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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] Empty Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 10:23 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] D8DTm9n


A lot had happened since he and Noharu had spoken at the academy, and only now had he finally set some time aside to speak with her again. He had sent an invitation for them to meet at to his quarters -- more akin to a mansion -- and talk in a more casual, quiet setting. After all, when there was just one person, his home was often dreadfully quiet.

So, beyond the casual setting, it was nice to have company. He had prepared some tea and small snacks to munch on as they talked. Some mochi, senbei, as well as various chips and chocolates. The quiet atmosphere did have one benefit: letting him hear the knock at the door rather easily.

He was quick to answer the door, with silent steps carrying him to it. He opened the door, offering a friendly, smile to the known visitor as he quietly gestured for her to come inside.

"Apologies that this conversation is a bit late. Not long after that conversation, practically everything happened at the same time."

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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 10:48 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] HEADER2_sample-18feefddfa180869d40c3a89e1f5d128

"HEYA! How's it goin Tittyfucker?" The loud exuberant voice of Noharu certainly cut through the quiet as the Third seat flashed Yuuto a big smile and promptly stepped in, throwing an arm around the man and giving a sly smirk. "Damn, lookit all this! Sure beats a Professor's pay huh? You got a whole ass mansion now! Haha! I bet you could get fuck a door in half and not hear it on the other end of this place. Hot damn, how many rooms you got in here?" She looked around before giving the man a one-armed hug and then stepped back, flashing a mischeivous smile and showing off what she herself had brought for the little get together.

Beer, Ice cream, and of course some pizza.

"Let's fine a place to put this shit, my knuckles are freezin. So hows it been going Yuyu? Hows the hunt been going since we last chatted?" She ventured, CLEAR excitement in her voice. After all, last they'd spoken she HAD more or less tasked the man with getting it in his head to be open for a little extra feminine charm to his life. Did she expect him to have snagged anything? Hell fuckin no, she doubted that he would move that fast. But that didn't mean there wasn't potential for some juicy details. And so as she let him lead the way for where she could set down her contribution, she paid rapt attention his his answer.
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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Wed Sep 06, 2023 11:32 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] D8DTm9n


With how dreadfully quiet his quarters usually were, the visit of a friend and the sudden, boisterous energy she brought was a welcome change. He found himself chuckling softly as she marveled at the sheer size of his home. He returned the one-armed hug as he reached forward to take the cold items from her arms, walking over to the table to set them down alongside his prepared snacks and drink. He walked over to the kitchen to grab some plates, bowls, spoons, and paper towels.

As she asked about his excursion into romance once more, Yuuto rubbed the back of his neck as he pulled out chairs for them, sitting down and gesturing to some of the snacks. A lot had happened since their last conversation, far more than he could ever have anticipated.

"Well, I've gone on one date, and have at least one more planned in the future. Overall, just...a lot has happened since our last talk."

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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 6:16 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] HEADER2_sample-18feefddfa180869d40c3a89e1f5d128

Noharu raised a brow at that and snorted, a lopsided grin flashing across her face as she parked herself across from him and tilted her head. "Well shit, slicker. Gimme the deets! Who were ya goin on dates with? Same girl? Two Diiiifferent girls?~ And I heard about all that! Fuck I gotta say I half expected to hop over here and see your girlish ass in traction or some shit. But look at you! Fit as a fuckin fiddle. Tch, lucky bastard. I wish I could recover like you. Then again not like anyone's been tough enough to send my fine ass to Secon'd Division in a while anyway. So what am I complainin about." She shook her head and took a bite of Pizza as she gave Yuuto an opportunity to respond. Truly she was a bit of a dizzying person. But she enjoyed him, especially because he wasn't always too chatter, he was a good listener.

Aaaand she did enjoy that she got him to open up a little~

"Oh right. I almost forgot to ask. The hell's been going on down there in africa? I've been stuck running around here in Soul Society with paperwork, and apparently you guts are up to your spring tits in facefuckers. What's up with that?"
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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Fri Sep 15, 2023 5:46 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] D8DTm9n


He had long since grown used to Noharu's dizzying amounts of talking. It was a lot at times, but, he still was always willing and able to listen. It hardly ever bothered him -- there was a part of him that enjoyed staying silent and listening to others. Nevertheless, there was a lot to answer for. So, taking a cup and pouring some tea, he took a small sip as he waited for her to finish.

"Different people. The one I already went on was with Saiko Mori, a member of the Seventh Division. The date set for the future is with Mirai, one of my closest friends from the Stealth Force. She confessed to me, and, I promised her at least one date, to try and feel things out."

Though his expression was kind, the warm smile he had slowly faded as he remembered the hospital incident. He sighed softly, the moment of gloom leaving as soon as it arrived, turning to concern.

"I'm more lucky to be alive at all, really. As for Africa...currently, what's known is that there's a collective of giant Hollows coming from a pit from where Vastime used to be. It's uncertain how deep it goes or how many these kaiju Hollows number."

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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Fri Sep 15, 2023 6:13 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] HEADER2_sample-18feefddfa180869d40c3a89e1f5d128

Noharu almost fucking CHOKED when he admitted to going on dates with multiple women. Pounding her chest for a moment before coughing up a chunk of cheese and pepperoni to stare, a slow and aghast smile spreading across her face as she chuckled. "Hoho-holy shit are you for real?! Fucking hell, I knew I encouraged you but I didn't expect you to be suckin tiddies by the dozen. Hm, though actually now that I think about it, this is a little serious for you huh? You're a Captain you know, what are you gonna do if your rep gets a shitstain when someone sniffs you out lickin two fish at once?" She snerked softly, giving a lopsided smirk before she paused and considered the information.

"Sooo yea I did do a little recon. When I heard about Saiko I decided to go meet the girl. And uh.... she was certainly somethin. A little on the young lookin side I admit. Though really....Mirai? Ms.Quiet and awkward?"' She ventured, shaking her head and waving a hand dismissively. I dunno how you guys do stuff in Fifth Division, but I was a little surprised you guys made her a seated officer. I mean sure she's.....competent, ish. But that girl's always had spaghetti in her pockets and a stick between her cheeks. I honestly don't know if I can see her in a leadership position" she sighed, closing her eyes and pausing to look at Yuuto. Nosy as ever.

"That said. Sheeeeesh, what a way to put that. 'Promised her one date to feel things out'. Best not let her hear you talk like that, sounds like you're just humoring her. Do you even like the girl? I mean fuck, yea she has a fine ass and a pretty face, but you really aughta get you a woman with some social skills. There's gotta be SOME social brain cells to rub together in a couple." She reasoned.

Of course, Africa was hardly a better subject. She furrowed her brows a little and sighed. "That so? I guess it's too much to imagine more information about that stuff. I won't even ask you about the investigation into the hospital. I bet that was a bag of tits all on its own. Still, have they got you on R and R for the time being? Are you all like..healed?" She ventured, prodding Yuuto a bit in the ribs.
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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 9:04 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] D8DTm9n


The vulgarity and bluntness of her response caused him to chuckle softly, a light tinge of red coming to his cheeks. The situation was a bit more complex than he had given on, especially considering recent events, but, it did come off a bit strange without that context. However, his head tilted to the side a bit at the mention of her "recon" in regards to Saiko.

He looked visibly uncomfortable at her mention of Saiko being "young looking," but he quickly pushed it aside as the topic changed. He didn't plan on bringing up Mirai; she was already someone he was keeping an eye on. He knew that she had struggled when it came to socialization, and it was part of why he wasn't sure how well she would handle more.

She was effective at her job, that much was undeniable, but there was more to it than just being capable. As the topic switched again, his expression went from concern to confused.

"When she confessed to me, that's what I said. Well, I said that we should take things slow, and not do anything drastic. I...don't know how I feel about her, admittedly. She's one of my closest friends, but I don't know if I see her as a partner. I wanted to take things slow so that we can see if this will even work."

Perhaps it wasn't the best way to handle the situation, but, with how on-the-spot he had been at the time, he felt it was the best thing to do. It wasn't an outright rejection, but it wasn't immediate acceptance. Then, as she brought up her own thoughts and concerns on the incident in Africa and the hospital, Yuuto smiled softly, reaching forward to gently nudge her shoulder.

"I'm fine. I was back to normal in no time, I didn't need to go on leave or anything like that. It's not the first attempt on my life."

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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 9:34 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] HEADER2_sample-18feefddfa180869d40c3a89e1f5d128

A pause was given and she raised a brow slightly as Yuuto gave his explanation, and eventually a slight furrowing of her brows occurred. "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on. You just .... gosh I forget how friggin weird some people are. I mean yea. I know that its normal to like..have informal dates or whatever. But you don't even know how you feel about this girl and you're going on a date? I mean sure. If you wanted to just hang out. Maybe fool around a little sure.But going out on dates when you don't know how you feel could backfire.I mean. You DO know this girl since like...ever. So like, IF you liked the girl. Don't you think you'd...know by now?" She reasoned, leaning back and taking another bite of pizza, lounging back against the couch.

"And like uh. No offense, but based on what you've mentioned about her in the past. She kinda sounds or something?" She ventured. Of course she doubted Yuuto had described her as such, but the girl had sounded as much. All warm and bubbly around him, but well. Outside of interacting with him, all sheltered and shy. Bleh.

Still, she smiled a bit as the subject shifted.

"Psh, fuckin braggin smartass. Yea yea I know, you heal at the speed of sound and all that." She reached out and firmly prodded the center of his chest, grabbing a few chips and munching them as she settled back into her seat, looking around Yuuto's place and humming to herself for a moment. "So like...level with me Yuuto. You uh...okay? Not just physically. you know? I mean. You almost got blown up." She ventured softly. A hint of concern in her voice. Sure, he was probably one of the strongest shinigami in history. He was strong. He was powerful. But that didn't mean stuff didn't effect him, and she dropped that wild demeanor of hers. Voicing an earnest concern.
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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:34 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] D8DTm9n


As she lightly chewed him out on his choices, Yuuto felt himself shrinking back slightly, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Perhaps they just had different views on the matter, but he hadn't seen anything wrong with the proposition. But, he was far from an expert on it, so, perhaps it wasn't the best decision. Nevertheless, it was something he had promised her, and he intended to follow through.

"Well...that was the point, to feel things out, to see if it would work between us. I know I should be certain about how I feel toward her by now, but...I just, don't."

However, those gentle eyes would quickly narrow, at the passing comment about Mirai, though it was quick to vanish. He knew that he had never described her as such, but, with how long he had known her, he couldn't really blame someone for coming to that conclusion. As the subject shifted and flowed along, her response made him once again rub the back of his neck bashfully.

"I didn't mean for it to be bragging, honest."

However, as she asked about his own well-being beyond physicality, the warm, gentle smile was quick to fade. Rather than speak, first, he reached for one of the beers Noharu had brought, carefully unhooking the cap from the lid with his thumb and taking a long, quiet drink. He could feel the alcohol burn as it went down his throat. As he finished, he set the half-empty bottle on the table, leaning forward and resting his hands in his lap.

"I' fine. I've been through worse."

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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 1:05 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] HEADER2_sample-18feefddfa180869d40c3a89e1f5d128

Noharu waved a hand at that. "Hey, don't treat me like a fuckin expert on that shit. I'm the kind gal who'd will eat a guy's ass before I go have lunch with him back in the day. So take what I say with a pint of cum." She chuckled, sighing a bit as she tapped her chin.

Her brow raised at his apology and Noharu couldn't help but snort, punching him in the shoulder. "You weren't even bragging, I'm bustin yer ass is all. Stop shrinkin up. Sheesh." She shook her head and folded her arms. "Girls like a guy who's confident ya know. Not everyone finds your squeamishness as charming as I do, So you dunno how you feel about this Mmirai girl. I think that's a pretty good indication of how you DO feel. You're trying to force yourself into thinking she's either for you, or not for you. But chances are she probably is just 'Meh' to you. Is what it sounds like." She asserted calmly, taising her chin and putting on a confident smile.

"You gotta TRUST those instincts of yours. You could point me to any guy in the sereitei and I'll tell ya what I think of them. Will it be an INFORMED decision? Hell fuckin know, but I know what I feel." She stated with a firm nod of her head.

The soft hiss of the can snared her attention and she was pleased to see the smoothing of his expression as the subject changed. "You wanna.....elaborate? You almost exploded my guy. You okay? Got like, residual aches? Cmon gimme something to work with here?" She let out a tisk before looking around the mansion. "Well whatever, I guess if you don't wanna air your balls that's alright." She shrugged, taking another bite of pizza as she did. "Worst case scenario, I'll just beat your ass next time we have a spar and I'll see just how 'fine' you are."
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