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Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:05 am
Vandenalism (Helle/Giselle) - Page 2 G86MvGd

"Lucifer was once an angel," Helle spoke, her voice dropping to a whisper as she added even more suspicion to her own sudden quality health. However, as she let Giselle go, she chuckled and turned herself away. The vending machine above them began to flutter away to a destination only Helle knows, but as the area around them began to grow silent, Giselle would feel the atmosphere around them turn still.

"Let us say, that even in death, we Quincy find a way to continue on. I have experienced over a thousand lives, all to restore my own. Let us not fret on the how and celebrate the now, Giselle."

However, Helle did not continue their small walk, even as she fell silent for the longest second any could feel. That lovely boundless energy before had vanished for barely a moment as something deep and ancient had took hold of Helle, unrestrained potential seemingly sparking all around the two as the depth of Helle's experience bore itself in the woman's sudden mood change.

But, that was all just an instant of weirdness that came and went. Helle soon bounced up, her mood all the better.

"...But, I'm sorry, Giselle, for everything."

And, without missing a beat, Helle is moving again, hoping Giselle kept pace.

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Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:15 am
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Oh, well that wasn't like. Ominous or cryptic at all. And yep, Giselle was going to pretend that she absolutely could not parse the additional details revolving around her hand which was now pressed over Helle's heart. IN the middle of the street. She just smiled and focused directly on Helle's face as they spoke. And ....furrowed her brows just a little. "I mean, when you put it like that it certainly makes me a little worried. But I guess it's not really like it's my business." She sighed and rubbed the back of her head with her free hand. Ah, and then realized that Helle had released the other one. Promptly extracting her palm from Helle's 'heart' and resting it on her hip.

The comment about Continuing in death was .....well. Giselle was kinda the last person to really go talking to about such things. She was , abundantly familiar, with the exact limitations that revolved around life and death as a quincy. She had considerable power in that department, and knew that even with all of her own machinations that outright reviving someone was something that was a bit ludicrous. At best, she was capable of tethering people to her soul. But then again, this was from a human's perspective, and only added to her suspicion. Whatever WAS happening with Helle was probably not really what she thought it was. That or Helle was mixed up with something even beyond Giselle's old level of fucked up. Both equally concerning prospects.

But before she could really think about how to .. move on from such a dreary subject. She was a bit startled by a heel turn of Helle's own. Visible surprise showing across Giselle's features before she tilted her head. "Sorry? What for? I don't recall you doing anything to me. Unless you stole some shit from my apartment without me knowing." She joked with a light little chuckle, but her tone was more ..curious than dismissive. What exactly did Helle have to apologize for?
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Fri Nov 24, 2023 12:48 pm
Vandenalism (Helle/Giselle) - Page 2 G86MvGd

"I'm young, naive. I'm sorry for not believing that you could change. I am aware others looked at you with scrutiny, and I believed you deserved it."

It seems they've reached their destination, the place that they first met and had their first confrontation. This was where Helle had threatened Giselle, but now it is where Helle has officially apologized to the other woman.

"Giselle," Helle started, turning around once again, as she had before, eyes focused intently. She is no longer simply Helle Armstrong, but her gaze burned with the weight that a Director of the Vandenreich must carry.

"The Vandenreich would be honored to have you, whenever you are ready."

And to top off the burden she has given Giselle every right to accept or refuse, she smiled, a gentle expression that could uplift and sodden soul from the rotting Earth.

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Vandenalism (Helle/Giselle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Vandenalism (Helle/Giselle)

Fri Nov 24, 2023 12:58 pm
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Surprise was .... a bit clear on the woman's face. She had somewhat expected it. With the lead-in about her joining the vandenreich, she surmised that it was possible of course. But hearing that sincere tone from Hell caused her to stop in her tracks, pausing as she realized where it was Helle had been leading them. And she fell silent for a few moments as she watched the woman closely.

She was silent for several long moments and let the dead air hang for a moment. Pondering the entirety of the situation. And of course, her memories did linger.

"You were around, right? Before Cyrus spit out Mazda." She stated firmly. Perhaps even catching Helle off guard. After all, for most normal people, that name no longer existed. It was only the vestiges of the Emperor inside her that had spared her losing her memories about that particular piece of erased history. And here she was, bringing it up. "Cyrus told me that once upon a time they were one. And that Mazda's intentions, were more or less once his own. And I got a sample of just what kind of intentions he had." She stated calmly, folding her arms for a moment.

Because after all. Helle was around for all that. So she was aware wasn't she? About ....whatever the Vandenreich had been before she'd gotten here. Giselle knew a fair ammount about this current Vandenreich. And a lot about the old one. But she didn't know almost anything about the middle child. The one Cyrus had originally been building up. But Helle did.

"Are you inviting me back to the Vandenreich I left? Or the one you plan on bringing back?" There wasn't any accusation in her tone. And frankly, she had no idea if she was even correct. But she was old, and this......vima nd vigor helle had. That ...nondescript manner she got back to where she is now. And that seriousness she'd shown a moment before.

If nothing else, she wanted to know what it was Helle wanted from her.
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Vandenalism (Helle/Giselle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Vandenalism (Helle/Giselle)

Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:09 pm
Vandenalism (Helle/Giselle) - Page 2 G86MvGd

Giselle wants Helle to think, to drop her pretty act and give the gritty truth of what's going on. In earnest, Helle respected it. Mazda was a creature that existed, yes. Helle could remember him simply because he had shared a piece of his divinity with her. That piece had left the day he did. She saw how he had changed, or better yet, saved the world. For all his faults, his aim was to simply protect the people of Earth.

"We always hide ourselves behind noble lies and pretty fiction. The world I want is one based on the reality we live in. I want our Vandenreich strong yet compassionate, Immovable yet malleable. I am not looking for war or to oppose the other people of these three realms. I simply want us all to work together and respect each other."

She looked off into the distance, understanding that what she said, in of itself, is but a pretty picture.

"However, I know that almost impossible. I hate all this senseless violence and hostility, but it is
unavoidable. So, all I can try and do is prepare my people for what's to come. There will be eventual combat. There will be lives lost. However, I never want to be a place where people feel unsafe. I do not want a regime."

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Vandenalism (Helle/Giselle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Vandenalism (Helle/Giselle)

Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:22 pm
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"A whole lot of We and Our talk considering I haven't accepted yet." She sighed and rubbed the back of her neck as she watched the woman closely. "And theres' a pretty narrow difference between 'not wanting a regime' and 'oh look, we created a regime', Helle." She noted, putting a hand on her hip and letting out a soft sigh as she fell silent.

"But at least you're being honest." She murmured. Gently rubbing at her eyes for a moment before looking off to the side. Ah, right, the vending machine's still with them. She turned to look back to Helle and flexed the right hand the woman had captured earlier, tapping the fingertips against her thumb as she considered it all. Yea, the way things had been run wasn't exactly the vibe that the Gotei would ever respect. Not that they usually respected anything.

"I'm not gonna make any promises. I'm still recovering, and I have people I'd need to talk to before making these kinds of decisions." She noted, before folding her arms and letting her shoulders go a bit lax. "But. I'll say you have my interest. I'm not gonna promise more than that. But I'll be in touch." She noted calmly. She needed to see what Liltotto thought about all this. Candice as well, assuming that her girlfriend was willing to talk to her these days. She had been pretty mad. Giselle's shoulders slumped just a little and she sighed, reaching up and rubbing her eyelids.

"I need a drink. And hell, I can finally get drunk. I appreciate the talk Helle. But if you'll excuse me, I need to go turn my brain off for the evening."
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