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Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) Empty Girls that Pack a Lunch (Meninas, Ehefra)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 1:31 pm
Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

A soft little hum escaped Ehefra's throat as she made her way through the Silbern. The Administrator of the Steingruft kept her hands in her pockets as she made her way through the silbern. A soft yawn escaping her throat as she lightly rubbed at her eyes, shoulders nice and lax as she took a casual walk around. Well, slightly casual. She was actually making her way to the training area. The Systems down there had been taking a lot of use, generating environments and so it was due for a check-in. A bit of tuning, download some new variants into the reishi fabricators, and hey, maybe take it for a spin if need be.

Arriving at Training Bay C, she took a moment to hold her badge up to the scanner. Having it recognize her as an Administrator and Admin in the system, the door not only opened, but her phone promptly pulled up the control menu. But she would look at that later. For now, she took a moment to scan the training Bay. After all, it would be bad manners to interrupt whomever was in there mid-training for a tune-up right?

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Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) Empty Re: Girls that Pack a Lunch (Meninas, Ehefra)

Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:21 am
Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) 7aafbbf79b3637e720b0de2657715538

The pink haired Quincy still had no idea how the room worked but she was having so much fun that it didn’t bother her much. She’d just been trying to find her bearings and had come across the large room by accident, a program left running by whoever had been in there before her. No sooner had she entered and the door closed behind her, Hollows started spawning all over the place. It had been just a few at a time at first but the more she defeated, the more that appeared, much to the bemusement of the woman. Still, she didn’t overthink it and just beat them all up, turning the city-like environment around her into a wasteland.

Meninas was always in motion, leaping from enemy to enemy, grabbing onto them and then delivering a brutal beating with her fists alone. She could’ve added her powers into the mix but simply didn’t feel like it, instead just using the gifts that her body provided her. So much of her childhood years had been spent honing her well toned frame and the effects of that were certainly being felt among the projections around her. The over six foot female was literally throwing them all over the place, performing moves that a wrestler would be proud of.

Jumping upwards, the green eyed woman would leap up and deliver a powerful uppercut to an annoying Hollow that had been buzzing around her, her face shattering its mask in a single blow and causing it to disappear. The projections felt real enough and Meninas was able to feel the impact of her blows. The Scot had no idea how the scientists could do such things, having the technical nous of a cockroach when it came to that field of work.

Landing, she would then sprint towards a lumbering Hollow and grab hold of its leg, before using her immense strength in order to swing it around and then letting go, launching it like a torpedo.

Unfortunately, she hadn’t concentrated much on where she was aiming and certainly didn’t expect to see another woman in the room.

“HEADS UP!” The Scot warned, her thick accent making her words a little hard to decipher.


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Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) Empty Re: Girls that Pack a Lunch (Meninas, Ehefra)

Tue Dec 05, 2023 11:15 pm
Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

Oh. Seems someone WAS using it. And even the simulated enemies. Ehefra's eyes scanned the scene before her, recognizing the program that was currently active as the simulated hollow golems promptly were tossed around like playthings. A sigh escaping her. People really never used these properly.

Still, she watched as Meninas promptly crushed the generated golems with fairly rapid viciousness. It was at the very end of this string of takedowns that Ehefra noted the sudden speeding Hollwo racing toward her. There was a crackling noise as claws formed along the tips of her fingers and wrist, catching the beast with those pointed claws and then slamming them down into the ground with promptly force, shattering the fabricated hollow's skull into the ground, it's frame spasming before going quite still, peeling her claw from it's 'corpse' as it dissolved before sticking her tongue out.

"Fancy moves. Kinda surprised you didn't raise the settings for more of a challenge." She observed with a calm smile toward the woman. That helpful voice of hers kicking in as she looked around as the area reset itself. "Sorry to disrupt your training, I'm Administrator Kleinmund of the Steingruft. I needed to do a quick diagnostic on the training module." She explained, introducing herself as well.
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Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) Empty Re: Girls that Pack a Lunch (Meninas, Ehefra)

Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:25 pm
Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) 7aafbbf79b3637e720b0de2657715538

Meninas blinked as she saw just how quickly the other woman dealt with the Hollow, using a pair of claws to smash it into the ground. It was done in a flash and the tall Quincy had to admit that it was impressive to watch. She was no novice, that was for sure and as the woman introduced herself, the rookie blinked again, not expecting to come across a member of the Administration so easily in her career. Meninas wasn’t sure if she should use honorifics or not and for a moment or two, the rather awkward six footer ummed and arred in her head as to whether she should or not. Why was it that she could shout a warning so easily to a stranger and yet struggle to figure out how to say hello properly afterwards?

“I wouldn’t know how to change the settings if I wanted to. I kind of suck with technology and happened to walk in here while the programme was already running.”
Meninas eventually answered sheepishly with an awkward shrug. “Nice to meet you, Administrator, I’m Meninas McAllon, one of the new rookies in the Sternritter. I got to say that the Hollows in here were so lifelike that I thought they were real at first.”


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Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) Empty Re: Girls that Pack a Lunch (Meninas, Ehefra)

Sat Dec 09, 2023 8:41 pm
Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

Ehefra couldn't help but smirk a little at the expression on the woman's face. Heh, not expecting to run into an Admin eh? "Tch, someone just left it running? I really need to put in a feature for that. We don't need these things drawing power unnecessarily." She sighed and shook her head, tapping her foot for a moment before raising her hand. A projection crackling into the air above her hand. She scrolled through the program functions before ending the program and then turning her attention back to Meninas. Huh, she was a pretty tall girl huh? Cute hair. Kinda european though. Still, at least she wasn't blonde.

"Well thanks~ Making golems has always been something I'm passionate about. Of course, these temporary things are kinda so so. But theyre generated using scans from actual hollows, so its only natural that they be very lifelike~" she grinned nice and wide, pleased with herself as she gave a light little chuckle, puffing her chest out. She certainly was very proud of them. "That said, they can't really use their original abilities, unless I can figure out a way to simulate it. But thats a case by case." She chuckled, folding her arms and continuing to smile proudly.

"A Sternritter huh? Well welcome to the Vandenreich. How ya getting along so far?"
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Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) Empty Re: Girls that Pack a Lunch (Meninas, Ehefra)

Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:32 am
Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) 7aafbbf79b3637e720b0de2657715538

The Sternritter nodded her head in confirmation as the Administrator asked about the program being left on. It seemed to rile her up a little bit and Meninas could kind of see why. The amount of energy that it must have taken to run the program must have been a heck of a lot, judging by the results. She was curious about how the system worked but there was something in the back of her mind that caused her to pause. Would she understand the answer if she asked? There were some topics that seemed to go over her head and science was unfortunately one of those. Her father had tried to teach about technology as a child and Meninas had struggled quite a lot. She had grown to appreciate a more old school way of life, far more so than the rest of her family. The Quincy knew though that she’d have to try and get with the times though, it just might take a while.

Her eyes grew large when the Administrator mentioned that she had created them herself and Meninas mused that maybe she should have known that. Thinking back over how much she enjoyed the programme, she offered without much thought. “If you ever need someone to test out your next batch of golems, I’ll be happy to do so. I haven’t had so much fun in a while.”

With a slightly bashful look, she’d nod a second time when asked about her new role. “Thanks for the welcome. I admit that there’s a lot to learn and It’s taking me some time to settle. I come from a home that was all about farming so coming here is a bit overwhelming. I must have gotten lost about a dozen times already.”


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Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) Empty Re: Girls that Pack a Lunch (Meninas, Ehefra)

Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:26 pm
Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

Ehefra quirked a brow and then smiled a bit wide as Meninas offered such a thing. Truth be told, she wasn't all that upset, more annoyed than anything. But still. "Oh? Well yea, sure if I ever need to test out a new setting I'll keep you in mind." She chuckled, setting aside her Phone and then resting a hand on her hips as she gave the ritter her more complete attention. Beeps could finish adjusting the settings after all. Suffice to say it wouldn't take long for her to add in the new programs and go from there. Not to mention adding in a feature that shut it off if it was idle for too long, or once there was nobody in the area. Hopefully a quick patch would do the job, just a monitor program, but she'd figure out something a bit less ramshack later.

Still, looking at Meninas, she tilted her head a bit as they explained their background. Farm girl huh? She certainly looked like it. A pause as her eyes shifted down to survey them. Jesus she was tall. "No worries. I grew up in a city myself, but heh, I also spent a long time out in the wilderness when I was older, so getting used to the noise and stuff again was pretty rough. So I at least get it a little." She chuckled. "Still, you worked up a little bit of a sweat. You still got some energy in ya? Or ya hungry?" She ventured. The girl DID seem pretty strong, and so she was curious. But well, if the woman was hungry she wouldn't mind taking her to the cafeteria first. She could probably use a bit of an early meal herself.
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Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) Empty Re: Girls that Pack a Lunch (Meninas, Ehefra)

Wed Dec 13, 2023 12:53 pm
Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) 7aafbbf79b3637e720b0de2657715538

It was a relief to hear that her offer would actually be considered as Meninas instantly snapped to the conclusion that she might have said something stupid after saying it. The rookie meant what she said though and had a feeling that she’d be spending a lot of time training with the various programs anyway. If they were all like the one she’d taken part in then she was game to try them all, as it made a change from simply practising in silence on her own in a quiet spot. It’d always been hard for her to get to know people, not because she was rude or disrespectful but simply that she didn’t always know what to say, leaving others to find her to be a little dim. Her brothers had bullied her a great deal about it which had only made things worse.

Meninas felt rather reassured as the Administrator talked a little about her own background and the pink haired woman’s shoulders relaxed just a bit. Getting around the place had been an absolute nightmare for the Sternritter and so to learn that it wasn’t just her was a relief. “Nice to know that I’m not the only one to struggle a little in the big city. I thought it might be just me.” She replied with a small smile.

The offer of some lunch caught her a little unaware and Meninas responded at first with another dumbfounded blink but once she pulled herself together and rotated her shoulders a bit, she answered, her smile becoming a bit more of a smirk. “I reckon I can keep going for a little while longer if you have something in mind. I won’t say no to some lunch afterwards though.” A part of her wondered if she would regret asking for a challenge but that had never stopped her before. She’d plough through whatever it was, as always.


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Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) Empty Re: Girls that Pack a Lunch (Meninas, Ehefra)

Wed Dec 13, 2023 1:55 pm
Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) HEADER_EvA0k0JU4AEtrBp-cutout2-cutout

Ehefra couldn't help but smirk just a little at the response from the ritter. This should be fun~ After all, she DID enjoy getting to mess around with Natasha after all. Sure, the woman perhaps didn't utilize her guns in the same way Ehefra would, but it was always interesting to see how other people did things. Licking her teeth, she gave a roll of her shoulders and started to flex her wrists, rolling and loosening up a little as she chuckled.

"The program's gonna be down for a bit while Beeps does adjustments. So in that case, how about you try me out instead?" She reasoned as she made her way to the center of the training area. Turning to look toward the ritter and offering a playful grin. "I'm not really in the Vandenreich to be a fighter. So sure, I may be an administrator, but I think we should be nice and compatable when it comes to a fight." She assured the woman, the reishi in the air crackling as it congealed along her fingertips, forming another dual set of claws as she started to circle Meninas. Something of a sharklike smile on her lips.

Not that she...ENJOYED beating people up. Truth be told, she REALLY hoped this girl would be able to knock her on her ass. She just had.... a lot of frustrations to let loose. A lot had happened in her life as of recent. She just....really wanted to just let loose. Fuck some shit up.
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Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) Empty Re: Girls that Pack a Lunch (Meninas, Ehefra)

Thu Dec 14, 2023 2:04 pm
Girls that Pack a Lunch  (Meninas, Ehefra) 7aafbbf79b3637e720b0de2657715538

Meninas had expected the offer to be something along the lines of another program to try but not for the first time that day, it appeared that she’d got it wrong. The pink haired woman was at first rather surprised to have been challenged to a fight with the Administrator herself but she didn’t feel much in the way of nerves or doubt about it. If there was one thing that Meninas was confident in, it was her ability to fight and it didn’t take any more than the challenge itself for the Sternritter to slip into her combat mindset, eyes focused entirely on her opponent, who was moving around her.

Reishi would briefly crackle around her too, her arms becoming entirely covered by a pair of pink gauntlets. They may have looked pretty but appearances were of course deceiving and a smile once again creeped across her face as she took her stance, one that could be considered a textbook example of a boxer. Her left foot was in front of her, along with her hand, ready to pepper the Administrator with as many jabs as she could throw, if and when she came in. Her dominant right hand would be in the rear, waiting to unleash her more powerful blows. The bow might have been the trademark of the Quincy but for this Sternritter anyway, it was simply a backup. She preferred a much more direct way of handling things.

“Can I get your first name before we do this, Administrator? I’ve never liked not knowing the full name of those I fight.” Meninas replied calmly, her intense gaze expressing her interest in the fight far more effectively than her words.

This was going to be fun.


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