”

The information Shuten withheld was the fact that she was once deeply in love with Magnolia, and basically engaged to said woman before her retirement and transferral to the zero division. That was… a bit too personal for a first meeting. Perhaps if they got to know each other more… but for now, a new relationship needed to be properly cultivated; especially if Lerna herself was having issues of her own.

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Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] Empty Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]

Fri Jul 07, 2023 7:30 pm
Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] HEADER_Ft47vg8aEAAknlF


Lerna's eyes SHOT open when that throat cleared and she was suddenly jarred from her meditation. And for just a n instant, she was at a loss, surprised to see.... whomever this was, standing infront of her.

"Oh uh....." She trailed off, briefly taking a moment to try and ....sink into the moment. To take stock as she looked up to the former captain and paused. Wait... "You knew Magnolia? She murmured softly, taking a moment to set her weapon to her hip and lsowly stand up, furrowing her brows. Who was this woman?

"I uh... I admit I don't really know what to tell you. I knew her yea, but we kinda just ran into eachother on earth. And uh... we kinda just happened to look similar. Nothing really special about it." She noted calmly enough, resting a hand on her hip as she started to piece things together. Was this a friend of the woman?

"Sorry I don't really got anything beyond that. Kindof a sister from another miser kinda situation. What did you say your name was again?"
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Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] Empty Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]

Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:57 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

As Lerna started from what was most certainly a very internal discussion with her Zanpakuto, Shuten couldn't help but think about her own times when she was trying to get her Zanpakuto in check; then again, Suidomaru was a bit more... affable than most Zanpakuto. It's easy to get along with someone when you can bond over drinking, fitting for a Suika Zanpakuto spirit. Regardless, Shuten politely waited as Lerna recovered, and spoke to Shuten; nodded in affirmation when the woman asked that she knew Magnolia. The Suika was... quite polite and capable of waiting, despite being so... Well, the only way to describe it was that Shuten was torn about how she felt about Magnolia leaving; and especially finding a woman who looked almost exactly like Magnolia. It was... strange.

Regardless, Shuten listened until Mag-- No, Lerna! Until Lerna, fuck this was confusing, had finished speaking. Her final bit of speech was a question, and one Shuten could understand. The Suika had introduced herself when Lerna was still coming out of her reprieve, so it made sense she had not caught her name.

"My name is Shuten Suika. But to reiterate, yes I did know her... We... We were close. I'm sorry for bothering you over a simple thing like this. If I may... Is everything alright? Aside from a random Suika bothering you, was your meditation going alright? I remember only too well how... difficult it can be to get your Zanpakuto spirit to be co-operative."

Frankly speaking, even if Magnolia and Lerna had absolutely no relation, Shuten would still like to get to know this woman. It wouldn't bring her any closure, nor would she attempt to become anything more than a friend of Lerna's... On the other hand, hopefully Shuten could somehow help Lerna. After all, ones Zanpakuto spirit and themselves don't always immediately see eye to eye.

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Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] Empty Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]

Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:20 am
Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] HEADER_Ft47vg8aEAAknlF

Lerna canted her head a bit to the side, now that she was a bit more focused on her surroundings she raised a brow. Not even a slight sliver of recognition at the name. That said, she did perk up and smile a bit when she heard that the woman was friends with Magnolia, and a close one at that! In an instant, a big smile flashed across Lerna's features and she reached out to give a firm pat to the woman's back!

"Oh thats awesome! Guess that makes us friends by association eh?" She pointed out and promptly gave the woman a pat on the head, avoiding those horns in the process as she smiled from ear to ear. "And nah, I'm fine. Was just going a little bit of Jinzen. Nothing super special." She assured the suika without missing a beat, that air of casual familiarity pretty distinct. Though she did trail off for a moment, rubbing the side of her cheek before clearing her throat.

"If you don't mind me asking though. I don't suppose you .... know where she's been? I admit I haven't really seen her in a long time."
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Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] Empty Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]

Thu Jul 13, 2023 1:56 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Lerna was… quite odd. Or perhaps that was simply Shuten’s outlook on the matter. Despite all that she had from Magnolia, and despite her inability to continue her relationship with a woman she couldn’t even contact, it was hard for Shuten to look at Lerna and long… long for Mag. They were as close as identical twins as any two strangers could be. However, the Suika shoved these thoughts away, forcing herself to find them different; and the attitude was enough to help.

She received what was certainly a firm pat, one that would’ve made her stagger if it was any stronger; however, a tiny blush cropped up on her cheeks when she was given a pat on the head. Certainly, they could be considered friends too… However, to be actual friends they needed more time together; time to bond. Shuten soon gave the woman a small nod, and a tiny nervous smile. Listening to her reason, and why she didn’t need help, for meditating, Shuten decided to leave it be. They were basically strangers, with only Magnolia connecting them; it was natural that she would refuse. Soon came a question, however, that caused Shuten to almost immediately look downcast; perhaps even lovesick, oddly enough.

“She uh… she retired, essentially. She was taken up to the Zero Division. I can still see her, just not often… It’s… It’s hard. I may have presents from her, but… the inability to see her regularly is… hard. I think I may be the only person who can visit her up there; then again, I am probably wrong.”

Shuten shrugged slightly, and carefully reconsidered her opinions a bit; especially about what to do about her relationship with Magnolia. No matter how abandoned she felt, no matter how she felt the woman may as well be an ex with their distance and great inability to interact, Shuten had to remind herself to calm down; because that bond shouldn’t be squandered so easily… Even if it was difficult. But, who knows, the future holds great changed and potential; anything could happen.

“Lerna… You told me you just kinda ran into her on Earth, right? Could you tell me about who you two met, please? More in depth, if possible. That is… if there is more to tell.”

Last edited by darkfunnel on Thu Jul 13, 2023 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] Empty Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]

Thu Jul 13, 2023 2:06 pm
Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] HEADER_Ft47vg8aEAAknlF

Ah rad, so the gal was fine with headpats, she made a mental note of that as she noticed that positive reaction to the contact, a soft chuckle escaping her as she pulled her hand back. "Sorry, that wasnt too much was it? I'm told can be a bit too lax sometimes, so sorry if I come off a little much. Still, you're one of those uhm.... Suiki...right? Sorry if I don't remember the name. But I think it's real interesting. The unique physiology is pretty awesome-looking." She pointed out, gesturing to the woman's horns.

At least until that explanation came out. And her eyes went a bit wide, that smile vanishing as pure surprise was written across her features. Squad Zero? She was.. just....gone? Retired?

That was something she .... she honestly took a moment to parse. And for a moment, she was hit with ... regret. Something about that woman had been familiar. no. Not their looks. It was something else. The way they upheld themselves. It felt ....careful. As if she might break the world if she didn't hold herself back. It was a feeling she felt something akin to. And to hear the woman was just.... gone now? It was a lot to handle.

But Shuten had a question, and Lerna took a moment to herself and come up with an answer. "I uh.... right. I was just a human pretty much down on earth. Well, as human as a mod soul can be. But uhm.... she and I were near a wrecked city, and these punks decided to start shit. You know. Some humans have uh... a real problem with spirits, tried to take a rocket to MAg. And she and I put em down. Or well, I fought them a bit, and she kinda took care of them." She murmured, a small, sheepish smile came with the explanation. Though she was still clearly ...reeling a little from the reveal.
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Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] Empty Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]

Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:54 am

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"Suika. It's in the last name, Shuten Suika. If it helps you remember, if you know her, my older sister is Ibiki Suika; a previous lead of the Gotei. But... Thank you. Not many will actually compliment my family, it's the way things are."

Afterwards, after correcting Lerna on what her people were, given they were still similar beings to other Shinigami; just a little different. Regardless, Shuten moved on, reflecting on Lerna's reaction to this news. Yes... Shuten felt much the same, perhaps worse, when Magnolia brought the news to her attention that she was to go to the Zero Division. It... It was the best and worst last night they spent together. Perhaps that was for the best... Memories and the reminder that someone never truly leaves you, leaves your heart, were some of the best ways to comfort oneself in the dead of lonely nights.

Regardless, Lerna's thoughts were right. Magnolia carried weight upon her shoulders that not even Shuten could honestly lessen. She helped lighten the load in their time together, but Magnolia was always so careful, so delicate with everything; like the wrong movement could break someone or something she loved with ease. Truth be told... That was likely what Magnolia was afraid of, that her blood sullied hands would remove the things she loved as well. But... they never did, not with Shuten at least. The delicacy she had been treated with... Well, it gave credence to Lerna's thoughts. Magnolia, amazing as she was, had a great power that was also a terrible burden.

As Shuten watched Lerna, as the woman kindly explained how she met the woman, and what they had done together, Shuten nodded and played the part of an active listener, as was polite. However, a part of her being couldn't help but pay attention to how the woman was acting, the way she seemed somewhat... dazed, perhaps? Shuten couldn't blame her, that was much how she felt at the time, and for a long time after. After Lerna concluded her tale, and rather awkwardly, Shuten nodded some, smiling gently.

"Yes... That sounds just like her, and like some of the stories she told me. I'm glad she had you to help her some that day. No matter how powerful one is, it is always good to have backup; someone to fight with."

Shuten smiled some, nodding gently before she looked at Lerna a bit more closely. She was still reeling... Shuten could well understand, far better than Lerna potentially realized. Gently, Shuten moved foward and, after a brief period of consideration, gave Lerna a gentle hug; a warm hug. Shuten really didn't understand why... But, some part of her being knew that Lerna was stuck within her own head, unable to truly come to terms with the news she was greeted with. All things considered, it was a lot for anyone who was close to Mag.

"I'm... I'm sorry to surprise you with that information. I don't know how much help I can be, as we just met, but I would like to help some if I can; I've had... time to come to terms. I don't mind helping you too, Lerna, if you'll allow me."

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Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] Empty Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]

Sun Jul 16, 2023 1:17 pm
Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna] HEADER_Ft47vg8aEAAknlF

Lerna chuckled softly and sighed, closing her eyes and shaking her head for a few seconds as Shuten offered such a sentiment. It was a kindness if nothing else. But she didn't point that out. No, as she sobered up a little, and as the situation began to become more solid, more real. She began to feel ....grounded? She didn't know if that was the word. But all the same, she did her best to just move past it. An effort that was aided, much to her surprise.

The once-Captain closing in did catch her attention, but it was the slip of those tiny arms around her body that actually startled her. That firm hug definitely not being what she'd expected, but after a brief moment of tension, she relaxed, and gently let one of her arms rest around Shuten's shoulders. Deciding not to think too hard on who between the two of them probably needed this hug more.

"Thanks, I guess I just wasn't expecting all this. And hey, I'll take whatever help I can get. " not that she expected this to be a one way street. It wasn't lost on her that this woman had somewhat jumped at the chance to embrace someone identical to her now missing partner. And some part of her wondered, if she were a normal shinigami or human. Would this be some kind of alarm? Would this be something to worry about? Maybe. But she wasn't. If this little shinigami wanted to give her a hug, she'd be fine with that. If nothing else, maybe she'd learn a bit more about Magnolia herself.
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