Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Hybrid King
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The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki] Empty The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki]

Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:26 pm
The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki] NMIiLMY

The First's Dog

Though it was rare, Junko had been yearning for the fresh tastes of home as of late. Her time with the First had led her to eating the same thing, day in and day out, trying her best to stomach the Gotei's food. Sure, in the case of most it was more than likely food that was considered good, let alone great. For Junko, though? Well, even in spite of her terrible home life, the Rukongai was filled with both food and the ingredients to cook it that was, for lack of a better term, amazing.

That was why she found herself where she was this very day. Time ticked away, her small feet clacking against the dirt ground as she moved her way throughout the depths of the Rukongai. She was after one thing and one thing only, a type of green onion that was near exclusive to the Rukongai. Junko wanted to make the traditional meal of the Takeuchi household, a fresh bowl of sweet, sweet ramen. Nothing special to most, to a girl that hasn't been home in years? Gold.

"Let's seeeeeee..." Junko's voice trailed off, her slender fingers flipping through the stalls she passed in hopes of her treasured green onion. It seemed that the Rukongai was out in force today, people filled the streets in droves. It seemed that things were on sale, rare these days. Thinking nothing of it, she finally found herself shoved into the recesses of a near shop that seemed entirely focused on the selling of ingredients. Just the spot for her.

"Lovely day, yeah?" Shielding her eyes from the bright sun, Junko gave a slight smile to the stall owner and fingered her way through the baskets. Pointing from ingredient to ingredient, the short girl did her best to bully the stall owner into filling a basket of their finest ingredients. That was until she finally came across the gem she sought, the green diamond she yearned for. "Ooooh...~"

The green onion was white as snow with tips as luscious as a freshly cut lawn. Oh the things Junko could do with these stalks. Taking a single step forward with a smile unmatched, Junko took a big whiff of the green onion.

"I'll take all of it, please!!!"

With a fit of excitement, she reached out to her treasure. Surely the store owner would part ways for the right price. Yeah?

The Takeuchi's Last Daughter

The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki] FXpoQxJ
The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki] 2Y9rqGk

Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
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Sat Dec 02, 2023 2:32 pm

Yuuki was, once again, trying a new hobby. Actual cooking had been... well, not a failure. That's the best that could be said of that. Yuuki's own short temper didn't allow for anyone else in the kitchen, and when they needed help, no one was there to help. Annoying from all directions! As Yuuki had some enjoyment there, there was always a desire to try to do something similar. This new hobby was sauce making—close enough without needing multiple people.

As with most things, Yuuki hunted both quality and good prices. This usually meant going out of the Seireitei. Sure, ingredients there were always quality... You just paid a significant portion more. Yuuki muttered something about price gouging as they searched for more of the ingredients. One stall in particular was Yuuki's favorite. The owner was someone proud of their goods—and his prices were reasonable. Due to an allergy, he didn't sell one of the core ingredients Yuuki needed. So Yuuki had gone and bought that first. As they made their way closer to the stall, something caught their eye. The basket of green onions was gone.

No. It wasn't gone. It was in his hand. He was putting them all in a canvas bag. The nerve! Yuuki's eye twitched as their pace increased. As they got to the stall, Yuuki harumphed and glowered at the girl who was clearly buying it all. Yuuki knew because she had the same "I found a good deal" look Yuuki got. "You tryin' to feed a house of twenty there? Why do you need all of it, huh?"


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The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
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The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki] Empty Re: The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki]

Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:33 pm
The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki] NMIiLMY

The First's Dog

Junko was over the moon with her purchase, the older man across from her sliding her treasure into a canvas bag without a second thought. Perfect, she thought, the family-made Takeuchi Ramen was finally in her sights. Nothing would stop her from getting exactly what she had come to the Rukongai for. Absolutely nothing. That was what she had thought, at least. A harsh shriek bled through her ears, a young... man? Woman? Whatever they were, they were rather fond of the very item she so desperately wanted. Yearned for, even.

"Does it matter?" She jeered at the random bystander, to her this was just prey trying their best to take her reward. Placing her free hand around the canvas bag and offering the man payment, Junko glared in the newcomer's direction and made her stance clear. "One or twenty, food is food right? I need these green onions. So what if I don't use all of them."

The girl shrugged, though not common she couldn't help but feel prideful in the deal she had gotten. In honor of this deal, a once in a lifetime act was called for. Waving the canvas bag in the air in front of the clear Shinigami, Junko huffed and puffed before proudly exclaiming the rules of the jungle.

"First come first served. I came all the way from the Seireitei for these little guys, nothing is going to get in the way of that. Especially some... uh..." Junko's voice trailed off. What... were they again? A flush of red burned through her pale face, her previous triumph turning to confusion and embarrassment. "W-What would that be?"

The Takeuchi's Last Daughter

The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki] FXpoQxJ
The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki] 2Y9rqGk

Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3860
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The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki] Empty Re: The Perfect Soup [Junko/Yuuki]

Wed Dec 06, 2023 1:41 am

Twitch. Yuuki forced down a second eye twitch as she spoke. It was amazing. Everything she said was wrong. Well, not everything. Yuuki just wanted to snatch the bag from the girl. It'd be easy too. She wasn't exuding much reiatsu, and Yuuki was a Koizumi—and a Fourth Division member. Worst comes to worst, this could just get blamed on one of the other problematic members of the division. It almost did too, but self-control won out. There wouldn't be any physical interaction—yet.

Then came a question that was usually left un-asked. Yuuki didn't like clarifying on the answer. "Annoyed. That's what I am, you tomato-faced hoarder." With the lame insult out of the way, Yuuki continued to grump at the Shinigami. At first, Yuuki spoke more calmly—more like a level-headed individual... then the individual part started showing. "If you aren't going to cook them all, then why buy them all? That's just wasteful! Sure, I can splurge and afford it, but not everyone can! Buy only what you'll use! Wasting food, no, wasting anything is bad! Cardinal sin-level. People who waste good things, especially good, quality ingredients at fantastic prices, are trash! Lower than trash! So are you going to use them all or not?!"


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