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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:00 am
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 G86MvGd

"Yes, and I am sure many do not mind being tracked. A higherups go ahead does make the line of wrong and right blurry, unfortunately. A simple announcement from someone trustworthy can alter a person's prior opinion."

Her eyes stayed put on the holographic view of the hole, ticks in her gaze suggesting that she was viewing everything with a keen eye. Again, it's impossible to discern what the blonde could be thinking about. It seems her time away has helped her learn a thing or two about keeping her thoughts to herself, something she lacked before her incident.

However, leaving insinuations behind, Helle did not come here to question Ehefra's character or lack of. She is not omnipotent to selfishly gauge what Ehefra wants. Politics is not her forte. There are things Helle would like to keep private about her return, so it's best that she doesn't let anyone that close. She's unsure what Ehefra may find with any amount of prying.

"I am sure the Sternritter already have reports about the hole, yes? If so, I will not be needing anything they do not have..., unless you have withheld information that only a Director would be privy to."

But, despite her dilemma of disliking politics, Helle understands too well that there are certain things that are not for the common soldier. She's not even that, so she doubts her assumption will lead anywhere without the proper title returned.

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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:23 am
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 HEADER2_sample-75b629b79df6a81c4ca3d613108cc0a8

Ehefra gave a little nod at that and sucked her teeth, drumming her fingers ever so lightly as the subject moved on from the subject of permissions and consent. Yea yea, authority and all that. Still, she folded her legs and reclined in her chair as Helle seemed to study the layout, all as Ehefra did a bit of studying of her own. Sure, she wasn't given permission to scan the woman, but her Reikaku was active, intrigued to see if she could sense any instability within the woman's spiritual pressure.

"Such information is available to those who go out of their way to ask for it. I've made reports to the Directors of the Ritters and To about my findings. Wether or not they have passed that information down is up to them. And in regards to restricted information. well, I'm not really able to go talking about wether or not there is any." She noted with a lopsided little smile towards the woman, tapping her fingers along the edge of the counter for a moment as she surveyed the woman.

"things are a little busy with everything going on. So it may be a little bit before someone can see you from the uh...Up and Ups." In reference to Cyrus and his advisors. "Just incase you're waiting on them or something. We've had our hands full as you can imagine.You got a place to stay in the city still?" Reasonably she knew Helle SHOULD have a house in the city. But well. There wer those rumors about her selling everything and running off to cuba or some shit. Never hurt to ask.
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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:26 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 G86MvGd

"I assure you, I am not waiting for them to be available. A crisis has befallen us, and keeping the strongest Quincy ignorant of what's going on would be..."

Well, how does one say stupid without using that specific word? Helle paused to ponder such during her arrogant rant, but she found it best to leave her sentence unfinished. Besides, her little warning is definitely more than just a warning. She did not return after everything that had happened just to sit and wait on her hands as people suffer.

"Either way, my living quarters have been sorted. People still view me as their Director. It was easy to secure a building."

She did not mention if any of the rumors around her disappearance were true though. Helle has no time to worry about what others thought of her in her absence.

"I will browse through all the data once I've returned to my office. Let them know to have it readily available for me."

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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:42 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 HEADER_E7394dXVIAIlaKk

"Oh yea?~" She couldn't help the slight smirk that formed over her lips at that confident statement from the woman. Especially since 'Waiting for the information' was exactly what was going to happen. Ehefra most certainly was not going to go handing out such information to someone whom may or may not wind up in a position authorized to receive it. But even so, she LOVED the fire behind the woman's words.

Was it maybe that the woman was so sure of herself?
Was it perhaps that this pretty little blonde wanted something SHE had?
Was it possibly connected to some semblance of superiority in this very moment over the beautiful blonde babe of the Sternritters, now reduced to a mere civillian for the time being?
Who could tell~

Probably Helle if she took even a moment to see the look on Ehefra's face.

"Won't be necessary. The terminals in the Administrators offices already have the appropriate authentications for access to the data. So long as the information has been designated a clearance level by Grandmaster Auramazda or Director Grey, you'll be able to access whatever data you've the clearance for within seconds." She noted simply. Of course, if Helle went and traipsed herself around either A, her Boss. Or, B, one of the other directors or cyrus and just managed to wrangle the information from them? Well that would certainly circumvent things. But then that would squarely be not her problem.

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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:19 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 G86MvGd

"Then, it'll be available to me by the end of the day. There isn't any time for delay in these matters."

Ehefra may find herself smug, but Helle only met the woman's gaze with barely a hint at what she's feeling. Her emerald eyes only shown with pure confidence in what she's doing. There is no room for doubt. Who will stop her anyway? None. And it is that simple fact that means anything and everything is possible.

"Now, I imagine there is little else for us to discuss."

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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:42 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 HEADER_E7394dXVIAIlaKk

"So it would seem for the time being. But I don't imagine that will last long, given your interest in the data collected. I imagine we'll be seeing eachother plenty once you're reinstated." She noted with no shortage of her own confidence. ESPECIALLY with how interested Helle was in the data.

Truth be told, at times she did feel a bit underutilized. But hey, if Helle DID wind up back as director and had such interest in her work, all the better. Even if it DID mean this walking sack of carbs traipsed around her fucking department all the time.
"In any case, sounds like you'll be on your way. Before you go though, are you sure you wouldn't like a jacket? Getting a bit chilly out to have the girls out." She ventured with a thin smile.
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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:50 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 G86MvGd


"I assure you, my girls are comfortable," Helle spoke before smirking as she turned away from Ehefra.

"Maybe one day you'll get there. They're supposed to generate their own heat after all."

And with that statement, Helle went to take her leave. Ehefra may be right in that Helle has interest in the hole. She has interest in a lot of things, but that interest is best reserved for times that are not full of strife. There is a duty to be done for now. Theories and such can wait.

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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:59 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 HEADER_E7394dXVIAIlaKk

"Then.....mhm...." A retort had been about to exit her mouth when she realized that it would come off more flirtatious than cutting, and well. That smug look on Helle's face removed the one on her own as she watched the woman strut out of her office. Her lips thinned as she watched the woman leave, only to close the door to her office and exhale slowly through her nostrils. Drumming her fingers for a few seconds before glancing down at her ...own chest.

Her shoulders slumped slightly.

"Stupid blimp..." She murmured under her breath.
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