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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Thu Sep 28, 2023 9:40 pm
Saera nodded in acknowledgement of Rio's request. If she was honest while she had no issues discussing the unpleasant details of her life she also agreed with Rio. This was too happy a place to mar with talks of war and pain, so as Hamato left to get their drinks she cast her mind back through her life and felt her lips spread in a grin as she found a good story to start with.

She chuckled a bit before speaking, "Well, if you want something a little more light there was this one time, it was the afternoon before a local festival, an awful lot like Halloween down on some parts of earth. The kids dress up in costumes, knock on doors, get little gifts, and then at the end of the night there's a big feast where everyone in the area contributes something. I'd just gotten a couple of big does and was in the middle of processing them so we could cook them up for the festival with my dad's help when we heard knocking at the front of the house. Dad asked me to go get the door and...well I kinda didn't think about the fact that I had deer blood up past my elbows and down my front. So when I opened the door a group of kids started their chant only to suddenly stop and scream before running off panicked."

Saera smiled fondly, "The kids bolted down the path to to our place, and I realized what happened, but there was too much to do to get ready for the festival. turns out that the kids started telling all their friends about the 'monster at the Kirin house'. By the time we got there with all the meat all the kids were telling stories that had me ten feet tall, green, and with horns the size of my leg! After I had a good laugh I managed to explain to the kids what had happened, the parents had already figured it out but we're indulging the kids, but we also made sure that the little kids id scared got the best bits of deer as a reward for facing down the big bad forest monster. They had so much fun it became a tradition every year to 'face the forest monster'. I always made sure to have some special toys to give out to the kids who did."

Just as she ended the story Hamato returned and placed their drinks on the table before leaving quietly. The glasses had moisture beading on them, and were filled with passion fruit juice with melon balls floating in it with sugar crystals dusting the rims. Saera grabbed hers and took a drink with a happy hum, "So, what about you, any fun stories?"
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Fri Sep 29, 2023 2:22 pm
Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


"Oh dear. I can only imagine how frightening a sight that must have been to a child, seeing a woman with her arms soaked in deer blood, but it gave rise to a pleasant tradition so I guess it worked out for them in the end, hm?"

Rio chuckled softly during the humorously morbid tale. Between this memory and the way she spoke of the children, Saera struck her as the woman who enjoyed interacting and watching over them to keep them in line, like a bigger sister or a mentor. It was a respectable trait, all things considered, and Rio certainly felt that aspect of her personality would be helpful if younger members joined their division. When Hamato brought them their drinks, Rio took a moment to survey the glass. Taking a soft sip after her appraisal, Rio tapped her chin, exploring the various memories she could recall that she deemed entertaining. She had so many stories about her time in the Shihoin estate and even her past exploits in the academy. Shrugging softly, Rio decided to choose the first that came to mind.

"A rather simple one. There was this one time when I and some of my peers were having an arm-wrestling competition to see who had improved the most in the academy. Naturally, I was fairly confident that I'd win. So, we hosted a kind of tournament, and others were compelled to join in, making it a far bigger affair than I expected. We had several matches, and I emerged victorious in all of them, but you want to know what the kicker was? A lot of them came out with sore arms, and that meant classes were canceled for a few days. That landed me in a bit of trouble with my teachers, but the students were happy since it meant they could take the day off. From that day forward, they ended up calling me "Steel Arm Rio" and the name stuck well after I graduated. Some of my friends from those days still call me that to this day."

Rio chortled softly after finishing her tale, savoring the flavor of her chilled beverage as she indulged another sip. The flavor was sweet with a hint of something else she couldn't quite pinpoint... tangy? a little sour? Whatever it was tasted quite nice, all told.


Last edited by Iori on Fri Sep 29, 2023 5:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Fri Sep 29, 2023 5:06 pm
Saera laughed at Rio's story, she could just bet that all the other students came up poorly against the future vice of the fourth. "Ah no need to sugarcoat it, I remember how the instructors were back when I was in, you can say they were pissed off. I never really got involved in anything like that in the Academy, a bit too focused at the time on some other things. Kinda wishing now that I had, sounds like that was a blast miss 'Steel Arm Rio'."

Saera downed the rest of her drink and popped the melon balls in one after another, enjoying the flavor of melon infused with the tang from the drink before sitting up straighter and giving a small stretch.

"As for the question you asked though...I'm enjoying the division well enough I suppose. A job's a job and at least I get to do what I'm good at. I haven't really interacted much with the current Captain, which I really should change I suppose. I do approve of her instituded training regiments though. It baffles me how some people would join the fourth and then think that means they don't need to keep improving, like just getting in was some sort of end goal."

Saera looked contemplatively in the middle distance for a minute, before shaking her head to re-ground herself.

"Now I don't know about you, but I'm feeling ready for a soak, when you finish that off I figure we can go wash up and then get in the springs."

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Fri Sep 29, 2023 5:33 pm
Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


"Pissed off was certainly one way of describing it, yes. To this day, it's still a funny moment among a list of many I look back on with fond emotions."

Rio shared in the woman's laughter, albeit to a lesser extent, as she consumed her drink. She rarely spoke about her past, so it was rather nice to take a trip down memory lane. While she took measured sips, she cast her golden eyes back to Saera as she transitioned into her answer regarding her time here. Rio found her answers acceptable. There was hardly any fault in her philosophy. She possessed the typical combat division pride, but there was a nuance to it that she found respectable. Although she couldn't help but offer her thoughts on her words at the end.

"For some, that is the crowning achievement of their life. Granted, this division isn't specifically tailored toward giving others a kind welcome. It truly is a division that demands a strong will and a firm spirit. From my time here, I've learned at least that much. I can't say I interact with Kanae too much, but I also welcome the opportunity to speak with my captain. Moving forward, I'd like to interact with her more than I do now. I don't know if I said it at the outset, but we're honored to have you in this division."

Finishing that statement, Rio consumed the rest of her alcohol as well, pleasantly savoring each melonball that fell met her tastebuds, chewing them softly as she set the cup down. Rising to full height, Rio turned back to the woman with a flex of her arm, clearly loosened up now in both expression and aura.

"Drink's finished. We can head on over now. I'm looking forward to enjoying the hot springs as well."


Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:17 pm
"Sounds like they're pampered to me. Anyone who's felt helpless in the face of danger, or felt the pain of losing someone close to them because they weren't strong enough to defend them wouldn't be content to sit on their laurels. I sure as hell wasn't fine being stagnant where I was out of the academy, and I'm not fine being stagnant where I am now. There's always gonna be a threat out there stronger than you, so you've always gotta be pushing your own boundaries to meet that threat when the time comes. Maybe someone should show them that."

Saera got up and made her way out of the room.

"Anyway, come on, the baths are this way."

Saera led Rio through the halls and into the bath, a large open room with stools along a trough on one wall with steaming water flowing through it, ladles and loofahs sitting next to each stool for washing up. Saera quickly stripped down, revealing the lines of her well earned tan and the extensive roadmap of scars and healed over burns that covered her body over lean, well used muscle and took a seat on one of the stools, grabbing the ladle and scooping out water to start pouring over herself as she grabbed the loofah and got to work scrubbing herself clean before they could enter the springs.

"You mind getting my back? I can return the favor."

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:23 pm
Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


"With that attitude, I'm sure you'll waste no time in showing our newer members the ropes, then. I think they could benefit from your guidance based on what I've seen so far."

Following the woman into the large room, Rio carefully peeled away her own layers. In comparison, her body was deceptive in that it lacked muscle definition, one would be hard pressed to deny the detail and well-kept nature of her frame. Cocking her head in response to Saera's request, Rio nodded politely and grabbed the nearest ladle and lofah in her vicinity, heading over to occupy a position behind the woman as she cleaned her back, taking care to make sure it was properly cleaned. Since they had already talked about quite a bit in the room, this was a relatively silent affair. Of course, Saera was more than allowed to speak during this short cleaning period.


Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:23 pm
Saera remained silent through the wash, enjoying the feeling of the water on her skin as a nice prelude to the coming springs. Once Rio finished with her back she got up and swapped places with the other woman and returned the favor, and once they were both done she led the way to the open springs. The springs themselves were beautiful, a winding path of natural stone leading to a large pool of water surrounded by the same. The pool itself was lined with stone that was also clearly naturally sourced, but carefully cut and smoothed out for people's use. The pool was fed from a stream of steaming water that wound from a natural spring through the surrounding garden that had been carefully curated with wildflowers, stones, and native grasses surrounded on all sides and hiding the building from view along the turns of the path to give the illusion of being alone in a wild clearing.

Saera happily slipped into the water with a groan, the steaming water feeling absolutely heavenly on her bare skin. She turned to face Rio with a relaxed grin, "Well, what do you think? Neat little place huh?"

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:04 pm
Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


Rio marveled at her surroundings as traveled the winding path of natural stone, impressed by the overall scenery that encompassed the onsen. At once, she softly entered the heated waters, exhaling with a relaxed air to her tone. Turning back to Saera, Rio nodded her approval, a warm smile crossing her lips.

"Quite. Between the service, the drinks, and the company, I've thoroughly enjoyed myself so far."


Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:30 am
"Good, hopefully you'll come back then. Kaede always appreciates new regulars, and I'm glad I count as good company."

Saera takes a moment to simply bask in the warmth of the water, leaning back with her eyes closed as she soaked. Eventually though she cracked an eye open and looked at Rio.

"So, I gave my opinions, what are your opinions on the squad, on the Captain? I'm sure being the vice must change your perspective quite a bit, if for no other reason than the paperwork we all cause you."
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Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio]

Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:12 am
Taking a moment to relax [Saera, Rio] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown



Rio idly waded her legs through the water, leaning back to enjoy a view of the sky through clouds of steam. She supposed since she asked Saera about it, she would inevitably return a similar line of questioning. In all honesty, Kanae was an enigma to her. She was at once, a woman who displayed a somewhat admirable image, yet the way she interacted with anyone was nothing short of... odd. The squad itself was a mixed bag if she looked at things with a scrutinizing eye. Paperwork was certainly one aspect of why she considered it a "mixed bag."

"Since there has been little interaction between me and Captain Nagoshi, I can't offer a firm opinion on her. At first glance, she has what can only be described as a charisma befitting a captain of our division. She's... interesting. As far as this division goes, if I were offering my honest evaluation as a the second in command? It's something of a mixed bag. There are those who work hard and embody the competitive spirit of this division, and one in specific who makes things especially difficult when it comes to managing paperwork..."

Was it glowing praise? Not necessarily, but then this division truly had been interesting, for better and for worse. There were those who competed and handled themselves well, and others who were nothing short of difficult to interact with, her captain especially.


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