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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:22 pm
Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"I'm an orphan too... However, I ran into my real family, my real mom and dad."

Elyss paused, thinking back to that reunion, finding the whole ordeal mentally and physically exhausting. However, it opened her eyes to a few things. One of those things was the realization that nothing topped your family. It's been years of inner turmoil, but one day with them left her feeling as if everything would be okay, and for as much as she had loved it, she hated it just as much.

It made all her prior relationships feel half-baked. Ulv, Alex, The Gotei, and even Hono became an afterthought, and Elyss found herself willing to leave it all to have her parents back. Duty comes first though, and it's that way of thinking that left her questioning everything about herself. If she's fit to have a family. If she's good enough to ask someone to only look her direction. If everything she's done and doing worthwhile.

"...I don't know if I'll ever be a family person..." She can remember how she took everything for granted and how it led up to her first death.

"...I've tried different kinds of love..." She sees Ulv, the woman who took her in and all that came of it. She also saw the others that have tried to love her and how she ended up pushing person after person away.

Here she is doing it again.

"I know I'm not the best or even that good at this, and I don't know, even if you adopt, if I'll be good for the kid. I'm always running headfirst at everything, and somedays I wonder if the next thing will be what kills me again. Even if not with a guy, you should find a gal that's not as weird as me."

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Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:47 am

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Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 296

Hono was also silent as she thought. Hono hadn't actually heard anything about Elyss' real parents. This caused Hono to think herself, what would her parents be like? They were dead, but she knew they were in the stealth division, and... that was it. But Hono didn't exactly CARE, her current family was enough for her. "When did all of that happen?" She curiously asked though Hono assumed recently with the sudden talk of family.

With a soft sigh, Hono would step even closer to Elyss. Here's where she would get a little bold, Hono would try to wrap her arms around Elyss' neck, trying to pull the redhead in a bit closer, going in for a quick peck. Though if Elyss denied it, Hono would take a step back and smile at her. Regardless of how Elyss reacted Hono would speak. In a soft, tone.

"You don't have to be a family person. What's with all of this all of a sudden?"

Hono really didn't have much experience with love, in the romantic sense, Elyss was her first real significant other, so she didn't have other experience, but overall, she really liked Elyss, dare say she loved her.

"Good at this? Don't be stupid. You were really sweet that day Hannah visited... I think you're great Elyss. I mean you're kind of the reason I've been training so hard, my stupid little goal... all of it. How... am I doing? At all of this?"

She would pause, thinking about what next to say. "Elyss... I'm still young, I wanna... have some fun before I commit to a kid!" Hono DID think Elyss was thinking a bit too far ahead "Weirdness is part of the fun. You always keep me on my toes. I like you... a lot Elyss..."

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Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Empty Re: Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono)

Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:52 pm
Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

They are young...

...But what does that matter?

"I could die tomorrow, Hono," Elyss muttered, moving her hands to grab at the dainty forearms trying to stay wrapped around her. Their height are similar, but, to Elyss, she found them drastically far apart. Even in personality, they clash like the sun and moon.

"How many times have I knocked on death's door?" Elyss asked, shaking her head as she thought back to every close call she's experienced. She's already died once, and she was only twenty then. The longevity of a Shinigami doesn't even come to mind.

Elyss lives her life on the edge, and that edge is a dangerous place to balance a loved one on. That's why Elyss is always alone minding her own business. She's that lone hero who's always ready to put their life on the line. She is nice. She is a good person. She has her faults, and she has her bad.

"I don't want you to cry over me like them..."

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Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Empty Re: Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono)

Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:08 am

Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 230

She would shake her head, and with a light sigh, she would look into the woman's eyes. "I could die tomorrow, so could any one of us..." She explained. "It's part of our job." She whispered, speaking softly since they were so close to each other.

"I'm gonna get strong so that the people I care about won't die. Mizu, Farah. You." The pink-haired woman would press her forehead against Elyss, trying to comfort the Captain. Hono wanted to let Elyss know she would be a little harder to get rid of.

"You're tough. The Elyss I know is durable..." She took her hands and tried to pull Elyss into her more. "That's a risk I'm willing to take. Is it not normal to cry about someone you love? I'll be there, ready to snatch you from death's door. You know I'm stubborn. So I'm not gonna let death take you! I'll just have to get stronger so I can kick Death's ass..." Hono spoke softly, with a very light chuckle would speak again, now in a very gentle tone.

"I love you Elyss..."

She was doubling down, changing her, like, into the big l word. That would be a first, from Hono, it wasn't something she hadn't said before, so she was a bit nervous about how Elyss would react. Was this the right thing to say? Who knew?

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Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Empty Re: Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:02 pm
Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Hah, but my job... I'm always away in the brunt of it... Sometimes I even wonder if this job's holding me back..."

Ah, but that's a talk for another day.

"You talk a lot for someone who can barely land a punch on me..." But, if someone were to look at the two of them, wouldn't they just see a younger Elyss? She wasn't much different from Hono, even if they're uppity about different things, and maybe that's something that brought the two together like this. Thinking about the why and how's good for nothing but a headache.

What's important is to appreciate the now. Elyss is always pondering about her future, dismissing the things in front of her because of her fears, but after everything she's been through, been told, and have learned, her stubbornness is still somehow keeping her from just moving on and accepting reality.

Of course it'd take someone just as stubborn as her to, once again, knock some sense into her. It isn't even like Hono did much. Elyss' argument was weak from the start, simply bundled nerves messing with her. However, after Hono's confession, Elyss had to step back, breaking Hono's hold around her. Strong words like that deserve an actual response and not something weak-willed. Something like this requires Elyss to think.

Stepping back, she turned her back to Hono and folded her arms, silent the whole while as the cumulation of her life came crashing down. Hono's only thinking about right now, not even pondering the disastrous future ahead of them. They could die tomorrow..., but they could also live the rest of the lives together. It made Elyss think about the people in her life, here and gone.

Her parents are still kicking, living as best as they can, even after everything. Ulv was the same way, living in the now and not the then or future. She even turned her back on the world just for a lady who didn't deserve it. Murasaki made decisions all the time that still catch Elyss off guard. She may be Captain Commander now, but she's still always thinking about what's right in front of her and never more. Why can't she be like that? Why is it so hard for Elyss? Even Tenmarin told her to live her life in the present and stop worrying about what she could do.

Everyone has. If Elyss just stopped thinking so hard, allowed herself to let the first thing that came to her mind to express itself. All the blocks in her head felt like mountains to move, but they came down one by one. All her thoughts came and went , and like mud turning into water, she found her mouth moving without regard for anything else besides what she found herself feeling.

"I... love you too, Hono."

Like a breath of fresh air, she found herself sighing, immediately regretting everything. Those worrying thoughts came back like a tidal wave, turning the calm waters into violent storms. Her cheeks turned red with embarrassment and anger, yet she had let herself live in the moment.

How the Hell do people do this?

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Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Empty Re: Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 10:58 pm

Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 505

Her job was holding her back? What were her real ambitions? Before Hono got to think about what that meant, it would seem Elyss already moved onto a different subject, and it quickly escaped Hono's thoughts.

"You know I'm big talk, but be careful~ I'm still gonna punch you in the face one day, don't think I forgot~"

A playful giggle would escape from Hono's lips. The stupid little goal hadn't gone anywhere, she was still gonna punch Elyss in the face. Though it did go on the back burner, a lot had changed since she first met Elyss and made that 'promise'. She got her Shikai, became seated, made a lot of friends, and hell, her cooking got better. The Shinigami was proud of herself, even though she wasn't on par with Elyss, it didn't matter, Hono was happy and she left her life in a great spot right now.

"Guess I'll just have to get back to training. But hey, you gotta admit I'm a helluva lot stronger than when we first met~ I don't care how strong something is, I'm gonna throw myself at it till it falls!"

That much was true, after her encounter with Shura, even though she was a lot weaker, she spoke her mind. That being said, Hono wasn't about to think about herself, Elyss was upset, and Hono was focused on making sure Elyss felt better!

"I think you should be more open to me like this. Speaking openly about how you feel and stuff... am... Am I helping at all? How about tomorrow, you come over and we can bake a cake? A big cheesecake?"

A very warm and almost motherly smile formed on the Shinigami's face as she brushed a loose strand of hair away from her own eyes. The captain was dropping a lot of things, and Hono was just hoping she was breaking them down and helping reassure Elyss. However she would get nervous after their embrace ended, followed by some silence, was Hono being too forward?! Was using that word too much? The pink-haired woman panicked internally. Taking a step back physically to let Elyss think.

Thankfully, those words would cause all of her worries to blow away. The pink-haried woman would decide to have a little bit of fun, with Elyss. Hono would step closer, putting herself closer to Elyss.

The sighs from Elyss did puzzle Hono, was that a sigh of regret or relief? She couldn't make it out just yet. Regardless Hono would place her pointer finger on her own lips, slowly circling them with her finger.

"You know Elyss... Actions DO speak louder than words... Don't forget my..." She would air quotes, and imitate Elyss' tone the best she could. "Stupid Apron..." Ah. Yes, the Kiss The Cook apron. "I want you to promise me you'll come to me if you need help" Her tone was deep, sounding much deeper and almost paternal. "You know you can tell me anything right? I want you to let everything out!"

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Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Empty Re: Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono)

Sat Dec 02, 2023 12:17 am
Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Elyss hadn't exactly regretted it, but Hono's whole nature slowly made her want a do over. You give the gal a bone and she'll dig up your yard. Thinking about it Elyss probably made the moment way more sentimental than she'd reasonably like to handle, but she had let her emotions get the better of her. Honestly, even now, she's just not that great with expressions.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," She'd start, facing Hono and catching the woman's mocking gesture. What a thing to turn and see, but if Hono had wanted to get Elyss a bit flustered, she sure did.

"Fine. I'll try better to talk more with you."

Walking closer, Elyss took Hono's wrists and helped the woman return them around her neck. Suddenly way more intimate than they were a few seconds ago, Elyss stared Hono down, an intense gaze as usual.

"But, anyway... You keep being yourself. I need my pushy dork to cook for me whenever I'm hungry."

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Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Empty Re: Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono)

Sat Dec 02, 2023 12:43 am

Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 124

Truth be told, Hono really just liked hearing Elyss say sweet things like that. It really did bring a smile to the pink-haired woman's face. Hono laughed a little as they got closer to one another.

"Good. So... I guess I was helpful? I don't want you to feel bad!" "

Feeling Elyss return to how they were before, would cause Hono's cheeks to turn a bright shade of pink.

"I'm glad we talked. But you know I'm more than just a cook right?"

She would let out a soft chuckle, though she was a bit annoyed, her asking for a kiss seemed to not go anywhere. She would let out a heavy sigh and decide to be more blunt.

"Damnit. Just fucking kiss me. Was I not obvious enough?!"

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Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Empty Re: Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono)

Sat Dec 02, 2023 12:51 am
Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"You were," Elyss verified, nodding her head, but then she'd smirk, a small boon of emotion that she doesn't usually share. "You're just cute when mad."

But, Hono wouldn't have to worry about any further torture. Elyss gave the woman what she wanted, closing the distance between them in swift motion. Lips would interlock, a moment that could only last a second but feel almost eternal.

Brazenly, Elyss even moved her hands, digits wrapped around Hono's waist to hold the woman there while they shared their passion with one another as they have before.

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Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 Empty Re: Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono)

Sat Dec 02, 2023 1:58 am

Get Pregnant (Elyss/Hono) - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 124

Hono wanted to turn red when Elyss smirked , but she had to clap back. Whispering into her lover’s ear. “And you’re cute when you give me what I want…” she would speak softly before letting out a light giggle.

As she felt their kiss begin. Hono would melt into her, Elyss would feel Hono’s tight grip loosen as she just focused on the kiss presently.

Once their lips parted, Hono made sure to return to her tight grip. Keeping her lips just inches away from Elyss’.

“I want you to say it again… things are more intimate now after all…”

Elyss saying those three words just a bit ago, it wasn’t what Hono expected, but she wanted to hear them again. Now that it seemed most of what Elyss was worried about was gone, well at least for the time being.

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