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Fri Nov 24, 2023 9:24 am
Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

The sun's barely out, the field a shadowy pastel of red, oranges, and yellows. The budding flowers lie asleep, few opening their petals to absorb the rays of the new day. With the air crisp and clean, the cool air coating one's lungs, dew dripped pleasantly in the perfect image of nature. It's a stark contrast to the horrors of Earth, its grey decrepit atmosphere bland and uninspiring.

When things have calmed down, she should plant a garden in Minatumi City or maybe add some land mass to fill with nothing but nature. That'd be nice. What'd be nicer is if a certain someone finally made their way here. Clear instructions were left for them to follow, but knowing that dunce, Elyss wouldn't be surprised if she took her time. Either way, she has all the time in the world right now. It is moments like these that make the impending doom seem so far away, almost too poetic for someone like her, but life has a way of even giving monsters room to breathe.

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Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:52 am

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Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 343

The last thing Hono expected was a note slipped under her door. After she returned to her room, she would find it. Instructions and a time? Suspicious… that being said, she did recognize the handwriting and who was she to say no to Elyss. She didn’t leave right away, but she did take a few minutes to make herself look presentable, she had just gotten back from training so her hair was everywhere and she was pretty sweaty all things considered. Nothing a quick shower couldn’t fix.

As she brushed her now wet hair she decided for a bit of a different look, she would let her long pink hair down today, usually it was held into two pigtails but she’d let the curly hair down, a rare sight, it would reach down about halfway down her back. Maybe Elyss would like it?

Before she left she would grab a small bag, some cookies she baked the day prior, she was originally going to give them to her sister, but hey, it give Hono an excuse to make some more. They were just normal chocolate chip, but she knew Elyss loved sweets.

Hono didn’t wear her Shihakushō. Instead wearing something more casual. Hopefully she wouldn’t get in trouble. She wore a plain red shirt and some black pants, she was gonna wear a skirt, but it was a little to chilly for that. As she walked further into the Rukongai she was curious just why she was being called out here. Though she wasn’t complaining, no work, just spending time with Elyss, sounded fun. The air was nice and the trees were amazing, the bits of sun that leaked through the treetops felt nice on her skin. Soon, after getting to the last direction, she’d find a familiar redhead.

With a light whistle she’d hope to get her attention. “I brought you some cookies” she held up the bag, jiggling it playfully. She would quickly walk closer to the Captain and go in for a hug, follow by a quick peck. “What’s up?”

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Fri Nov 24, 2023 12:34 pm
Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Never expressive, Elyss barely took note of Hono, not even the hug nor the kiss. Tired eyes focused on nothing in particular, her mouth opened, slightly agape but obviously prepared to say something. However, at the last second, whatever troubled thought that was to be expressed died, replaced by something fitting for now.

"Hey, Hono. Took your time."

The faint scent that wafted from the woman told Elyss enough. She didn't even have to look to notice that the woman's hair is down. The familiar bouncing buns hadn't hit her face. There's only been a few times when Elyss had seen Hono with her hair down, and those memories came to torment her.

"We need to talk."

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Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:17 pm

Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 102

“Well yeah. I had to take a shower and get ready!”

Hono would let out a soft grumble, though she was her usual bubbly self she could tell something was wrong, worrying Hono a lot. That being said, she’d drop the bag of cookies and keep Elyss in an embrace.

“Nothing bad I hope…” she spoke softly. “And here I thought you just wanted a little date with me…” after that, she’d release from their hug, putting about three feet between herself and Elyss. Hono’s expression changed to one that seemed worried and a bit concerned as she stared at the captain.

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Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:24 pm
Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

A date? Wouldn't that be nice? But, no. There's too much work to do for that. However, Hono's enthusiasm always made being serious hard. Elyss' trained mind kept her from losing to it though, for the most part, but it hurts her to have to be this way right now.

"...I've been thinking, Hono? Do you want kids?"

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Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:55 pm

Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 343

What… a loaded question. Hono wasn’t exactly sure what Elyss was talking about. Hono didn’t really understand where this conversation was going. Regardless Hono would answer the question honestly.

"Kids? Of course. You know I love kids. My brother and sister"

Was Elyss wanting to adopt…? Cause last time Hono checked. They didn’t really have the method to HAVE a kid.

"I mean. I’m sure there are tons of kids to adopt. Why…?"

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Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:04 pm
Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red


"Is that what you want, Hono?" Elyss asked, turning her head towards the woman. "Do you not want a child that you and your significant other created?"

Hono probably didn't get where Elyss was going at first, but the next part of what she said might have hit home. Elyss doesn't doubt that Hono likes her, but Elyss does doubt that Hono's ideal family would be something as escapism as adoption. There's something special about having kids of your own, created from the love you shared with another. Maybe this line of question may come off as random, but there have been some developments that left Elyss questioning if she's the right person for Hono to actually try and spend the rest of her life with.

"What is your ideal family? One of blood? Or one of compromises?"

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Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:24 pm

Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 212


Hono studdered, a little confused about where Elyss was going with this. Was Hono just stupid? She felt like she was being punked, waiting for a punchline.

"Of course, I'd like my own kids. But I'm a woman, I'm attracted to women... and last time I checked..."

Hono would hold up her pointer finger with her right hand and then make a circle with her left thumb and pointer finger. Where she would stick her finger in and out of the hole. Though Hono was still young, so maybe she was wrong?

"Biology doesn't... let that happen...?"

That last question would sting a bit, but Hono wouldn't take offense, at least not outwards. "Well. Family is family. You know no one in my family is blood-related, but I feel like I'd love Mizu and Farah just as much I think. But I can't really say what blood families feel like Elyss. My mom and dad died when I was like a year old." Hono would tap her chin before confirming her answer. "I guess as long as I get to be with the people I love, I don't really care, but having my own kids sounds fun."

"And... what about you? Where are you going with this?" Hono would speak calmly, hoping Elyss didn't think she was uninterested in this conversation.

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Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:10 pm
Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Anyone can be family, huh?"

Ignoring Hono's theatrics, Elyss shrugged her shoulders. Her face is hard to read, but most people are probably used to her poker face by now. It's just impossible to ever know what's going on in her head without it being said.

"You like girls, yeah, but how can you say that? The perfect guy could be out there waiting, and here you are, wasting time with me. I'm not a good family person, Hono. I'm just not cut out for that stuff."

Thinking back, despite everything everyone's done for her, Elyss has always felt like an outsider. She could never shake her uneasiness when everyone's enjoying one another. Sitting among them like she belonged always left her awkward afterward. A bottle helped her through her troubles, but her invasive doubts always returned.

"It'd be pretty cliche for a it's not you it's me thing, huh..."

Finally feeling the pressure of her own implication, she broke eye contact and stared at the ground beside her.

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Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:42 pm

Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 197

Why was Elyss being so weird? I mean it wasn't like these things needed to be complicated, I mean why could things never be simple? Hono would exhale, and nod. "Are you saying my brother and sister aren't really family to me?" She rolled her eyes playfully.

That being said, the next thing Elyss said would cause Hono to exhale and look down at her feet, processing everything. Was Elyss really breaking up with her over something like this? Well, that was her choice after all.


There was a few seconds of silence.

"Elyss... I don't need kids of my own to be happy. I'm perfectly happy right now" She spoke softly, stepping forward and looking at Elyss. "I have my brother and sister. "s that what you really want? I mean I can't force you to stay. "

Hono would give a reassuring smile, attempting to squeeze Elyss' hand. She still had a chance to save this. Who knew?

"You really think you can convince me, an orphan that family has to be blood? Think about this. What's the most important thing to me?"

Elyss likely knew the answer, that being, Hono's family.

"I have plenty of family"

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