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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Empty Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Sat Dec 23, 2023 4:14 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


It had been a minute since she graced this dry expanse called a realm. What did those humans on earth call it? A Homecoming? Tch. All this land reminded her of was her origins and humble beginnings. Of course, it wasn't entirely all bad. For better or worse, it was always a place she could rely on for conflict. Whether against a hollow or fellow arrancar, she could always derive some form of entertainment here.

After all, what did she build this lousy excuse called a coliseum for? It was a stage fit for those who wished to prove worthwhile entertainment in her eyes, warriors possessing mettle worthy of her applause.

It seemed to turn to little more than a pile of rubble now, but that was fine. She could always rebuild it from scratch. Maybe that overgrown dinosaur might humor her here, or perhaps even Sabre? She'd been meaning to see what that tall feline was all about.

Brick by brick, skull by skull, she slowly reformed her battle arena. Vanishing from one point to another, stacking everything as though she were crafting a stage in a videogame. Maybe, just maybe... someone would cross her path today.

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Sun Dec 24, 2023 9:39 am
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  P7TCLSM

These sands never change. A conclusion he despised, but one nonetheless. The only enjoyment to find in this great expanse are its inhabitants that vary from lithe to extreme in shape, size, and personality. However, his kind is sparse at best. He could walks for days and never meet another soul, but it did allow for grand introspection. Ability straining and physical therapy, as he called it, were simple ways to bide time and attract possible entertainment. A good conversation is nice every now and then, but most occupants of the grand desert speak through violence than with poetry.

But that, in of itself, is considered a work of art.

Though, with all adventures, one does eventually find something worth investigating. A lone signature in the distance that slowly evolved into a stadium of sorts, caught his eye. With even steps, his approach was lame as whispers of another finally became visible. A lone woman, working to create something that he has no recollection of. His memories were always hazy, his days before an Arrancar nothing but shattered memories and dreams. Still, he did not pause his approach despite warnings dictating that he may find an opponent of this woman. Curiosity did kill the cat after all, and he is prone to slouch at times.

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Sun Dec 24, 2023 2:22 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


The approaching figure, unassuming as their presence was, elicited a measure of interest from the leonine woman. Cocking her head in his general direction, the lioness observes the ashen-haired arrancar with curiosity.

Placing one of the skulls on her head like a berserker's crown, Amaranta navigated around her arena as she surveyed her progress so far. His approaching frame will eventually carry him well into her proximity.

Possibilities abound, presenting themselves like a catalog of films she cannot predict. No movement will go unannounced under her sapphire hues. Like a lion's beastly gaze, she tracks the man with the gaze of a predator. After all, the unspoken edict in this land commonly dictated one strike first, lest they fall last.

"What's up, fellow traveler? Enjoying the view? Come to assist me in building my masterpiece? Or are you looking to fight, like most of our kind?"

None of those options were particularly unwelcomed. His next action would be answer enough.

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:10 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  P7TCLSM

"There exists enough competition without my further advocation," He mumbled, placing a hand under his chin as his examination of his environment continued.

The structuring of this arena proved barbaric, obviously designed in a way that allows for easy restructuring if anything were destroyed. He thought that approach intelligent despite how bland the final result would appear. Hollow are disastrous forces. Too much investment into appearances is fatal. However, she'd find no need to raise her fists against him, nor to rebuild after his visitation ends. Despite his capability, he lacks a violent will, for now.

"Tell me why build in these deserts when the end result is demolition?"

Surely she knows their kind cannot be trusted to uphold their environment, especially in the heat of battle. Eyes of curiosity focused on the bronze female, his pale yellow irises nothing but inquiring.

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Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:33 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Because it's fun. Even if someone shatters it, I can always rebuild it from the ground up."

Such was her genuine answer. There was no complicated principle behind her actions, for she was primarily a woman who acted according to her desires alone. Maintaining her grin, she observed the ashen warrior with an air of curiosity emanating from those supernatural sapphires. His actions matched his words. Currently, there was no intention to fight. Somewhat disappointed by that fact, she offered a mere shrug as she continued to set a collection of withered skulls and hollowed-out bones in place. Breaking the riblike protrusions from expired creatures, she swung a bone around, cocking her head to the side with a grin.

"Besides, the result doesn't mean anything to me. Whatever ends up facing destruction will be rebuilt in due time. Plus, it gives me something fun to occupy my time while I travel around here. You probably know this already, but there isn't much entertainment to be found in these deserts outside of combat and lording over the weak."

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:10 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  P7TCLSM

"I find my time taken up by meeting new individuals, much like yourself," He replied.

Though, even he must admit that there exists a rare diversity among their kind. Due to their nature as mindless beasts, it is common to run into those who all want the same thing: a meal. Finding the few that search for other means of fulfillment is always exciting.

In other words, he is bored of Hueco Mundo.

"I sense a strong want for battle within you though. So much just to sate a simple need, for fun? Interesting."

He walked closer, taking a skull from her pile. He kept his left arm hidden behind his robes while doing so though.

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Tue Jan 02, 2024 8:12 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Indeed. You've hit it right on the nail. It's why I always inevitably end up finding myself wandering back to this realm in particular. I live for the thrill of battle, the fear of adrenaline that arises when I'm near the edge of death. In a place like this? I can always sate that appetite for conflict without fail."

The bronze woman continued to observe the ashen warrior with a curious glint in her eye. He certainly was an observational type. Compared to the savagery she she was accustomed to, he stood out as a genuine anomaly. Moving around him like a curious feline, she surveyed his mannerisms with inquisitive sapphires. There was no shortage of questions on his end, thus she felt it appropriate to pose a few in return, temporarily resting her rear against a mountain of skulls.

"I find your curiosity interesting. Most creatures only seek pleasure or violence when they've reached this stage of being. You, on the other hand, seem more inquisitive about things. I must admit, it's a far cry from what I'm used to. What's your deal? Ya got a name, Whitey?"

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:06 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  P7TCLSM

"I've met a few who want nothing more than a peaceful life. The appeal of endless battle is not for everyone, myself included."

She had eyed him, her gaze as sharp as a cats. However, a cat analogy isn't as cunning when the bronze woman sported cat ears. Still, it is in her nature to prod and test the unknown. He wonders if that same nature pushes her to confront whatever she finds interesting, and if that same nature has her battling whatever comes her way. However, his questions are best left for when he has his time to ask.

"My name is Alvah, and I am not allergic to combat. I simply enjoy literature more. Weaving a story from beginning to end is satisfying, would you agree?"

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:39 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Really now? What a boring way to live. I can imagine not wanting endless battles, but a life full of peaceful days? That's the first time I've heard an Arrancar with that point of view."

The bronze woman maintained a carefree grin as she relaxed against the mountain of skulls. The notion struck her as anomalous. A foreign concept so incomprehensible as to be nonexistent. Hollowkind, by their nature, were creatures who thrived on conflict. The idea that one sought to maintain a solemn life was interesting. Even so, she rejected the urge to ridicule him. After all, her current way of living was a far cry from the conflict she was used to. No, curiosity compelled her to explore the inner workings of the ashen arrancar's mind.

"Depends on the story being weaved, Alvah. Did they live a fruitful life worth looking back on? Or something listless and dull? Worth little more than these grains of sand dancing in the winds? Mine is satisfying so far, but there's still so much more I can offer before I'm satisfied. How about you? What's your story been like?"

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Mon Jan 08, 2024 6:16 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  P7TCLSM

"You seem one who has experienced a bit, but you're ideology about our kind remains outdated. I am sure you have met plenty who lack the bloodthirst that drives you without realizing."

However, confronting her awareness is not the main point of their conversation, in hindsight. He had come to sate his curiosity, and he had. Everything afterwards is comparable to dessert. With that in mind, he stepped away from her to an array of skulls and picked one up. Feigning interest in it, he found the object satisfactory in enhancing his morbid emo vibe.

"My story is plain like these empty sands. It is people like you who fill it with color."

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