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Fri Jul 14, 2023 5:49 pm


Tedium could wear at a man's soul if they let it fester for too long, and Kenichi was of no exception to that timeless rule. Gracen Arms hadn't really offered much in terms of action, but they were in origin phase of their creation. Even so, Kenichi would've certainly preferred to get a call from Rita with some form of entertainment. Vanyel was pretty busy, too. And Saber, well they hardly ever casually hung out as it is, but even at this moment in time, he would've welcomed that tall sabertooth bursting through a garganta with some difficult array of hollows to fight against.

There was Africa, and part of him should have definitely pursued traveling there. Rita traveled there a few times. He could have played bodyguard and did his job. Something! Anything! This day would grow increasingly more insufferable if he didn't find something to entertain him soon. Gliding along the air, forming footfalls of reiryoku to maintain his light form of flight, a lightbulb went off in his head. There had been this tall, leonine woman he met in passing not long ago. He recalled wanting to challenge her to a fight, but well... that was compromised by him her being surrounded by a few people at the time.

Exchanging contacts proved easy enough, though, and that lady was always down for a fight. Given his current circumstances, he supposed that was prime opportunity to humor her today. After all, fighting and shamelessly fawning over strong women was what he knew best... most of the time. Redirecting his stride, following the directions listed on his mobile device, the fiery martial artist reached her door in no time at all. Grinning from ear to ear, he knocked on the door, excited to throw down with the combat-spirited arrancar.


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Fri Jul 14, 2023 6:08 pm
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Sensing someone approaching the house had been pretty easy as it were. She usually kept her reikaku primed, especially since usually one of her tenants showing up meant that they would probably go hang out or get a bit of sparring done. And so sensing someone approach already had Khaana up and about. But it wasn't until she realized it wasn't familiar that she furrowed her brows. A visitor? Was Amaranta inviting MORE people to the house? And so, when Kenichi knocked on the door, it quickly swung open, and Khaana stood in the doorway, dressed in her usual casualwear. A set of shorts and a hoodie, to peer a bit at the newcomer.

"Looking for someone?" Came her calm venture, head tilting a little as she took a moment to .... look over this little soyboy. Didn't exactly look like someone Amaranta would hang with. Maybe Kanako's little friend?
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Fri Jul 14, 2023 6:26 pm


Bubbly eyes transitioned into blinking eyes as he regarded the woman with a curious gaze. It wasn't the tall and domineering woman he expected, but someone else. She looked like a streamer he came across mindlessly browsing his phone out of boredom. Did that lion lady hang around streamers? Was it even her house? Kenichi chuckled heartedly, tilting his head to observe her with quiet interest. Not the first face he expected at the door, but here he was.

"You look like a streamer I've seen every now and again on the web. Didn't know the cool lion lady hang out with celebrities, but... I'm not complaining. Name's Kenichi Murata. Your roomate, friend, er... or whatever she means to you told me if I ever wanted to fight her, I could knock on her door and choose a location. Is she home by any chance?"


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Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:11 pm
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For just an instant, Khaana's eyes widened just a little.
They recognized her? An instant and suddenly she straightened herself just a little, blinking a few times. "Uhhh.... no she isn't here." She closed her eyes and chuckled, of course Amaranta would go making little fight buddies. Good lord. That woman really did have a problem.


Her eyes shifted back to Kenichi for a moment and pondered. This guy was strong enough to get Amaranta's attention? Hm.
Well, that wasn't exactly a high bar, hell even Khaana had earned the woman's respect. And she relied on her powers a helluva lot. And so after a few moments of consideration, she flashed a half smile. After all, this guy could hardly be a real fan, his reaction was something more like soemone who had just seen maybe a few clips. Surely, she could indulge a little.

"But hey, You're in luck bucko. I AM around. And if Amaranta vouched for you as a sparring partner. How about you try me instead?" She noted casually enough. Gesturing off to the side. Off to the mountains, where she usually threw down with Kanako and Amaranta. She didn't imagine THIS guy would require that much effort that they'd destroy anything. No, it was more just to be out of sight of any nosey neighbors.
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Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:26 am



Though slightly disappointed at the absence of Amaranta, Kenichi wouldn't have to linger on the sting for long. Khaana presented him with a challenge of her own. She was a complete unknown in terms of overall capability, and that proved excitement enough in his eyes. His hazel eyes followed the motioning of her head. The mountains would be more than ideal. After all, he wasn't particularly fond of disturbing the peace of others, and fighting freely without the worry of endangering anyone was the best he could ask for concerning his own style of combat. To the mountains they would go, then!

"That's more than alright with me. I'll take you on. Let us head to our battlefield, then, challenger."

Speaking in that decidedly flamboyant tone, Kenichi waited for the woman to be properly prepared so they could head to their next location. He had to admit... it was exciting to see what she was made of. He wasn't really use to the cute types throwing down in combat, but maybe she'd surprise him and give him a run for his money.


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Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:35 am
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Khaana snorted softly. Yea, she should have figured he'd be easy to convince. Well, no worry about that. Not like she wasn't a bit intrigued as well. But even so, as they turned to start heading off, she couldn't help but speak up.

"If you don't mind me asking. I'm a little....surprised to see Amaranta picked up a ..... innocent lookin guy like you. She isn't exacgtly the subtle type. How did you wind up getting mixed up with her again? You guys meet in a hunt or something?" She ventured. Attempting to dig a little on the trip over. After all, it'd be a nice, long little walk. No point in not getting a bit of background. After all, maranta seemed hell bent on complicating her abode. so at least she intended to get a bit of background on why for now.

HOPEFULLY she wasn't just inviting anyone and everyone to the damn house. She'd have to beat the lioness's ass if that were the case.
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Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:10 am


"Hah, I wish we'd met during one of her hunts. I actually have yet to see her in action. I saw her in some public area in the city, and before I could approach her out of curiosity, a couple of civilians sort of sprung up like rabbits and started crowding her."

Innocent-looking? He got that a lot nowadays. Did he really appear that harmless? Well, he wasn't exactly insulted by it. He never aimed to be intimidating. A showman's aim to was to captivate and impress. Imposing fear in their spirits ran counter to those intentions. Running a hand through his hair, he chuckled heartily as he recalled the events.

"I just brushed past all of them, made my intentions known that I wanted to challenge her, and she didn't take me seriously at first. If anything, she kinda' looked at me and laughed. Told me a goody-two shoes like me wouldn't last an hour in a fight with her, and well... I take pride in my strength, so I remained fairly persistent about showing her otherwise. She tried to sneak me with a punch to see if I was just all talk, and I happened to react well enough to impress her. So, we exchanged contacts, and told me to hit her up whenever I was itchin' for a fight."

Turning to the woman with a curious gaze, Kenichi wondered about her connection to the woman. Were they roommates? Best friends? Lovers? He didn't really have much faith in that last one. The other two seemed way more likely.

"What about you? How'd you two meet? You two roommates? Friends? Girlfriends?"


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Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:40 pm
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Crowding? She furrowed her brows, feeling a little apprehensive about Amaranta being recognizeable. Especially with all the fights she got into. Hm. But all the same, she just kept listening thoughtfully, peering off into the distance as she digested the information being offered. It sounded like Amaranta. Though she had to admit, she was surprised Amaranta didn't just fight him on the spot. And well, she didn't imagine Amaranta was crafty enough to intentionally lead this guy to her.

"I'm her landlord. But we're pretty close as it were. I give her and a few other arrancar a place to stay, they do what I tell them to. Simple transaction." She lied. Or rather, pointedly omitted a fair amount of information. But she wasn't going to go spilling her guts to this Hurb. All he needed to know was that Amaranta was had a subordinate relationship with her.

"So what is it that attracts a guy like you to picking random fights? You some kinda challenger hunting for strong people to fuck up? Or were you just eager for the chance to get your hands on a hot piece of ass?" She asked with a calm bluntness. As innocent as the guy seemed, there was the possibility that this was all just some scheme to get into Amaranta's pants. Which, frankly, she didn't care about. She wasn't Amaranta's mom. But she certainly was invested in just what kind of person wound up on her doorstep.
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Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:56 pm


A boss and subordinate relationship, eh? He supposed that made sense. From his personal observation, this cute lady did seem to radiate a certain no-nonsense air about herself. He wasn't sure if that was because they hardly knew one another, or if that was typically how she always carried herself, but he didn't particularly mind it at all. Did the leonine woman find it endearing? He wondered fondly about that as he chuckled to himself. It was interesting. Housing for arrancar?

For a moment, he reflected on Saber. If it wasn't for the fact that she was a hulking hollow, he would have certainly put in the good word for her. Even now, he still wondered about her. Was her sanity still intact or was she unraveling further? Food for thought, to be certain, but none of it mattered here. Turning his head in response to her question, Kenichi grinned from ear to ear. Well, she was decidedly bold with her words. He liked that. It sort of reminded him of a friend.

"I won't deny she's one hell of a woman in both looks and personality. Hell, she's right up my alley if I had to be blunt, but nah. You hit on the nail with your first question. I'm a man who lives for the thrill of a great battle. Whether I'm fucked up or the other person, it doesn't really matter. Fighting other opponents, pitting respective technique against respective technique, laying it all out on the floor... I live for it all. She looked and felt strong, so I simply wanted to see where I stood in terms of facing off against her."

Kenichi stroked his chin softly, using his other hand to tap at his hip. If she was the boss of that woman, was she strong too? Curiosity compelled him to offer a question in return.

"How'd you get a rowdy woman like that to be your subordinate? She looks like she isn't easy to contain personality-wise," he humored with a playful tilt of the head.


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Tue Jul 18, 2023 5:56 am
Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  HEADER_sample-bfdbe866bd68ad00a9a27454b9b9fd6e

Khaana raised a brow slightly at that and glanced at the young man over her shoulder. And she ..... paused for a moment. For just an instant she froze a bit as she realized something. The way this guy talked, it was..... hm. She furrowed her brows just a little and put on a half smile, a little amused. "Ya know, that'd be pretty cool if you didn't also admit she's hella your type. But fair enough, bucko." She chuckled softly, rolling her shoulders a little as they finally arrived out in the mountains, more specifically a valley that led between them. Taking a look over her shoulder, she imagined this would be far enough.

As for his question.

"We hated eachother the moment we set eyes on one another. She was real cocky, the type of girl to just pick a fight out of nowhere. So I wanted to wipe the smug look off her face. So I knocked her on her ass." She pointed out, and then put a crooked smile out as she glanced toward Kenichi, flashing teeth and a lopsided little smile. Coming to a full stop as the wind hissed around them, peeling her hands out of her pockets and giving a gentle little roll of her neck, a soft popping as she readied herself.

"What can I say? After getting into a scuff with me. She decided she;d be fine with it. I imagine once our spar is done, you might get an idea of why she did." She teased, raising her hand and curling her fingers. Inciting the man to make the first move.
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