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Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open)

Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:55 am
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Akira stood at ease, that worked. The man though being asked to follow, fingers from Liltotto lulling him to follow of which he did, though a book was more investing than that of a mere walk around. This Helle individual seemed important in the grand scheme of things, though a barrage of inquiries from the woman indicated a level of personalness. He should remain as a guard for the time being.

The pages of the book slamming closed, moving it into the inner sanctum of the plastic bag and rested his left wrist on the hilted zanpaktou, glancing at Helle with his Sight that saw reiatsu beyond usual face value that most creatures merely sensed. He wanted to know if there was anything unique about her power.


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Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open)

Sat Nov 25, 2023 6:58 pm
Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 QU9AStJ

"I feel I will have to get used to answering that question."

However, she did not answer it, yet. Her eyes lingered here and there as they walked, noticing areas that are still being reconstructed, new buildings, and the general change of environment. Her emerald eyes shined with an aloof aura, but it's hard to place where her thoughts are as the trio continued. However, her steps would stop, halting without warning as her eyes trailed towards a specific area. Her lips slowly formed a frown as she stared at the spot that used to be home to a cafe that she regularly stopped by.

"Do not fret over me. There are more important matters for your attention to tarry, Liltotto."

Obviously affected by the state of the City, Helle's mood felt different, more refined and dutiful.

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Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open)

Mon Nov 27, 2023 5:06 pm
Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 SwnS2TC

Liltotto Lamperd

Her gaze went across the city as well, a strong frustrated huff expelling from her nose as Helle diverted her questions away from herself and knocked it off into an indiscernible scope. She wanted to snap but she tempered her nerve with a deep breath, she was her friend second and her boss first in their current setting, and yelling at your boss that suddenly reappeared and left any who saw her gawking in awe isn't the most flattering sight.

"Important matters? Like the hole we can't do anything about right now?" A calm retort came from her as she appeared visibly upset, but keeping her tongue cool, "Or the frightened, traumatized people living in a progressively rebuilt city we can't simply undo? Or the Gotei farting about because they can and we can't just tell them to fuck off? I know they're there, they haven't stopped being issues, but me whinin' bout them isn't gonna fix em either; that shit's an entire process that'll take time."

Staring Helle straight in the eyes, she'd sigh and continue, "I want to take care of what's in front of me first, what I actually have control over. And that's me asking if you're doing okay, and asking what you want to do moving forward. Kay? Otherwise it's a desperate flail in open water."

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Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open)

Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:05 pm
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Guard duty wasn’t unheard of within the former Kido Corp though this wasn’t the decorum one might be used to, a nice change. Liltotto’s concern over a friend it would seem whose presence wasn’t felt for sometime, though each glance granted to passerbys was met with a warm smile and physical state of caution. They both didn’t need protection but Akira took his duty more than seriously, a sense of belonging in an odd way. He probably shouldn’t have been so informal with Liltotto, it would offer an air of undisciplined that wasn’t welcome in his own regime.

Helle halted, so did he.

The man listened further, eyes trailing over to the rebuilding efforts of the Vandenreich. That was more terrifying, a direct attack though Akira didn’t actually know who assaulted the city to bring it to heel so badly, left wrist chafing slightly against the midnight blue wrapping of the hilt. She was desperate to see Helle okay wasn’t she?

."Pardon my intrusion Ma’am. May I inquire what actually caused this level of destruction? I’ve yet to read all recent reports regarding external threats and internal alike.


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Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:01 pm
Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 QU9AStJ

"I too have control..."

And that means Helle will answer Liltitto at her leisure, if ever. However, there were things Liltotto shared that worsened Helle's gaze, leaving the woman's emerald eyes sharp enough to pierce through a wall. Her gaze did not lessen in intensity as she focused her gaze on Liltotto, only making it clear that the direction the other blonde's heading is not something she should commit to.

"I honestly hope that every person who looks upon me do not come to the conclusion that I require checking up on. Obviously there isn't enough flailing in open waters. If so, my city wouldn't have been destroyed by a torrent."

But, for as peeved as Liltotto had made her, Helle found herself dissatisfied with herself. She was someone who could have done something, but personal grudges ruined her. Nothing of the sort will ever stop her from doing her job again, but she has other matters before her. Their Shinigami ally had asked a question.

"Ichigo, a hero turned villain. I was not in proper form to handle him, but I have returned, better than before, to save my people."

Emphasis on better, Helle's harsh eyes had bounced between Akira and Liltotto before she turned and began walking.

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Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:15 pm
Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 SwnS2TC

Liltotto Lamperd

Brief confusion to Helle's expression turned into heated irritation by the insinuation, mouth parted ever so slightly, a breath rising in her throat to retort, her brows knit tightly in indignance... Only for the corners of her mouth to relax, sharpened teeth ready to snap words tucking reluctantly behind closing lips. That irritation transformed into hurt, visibly cringing a little for a moment, her gaze scattered as if searching for another way to respond, only for it to become a look of defeat. Shoulders slouched, a glint of pain in her expression, before her eyes shut and smothered those feelings into a pure neutral expression; Be upset later, she decided on her own. Squaring her posture back, a deep sigh would leave her,

"Yes ma'am," Was her only response, it was the only proper response in this position in her mind. What once told of friendliness, longing, and relief, was naught but a rigid posture, an unreadable gaze cast somewhere below and away from Helle; she would walk alongside as a soldier rather than a friend - that was what this moment told her.

The only other time she would look up was with Helle's insistence of being better enough to handle such a situation were it to happen again, the harsh exchange of looks feeling more like a question of if she was better, enough to not fail their people.

"There won't be a repeat of this," Her voice, having grown cold and taut, would say with a brief look upon some scaffolding, spoken to neither of their small band in particular.

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Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:42 pm
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To watch Helle shoot down Liltotto’s affection was like witnessing an MMA fighter destroy a thug on the wrong side of the street, brutal. It was a little difficult to not outright ask Liltotto if she was okay, nor would he really intend to bring up to a superior that this deflection could be a sign that everything she said was a little less than truthful. Did Helle not accept it because it was weakness in her gaze or by proxy was it a matter of feeling like she didn’t deserve it for not being here for her people.

He got out of his head though after the realization struck him, a name that had been legendary.

Ichigo Kurosaki.

Akira’s sympathetic look was all but evident yet a formal tone coming from a surgical background of classified operation.

."Ma’am, has anyone looked into why Ichigo Kurosaki turned into a malicious individual? Background information on basic motives might grant us some insight into an attack pattern. Known associates, allies, that sort of thing would do wonders. I doubt the infamous hero of Kurakura town would work alone.

He kept following though.


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Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:42 pm
Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 QU9AStJ

Questions were thrown her way, questions she did not have the answer to. In fact, she knows absolutely nothing about the situation, and even if she did, sharing any of it with a new recruit would be nothing but stupid. However, the very fact she knows as much as him spoiled her mood further. Each step brought her further into the city, each second passing bringing her gaze nothing but horror. She did not know how she would feel once she had returned, but the dismay all around her is nothing more than a detriment to her once chipper mood.

They had looked at her with splendor and wonder, but it should have never been that. She should have been here...

Suddenly, she stopped again, repeating herself like a broken record. However, this time, she brought a hand up.

"Erfassen." A whisper, a command.

Reishi shot up around Liltotto and her, separating the two blondes from the Shinigami. Without a word, Helle directed her fingers upward, the enclosed sphere rising into the air with the two departing from their third wheel. Helle found herself feeling nothing in particular for leaving the man asking questions. Her thoughts are too occupied to allow a stranger in.

"Liltotto. I would like to apologize, but somethings are hard to explain. I came here to help the Vandenreich because it was my ignorance that led it astray. My emotions got the better of me. As it stands, I'm not even your Director."

Her eyes fell back onto the City of Lights.

"Look at this mess."

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Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:41 pm
Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 SwnS2TC

Liltotto Lamperd

Gaze low, sensation smothered, she'd march alongside her company as a dutiful form accompanying the return of what was comparably tall and brilliant, a glaring sun to her quiet darkness. Maybe she didn't even see her the way she thought anymore, maybe whatever she went through to better herself smothered out any even ground they could have had. She could feel the difference between them, but she wasn't entirely sure if that extended to perceptions-

Was she uttering...? Quickly looking to Akira, she realized what the woman next to her was doing, and in a leap of instinctive care she opened her mouth to utter a single syllable of the man's name, before it was shut off by the barrier, Liltotto blinking rapidly but quickly got her bearings of the situation - one that felt all too familiar to her; they were pulled away from the earth by Helle's spellcraft, her words of uncertainty rousing the woman from her colder demeanor.

There was a brief pause in their exchange, the blonde taking a deep breath, allowing those feelings she crushed down for later to rise back up in their ugly, undistilled form.

As those words finished leaving the Quincy's mouth, the hardest slap she could muster would flash on Helle's cheek - what may have been comparatively the hit of a child to such a woman, but she didn't care, grabbing the mighty force's collar in the same movement with her hands and pulling her to look her close in the face, "Look at this mess first! Look at what's in front of you before you lose your fucking gaze to the horizon again!"

The mere idea of withholding possible insubordination was thrown out the window with their isolation from the public, and the mere suggestion there was no hierarchical distance between the two of them - they were back to communing on equal terms, and she would snap up every second of opportunity to express her true thoughts.

"You've been gone for months without even a message or idea of where you went! The last time I saw you, you were a fucking catastrophe, Helle! You really expect to show up again and just pretend you didn't go MIA for almost a year?! I thought you were DEAD, Helle! Do you really think you weren't the only one feeling screwed up by seeing the city like this, to hear that friends and comrades were injured or near dying?! I almost lost my only parent, AGAIN! And I wasn't even here to do anything about it! Even if I was, that orange bastard still would've gotten away with it, because I couldn't figure my own damn self out in time!"

Her breath shook, it trembled, her grip only tightening on her collar, but her pull weakened. Tears pooled in her eyes, embarrassment stinging her chest, "I thought I lost you. I thought I was gonna lose everything all over again. But I want to fight so I never have to go through that again, but even I have to admit I can't do it all on my own, you can't either, nobody can, nobody should be expected to do that much horseshit on their own, they'd go nuts. You'd go nuts trying!"

Her trembling fingers finally released her clothing, sniffing and rubbing her face, "...So just take it a step 'atta time, and talk to me. Please. The city isn't gonna sink tomorrow - we can figure this out so nothing has to crumble. I don't want to lose anybody else."

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Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Godly Ordained Right (Helle/Open)

Sat Dec 02, 2023 4:40 pm
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Akira’s overcoat fluttered rapidly as Helle activated this ability, reishi condensing and scooping Liltotto up like a pair of hamsters within their ball. The golden hues taking in information beyond the basic visuals, offering a soft exhale as they ascended upward, deciding this was an excellent opportunity to leave them to it. That awkwardness can be for another unfortunate soul, of which he did exactly that. Scuttling off into the shadows, finally able to read.


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