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The Hybrid King
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Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:04 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

It had been a long day for Eiji, the setting sun was finally cresting over the horizon of the City of Lights as he climbed a small set of stairs into the local hospital. Running to and from one place to the next throughout the city had left him relatively busy. Not just busy, almost absent from the lives of his new found companions. Eiji hadn't seen Natsumi since the incident at Natasha's home and ever since Natasha went off to Africa, Eiji had spent his days learning the map of the city he now did business in. Today was a special day, however.

Moving throughout the hospitals long hallways, Eiji had come to visit his benefactor Natasha, all he had heard of the incident in Africa was that Natasha was hurt and she'd be needing medical supervision before she could return home. Turning a corner, he fiddled with the clothing he wore, an outfit he had put together of exclusively clothes that they had shopped for before he found his new home. In hopes of cheering the motherly figure up, Eiji did his best to seem presentable. After all, if it weren't for her, he wouldn't be having the time of his life now in the City of Lights.

Eiji approached a nurse's station with a bright smile, fishing around in his pocket to find his newly made I.D.

"I'm Eiji Mori. I was informed of a patient that was recently admitted?"

All Eiji had been informed of was that Natasha was back home so to speak from whatever mission it was that she went on in Africa. Not much information was given to him otherwise, just her being admitted to the hospital and that she was relatively safe. As soon as he had heard, Eiji had written a letter to Natsumi and left it at their place in hopes that she'd see it.

Fiddling with his outfit one more time, the nurse pointed the boy in the direction of a nearby door and told him that Natasha was stable. In almost a skip-like manner, Eiji dashed off towards the end of the hall and stopped directly in front of Natasha's room. Licking his palm, he took his time running his hand through his hair and straightening his pants one more time. With a few knocks, he quickly opened and closed her door, making his way within.

"Anyone home?"

Ain't No Place For A Rat

A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] FXpoQxJ
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Wed Aug 09, 2023 5:43 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] GErtDg6


There was no voice that initially rose up to greet Eiji. He had found the correct room, certainly, but the woman of the hour he sought to meet hadn't particularly felt all that bright-spirited to humor him quite yet. A palpable silence followed until a soft sigh exhaled her lips. Turning from one side to the other, Natasha regarded Eiji with a tired smile. An expression attempting something equivalent to the all-encompassing warmth she was known for, but there was nothing other than the telltale signs of a weary soul.

To be honest, part of her almost wished she had told the nurses to let her operate in isolation before any visitors entered. At the very least, she could wear a better smile, present a lovelier image than the one she held now. That wouldn't have made things any better, would they? Isolation would let her idle mind be a devil's playground, exacerbating her already disheveled spirits further. No matter how she chose to approach it, it was all so counterproductive in execution. No matter her mood, she wasn't going to let Eiji get too familiar with that part of her. Rising from the pillow, she lazily lifted an arm to welcome the young man in.

"Yea, me, sugar. What brings you round' these parts? Hate to see ya visitin' yer caretaker like this. I'm a mess."

The Hybrid King
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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Wed Aug 09, 2023 6:45 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

Truth be told, Eiji wasn't the best with these type of situations. Given he already struggled to make things easier for those around him, the idea that he was about to face a side of Natasha he didn't know left him wanting. What for? Well, some sense of home. Natasha and, unfortunately, Natsumi, were what he considered family now. It was clear with the look she greeted him with that Natasha was far from the woman he knew.

"Well ain't you a sight for sore eyes."

Following her beckoning, Eiji closed the door behind him and approached her bedside. The room was spacious for a hospital and was a solo living quarters. Whether she felt great about her condition or not, at least she'd be comfortable for her stay. Patting down his clothes out of nervousness, the boy took the bag he slung over his shoulder and flopped it onto her bed.

"Weird question to be askin' me. Why wouldn't I visit? As soon as I found out you were here and stable I planned on a visit. What do ya take me for, huh?"

His tongue darted out of his mouth, childishly poking fun at her as he rummaged through his bag. There wasn't much Eiji could do about the situation other than try to cheer her up, he knew that. The best thing to do would to be a rock of some sorts. Pulling at the innards of the bag, Eiji emerged with a set of chrysanthemums. They weren't the prettiest flower but they were his favorite, that was all that mattered. Grabbing a nearby vase of water, he planted the flowers on her beside table and pressed his hands firmly against the railings of her bed.

"Hangin' in there?"

Ain't No Place For A Rat

A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] FXpoQxJ
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] 2Y9rqGk

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Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:29 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] GErtDg6


"Mm, I've seen better days, sweetheart. Ya probably overheard the nurses on yer way here. And then there's that stuff with Natsumi, and worrying about my fellow men and women in the reich. Nothin's been easy. I'll say that much, but I'm glad ya decided to visit me, Eiji. Means a lot."

Natasha gazed up at him with a small semblance of the warmth he was familiar, softly patting a hand against the one that laid against the rail of her hospital bed. It was a welcomed sight to see him here, even if the circumstances were less than ideal. The flowers were a nice gift, and so too was his presence. He was still the trademark brat she met in Karakura.

Among all the troublesome thoughts that took root within her soul, the halcyon memory still proved pleasant enough to put her mind at ease. Which was progress of no small degree, truth be told. Even so, there were still thoughts that bothered her. The possibility of watching a beloved friend relapse into a realm where she couldn't properly reach them, the massacre in Africatastrophe, Natsumi running away based on nothing but a perception. It was enough to wear away at her weary soul, but she would persist. It was bigger than her now. She had people to look after now, and one of them was standing at her bedside. Opening her arms, Natasha loosed another soft sigh as she smiled warmly.

"Can I get a hug?"

The Hybrid King
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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Wed Aug 09, 2023 8:35 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

"Don't mention it. If I was in the same situation I would hope you'd do the same. Not like I had anything better to do with Natsumi not around and you being gone. Gets a bit lonely you know?"

He chuckled through the brave face that he held. Eiji was doing his best for Natasha, lacking a lot of the information tied to her mission, he couldn't help but worry about the outcome of all these issues for the woman. Not just whatever mission she had been on but Natsumi and the Vandenreich. If Eiji didn't know better, he'd assume that Natasha was being overwhelmed. Not the type of woman to get flustered, he thought.

"Stop getting sappy on me. Somethin' knock your head loose wherever you were?"

Natasha had left him with a sense of worry. Her movements, her tone and the way she carried herself were clear. Natasha was exhausted. Eiji had felt that same emotion time and time again with what little time he spent removed from his childhood home. It didn't feel good to have what felt like the world against you. Letting out a soft sigh, Eiji tossed his bag off to the side and pushed Natasha to the far side of her bed. Squeezing in between the left rail and the bedridden woman, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and offered his hand to hold. Much like a son, he sought to comfort her.

"Feel like talkin'? Can't imagine you're doin' well if you're askin' little ol' me for a hug. Not the Natasha I'm used to but I ain't complainin'."

Eiji gave her a soft, somber smile. Be strong, it's the right thing to do.

Ain't No Place For A Rat

A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] FXpoQxJ
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] 2Y9rqGk

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Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:03 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] GErtDg6


"Maybe a few. I just need a lil' encouragement, s'all."

He was entirely correct. She wasn't herself right now. There wasn't an ounce of the cheery disposition, let alone the radiant smile that could light up a room. It was pretty difficult to swallow failure, after all. She didn't possess anything close to a warrior's ego, but she thought she'd improved significantly, thought she could shift the momentum of a battle in her favor. Where had she went wrong? She was supposed to be strong enough now. Overcome the odds. Protect her fellow men and women. Now, she wasn't so sure. It was so easy to just fall back into old habits, go to the nearest bar in the City, and drown her sorrows, return to that miserable frame of mind where she thought so little of herself.

Eiji likely couldn't understand the depth of his next actions, but right now, that show of comfort served as a barrier to keep her mind away from those miserable thoughts. He hardly knew her, and yet she showed her support all the same. Tightly did she clasp that hand, holding him close as she exhaled softly, gazing at the ceiling. For a moment, she laid there. Reflecting on her purpose, on those she had vowed to help, her own self-worth. This, too, shall pass. That's what she always told herself. But she didn't feel it in her spirit. Not at this moment. Either way, it might get awkward if she remained silent any longer. It was best to express those thoughts to him since he offered.

"Am I nuisance? Recent events have been weighin' pretty heavily on my mind, sweetheart. I know I'm the type to keep a strong face and all, but it's been difficult. I nearly lost a friend on the battlefield, most of my peers are in critical condition, and... Natsumi just ran off all because I wanted to extend the same kindness to you. I play things off so well, but even I have my limits. I want to help so many, but I just feel like I end up falling behind."

The Hybrid King
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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:26 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

"You do a lot of complainin' for a lady who has so much on her plate. What're you gonna do, mope around?"

He laughed, Natasha was getting in her own head and it was showing a little too easily. For a lady that prided herself on being kind and caring to those around her, Natasha wasn't exactly the kindest to herself. It wasn't a big deal, everyone had their moments of weakness. It was just that, for Eiji, the idea of Natasha having a moment of weakness was foreign. Impossible, almost.

"I don't really know everything that's goin' on, nor do I think I could ever understand. That bein' said, though, I've been around enough to know it ain't about what you've done or can do. I had to learn the hard way that sometimes, the fact of the matter is that trying is all we can do. If it wasn't for the kind of shit I buried myself in during my upbringin', I wouldn't of been in your's or Natsumi's life."

An audible groan escaped his lips as he rolled his eyes. Natsumi was annoying, wasn't her fault though. Girl seemed to have a rough life, he was butting in pretty quickly so why wouldn't she be upset?

"I think you're a bit hard on yourself. Where d'ya think me and Natsumi would be today if it wasn't for you? I'm sure it'd be the same for the friend you're so worried about and your peers. Things happen. That's life, right?"

Once again his face filled with a gentle smile in hopes of easing her pain. Natasha had done so much for him and such a quick amount of time that he felt he needed to repay that effort in kind. The same couldn't be said for his relationship with Natsumi. Hopefully, Natasha would snap out of it and get them to be equals at some point.

"The more you mope the angrier Natsumi'd be anyways. You probably knew that though, huh?"

Ain't No Place For A Rat

A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] FXpoQxJ
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] 2Y9rqGk

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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:38 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] GErtDg6


"Lookit you being the voice of reason. Yer' developin' before my eyes already. It's enough to make a grown lady shed a tear."

Maybe he was right. She recognized that for a young man, he could never truly understand the scope of what was going on here. Honestly? She preferred it that way. Someone like him didn't deserve to know what it felt like to fight in a battle where the stakes were high, where the slightest little mistake could spell one's doom within the space of an instant. And she never wanted him to experience that. It was better for him to learn under her wing, to experience something pleasant rather than wallowing in misery over failing to protect his loved ones. That was a crown he would have no business wearing if she could help it. Furthermore, what would she achieve in this state, except drag others down with her? It wasn't going to change what happened.

"I reckon Natsumi would be angry anyways. I call you a brat, but I honestly think she's got you beat, sugar. I welcome ya in, and she's at war with her own caretaker. I can't win for losin', I tell ya."

Even if most of these current events still bothered her, Eiji's support was a welcomed reprieve from it all. She hadn't always yearned to be the one uplifting others. The concept alone may as well be foreign territory to her, in fact, but above all, she knew she wanted the best for those she cared for. Those she loved from the bottom of her heart. There were was much to be stressed about, that was an irrefutable fact. But, right now? It genuinely felt nice to be embraced and told that she mattered. Beyond advice, that was a gift that words did no true justice.

The Hybrid King
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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 10:50 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

Eiji didn't really understand the dynamic that Natsumi and Natasha had. Growing up, he was relatively distant from his own parents so whatever it was that they had seemed special. It was clear in her frustration that Natsumi was attached, maybe too attached, but attached nonetheless. It must be nice, having someone that she could look to in times of worry. Not giving it much more thought, he shrugged and leaned into the fumbling Natasha.

"Does it really matter if she's a brat? Not like it means anything in the long run. If ya' asked me, it's clear that an attitude like that just means she really cares. If she didn't, she wouldn't have thrown a tantrum. Don't you think?"

Better to not dwell on the past and frustrating thoughts. Natasha knew better than to loathe herself in the condition she was in, it would simply lead to problems in the long run. Best to recoup and push towards the future. Simple as that, right? Flipping his fingers around her own in a gentle, almost comforting way, his childlike thoughts danced around his head. Natasha was surely on her last legs with frustration.

"Last thing you should be doing right now is worrying though, right? Why aren't you just takin' it easy in bed and getting better? Ain't got no business carin' 'bout everyone else when you ain't even takin' care of yourself. Shame on you."

Eiji giggled, that same little smirk brushing across his face. Through and through, Eiji was still a boy. Like caring for a sick dog, his hope was to push Natasha along. If he could, she'd recover. That was just how life was, right? People weren't allowed to cry for long, he thought. Not because he thought it was wrong, on the contrary actually. If you didn't move forward, the world would simply point and laugh. No one liked that, not one bit.

Ain't No Place For A Rat

A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] FXpoQxJ
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] 2Y9rqGk

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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 11:40 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] GErtDg6


"Ain't much to argue with there, sweetheart. Guess I just wish she woulda' been a lil more receptive, ya know? I honestly meant nothin' by it... but it still bothers me."

Was that her nurturing spirit at play? Worrying about that young lady even if she didn't exactly expect anything would happen to her in the City of Lights? Maybe so. This was unexplored territory for her. Watching over someone, overlooking their progress, treating them as the children she never had. Most likely, the children she would never have.

Of course, even with those doubts, there was something reassuring about the way Eiji chose to tend to her needs in this moment. He hadn't known her for anymore than a few days, but he approached her with nothing but genuine care for her wellbeing. In a bid to try and place all the fault on her shoulder, she had lost sight of what mattered the most at present - herself. Arching an eyebrow bemusedly, Natasha held her hand against the fingers that comforted her own.

Honestly, part of her almost doubted for a moment that he had been a disagreeable person in the past. Or perhaps this was him maturing? She couldn't quite tell. Whatever the case, it was pleasant and comforting. Even if momentarily, it washed away the bitter taste of defeat nesting in her spirit. Resting her chin against his head, Natasha offered a playful sigh in defeat. With him buttering her up with encouraging words like this, she reckoned there wasn't much to be down about, now was it?

"Okay, ya got me beat, sweetheart. I ain't gonna keep beatin' myself up. I gotta' say... in the short time I've known ya, I'm proud of what yer showin' me. I'm glad ya decided to take me up on my offer."

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