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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:12 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 D8DTm9n


Perhaps that was how he felt about her. He wouldn't have put it in those specific terms, but, perhaps he simply didn't see her as a partner or lover. She was his friend, he knew that much, but, he'd have to see if he would be able to view her in that light. That was part of why they were testing the waters, after all.

Part of him was worried. He didn't want to hurt her -- he knew that moment meant a lot to her. He knew that he meant a lot to her, but that just made it all the more stressful. But, as the topic shifted, and Noharu made a light jab, Yuuto couldn't help but chuckle lightly, nudging her shoulder softly, his voice shifting from the low, concerned register, to a playful, almost teasing one.

"So certain that you'll beat me, hm? Perhaps you'll usurp me and become the new Captain of the Stealth Force, if you're so confident."

He breathed a quiet sigh as the tension released, leaning back and taking the alcohol back in his hand as he did. He took another long drink of the can, finishing its contents in short order, before quietly setting it on the table.

"But, no, nothing like that. Physically, I'm fine. My troubles aren't related to the bombing. It's...nothing to worry about."

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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Sun Oct 01, 2023 5:48 pm
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Noharu smiled calmly at that. "Of course~ I'm the fastest girl in the soul society I'll have you know. One of the new unseateds called me that~" She boasted with a big grin, flashing a toothy grin and folding her legs as she took another bite of her pizza, flagrantly bragging well beyond her actual capability of course, but you didn't get as good as she did by settling for how good she ACTUALLY was~

Even so, she narrowed her eyes, furrowing her brows a bit as he went on about that.

"Oi oi! None of that nevermind shit. What's going on? Cmon, hey! Fuckboy!" She reached up and swatted his forehead before taking a beer of her own and cracking open the can, with squaring of her shoulders, she straightened herself up and promptly threw it back. Gulping down the entire can of beer in one go. Yea, she was gonna NEED this if she was gonna weasel this outta Yuuto. She promptly gestured toward Yuuto's drink.

"Alright! Cmon bitchtits. We're drinking till you spill the beans."
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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:14 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 D8DTm9n


Fastest girl in the Soul Society, hm? That new member had a lot in store for them if they ever met other members of the Gotei. Nevertheless, he was quick to slip away from her, avoiding her swat with ease as he stood up.

He silently, but swiftly crossed the gap to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator and retrieving a large bottle, complete with a bow. In short order, he was back at the couch, with the bottle set a small distance away from the beer Noharu had brought.

"A welcome back gift Shuten gave me, a bottle of Suika-level umeshu. Since I have a feeling we'll get through these cans rather quickly, I figure now was as good a time as ever to bring this out."

Setting the empty can aside, he took another, opening it and taking a brief drink.

"Now, shall we continue, little spider~?"

A small smile teased at his lips, raising the can slightly. For such a sly, slippery woman that spun threads like one, it was a rather fitting title, no?

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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Sat Nov 04, 2023 6:04 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 EADER___panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_silverwing__sample-675f1d19996833d23208ea99320ef8c9

Little bastard. She snorted softly as she watched him duck out of the way of her little swat, narrowing her eyes a bit before pausing as she saw him.... wait what WAS he doing? Her expression contorted into confusion as he sprang off. "The fuck you think you're going?! Oi oi! Cmon pansy no ru- Oh!" She was cut off as he quite quickly slipped back in with that special drink offered. Her brows raised just a smidge higher and she peered a bit incredulously at the manner of liquor that had been set down. A little snort escaping her as her smile crept into a sly grin.

"Oh I'm a spider am I? You're the one bringing out the big guns." She chimed, setting her can aside and then promptly peeling a few glasses from her bag, setting them down and then pouring a bit of this special umeshu for the both of them. The soft gentle trickle of the pour punctuating that growing smirk.

"You can put that can down. If you're gonna go bringing out the good stuff then I think we're safe kicking things up a notch. Besides, you've got that stubborn look on anyway." She tilted her head back and raised the vessel to her lips. A pause to inhale. Whew, it certainly smelled strong. And with another little flick of her wrist, she threw it back and downed a good mouthful of the stuff.

"WHEW!" She blinked a few times. After all, she wasn't as fucked up as some other shinigami. She wasn't exactly a tank. And so that swig took quite a hit to her as she coughed a few times and gestured. "You next, pussy." She challenged.
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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:14 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 D8DTm9n


As Noharu went ahead with taking the first drink, Yuuto took a moment to once again step away from the couch, blinking between the living room and the kitchen to grab a set of glasses in mere seconds, then back again in no time at all. Placing them down just as she lifted the vessel to her lips, he chuckled softly as he sat down again.

"I'd say it's rather fitting for someone so sly and slippery, no?"

Taking the bottle and pouring a glass for himself, Yuuto gave the woman a coy smile as he calmly tilted the glass back to drink. His eyes twitched lightly at the mixture of sweet and sour plum, but ultimately remained unfazed as the glass eventually drained. A soft clink came as he set it back down on the table, gesturing back to Noharu.

"Your turn."

Even in the first drink, he could feel a heat growing in his body, a fuzziness beginning in the back of his skull, and the tiniest starts of flushing in his complexion. This was certainly something he, nor most others, should drink in any level of regularity or consistency.

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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:27 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 EADER___panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_silverwing__sample-675f1d19996833d23208ea99320ef8c9

Noharu grinned as she watched the man downing a glass as well, a gentle little chuckle bubbling up from her as her eyes shifted, barely following the flicker of his body. Tch, a real pain in the ass he was. But even so, she smiled as she saw the slight daze to his expression, a sigh escaping her as she took another steady sip. Taking her time as she slowly downed the next big gulp of liquor, sighing when she set the container down and then glanced back up to him.

"Yer a real fuck ya know? It's like pullin fuckin teeth out yer tits with you." She chuckled, sighing lightly as she let her shoulders go a bit lax and she then glanced back up toward him. " So cmon. Speak up bucko. It's gonna take a fuckin...couple more of these till we're shitfaced. So in the internim. Why don't you tell me what else has been going on? Hm? Like why don't ya tell me why you suddenly decided to join the Gotei as well? Sure as shit don't think it's the same reason I did." She pointed out, giving him an even little smile.

Of course he knew all about her side of things. Her desire to make something of herself. To become a Captain despite her rough edges and the like. To take on a position of esteem and value despite ...well....everything about her. And yet, Henrex had seemed so very content in just being an academy teacher. At least until recently. May as well see if she could get that story out of him, right?
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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:46 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 D8DTm9n


Yuuto's expression hardly changed from that gentle look and teasing smile as he watched Noharu take her turn with the drink. As she set it down, Yuuto quietly slid it back over to him, taking a moment to wait and listen to her. The teasing smile faltered slightly as she asked about his return to the Gotei. That was a topic not many broached with him. Frankly, it wasn't like many people seemed to care about the matter, so, it took him a bit by surprise for her to be showing any interest.

"Well now, that's a first. I don't think anyone has taken interest in that subject."

Lifting the bottle, he took a longer drink from it, scarlet complexion dampening in response, before quietly setting it back down on the table. His words slurred slightly as he set it down, the smile from before returning, but less teasing, more relaxed and casual.

"You've got Murasaki to thank for 'at. It was... less o' me joining out of the blue, more of her inviting me back. I had been...dismissed, previously, sss-so I didn't really have any plans to return of my own volition. But, Murasaki came to me, wanting me to come back. So, I decided to trust her."

As he finished, he lifted the bottle to take another quick drink, setting it back down on the table, a few thoughts never leaving his mind nor lips as he did.

'...For now, at least.'

In truth, his relationship with the Gotei hung by a delicate thread every day. Despite the trust he placed in Murasaki, it was not one of complete blindness. He had his condition for coming back, and if it wasn't met...well, he wasn't quite sure what he would do, really. For now, he just waited.

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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:54 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 EADER___panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_silverwing__sample-675f1d19996833d23208ea99320ef8c9

"Bullshit, but continue." She deftly interjected as he responded to the question. The idea that NOBODY had asked the guy, or perhaps witheld such curiosities quietly to themselves, was a little silly. But that was also not why she was here, so she only made comment before sinking her teeth into the meat of his response. Another drink chasing an expression of thoughtful consideration.

"Yer fuckin telling me that you just....came in cuz she asked you to? Cus what... you TRUST her? Shit Yuut she aint even single." She snickered, a sigh and a shake of her head showing just how she was ....astounded by how simple it was. She'd have asked if he really had that high an opinion of the woman, but well it wasn't like she really had one of them. They had a track record and a pretty good one, not to mention them being pretty strong even by Captain's standards. Still, surely that couldn't be all of it.

"But alright smartshits, lets say thats tha truth and you did. Whats so special about Muraskhakis that you aint got over that fuckin bitch Abalia?" She set her cup down and rested an elbow on the armrest of the couch. "Sure, she was as fuck-shit scary as a bat, but she did shit I figgerd you'd like. What made Muramura's case?" She dug just a little deeper, pausing on her drink as she did , vaguely in her own way, realize she was getting pretty in there. But not so piss drunk that she wasn't still going to dog Yuuto.
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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:25 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 D8DTm9n


At the mention of Murasaki's lack of availability, Yuuto found himself chuckling softly, a hand raising to cover his mouth. Noharu's view on the matter was...strange, but they were both losing themselves to the alcohol -- especially with a Suika-specialty brew in play -- so, it wasn't the most unorthodox.

"Oh, c'mon, is nothin' like that. I know she's got a partner. She's beautiful, but that...that wasn't what influenced me."

His head gently, idly lulled from side to side, still smiling warmly, yet softly. Even his posture and mannerisms had grown more lax, with Yuuto leaning back into the couch more, rather than the more elegant, composed self that all usually witnessed. His eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of Abalia, but, with a quiet sight that almost sounded like a hiss, he spoke.

"Mmm...wasn't around when Abalia became Head Capt'n. Got removed before 'at. Was on Earth. kidnapped too, for a while."

All of a sudden, Yuuto slumped over, resting his head against her shoulder.

"She wanted me back. Dunno, made me feel...feel wanted, I guess. Got kicked fr'm the Gotei, then Vastime...was alone 'n lost in th' world for a while. Didn't wanna come back myself. Stuck t' teachin' instead."

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Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu]

Tue Jan 02, 2024 6:04 pm
Try Not To Think Twice [Yuuto, Noharu] - Page 2 HEADER__inline_base_5e2eafe9cc568532236c0ff9dd90ccff-cutout

Noharu snorted softly at that, a cheeky little smirk forming on her lips as she enjoyed the look on Yuuto's face when she hit him with that one. Yea she knew that. He was a lot of things, but he wasn't a guy who would let something like THAT effect his decision. But it was still fun to see him squirm.

It was fun seeing him no matter what.

She watched as he slumped back into the couch, taking another little sip of the sake as she listened as Yuuto talked about how things had been during Abalia's time. Her shoulders slumped just a little and she paused. She remembered those times when he'd vanished. But she hadn't known what it was that had kept him away... "Yuuto...." His name left her lips gently, as she hesitated.... the taste of something else she wanted to say in the air.

And then he leaned over, and she felt his head on her shoulder. She fell silent, and listened as he gave that soft earnest admission. With his eyes closed, he wouldn't see the look she was giving him. A gentle smile as he seemed to settle into the embrace of the alcohol, her frame entirely still lest she disturb him. The barest trail of saline marked her cheek, and she turned to look ahead, eyes closing as she laid her head back against the couch.

"You fuckin idiot. You've always been wanted." She chuckled softly, a slow sigh escaping her as she reached up and patted his head. "Well whatever. S'long as you know it now." She let her own drink set back down onto the table, she'd rather stay like this than go for another drink.

"Just so long as you're happy."
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