Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Tue Feb 13, 2024 9:31 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Conflict is all I've ever known. When I was but a lowly hollow cub, it was what I thrived on to evolve. The eternal notion of overcoming my inadequacy to attain glory guided me to where I am now. Enemies are what allow one to transcend beyond their natural limits. No matter what, the concept of genuine friendship has always been foreign to me."

The bronze-skinned lioness pondered his words after sating his curiosity. To be certain, the philosophy of strength was not lost on her. In the past, perhaps, she would have denounced the benefit of bonds as a whole. Now, she couldn't quite tell where she stood on the matter. What was the mightiest warrior's greatest strength? Isolation? A lofty cause to fight for? The elusive answer would remain elusive. In truth, it was a mystery even to her. Wherein lies the answer to her curiosity? To his? Amaranta rose from her mountain of skulls, towering above the man, posing a question of her own now that they've broached the thought-provoking subject at hand.

"Do you have friends and enemies, Alvah? Or does the allusion of an empty canvas apply to that aspect of your life too?"

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

Last edited by Iori on Thu Feb 15, 2024 2:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:48 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 P7TCLSM

"Friends and enemies come and go, but I will remain by my side until the very end," He answered.

He has thought on this a many of times, but the results are always the same. He has had allies. He has had enemies. However, when the dust has settled, he has found himself alone, his canvas empty once again. Maybe his answer is unsatisfactory, but a fact of life cannot be altered with imagination and bravado alone.

"I wish for many things, Amaranta: friends, enemies, joy, and sorrow. The only one who can give me those things are myself. My answer is but another question: Are you happy?"

He rose a brow, looking up at the bronze tigress. She is questioning herself, so why not pose another thing for her to ponder? However, his question is not something to be answered at surface value. If one is to look around them, reminisce on everything that has, is, and could be, how would they answer his question?

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:53 am
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


His question provoked a degree of curiosity that momentarily rendered her speechless. What was happiness to her? Fulfilling her endless quest for supremacy? Sharing her presence with others? Watching something evolve before her eyes? There was a myriad of possibilities, theoretical answers that left her in silent contemplation.

What was akin to a true confirmation? Did satisfaction currently elude her even now? Of course, it did. There were so many unanswered theories, various thoughts that compelled her to travel between realms to find an answer. What lay at the pinnacle of glory? Did the path she walked mean she was fated to endure isolation? This whirlwind of inner dialogue elicited a peal of laughter from the leonine woman's throat.

"What defines happiness, I wonder? Satisfaction or an individual that justifies one's existence? I can't quite answer your question because of my philosophy, you see. Am I currently happy about my lot in life? Sure, to some extent, I wouldn't deny that there are things in life that fill me with joy... And yet, even now, I'm still unsatisfied. What I crave more than anything else is finding out whether or not the path I chose in life was justified. What do you consider happiness, Alvah?"

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Sun Feb 18, 2024 8:20 am
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 P7TCLSM

"Happiness is but a construct of emotional stimuli and physical content," He started, placing a hand under his chin. "If asked, I must acknowledge that this brings me happiness, for I am stimulated and content, but what of later? I will grow restless without your presence and will seek out another. My happiness will become a burden to make me search far and wide to reattain it."

He smirked as he then point moved his hand to point a finger in her direction, his yellow eyes glowing.

"I consider happiness a burden, but it is also a most addicting drug. For now, I am happy, but the need to become happier constantly gnaws at me. If we are to impart, Amaranta, I wish for this happiness to become a burden that makes me forever hungry for more, for when I can no longer feel miserable, in what reason is there to live?"

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Sun Feb 18, 2024 8:50 am
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Restless without my presence, huh? Charming. What's stopping you from crossing paths with me again, then?"

She wouldn't pretend she understood his philosophy on happiness, but it made enough sense that she wasn't entirely dumbfounded. No, if anything, he sounded quite similar to her. He wasn't content with momentary satisfaction. He spoke as if he would go to great lengths to reattain what brought him joy. That sentiment resonated with her quite well. After all, she, too, would go to extreme lengths to honor her desires. Never daring to settle for anything less. Far from one for romanticism like this, she rose from her skeletons as she approached the ashen arrancar. Cocking her head to the side, she toyed with his finger as though appraising a toy that elicited some measure of amusement.

"No need to complicate or dramatize it. You amuse me, Alv. I don't know how we can reach one another, but if you frequent these lands, I find little issue in returning here to greet you. After all, this is my home, and this arena you see is always open to all as long as they provide me with ample entertainment.'

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:31 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 P7TCLSM

Ah. This is a form of flirtation, isn't it? Maybe he was too romantic with his words, but he has a knack for drama. It is impossible to not capture the heart of those who are able to regain it. However, her interest in him is of his own doing, and thus, he must make sure he stays above and beyond her measurements. Her interest only remain when she has been given proper stimulant after all.

"You have been to Earth, yes? Tell me of the spots you frequent. I will soon embark on my own journey through the human world," He explained, watching her play with his finger. "We can frequent each other's company plenty then. I will make sure to always bring stories worth your admiration as well, or maybe we will find need to make our own."

Of course, he knew of intimacy between Hollow. He has seen flavors of it throughout the sands, but he found the sort that felt a dance between two better than the fight some displayed. So, he took her hand and cupped it gently in his before taking steps closer and bringing it to his lips to grace the back of her knuckles with a quick embrace of his lips.

"A Queen who takes these sands with unbound shine must never be dimmed by half-assed effort."

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Sun Feb 18, 2024 5:00 pm
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"A Queen who takes these sands with unbound shine, huh? When one sings my praises like that, how can I not throw them a bone or two?"

Possessing an ego to host an entire planet, the bronze lion tilted her head even further in amusement as he kissed her hand. She had her limits, of course, but the value of compliments was far from lost on her. To her, it was merely another way of displaying how brilliant she was in the grand scheme. Adding to that, she found Alvah amusing. A peculiar man with a mysterious existence she wanted to explore.

After all, he was an empty canvas, and the idea that she could impart and paint his world full of her hue filled her with an indescribable urge of curiosity. What would a canvas with her color look like? What did he indulge in? What did he participate in? How did he operate? The opportunity to explore such things was right within her reach. Of course, she would take it. Now, then, what locations did she find comfortable in allowing him to meet her, she wondered?

"If the human world is indeed on your radar, then that's even better. I frequent that place a lot more than I do here. Let's see... I've been to Africa quite a lot recently. That place is a warzone right now, though, so if repeated conflict doesn't please you, it's probably better you avoid that place. Japan is probably your best bet. That's where I currently live. There probably isn't a moment where you wouldn't cross paths with me there."

The hand that graced his lips subtly shifted into a palm that caressed his face, as a playful grin danced along her bestial features. The promise of a meeting was always her favorite part of meeting anyone who caught her interest. He was no different in that aspect. As such, she simply poured fuel on the fire by toying with his face as she held his gaze.

"Now, I look forward to what stories you plan to tell when we cross paths next time. Who knows? If you impress me enough, perhaps we will indeed be able to weave our own story. With words like those, you seem to know exactly what amuses me so."

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]

Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:24 am
Welcome To The Jungle[Alvah, Amaranta]  - Page 3 P7TCLSM

"Oh? Excellent."

Amused, he smiled, a gentle little content expression. However, it lasted for just a second, showcasing his bottomless appetite. The very next moment, his teeth flashed as a wicked grin stretched his face into a cartoony villain. Then he laughed, pulling away from her hand as he danced a few feet backwards.

"Yes. Yes. Until we meet again. A story is best told when the beats are perfect and the tempo immeasurable. I will 100 percent bring you a story worthy of praise. Our stories are already woven together, moments of life, time, and destiny dancing in tune. Will we bring one another discord or harmony? I wonder. I wonder."

Earth! He has so many areas to visit. So many people to meet, to fight, to love, to create, to destroy. He can't wait!

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