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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Empty Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:58 pm
Saera grabbed the towel she'd brought into the training grounds and wiped away the sweat that had gathered on her brow before tucking it into the waist of her pants. She shifted a bit, finding comfort in the familiar clinking of Kusari no Kanshi-Sha around her body, the weight a grounding feeling after the hours she'd just spent deliberately pushing herself as far as she could without an opponent to really help push her, but grimaced as she stretched out her arms. She definitely had the stamina to spare to keep going, and physically she was fine, but apparently today was going to be one of the annoying days. She could feel the phantom aches and pains from memories of her time under the demons 'hospitality' lighting up. She could ignore them, it wouldn't be the first time, or the last time if she was honest with herself. It wasn't like the lingering memories of the pain were anything but that, memories. Today though...well it had been a good long while since she'd treated herself, and she knew that old lady Kaede still had that onsen out around where the old Dojo was, and she did still have a standing invite...

With a snort Saera decided that she could treat herself for once, and let out a breath as she re-sealed her zanpakutou and sheathed it. She took the time to clean up the area she'd been using, and made her way back to the barracks to change before heading out. It was a fairly happy woman who strode out of the barracks and towards the Rukongai gates. She had no other tasks right now, and the more she thought about it the more she was looking forward seeing Kaede and her Onsen again. Before she made it out of the fourth squad's grounds though she caught sight of one of her squad mates.

Actually not just a squad mate, her vice captain! Saera paused and thought for a moment, then coming to a decision called out.

"Hey, Rio, I'm heading to an Onsen I know! I can get you in free, you wanna come?!"

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:12 pm
Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] H52_ehgfwhvjown



Rio turned her head to the voice that called out to her. It was a routine day in the combat division. Various members spar with one another to improve, and anyone else takes a break to relax from the daily grind. The Shihoin woman had just concluded training of her own with her fellow peers, with plans of unwinding herself until Saera had called out to her. The offer intrigued Rio. Saera was recently reintroduced to the combat division, and she hadn't known much of the woman outside of the information the public reports provided. Perhaps this visit would achieve a twofold purpose of relaxing and developing some camaraderie with her subordinate. Approaching the woman closely, Rio would offer an approving nod with her arms crossed. An Onsen sounded like a great way to unwind.

"Sure. I'll bite. Lead the way, Saera."


Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 10:07 am
Saera nodded and gestured for Rio to follow her, and started off towards the gate using a series of flash-steps to speed up the journey. Now that she'd decided to go visit the onsen, she wanted to be there as soon as possible. At the speeds they were going it didn't take long to reach a more rural area of the Seiretei, and Saera finally came to a stop in the middle of several streets, the forest close by, and started to walk at a more normal pace to her goal. As she passed through she waved to the various members of the district, some who eyed her warily, some who looked genuinely pleased to see her, some who didn't really care about her, but eyed Rio with confusion and a little trepidation, and some who just didn't care about either of them.

As they walked Saera spoke up, "I know Kaede from way way back, and have a standing invitation to come to her onsen and bring any guests with me. I don't use it too often, too much to do and I'd rather not feel like a burden when things are hard enough out here, but I try and stop by to visit every now and then."

After wandering through a few more streets they found themselves walking along the approach to a relatively large building right on the edge of the forest, with the sound of water and faint wisps of steam coming from the trees behind it, Saera smiled and picked up her pace, happily striding through the entrance and greeting an older woman at the counter.

"Old lady Kaede! I've come back to visit, and I brought someone with me!"

The old woman looked up and smiled, before her expression became an obviously fake scowl, "Saera, you lout of a woman! It's probably been a decade since I've seen you! And don't lie to me, I know you're just here for the onsen, is that all I am to you? A hotspring? At least you brought a friend this time! And don't call me old!"

Saera laughed boistrously and walked up to grab the old woman in a hug and picked her up with a squeeze before putting her down again, "It's good to see you too Kaede, how's your family doing?"

Saera engaged Kaede in small talk as the woman led her and Rio back through the building towards a relaxation room, though when they arrived Kaede cut it off herself.

"Here you are, you know how to order food, and how to get to the springs, make sure to wash up first! And the food stays in this room!" Kaede turned and gave a small bow and a smile to Rio, "And it's a pleasure to meet you dear, I'm sorry I haven't said much to you so far, but it really has been a long time since I've seen this one, I hope you enjoy your time here, and if you come back I'll be more than happy to get to know you better."

With that Kaede walked away, leaving the two Shinigami in a fairly simple but comfortable room with a low table and sitting pillows surrounding it, a small bell in the center of the table sitting on top of a set of menus.

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Left_bar_bleue0/0Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 5:48 pm
Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] H52_ehgfwhvjown


Rio followed Saera along as they swiftly traveled through the districts. She paid little mind to the wandering eyes of the civilians since she occasionally traveled to the Rukongai every now and then. The full breadth of her attention was devoted to Saera's words. A standing invitation, hm? It appeared she seemed to share a special connection with this lady.

"There is never anything wrong with finding time to relax and unwind. Duty is important, but as one of my seated members, I can accept enjoying a nice visit to a place of enjoyment after a long day. As I'm sure you well know, combat division is grueling and unforgiving work. So many people wanting to spar, others want to prove themselves. It is difficult managing so many personalities, I'll admit."

Offering her point of view, Rio would follow Saera into the establishment. Since she was following Saera's lead, she would only speak when spoken to, and since none of the conversations featured mention of her name, she simply observed the two with a smile, golden eyes traveling around to get a glimpse of the decor. After their conversation, Kaede led them to their relaxation room. Turning her head to face Kaede, Rio chuckled softly and gave her a polite bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Miss Kaede. I'd gladly be open to getting to know you better as well. The more the merrier, no?"

Waving the woman goodbye in passing, Rio would turn back to Saera as she took a moment to take in their surroundings. There were many things they could do, but Rio didn't exactly know where Saera wanted to start first. Was the food good? Did they wash and relax in the onsen first? There were various possibilities, but she felt comfortable in looking to Saera for guidance since this was her element.

"So, what would you like to do first, Saera?"


Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:32 pm
"Honestly? First I recommend some drinks. Then head to wash up and relax in the springs, Kaede always makes sure there's a banquet prepared for her guests after they soak, so it's best not to fill up now, but a cold drink that chills your guts makes slipping into the water feel amazing. I know what I want, but feel free to look through the menu. This one's all light foods and chilled drinks, like melonballs, cold cocktails, and fruit juices."

Saera took the opportunity to spread some pillows out and lean back while stretching her legs out beside the table, settling comfortably and watching Rio.

"So. I used to know Hanako well enough, but I don't think we ever talked much. What do you want me to call you, cause at least outside of the gotei I'm not calling you by your rank. Just Rio? Or is that too informal? Got any questions for me, any stories you wanna share? Might as well try to get to know each other while we lounge on Kaede's hospitality."

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 11:27 pm
Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] H52_ehgfwhvjown


"Oh? I suppose a cold drink and a swim would make sense. Let's see here..."

Rio took a moment to look through the menu while she listened to Hanako, tracing her finger toward cold cocktails for her choice of drink and whatever light snack went well with it. Stretching her legs out as she set the menu down, the Shihoin's gaze would focus on Saera.

"Rio is perfectly fine. If we're aiming to grow closer as peers, you shouldn't worry yourself with being formal with me outside of our duties to the Gotei. Actually, I'd been meaning to get to know about you, so perhaps we can exchange stories. What do you enjoy about this division in particular? What brought you here in the first place? Anything you're willing to share would suffice. Naturally, I'll share whatever you'd like to know about me in return."


Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Wed Sep 27, 2023 9:13 am
"Hmmm...I enjoy that I'm actually expected to push myself. All the squads expect excellence in their own ways, but I know what I'm good at, and this is the best place for me to improve my skillset and actually be useful." Saera shifted a bit and grabbed the bell, ready to call someone to take their orders.

"As for stories, I've got more than a few and nothing to hide, we could trade off? I can start, way back some...shit four centuries ago? I grew up out here with my dad. He was an old martial artist, and trained me alone for a good long while until I convinced him to open a dojo, and then we both taught. That's actually how I have the standing invite here. Kaede takes in orphans and gives them a home and a family, that's who you'll see working here, and we offered free classes for her kids since all her money was tied up in the onset and the kids themselves. Turns out those lessons stopped more than one bandit hit."

Saera frowned before shaking off her oncoming melancholy, "Unfortunately eventually a group of bandits took out the dojo, and my dad with it. A shinigami was actually investigating the scene when I arrived back from my supply run," Saera snorts, "I tried to beat the shit out of him. But trained in martial arts or not I wasn't exactly a match for a Shinigami at the time. Dads last words were telling the man he thought I might have enough Reiryoku to enroll in the academy, so the man took me to get tested, and I joined the academy. Went combat cause that was what I was good at and what I enjoyed. Also had a lot of anger pent up still after losing my dad like that, and figured no better place to knock some heads and get mine knocked in return. What about you? How'd you wind up in the fourth? Also, you ready to order? I'll ring if you are."
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Wed Sep 27, 2023 12:48 pm
Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] H52_ehgfwhvjown


Rio remained relatively silent, absorbing every piece of information she could retain in memory. Viewing all of it as pertinent information, the Shihoin woman maintained a curious gaze as she finally set the menu away. Descent from a martial background. The history between her and the owner of the Onsen. Her reason for being here in the combat division. From her perspective, Saera displayed enough to earn her approval, though that wasn't to say that such a feat was difficult to begin with.

Her ambitions were commendable, and honorable even, which only served to elevate her overall image in the woman's eyes. A fighter at heart, but one who was motivated in the right way, who aimed to be of use in a way that didn't strike her as counterproductive. That was less than she could say about the 3rd seat that occupied their division, but she didn't particularly wish to ponder on that woman for any more than a moment. It was time to answer her question.

"Your ability to fight through that adversity and occupy a place here in the combat division is commendable. I'm sure your father would've been proud to see where you are today. As far as me? Honestly, my reason isn't so nearly detailed. I fought one of our fellow members in Moe, during a time where I was feeling out each and every division to see what suited me most. I walked away from that battle impressed, and honestly, I felt like the combat division suited my abilities. Presented a path for me to grow even stronger than I am now. It's been a bit of a bumpy road managing so many... interesting personalities, but I suppose that comes with the responsibility of a vice-captain."

Rio would offer an accepting nod afterward to indicate that she was prepared to order, sliding the menu forward to point to her choices.


Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Wed Sep 27, 2023 3:12 pm
Saera threw back her head with a shouted laugh, "Managing personalities. I wouldn't call that a bumpy road, the kinda people this division attracts? That's a straight up bitch, but hey, at least it's not boring!"

Saera rung the bell then placed it back down, "Anyway. Detailed reasons of not, any reason is good enough. You're strong, you're good at what you do, and you're not an uptight ass, you got my respect. For whatever that's worth anyway. Now, I could tell you stories about my time out here in the Rukongai, or we could talk about what came after. I'll warn you though, that stuff ain't nearly as happy. Nothing I can't talk about, but, well, each scar may be a story, but the kinds of stories that leave the most prominent scars are rarely happy."

Suddenly the door to the room slid open and a young man dressed in the onset uniform stepped in, and Saera nodded to him. "Your looking good Hamato, keeping up with your exercises it looks like. Remind me after we're done and I'll be glad to run you and the other tykes through their paces, see where you're all at. Anyway, I'll have my usual, chilled passionfruit juice over melonballs, thanks."

The young man beamed at Saera, muttering a quick "thank you" and then turned to Rio, waiting for her order.

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:23 pm
Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] H52_ehgfwhvjown


"Good to know I have your approval, then, Saera. As far as talking about stories, while I certainly don't mind hearing about them, I wouldn't wish to mar this pleasant outing with anything unhappy. Let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?"

There wasn't anything inherently wrong with Saera's willingness to speak about the grim nature of her past, but Rio felt it rang ever so oddly in a place where one ought to relax and find a semblance of relaxation. She wouldn't impose that on Saera even if she held no particular issue in the woman divulging that sort of information. This was, after all, a pleasant setting, and Saera was proving an enjoyable person to socialize with as a result. Turning her attention to the young man who brought their drinks, Rio smiled softly, watching the two interact until she turned to her for her order.

"Since this is my first time here, I'll have what she's having."

Placing her order in, she turns to face Saera again, posing another question.

"So, since your return, how have you enjoyed the division so far? Have you met with our captain yet? Or any of our fellow division members?"


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