Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:45 pm
Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 CMjCIgX


Hitoshi stared blankly as his sister continued on, frustration burrowing behind his forehead with the sun's fire. A shake of his head, the usually still jewelry chiming faintly.

"No, I suppose I should not expect you to understand. Not like this, it's.... No. Sister, follow me." His hand gestured her up, pointing further into the hall with a tilt of the head. "That's an order, as the head."

Guiding her further in, the Kurata would take a sharp left towards the kitchen. Inside, they'd pass everything to reach a swung-open mental door, bolted into the floor. A faint light hung to the walls, stairs carved into the earth.

Descending, Hitoshi remained silent, regardless of any input from his sister. Instead he stared plainly ahead, focusing. Thinking.

But he was going to do it anyway.

As the last stair loomed, they'd enter into a large box of a room. Where once hung meathooks were small, unlit light fixtures, and shelves that once housed barrels not sat empty, covered in dust. The times had been hard on the Kurata, and his spending had left even less still. The new controls of the reserves will make this change, I know it."

Turning as he approached the center of the room, Hitoshi gestured with an open arm, the opposite cradling his parasol. "This is a lesson, from your brother. The pen, sister, is so dangerous because it writes with ink, and not blood. Where the body heals, the mind is not so strong. It should go without saying," His posture shifted, eyes cold as they locked with hers. "Speak of this, and you will suffer."

Swinging his arm downwards, Sanzukiko swiveled in the air - "Ban." - Hitoshi's other hand drawing it closed, snapping with the sound of broken bones; "Kai."

295 words

Kanji Man
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Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:24 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Treachery

Her eyes narrowed at his words, not expect her to understand? What did-... Of course that thought was cut off when he asked her... no, told her to follow. Had this been literally anybody else she'd of went to slice their head off immediately for daring to try and command her. Yet this was Hitoshi, which on its own stayed her hand. However that did not mean it didn't surprise her that he would do such a thing, did he expect her to refuse? What was he intending on showing her that an order as the head of the family would be required?

Either way even had he not done so she had no intentions of not following, she wanted to understand what he meant anyway but now it seemed she had little choice but to follow. So that is what she did, standing briefly before being brought to first the kitchen, and then into the kitchen cellar... or what she presumed to be the kitchen cellar. "Hitoshi where are we going?"

That was the only thing she said to him, yet despite that she was met with just stoic silence. What the hell was going on? As they reached the bottom of the stairs she looked around at where she would've expected to see various meats and packages... yet was met with nothing being there. But... why? Sure she hadn't exactly been paying much attention to the family business but... she had expected to still see products from their family business.

But her thoughts were interrupted when he finally began to speak, speaking of a lesson to be taught not by the head of the family... but by her Brother. This was when her senses started to tingle, something was up... and when he said she would suffer if she spoke of it.. Her hand immediately went to her Zanpakuto. However, nothing could've prepared her for the next word to leave her Brothers lips, a word she had never expected to hear from him...

"Ban... kai?"

The words repeated were in a hushed whisper, her eyes widening in shock. She knew he had a Shikai, but a Bankai as well? When had he learned this? Much like her own bankai release, there was an initial eruption of Spiritual Pressure, Pressure she could scarcely remember him exerting previously if at all. To say that she was caught well and truly off-guard would be the understatement of the century. Additionally, while hers wasn't exactly flashy... Hitoshi's most certainly was, taking a form far more... regal than hers. "Shura"

The voice of Hakaishin entered her mind but she didn't recognize it at first, the surprise of seeing her Brother releasing a Bankai simply too much of a genuine shock. She had never even considered that he might have one in truth, was she... truly that single minded? To have never even realized the progress he had made? "SHURA!" Once again the voice, louder and more commanding this time and enough to snap her out of her momentary daze. "Brother... when did you?"

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 2:08 pm
Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 CMjCIgX


The nagamaki of Sanzukiko dripped, the oil that poured from it and Hitoshi's shadow surging forward as it was raised. A wave of memory laced with misery and terror, rippling black as it exploded forward. The faint light of the room surrounding them shimmering against it, like so many stars in the sky.

"When I wanted." The clack of geta as he stepped forward, the zanpakuto spinning in his hand as he swung it downwards, the oil that emerged sticking to the air. Paint without a canvas, separating the inevitable retaliation of his sister from himself. "Because it is MINE. If you will not listen, sister, then we will make you learn."

The man's voice twisted, entangling itself with the zanpakuto's. His spiritual pressure poured freely, the malice and anger within palpable on skin.

Yet his face was unmoving, an icy cold stare.

143 words

Kanji Man
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Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 2:33 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Treachery & Invasion

Was it fear or surprise that she felt? Was it something else? Something rooted deeper? What was it that she was feeling that caused her voice to catch in her throat, unable to escape and form words? More importantly; Why was she feeling this way? Shouldn't she be excited? Happy that her Brother also had Bankai? Why wasn't she? Yet seemingly even more importantly than that, as he stepped forward her own body reacted almost on instinct. It drew her Zanpakuto from its sheath as Hitoshi's Zanpakuto moved through the air, poised as if to block an incoming attack that never came... Or so she thought.

It wasn't an attack that was meant to be blocked, at least not in the way she was normally prepared for. Oil coated her frame, she had momentarily closed her eyes as a result of the eruption of the oil. When her eyes opened once more she... both was and wasn't in that same room. The memories, long suppressed, from her childhood flooded back, memories of her Father in her more formative years... none of which were pleasant.

Through the lump in her throat she choked out but a single word "H-...Hitoshi?" The words he spoke... Were they his? Were they his Zanpakuto? Or were they their Father's? Why was she shaking? Why was her body so frozen with fear? No... No fear wasn't the right word for what she was feeling, what she was feeling was the dread she had long forced herself to forget. Truth be told, she wasn't sure if it was Hitoshi talking... Or memories of her Father talking.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 5:26 pm
Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 CMjCIgX


"Oh." Hitoshi's face slipped into disgust, the edge of his lip forming a snarl. For once, he had expected more of his sister. And again, disappointment.

The nagamaki raised again, slamming into the oil that hung in the air. A geyser of the substance aimed at Shura, a further descent into her personal hell.

"We're doing this for your own good, Shura. So that you can understand." Voices tangled not only in her head, although they would surely multiply.

All of life's traumas, life's pains - the moments that have kept you up at night, the days ended in tears or in silence, coddled for safety. This is what continued to pour over his sister, magnifying moment by moment.

Geta sounded again, his steps light, practiced. Blade hung still in the air, both hands guiding it in front of him, oil continuing to spill freely. Hitoshi's spiritual pressure continued to mount, Shura's cries falling on deaf ears.

156 words

Kanji Man
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Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 5:59 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Treachery & Invasion

For... her own good? What were these words? Who was saying them and why? To understand what? To what end? Like a lion held too long within captivity, her eyes began to slowly glaze over. The voices weren't just simply endless, they resounded over each other, crossing and mixing themselves within her mind. "Worthless" "If only you weren't so useless" "To think... You were my firstborn"

Over and over, amplifying themselves off each other. Every sentence said only louder than the previous. Confusion, anger, desperation, sadness, fear, envy, all manner of emotions crossed over her face with seemingly no end in sight. Was this Hitoshi's doing? Was it hers? Was it their Fathers? Was it a hollows doing? Or maybe the Gotei or Vandenreich? Questions for which no answers accompanied them, thoughts lost amid the myriad of voices that drowned out her own until... a snap.

Like a stick falling from a large tree, or a rock jutting up in the middle of a raging river, something inside her simply... snapped.

Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 JZKXZSl

In spite of it all... Of how she normally acted whenever she spoke those words, these held seemingly no emotion behind them. This words were not uttered with the intent of using it in any normal means, they were spoken from a deep rooted instinct of self preservation, and the eruption of Reiatsu that followed was liken in kind to that same instinct, as her Zanpakuto shifted forms to the two chained axes, her Reiatsu would not vanish and instead was pulled directly to her twin axes. "I... can't... not like this..." What the tears that fell and soon lifted from her face were caused by were anyones guess at this point.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 3:13 pm
Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 CMjCIgX


"I've been told it's unpleasant." Hitoshi took a moment to regard his sister's form, head shifting to the side as he looked down on her. The gap between them had shortened, her axes forming with little fanfare.

In his eyes, she was nothing fit for using them.

Another step forward as the oil continued to seep across her, growing in mass and dragging down her mind with it. The blade of the zanpakuto wavered, sliding to rest above Shura's head, the oil disseminating from it to pour over her face.

"My bankai is a pen, although to you, I can't imagine what everything looks like. But I know, in your eyes? There is never anything but a sword." He stood there after, in silence; the blade's edge hovering above her skull.

131 words

Kanji Man
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Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 8:14 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Treachery & Invasion

To say that she was truly lost within the recesses of her mind wouldn't be a totally inaccurate statement to make, reality itself seemed to warp and shift... was it even Hitoshi standing in front of her? However while the voices in her head continued stampeding over each other, her body was utterly frozen save the trembling of her arms as they clenched the chained twin axes. Underneath the oil that coated her, her knuckles were completely white from how hard she was gripping the handles.

Desperately she wanted to move, to swing, to act... To do something to silence the voices. However while she did nothing to silence the voices... everything did go silent, even Hitoshi's voice... silenced... at least in her mind it was. The entirety of her early childhood trauma while terrifying in its own right, while encapsulating in nearly every way... It was not the worst trauma in her life. No as the oil poured down and covered her eyes, no longer was she standing in a small basement room... No longer was she staring at Hitoshi.

No she was standing in a desolate wasteland, barren rocks and dust that stretched ad infinitum, thick dark clouds and a sky so red it could be mistaken for blood. It was a place unmistakable for Shura, she didn't even need to move for what happened next, where Hitoshi once stood now stood a tall figure, deep piercing yellow eyes, writhing flames for hair and a body entirely encapsulated with metal armor... The ever silent Hakaishin.

The world was not silent because of any trick Shura did, it was silent because the worst Trauma she'd ever had to endure... was the decades upon decades of silence from her Zanpakuto. No words could form in her throat, no words heard or spoken by Hakaishin... Just an unending, deep stare of sheer maddening silence.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]

Wed Sep 06, 2023 11:17 pm
Gravestone Named Ideals [Kurata]  - Page 2 CMjCIgX


Hitoshi continued to stand still, a faint sigh as the blade raised up, dropping it down -

To the blade dissapearing, shortened, a wakizashi sitting in his palm. It slid carefully back into his kimono as he stepped past his sister, the oil fading from existence. The bankai ended. The head of the Kurata turned as he approached the stairs, emerald eyes impossibly empty.

"We hope you take this lesson to heart."

The steps echoed as he ascended, brushing down the slight agitation in his clothing. His reiatsu restrained for so long - Hitoshi had poured more than intended into his teaching session. Stepping into the light of their kitchen, he'd turn to face the swung-open door. Grabbing it by the handle that protruded it's center, he'd pull on it with some considerable effort. Creaking joints sounded, almost covering up the words of advice he'd give his sister.

"Rest up."

148 words

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