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Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:28 am
Grand Welcome[Stella, Solomon]  Nc14v0I


Once again, his peers were preparing to wager their lives on the plains of Africa. Truth be told, Solomon sincerely considered the idea of returning to that war-torn battlefield, yet he recognized that his purpose was better served here, overlooking the duties that befit a soldier of the Vandenreich.

Observing the city for any disrepancy, ensuring the safety of civilians, training to better prepare himself for battles ahead - all of these were well within the line of his duty, objectives he would carry out with relative ease. His time to join his comrades would come again.

His faith in all of them was boundless. And besides that, he had already commited himself to assisting Valerie with work behind the scenes, handling the civilian side of the equation, a task far more befitting of his temperment. He was a man of the people, and by that nature alone, he wished to ensure their safety above all else.

At the moment, he's simply striding through the city, assuming the role of spectator as he soaks in the view of the brightly lit city, biding his time until he's off duty. What will he do next? Train? Eat a meal? There were certainly plenty of options to mull over until the promised time.


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Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:13 am
Stella would be walking around the bright city as she made her way through the town. She was a little more intimidated than she thought she would have been. She's in a brand new country, and she just came with a person she had met for the first time. She didn't know anyone here, and atleast to her knowledge she had no family living here. She would quickly go into a small coffee shop, and get herself a coffee. After this she would walk out of the shop and begin making her way down the sidewalk of the city.

She would attempt to not get into anyone's way as a large building would catch her attention as she would look at it in awe. Atleast she had been to Berlin before, but this is all Is catching the girl from a small village in the woods off guard. She wouldn't have stopped to start at the building, so she wouldn't be paying attention to where she was walking, and would walk straight into the other quincy.

Stella was wearing Jeans, a Hoodia and a beanie that covered the back of her red hair. She would not spill her coffee, but she would look up to the man a blush on her face as she would speak.

"I am so sorry sir. I didn't mean to walk into you like that! I guess I just got a little distracted."
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Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:50 pm
Grand Welcome[Stella, Solomon]  Nc14v0I


Turning his head in the direction of the young woman who bumped into him, Solomon was hardly offended by her minor error. If anything, it allowed him to look at his watch for a moment as his duty finally ended at that precise moment. Directing his coworker to take over, Solomon turned back to Stella with a smile, an upraised hand waved to assuage her worry.

"No harm, no foul. It was a minor bump, if that much. That was just the reminder I needed to clock out, so you actually did me a favor, miss. What ended up distracting you? My dashing good looks or the city's bright lights?"

Voicing playful words to eliminate any tension she felt, he took a moment to observe her appearance, his head cocked to the side in
humorous curiosity. She didn't strike him as familiar, but then again, he wouldn't dare proclaim he knew every face in this city.


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Mon Nov 27, 2023 5:01 pm
"Aha!" She would have a slight blush on her face now getting a look at the man as she would then stutter slightly. "More so the city lights. I'm not exactly used to being in a city like this." She would say as she would turn around looking at the shiny and tall buildings before remembering her full business here.

"Sir, sorry to be blunt like this but would you be a quincy?"

The girl would ask as she needed to find a tutor who could take her under their wing. She could tell this person was probably not normal considering if she lost concentration like that and walked into someone they would probably be knocked down. He barely moved at all.
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Mon Nov 27, 2023 5:50 pm
Grand Welcome[Stella, Solomon]  Nc14v0I


"New to the City of Lights? You're in luck. I've become well-adapted to the lay of the land here. My name is Solomon. Since I'm off duty, I wouldn't mind showing you around if you're having difficulty navigating the city."

Solomon chuckled softly at the woman's reaction before his gaze surveyed the current area. For a newcomer, he couldn't exactly blame her for being unaccustomed to the hustle and bustle of a place like this. It was a place as active as it was bright, after all. Maintaining a gentle smile, Solomon answered her question with an affirming nod. It was an odd question, to be sure, but certainly nothing he found offense with.

"Correct. I am a Quincy. What about you, miss?"


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Mon Nov 27, 2023 6:32 pm
*She would nod excitedly, but instead of summoning her weapon like she did last time she would use her head, and pull up her right sleeve as the blue venes of blut would flicker as she would beem at him.

" what Can you do? you're the first quincy I've met that isn't family...."

She would say realizing thst her personality may have came off a bit antsy, and she realized that it may be annoying as she would rub the Back of her head as she realizes she may have forgotten to say her name.

"Oh...yeah you can call me Stella.
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Mon Nov 27, 2023 7:04 pm
Grand Welcome[Stella, Solomon]  Nc14v0I


Solomon cocked an eyebrow in piqued interest, observing the azure lines running along the length of her arm. The physical proof confirmed his answer, eliciting a light chuckle as he decided to display what he was capable of.

"What can I do? Check this out."

His display began with the manifestation of his spirit weapon. Extending a palm forward, electrified particles of reishi danced around his hand until his prized weapon, Keraunos, roared into existence. Allowing the blade to hover in the air around him, controlling it's trajectory with a eletric pulse, Solomon performed his next act, forming platforms of reishi to navigate as he walked through the midair for a moment before shifting the platforms into a makeshift seat, slowly returning to the ground with relative ease.

Most who viewed the spectacle would have clapped or decried the man as a showoff, but since it was for Stella's eyes only, Solomon didn't particularly care about their point of view at the moment. Turning back to her with a confident smile, prideful about his array of talents, he allowed everything around him to disappear within a mattter of minutes.

"As you can see, I'd like to think I'm capable of a lot considering what I've been through. The ability to manipulate reishi. Hirenkyaku. Blut. And lastly, Letz Stil. It's a pleasure to meet you, Stella."


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Grand Welcome[Stella, Solomon]  Empty Re: Grand Welcome[Stella, Solomon]

Mon Nov 27, 2023 7:44 pm
Stella would be the latter as she would clap excitedly as she would go ahead and make her request. As she would realize that maybe he could pick up where her mother left off? Maybe? As she would look hopefully at the man.

"Are you one of the sternritter?"

As she would recall what Akira had said about the different branches of the Vandenreich As she would listen for the answer she couldn't get the smile off her face. She had really did it. She really made it to the city her mother told her stories about.
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Grand Welcome[Stella, Solomon]  Empty Re: Grand Welcome[Stella, Solomon]

Mon Nov 27, 2023 8:12 pm
Grand Welcome[Stella, Solomon]  Nc14v0I


"Correct! That's two in a row. Someone has a perceptive eye. "

Solomon maintained his pleasant expression as he landed on the ground. He wore the Vandenreich name with pride, and although he wasn't exactly sure about his presence and what it brought as a whole, he was equally proud to be a member of the Sternritter.

After all, they were the division taked with fighting on the frontlines, a task that ensured he would be able to protect and defend any and all civilians from danger. Now, he simply needed to develop his abilities further to be of greater use to them as a whole.

"Interested in the Vandenreich, I take it?"


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Grand Welcome[Stella, Solomon]  Empty Re: Grand Welcome[Stella, Solomon]

Mon Nov 27, 2023 8:28 pm
"Y...yes I would. I wanna get strong enough to fight the big scary hollows my mother told me about when I was younger. She said the ones back home can't compare, so I wanna get strong enough to protect more than just my village."

Shw would give a but of her story out to yhe man as she had gotten slightly carried away as she would let out a sigh. Clearly feeling a little homesick as she would speak again.

"Sorry got a little carried away."
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