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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Sat Nov 25, 2023 6:50 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) G86MvGd

A to-do list is always helpful. It helps organize one's day and keeps their mind focused on the tasks before them. Helle, despite returning, still hasn't been reinstated as the Director of the Sternritter. She feels as if it is inevitable, but these things must be done properly. Everyone seems to have accepted her return as her taking up her old job, but if the current head has other plans, than so be it. It is unwise to simply hand something over, especially after she had been gone for so long. A lot has happened.

However, as a Director or not, it is still wise to get to know the current happenings of the city. It seems they've finally found a suitable replacement for Ninsianna. Not knowing anything about Calliope, Helle decided to make her way towards the Albedochiffren headquarters. It seems they've also had further renovations and have grown their Steingruft subdivision. That is excellent news, but with renovations come a lack of knowing. Helle doesn't know where she should head as she made her way into the building, looking here and there for anything of familiarity. It wouldn't be hard to ask for assistance, but for a second, she simply gazed at the people around her. Even being her, most seemed far too busy with their paperwork to notice, but what would one expect from their information sector?

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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:01 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

The Steingruft was pretty easy to notice when you reached it. For one, the directory was clear enough, the signs that guided one through the silbern. But once they actually REACHED the Steingruft. Well, it was very obvious. The surrounding walls changed to a smooth, clean, featureless glassy surface. A plain wall with a sign overhanging it. As well as a notice. Office Hours, as well as a Sign detailing Security Clearance requirements. Of course, under normal circumstances one of the Automated Cubes would be manning the desk. But as luck would have it, Helle would see none other than the Administrator of the department by the desk. She was going through files as it were. The floating Sphere that was the 'secretary'. A sort of emulation of her own Beeps that accompanied her. But for the time being, the little floating thing was inert. So it wasn't until she heard Helle's footsteps that Ehefra glanced up from her consol.

"Armstrong? Huh didn't expect to see you here for a while." She didn't seem surprised in the slightest that Helle was back. A calm smile flashing across her features as she stood upright and flashed a lopsided smile at the woman. As she did, that little pale cube poked out from the pocket of her jacket, peeking up at Helle before vanishing back into her pocket. "dWhat can I do ya for?" She ventured casually. Waling out from behind the desk and gesturing toward the wall. A seam promptly sliding along it's length before peeling open, The reishi the wall was made from breaking down to reform into a door.

"Let's head to my workspace. You're here to visit, yea?"
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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:10 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) G86MvGd

How convenient. There are signs directing one to where they needed to be. They aren't as useful to someone who has nowhere to be, but they provide enough for a quick tour of the building's interior. It is strange to return and be met with these mixed reactions. Some seem overtly happy to see her. Others have more distrustful eyes. Considering a lot, their reactions are warranted.

However, there are some who do not react at all. Is it the dread bearing down on them? Have they simply lost the capability to feel? Can one care that little? As more members die or leave, new ones take their place. It would be egotistical to believe them able to understand who she is and what she means. However, that thought is also a bit... full...


Ah, someone who seems the uncaring type. Ehefra was around the same time as Helle. Seeing the woman treat her return as an afterthought made Helle ponder a few things. For a place of science, you'd think the sudden miraculous return of someone thought crippled and at death's door would turn more heads. But, alas, the sudden acquisition of her time took her by surprise. Invited without even saying anything, Helle felt compelled to follow despite her original plan.

"Are you of need of me?"

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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:36 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

She blinked.

Her head tilting ever so slightly as she stopped in the doorway to the Steingruft, raising her brows when Helle simply responded with her name. Huh, that intense stare really was something. She'd heard a couple times about it. Though, admittedly, that wasn't Helle's most legendary of features. Not that she really paid much attention to all that. She barely knew much of anything of the woman. But hey, it's not like she really knew the woman personally.

However, when Helle suddenly asked her that question she stopped in her tracks completely, glancing over her shoulder as Helle went on to ask her such a question out of the blue.

"Ah, is this what they mean when they talk about a Femme Fatale? I didn't know Older Women were so scary." She smirked, chuckling lightly about being asked such a thing. "I told you to come inside didn't I?" She stated simply, turning back toward the hall before them and promptly leading the way toward her personal workspace, expecting that Helle would follow. Why else would she be here after all?

The walkway itself was fairly straightforward. Smooth, almost featureless walls save for the other corridors. Several areas were in evidence. Archives full of volumes and scrolls. Server rooms kept cool behind closed marked doors. Signs showing the way down the different ones. Testing areas, lecture halls, meeting rooms. And finally they made it to Ehefra's own personal workspace. A large room with a number of computers and consoles. A number of inert spheres lying around. Some of them lit up, others simply dull and lifeless, the kind that were simetimes deployed out on missions or stationed around the Steingruft as guides. The place was a little untidy, but it had an air of controlled chaos.

Making her way to her own large circular table at the center of the room, Ehefra promptly rested her rear on the edge of the table as she leaned back against it. "People were saying you jumped off a cliff. Glad to hear the rumors weren't true. Whatever is going on in your head, please be gentle. I have a meeting later today."
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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 4:45 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) G86MvGd

Femme fatale?

Helle's features hardened at the descriptor, clear indignation in her cool green eyes. She studied the hallway they walked down, expression mute and focused. She always looked as if she had something to say, but only the click of her heels echoed. However, despite her indifferent aura, she had not thought of anything worth mentioning until they arrived in Ehefra's disorderly room. Again, Helle did not bother to understand the chaotic order around her, instead cocking her hip with a hand on her thigh.

"You have a new Director? Tell me about her."

To the point, Helle only let her eyes wander for a brief period before resting them on Ehefra. Her earlier frustration had faded within the short amount of time it took to reach their destination. In actuality, Helle had come to, do as they say, shake information from her possible cohort. She had simply allowed herself to be sidetracked with the immediate accessibility to the Steingruft, but she'll get to her questions pertaining to that momentarily.

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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:29 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

Oh yea? THAT got her dinglers wigglin? Ehefra's brow raised slightly as Helle promptly seemed to focus on the new director. "You askin for like, her medical records? OR like, her vibe? She's like... fine. It's certainly been interesting working with her. But well, that just comes with a change in oversight. I'm sure if you wanna meet her yourself it shouldn't be too hard." She stated casually enough, lightly kicking her legs at the edge of the desk as she let her shoulders relax a bit.

Certainly there was an awful lot of ...purpose in Helle's stare. Interesting. All the while, the room hummed ever so slightly and Beeps circled Helle curiously. "That said, kinda surprised you don't know more about her. Aren't you Directors all buddy buddy or something? I'm sure they'll be showing up to say hello once they know you're back. I wouldn't be surprised if she's clearing an afternoon right now. Fancy girls are like that." She waved a hand dismissively at the very thought.

"Why, thinkin of paying her a visit next?"
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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:41 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) G86MvGd

"I have been away for almost a year, Ehefra. Any changes to the Vandenreich are foreign to me."

Helle made sure to point out the fact that she has not been an active member for a long while. However, her eyes danced around a bit as she took notice of the beeping around her. Aware of this, she narrowed her eyes at Ehefra.

"You aren't scanning me or anything, are you?"

Calliope is a stranger to Helle, but that is an issue that will be solved eventually. Ehefra's room has taken Helle's attention. The idea that she is being investigated by more than just Ehefra has her a bit self-conscious now.

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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:39 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

"That you are, but once you return to your new post I'm sure you'll be brought back up to speed. You ARE looking to return to your old post, aren't you?" She asked with a raised brow and a playful smile towards the woman, continuing to lightly click her legs a bit as she watched the woman closely. Noticing the sudden flick of attention to their surroundings, Ehefra gave a light chuckled and smiled as she leaned back in her chair.

"I'll be the first to admit I'm VERY interested in your body. Your miraculous recovery. The potent Spiritual energy coming off ya. But no, I'm not one to go scanning people without permission. When I'm not under orders to do so, eat least." She noted calmly. "That said, if you're volunteering..."

Ehefra raised a hand, and opened her palm. A slim ring of reishi forming above her hand before slowly rising up. A soft, crackling noise sounding as the ring rose and promptly pulled in reishi, slowly constructing a slim silver bracelet hovering above Ehefra's palm. Constructing it from some sort of blueprint seemingly. Plucking the item from the air, Ehefra held it out to Helle and smiled.

"A device that monitors and records information about yourself and anything you might be engaged with. I've already had a few members of the Vandenreich volunteer to wear them so that I can collect data on their own abilities and anything they fight. IT's provided a very nice ammount of data about their own abilities, as well as information from the hollows in Africa's abilities." She pointed out before glancing off to the side. One of the computers promptly lit up, and a projection of an Armored creature showed up on the console. The Vasto Lorde that Liltotto had fought. A very basic display without any further information.

"I've been meaning to get in contact with the Sternritter up and ups about more widespread use. For data collecting purposes, and intel collection for our sneakier friends in the vandenreich. Not gonna lie, I'd be very interested in your own data. I've heard a lot of stories about your abilities in the past." She pointed out, sliding off the table and walking directly up to Helle. "Course, not like you gotta answer right now. I'm sure you got a lot of stuff on your plate as is."
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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Thu Dec 14, 2023 11:10 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) G86MvGd

Again, Helle found herself suspicious, a sudden well of conflicting thoughts pouring into and through her mind like a sink's drain. She did not seem impressed nor disgusted at the idea of being monitored, her eyes unreadable for a second. In fact, her gaze seemed vacant, almost absent in totality, something akin to what someone losing consciousness might look. Ehefra would notice the darkness in her eyes before the next blink gained her visage its usual green glow.

"That is fine, Ehefra. I will not be accepting your offer. As for others, if I do retake my position, I will not make it mandatory. If they wish to partake in your surveys, then that is a conversation for consenting parties."

Her eyes moved from the closer woman to the screen, spying the Hollow that appeared on it. Something felt strangely recognizable about it, but she has never witnessed this creature before in her life. It is possible that it has something to do with what has brought her back to the Vandenreich. If so, she'll have to meditate on it later.

"...The hole..."

Muttering under her breath, Helle's brows furrowed.

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Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra)

Thu Dec 14, 2023 11:52 pm
Illogical Science (Helle/Ehefra) HEADER2_sample-75b629b79df6a81c4ca3d613108cc0a8

Oh? Was that how short the pipeline was? A full two sentences after saying she wouldn't scan someone without permission and the woman's memory wipes and she brings up mandate. She thinned her lips just a little. Smon Ehefra, be nice. She's just.....still getting back into the swing of things. No need to think mean things about her.

"As I'll repeat myself Helle. I don't go taking scans without permission unless it's by one of my boss's orders." She noted flatly in firm dismissal. She shook her head just a bit and turned her back on Helle as she brought her attention to the console.

Still, she paused and glanced over her shoulder when she noticed Helle's eyes affixed to the display on the screen. "Yes ma'am, The hole." She confirmed, before a larger display swept upward above the hollow themselves. A massive display of the hole's interior structure. Little fragments littered down below the surface, showing implications of branches, crevices, and other features surrounding the chasm. Naturally, it wasn't great, long range scans weren't the best, but it gave a fair estimation of the thing.

"If you wind up taking your old post, I'll be sure to give you the full rundown if you like." She sat herself in her chair, taking just a moment to eye all the data. Well, what could be displayed. There was so much more than that though. Full scans of a number of fights. Flow, potency, pressure. A full analysis of their enemy's spirit energy, and their bodies themselves. Nonsense for most individuals. But for Ehefra; who had spent her life converting such flows and ebbs into a coding language of her very own, they were like music. Music in need of the proper instrument to play.

"But well, I doubt you have much interests in scans I suppose. Still, I can compile the reports to something more digestible." She noted with a dismissive wave of her hand, the displays all promptly thinning out into nothing , leaving the default display as she did so.
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