Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]

Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:49 pm


"Ha? What's wrong with that? She's a pretty cool lady!" His retort was more playful than contentious. After all, there was no doubt Khaana knew the woman more than he did, no doubt that she was wholly familiar with her personality. Moving past the playful banter, what drew a higher degree of his intrigue was the fact that she had scrapped with this woman and successfully tossed her around a bit.

His grin widened in awe at that, his opinion of the woman skyrocketing in an instant. Appearances could truly be deceptive, after all! Doubtless, when the woman teased him in parting, offering him the first move, Kenichi turned to face her. Standing a few meters away, he assumed an offensive stance.

"Now I'm really excited to see what you have to offer. Let's dance, shall we?"

Right hand presented, left hand pulled back - a position reminiscent of an archer knocking an arrow against a bowstring -his hands thrummed with voltaic energy. His hair, swept upward by the sparks of electricity lashing about his form, Kenichi darted forward in a single stride. Roaring in - fierce and unhindered - Kenichi roared in with a straight line punch to usher in their battle.

Rudimentary? Certainly, but then, his body was so physically sound that he didn't need to worry about being countered easily. Efficiently branching between several techniques once your first was countered was the true symbol of martial prowess in his eyes. Additionally, part of him was excitedly eager to feel her out. What was she capable of? He wanted to draw it out.


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Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]

Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:11 pm
Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Header_sample_b2193b82ba5fb6b7d890dad69fd18172

"Oh nothing's wrong with it. Just saying you're a little cavalier with your interests there buddy boy. But I won't go prying anymore." She snorted, and watched him as he took up that aggressive stance. Huh, a martial artist? This would actually be her first time fighting one of those.She shifted a bit on her feet, expecting a sudden blinding attack. But instead...

Oh, huh.
He wasn't faster than her. She had been so used to working with such a handicap, between Kanako and Amaranta, that when she managed to easily track his sudden burst toward her, she was a little unprepared, the ground beneath her bleeding shadow, a swell at her feet as a Blood-red spear erupted from the ground with blinding speed. A sudden burst that would far outpace how fast she herself could actually move. Her own smile widening, her stance relaxed as that Spear seemed to flex, jarring against the impact of that fist slamming into it's shaft, before spikes promptly jutted out from it's shaft, aiming to stab into the man's knuckles to ward his strike away.

In the very next motion, she snatched the spear from the ground, her energy pouring into the weapon as she focused herself. Prying it from the ground as energy poured along the edge of the spear, coiling along it's length before she swung diagonally. A thin blade of energy drawn through the arc of the slash before exploding outward, a shockwave aiming to cleave through the ground and launch the man with terrifying force, enough to send him crashing along the ground as she promptly executed a vicious counter.

It was nothing deadly or crippling, but it was something that would deliver a nasty cut and send the man flying. After all, if this man was trying to fight Amaranta? Then he would need to step his ass up. As mean as Khaana could be, Amaranta could be a whole lot more brutal just not knowing her own strength.

"Whew. Not bad for a strike. What's that, electricity? A little cheap to bring a tazer to a fight don't you think?" She chimed, a bit of banter. More for her own enjoyment than anything else. To try and egg this kid into showing her what that static of his could do. She wanted to be pushed.

She wanted to be challenged. After all, Kanako and Amaranta both beat the tar out of her, and that was something that made her struggle and push herself to her absolute limits. OF course, this was already a bit stacked into his favor. She couldn't full out Release without ...well. causing issues. After all he recognized her. That alone was reason enough that she couldn't go all out. So she'd have to get creative and work with less.

But deep down, she kinda WANTED him to try and MAKE her have to release. Just to see if she could step up without having to rely on it.
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Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]

Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:57 pm



Visibly impressed by her counter, Kenichi maintained the streaks of lightning, shrouding his fists within a reflective barrier, expanding that energy around his form to prevent that spear from piercing his fist. Manipulating and molding reiryoku to attack and defend was the ideal way of combat. He knows his attack lacks the usual gusto, but that's what one gets for attacking to feel one out, eh? He's studied the flow of his energy well enough to understand the mechanics behind it, allowing him to act against the first counter well enough. What proved more amusing was that spear in her hand.

Repelling force met with the terrible might of her diagonal swing. The might of her swing proved superior as he found his body swept upward by the roaring debris and shockwave. Speed was no great strength of his, but his reflexive and reactive body allowed him to move effortlessly against each of the rocks until he landed a few meters away. Gazing down at the long line of red on his arm, Kenichi whistled fondly. Well now... that was interesting. She was challenging him, too. Fun. He liked that. Chucking heartily as he cracked his knuckles, Kenichi drew his body backward in preparation.

"My apologies, miss. I recognize that a few sparks simply won't do. In that case, allow me to turn things up a notch and bring the thunder!"

A maniacal grin tore across his face. Bolts of voltaic reiryoku coalesced around his tall frame, propelling his body forward in an unrestrained charge. He was no virtuoso of speed, but he was a walking disaster given human form when left unfettered. This fact was made abundantly evident by each thunderous stomp that hit the ground, creating a cloud of debris with each footfall. It was as if the entire earth below was upturned and devastated, the result of carpet bombing.

Drawing his fists backward, he generated a stronger portion of reiryoku, forming a large orb of electricity around palm. Like a pitcher drawing his arm back for a fastball, he swung his other arm forward in a straight line, punching that orb toward her with fervor. Of course, he was no fool. He was none the wiser to her speed, but if the first example was anything to go by, he didn't intend on giving the woman any quarter to evade his attack. Using the remaining sparks of electricity around his feet, he employed a movement similar to the principle of shunpo, vanishing and appearing at her back, executing a powerful roundhouse with his leg to send her flying face-first into his attack.

"Come on! Show me what ya got!"


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Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]

Tue Jul 18, 2023 9:59 pm
Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Header_sample_b2193b82ba5fb6b7d890dad69fd18172

Well shit. She managed to land a hit. And it was almost startling to NOT see it begin to vanish with regeneration. Huh, she'd have to be a bit careful. Unlike her other sparring partners, she might actually hurt him. All the same, that repulsive force caused her to furrow her brows. And ... note it. She wasn't exactly a smart cookie. She could see that he was protecting his hands, but uh... she really didn't understand any nuance about what was going on. Was he ...punching with electricity? And blocking with it? That seemed annoying and a bit cheap. But well, she'd managed to break through it a moment ago. It seemed that defense wasn't quite perfect. Something interesting of note.

As Kenichi launched that attack, she raised her spear, ready to meet the attack head on. But something else caught her by surprise. The sudden vanish. He had a step tech! Her eyes widened and imediately, she tensed. She had to focus on the attack coming toward her. And so rather than a tactical defense. She turtled up. Tht shadow expanded from her feet and suddenly no less than four more spears erupted behind her, covering her back as she slashed at the incoming bolt! That potent weapon cleaving through the incoming attack and swatting it to the ground, hoping that the bolt wouldn't...explode or something. Meanwhile that kick would slam into those living spears, wach promptly responding by ejecting sharp spikes, attempting to stab into the offending limb as the sheer strength with which he executed the attack caused a loud, resonating Clang to ring through the area.

Nothing but the sheer sturdiness of those spears kept Khaana from having her own spears kicked into her back and shoulders. Whew.

But well, she had to adjust to this new change. And so a sudden spike in her spiritual pressure would be felt as she tensed her frame, flashing a glance over her shoulder as she had to concentrate, VERY hard. She had to control this.

Wings erupted from her back, Three sets promptly flashing out of her shoulder blades, mid-back, and lower back to lunge out, big pale blade-like feathers jutting out from between the spears to slash at Kenichi. She had to grit her teeth. Keeping herself small. Keeping her form stable. Panting just a little as she could feel her frame struggling to contain the energy bubbling up inside of her. Energy which normally would be converted into mass.

It wasn't perfect. In fact, the sudden spike of power was only half of what she would have normally unleashed. A partial release of her Origin Root, granting her the abilities inherent to the form, but without causing that monstrous form to come out.

Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 HOLLOW__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_2_more_drawn_by_dokuro_deluxe__sample-6ed20415790487f261b34d2c3ae22e1d

"Not bad bucko. But unfortunately in order to keep up, I'm gonna have to be a little mean." She chimed, flashing a sly smirk as she did so.

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Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]

Wed Jul 19, 2023 1:27 am


Haha! Well, Kenichi certainly ascertained one thing from this battle so far. Her reaction time was pretty impressive. Striking her directly would be no easy task. Those spears almost acted as if they had a mind of their own the way she controlled them. It seemed like misdirection and diversion would be the best approach here. Or perhaps brute force? In a contest between his strength and her defense, he was brazenly confident that his offense would win out against her. It was a simply a matter of when.

The oncoming bolt that was swept aside would not go quietly into the night as Kenichi drew the remaining energy back to his fists. Waste not, want not, right? Couldn't let that go down the drain so easily. Though, he wondered if electricity was the right approach. Was he cheating Goshoku Ryuuken by not indulging in the other elements in his inventory? Perhaps fire would impress her more, drawing out a greater degree of her own strength. Something to consider at least.

Her next defensive only increased his excitement as his leg crashed against her spears. Another attack deflected, and this time, Kenichi paid for it as the spikes jutted out to dig into his flesh. Since the voltaic reiryoku wasn't shrouding his body in a defensive barrier as it was before, he had to rely solely on the durability of his steely frame. His flesh still felt the pierce and bite of her spear, but he would offer the weapon no more purchase as he soared away on his opposite foot. Shifting into what appeared to be another form entirely, Khaana sought to throw him on the backfoot this time, eliciting a satisfied grin from the fiery martial artist. From the spears, more blades mercilessly erupted from her body.

Releasing the tension in his legs, Kenichi's body descended downward, performing an effortless spin to avoid those blades. He could have leapt atop them, but considering the way those spears were, he wasn't exactly sure that was a wise idea. Best to avoid being trapped in a mountain of spikes. His fists thrummed with energy as he sized the woman up from a distance, grinning from ear to ear. Be a little mean? Haha, he wanted her to give him a rush. She could be as mean as she liked. Anything that happened was simply a battle scar to carry elsewhere.

"Good. I was starting to think you were going a little too easy on me, doll."

Challenging the woman with his own brand of bravado, Kenichi thundered forward for the third time during their confrontation. He didn't particularly approve of the method, but he had to work away at those defenses first. As such, the moment it appeared he was roaring in for another strike with his body, he vanished and reappeared at her back, his upraised finger poised as though he were holding the woman at gun point.


A ray of azure lightning erupted from the tip of his finger, targeting those bladed wings of hers in particular. Obviously, her natural reaction would be to employ them to defend herself, right? He was betting on that in particular as he pressed the effort on focusing even more reiryoku into his beam to push her backward. Regardless of what she did next, Kenichi dug his fingers into the ground beneath them, uprooting the earth below her in an attempt to catapult her body upward along with the large piece of rock he just ripped from the ground with his bare hands. If the ground was what she favored so much when she countered him, he would simply take their fight to the skies. If this technique proved successful, he would use platforms of reishi to carry his body upward to race in for another attack.


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Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]

Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:40 am
Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 HOLLOW__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_2_more_drawn_by_dokuro_deluxe__sample-6ed20415790487f261b34d2c3ae22e1d

This guy had a lot of energy about him. That thrusting pang of energy aimed at her wings certainly intrigued her as she slammed that wing outward, crashing into the incoming strike and being a bit startled when it met the force! This guy was really strong, she'd felt it in the strikes before, but now, as the ground cracked and burst beneath her feet as she braced herself into the impact, she couldn't help but wince as she felt a sharp sensation rip through her frame, refusing to be blown back, but feeling tears course along the inside of her body. Tch, she'd have to anchor herself otherwise it was going to hurt bulling through his attacks like that.

"You're pretty spunky yourself." She pointed out, flashing a daring smile toward the young man and canting her head to the side. Only for that sudden vicious overthrow. Her brows perking up as the earth was thrown up from under her and she was launched into the air! Holy shit this guy was fucking STRONG! She staggered ever so slightly and narrowed her eyes, flaring her wings and then vanishing with a sudden blitz of speed, darting out and hanging in the air as she spotted Kenichi flying up toward her.

"Oh? Awfully bold of you." A sly smile crept across her lips, as a bright twinkle would suddenly shine around them. Those spears had grown wings of their own, and had fired off in all directions, only now beginning to circle around. As Kenichi launched himself toward Khaana, she raised a hand, pointing at the man.

"Fire." She commanded.

A split second later, several loud cracks split through the still air as explosions erupted from the backs of the spears. Shots that were normally reserved for punching holes through an opponent instead were used as propulsion, the spears suddenly crackling in at breakneck pace, aiming to slam into Kenichi from all sides, all Five spears seeking in to puncture the man's frame at terrifying speed.
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Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]

Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:32 pm


"You're pretty entertaining yourself, too, lady."

To be certain, impressive was another way of describing her affinity for battle so far. Generally speaking, he didn't know what he expected concerning a streamer, let alone one who was well-equipped to handle the frantic pace of combat. The moment he closed the distance between them, his charge was compromised by five spears thundering toward him, a multidirectional attack of no small import. Spears with wings of their own? Goddamn! That was pretty cool! Of course, he didn't have time to voice his awe at the moment.

At the moment, his eyes accounted for the spears that aligned with his direct gaze, honed senses alerting him to the overall scope of the attack. Controlling the pace of battle was important, and so far she was proving the superior in their dance of fist and spear.

Even so, his confidence did not waver. No matter what, reaching her was his topmost priority. The night-instantaneous speed of this attack limited his options, leaving him with not much else but to shroud his body within a few layers of voltaic reiryoku, using the quickly accumulated energy as a repelling force in an attempt to ward off as many of the spears his eyes could register.

Shifting between movement in the air and allocating energy to defend himself was far from a faultless transition, of course. Which meant that at least one spear had earned purchase during his descent through the air, piercing through the flesh in his arm. If his memory was anything to go by, that was less than ideal.

Grinning from ear to ear, he shrugged his shoulders, forming two large platforms of reishi beneath his feet. Using them as a springboard, he catapulted his body forward to appear in front of her at a breakneck pace of his own making, swinging his fist upward through the air with the intent of landing a strike against her frame that would at least force the momentum into equal territory, shrouding his body in layers of that thunderous spirit power. As it stood, he was no master of the skies, the winds offered him no blessing. Victory would have to be earned through striking her hard enough in a moment of unawares.

"What a tease. Using the sky to avoid me like this. Impressive! It's always way more entertaining when my opponents play hard to get! Come on! Let's keep dancing!"


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Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]

Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:11 am
Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 HOLLOW__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_2_more_drawn_by_dokuro_deluxe__sample-6ed20415790487f261b34d2c3ae22e1d

He managed quite well all things considered. The sudden barrage of spears rocketed in and she perked up when she noticed that voltaic barrier around him. They were more alike than she thought. All the same, one of those plunging spearsa managed to pierce one of his limbs, and in that moment, she considered having the spear slam spikes into his arms from the inside.

But no, she ignored those instincts. This was a nice, clean fight after all. And in that very next instant, he was suddenly infront of her, slamming his fist forward as one of her wings swung in, taking the brunt of that explosive hit, and making her back lance with pain as forced travelled through the wing. IF they weren't as durable as they were she might have been fucked up. But instead she simply flew back, unable to cancel out all of the force as she slid along trails of reishi trying to slow her movement. Wings flaring at the last second, jarringly stopping her movement as she eyed the fighter. The air around her suddenly bleeding with energy as she flashed a smile toward him, the rest of those spears that hadn't found purchase flying to her side, while the one in his arm writhed about.

"Aren't you the one who launched me into the air, bucko?~" She pointed out, sticking her tongue out as she raised the spear in her hand toward him. A slight flicker, before energy blasted out. An enormous, high speed shot flared out like a Bala, intent on slamming into the man and launching him toward the ground as she let out a huff. It took a lot of concentration to keep herself like this. Tch. Her fault for not practicing shit like this. But she was glad it was working out. So long as she didn't lose too much focus, she could keep this up.

She HAD to. She would accept nothing less of herself. HEr powers were all she had. If she coulnd't master them, she was nothing. And so she pushed herself even further. Narrowing her eyes at the man and raising her hand up as those spears twisted and screeched. The metal prying itself apart as they slowly filtered inward, peeling to pieces and then twisting intward, congealing into one singular length of weapon. Fusing the spears together, now with its own multiple sets of wings, the thing flexed the feathery lengths as energy coursed along the blade.

"So then. Got a second level for me to see? Any fancy tricks?" She ventured with a lopsided grin, pointing the weapon toward him before a loud crack sounded, piercing the still air as she fired a much more concentrated blast, one that would aim not only to slam him into the ground, but to carve a trench through a few dozen meters of earth as it tore out.
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Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]

Tue Jul 25, 2023 6:50 pm


"Guilty as charged. Still, though, I must say, I'm impressed you've been able to defend yourself so well. I like a woman who can take a hit as much as she can dish it back out. Now I'm starting to see why that lioness finds you so interesting!"

Offering playful banter in return, Kenichi acknowledged that this spear writhing within his arm was less than ideal, but there was seemingly no impediment that restricted his movement to any discernable degree. He curiously wondered why she avoided using those spikes to affect his flesh from the inside. That could have ended the battle then and there, but then he would be short of an arm. That made sense, certainly. Unless one possessed a regenerative agent of some kind, the likelihood of regaining an arm was close to nil.

Either way, her assault was unrelenting, and soon after had she concluded her first offensive, she prepared another attack take advantage of her momentum. Since it was difficult for him to shift between defending himself with his spirit power and maintain flight in the air, Kenichi chose to swing his arms forward in a cross guard to defend against that concussive blast of energy. His body was launched subsequently downward, descending further toward the ground.

Maintaining that bold grin across his youthful features, Kenichi figured there was no better opportunity to unveil a new trick from his repertoire than now. He loved being challenged, and that playful lopsided grin and inquiry were inspiration enough to set him into overdrive. Descending ever further, Kenichi formed a platform of reishi under his feet to avoid crashing into the ground.

Slipping his hand between the fold of his hoodie, Kenichi would reveal the one weapon he had intended on using against his original choice of opponent. A meteor hammer. On its own, it had no business contending with that following blast of energy hurdling toward him like a collapsing star. Therefore, his intent was to apply his use of mediumship and his control over Shouryuu Ken to employ a resounding counterattack.

He took to the first task by manipulating the shape of the weapon first. The chain extended further outward in length, the spherical heads expanded to the size of boulders. Since it would take a moment to apply the second principle, he swung one of the spherical weapons upward to act as a momentary shield.

Much like before, perhaps even moreso than the last, Khaana's attack sent him barreling through the air, sending him to the ground with relative success this time. His feet connected with the earth, and he felt the ground being crushed below his feet. It was as if he were on the unwilling end of a burial beneath this carving in the earth, several pieces of upturned debris crashing and slamming against his body.

"How about I show you something I intended to use against that subordinate of yours, then, eh!?"

In that next moment, slammed his feet vigorously against the crumbling soil, blasting his body upward again. Thunderous spirit power thrummed through every inch of the enlarged meteor hammer as Kenichi swung the weapon around in several rotations, accumulating momentum and voltaic charge. Offering a greater portion of spirit power, Kenichi would swing one end of that hammer upward.

The sphere missed with remarkably poor accuracy, but at the conclusion of its swing, the rotating end released several bolts of electrified reiryoku above Khaana. The next move would be a little riskier as he avoided forming any platforms of reishi for himself, lunging the second spherical end of the weapon forward, aiming to wrap his chain around her leg. He was pressing the limits of his energy now, but no battle was ever won without risk. If he could trap her long enough, he could pummel her enough until she raised the white flag!


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Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:58 am
Shall We Dance?[Kenichi, Khaana]  - Page 2 Header_sample_b2193b82ba5fb6b7d890dad69fd18172

This kid was durable.

She had to admit she was rather impressed to see the kid Tanking her shots like that. First with his bare arms, and then that stronger blast utilized some kind of flail. Of course the force still managed to pile him into the ground with satisfying force, enough to split the earth directly beneath him and cause a surge of dirt and rock up and into the air. All whilst she narrowed her eyes, those fused spears slowly narrowing, crackling, screeching as the metal was compressed more and more, narrowing into a twisted sliver which hummed with the concentrated energy. Those wings of hers flared slightly as she watched him readying himself after his landing.

Was he going to try and counter attack? No doubt about that. And in an instant she vanished, shooting down and slamming into the ground and into a crouch, her wings flared out, her spear brought up before her as a smile crept across her lips. "Oh yea? Amaranta's a pretty tough girl. Think you got something that could crack her?" She ventured. She doubted it. Unless this guy planned on trying to kill Khaana, she doubted it'd have enough oomf to it to make a dent in that tanky woman. Or maybe her perception of the arrancar was a little skewed. Who knew.

Still, if Kenichi wanted to get at her, he'd have to launch himself along the ground instead of through the air. And in that moment, Khaana braced herself, only to narrow her eyes as she saw him swining that weapon overhead. Ah...shit. Yea that looked like it was going to hurt. She widened her stance, crouching down as she prepared herself, the air suddenly bursting with her spiritual energy as she prepped herself. This was gonna be rough, but a smile still crept across her features in anticipation.

Those bolts of electricity tore around her, and even scored against her frame as she endured the preliminary of the assault. And so when he closed in and swung that chain toward her leg, it would suddenly stop. The air crackling with a sudden density as the weapon would rush in only to suddenly slam into an unseen barrier: Khaana's Seraph Field. A concentrated barrier of her own spiritual energy, the barrier crackled, an instant win which she underestimated the energy behind the attack before those cracks vanished, bolstered in that moment. A smile crept across her lips in the midst of that impact.

"A grapple eh? Bad Idea against Ama." A cheeky little jab before lunging forward, the spear swinging upward with the full dedication of her entire body, boosting her own strength for just an instant as she aimed to whip the flat of the spear blade upward and into the man's side like a bat with enough force to launch him away from her home-run style, using her weapon more like a bat than the lethal tool for skewering that it was. An attempt to ... decide the match somewhat.

She could feel the form coming apart after all. Despite her best efforts to maintain this ramshack form, lowering the power, even trying not to do too much all at once, she could still feel it. The dense energy trying to bubble up, to go full send into that monstrous form. She'd either have to fully release, or let the energy die out and take a moment to recover. Which meant she'd be at a disadvantage if this swing didn't end the fight. Already thin lines cracked along her frame, those wings shifting just a bit out of place. That pretty, angelic look starting to crack and distort. Using her Seraphim Projection Field had been too much strain.
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