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Training session! (Stella/Solomon)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Training session! (Stella/Solomon)

Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:40 pm
"When ya can't switch back and forth easy you gotta adapt!'

She would speak as she would continue the assault she would try to swing the hilt of the axe at him to push him farther back. She noticed the arterie was still up so it was her time to strike but she needed to keep in mind that is attacks were going to hurt more. The hit attack would be aimed at his legs, and if it were to hit she would attempt to let go of the top of the axe and swing a punch at his face with the free hand as she would allow the axe to swing back with her other hand.
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Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:12 pm
Training session! (Stella/Solomon)  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


"Indeed, that's the spirit. There are rarely any set rules or patterns in battle. In times of duress, adaption is your greatest weapon."

He wanted to add that a bit of underhanded technique certainly didn't hurt, either, but that could be reserved for a brief period of respite, something Stella was unwilling to offer at the current moment. He defended against the axe blow coming against his legs, but the punch against his face hadn't been accounted for. Since it wasn't within his initial predictions, the blow rung true against his face, his body shifting back by a few meters. Wiping the drip of blood from his mouth, he grinned.

"Now, that's the spirit. Now, let's see how well you maintain that reaction and application when I react."

Like thunder, he shot forth swinging his weapon in a downward stroke against her shoulder. One strike turned into two, two turned into three. He executed them at a pace that was somewhat slower than what he was used to, but they still potent blows nevertheless. It was, after all, a matter of studying and forcing her to increase and improve on her reaction time. If she could do that, and combine it with her Blut, the sky was the limit.


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Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:33 pm
Stella would smile at the compliment as he would shoot forward. The first swing she has a hard time with as the axe wasn't going to get to block it on time. As she would be cut on the shoulder she would wince, but for the second attack she would back up a few steps, and for the 3rd she would pull the length of the axe up over her head as she would attempt to block the attack. Holding the axe horizontally over her head as she would look up at him panting slightly.

She was having to exert herself, and she wasn't really used to it in a sparring match. The cut on her shoulder was burning as the blood would drip onto the ground. She wasn't used to the rush that was presented, but she could feel the adrenaline beginning to flow. As she would try to swing the axe upwards to break the stalemate, and she would attempt to kick him away.
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Wed Jan 03, 2024 7:55 pm
Training session! (Stella/Solomon)  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


From an observational standpoint, Solomon could tell Stella wasn't used to the rigors a battle of this magnitude presented. There would be more than mindless hollows on the battlefield. Precisely because that would commonly be the case, Solomon felt it crucial to show her what it meant to test oneself in live combat.

Adversity built character, duress increased intensity, and though she faltered now and then, he found that with each clash, she held up relatively well. That was good. The upward swing of her arms sent his blade off course, Solomon deftly sidestepped her kick in an attempt to strike the blunt side of his weapon against her ribs. If it connected successfully, he would give her a brief period of respite.

"That last string of movements was impressive. You fight well, Stella. But pace yourself. Stamina in a battle is important. Do your best to read my movements, and activate your Blut to defend yourself. Arterie is a great tool, but even some of the finest offenses begin and end at defense."


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Training session! (Stella/Solomon)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Training session! (Stella/Solomon)

Wed Jan 03, 2024 8:10 pm
Stella would see the attack at her side coming at her, and before he says anything to her she would swap from arterie to vene. She would have started this switch as soon as she swung the axe to break the stalemate. So even if the kick had hit it would not have done damage. It was more of a zoning tactic. as she would make an attempt to catch the strike. It was the blunt side of the sword, and she would let out a tired sigh at the catch.

" that?"

As she would look up to the man with a smile, but she did have sweat beginning to drop down her face in exertion as she would take a deep breath.

"W..well too be fair I've fought pretty much exclusively weak hollows except for a few occasions."
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Training session! (Stella/Solomon)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Training session! (Stella/Solomon)

Wed Jan 03, 2024 8:57 pm
Training session! (Stella/Solomon)  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


"Exactly like that."

Solomon grinned with amusement as Stella managed to shift her systems in time to defend against his strike. Since she did so, he didn't push the issue, allowing her to catch her breath as he nodded his head, noting the shift of the blue veins against her body. It wasn't clean, but she executed it well enough, and that was the best he could ask for. He was playing the role of a harsh teacher, but he didn't intend on working her into the ground, either. Pulling away to allow her a breather, he grabbed a bottle of water from a training bag and tossed it her way.

"I can tell, but there's no shame in admitting that. Fighting an opponent who can think and adapt for themselves is no easy feat. From my perspective, I'd say you've held up pretty well for your first time."


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Wed Jan 03, 2024 9:06 pm
Stella would catch it as she would allow herself to calm down for just a moment. The blue would fade away as she would disengage her weapon. She would look at the slash into her hoodie as she would let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Ya know I've had this hoodie for years, and look what you went and did with it."

She would pull the hoodie off and toss it out of the way so that it didn't get much more broken as the cut on her shoulder wasn't that bad, but it did tear through the surface of the shirt. She would drink the bottle fairly quickly as she would then look to him.

"Hope you're willing to pay to have it fixed, sensei."

She would give a teasing grin as she would allow herself to calm down a bit before they went again.
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Training session! (Stella/Solomon)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Training session! (Stella/Solomon)

Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:14 pm
Training session! (Stella/Solomon)  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


"C-come on, that's not fair..."

Solomon replied sheepishly, a soft shade of red setting into his expression. Even if it might well have been genuine humor on her part, Solomon didn't feel too happy with the idea he had ruined a cherished item on someone else's person. For the sake of maintaining honor, he would gladly pay to have it fixed. When she quickly consumed her water, Solomon settled into a defensive stance, slightly distracted by her words as he allowed her to take the reigns, employing whatever offense she saw fit.

"If I must, I'll gladly pay to have it fixed, Stella. Now, let's resume our training."


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Training session! (Stella/Solomon)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Training session! (Stella/Solomon)

Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:29 pm
She would stretch out her arm as she would let out a small giggle at the knight. Seems he was one of those far too caring for his own good types. She would flash a big grin with a shake of her head.

"Nope, I was the one who got cut, so it's gonna stay there. As a reminder that if it was a real fight that could have been my whole arm."

As she would toss the bottle off on top of her now damaged hoodie as she would summon her weapon once more. This feeling like it took a little more energy as she would let out a slightly shaky sigh. She was using more energy than she was used to, and especially since she had to switch back and forth between blut.

She wanted to test herself with this next bit as she would rush forward and swinging the axe in an overhead motion aiming towards his center. Before it would collide she would activate her arterie I'm hopes it may catch gaurd.
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Training session! (Stella/Solomon)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Training session! (Stella/Solomon)

Fri Jan 05, 2024 5:24 pm
Training session! (Stella/Solomon)  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


"That's the spirit. Very well, then. Let us continue."

His compassionate tone returned to one of stern intent. The purpose of her training was to impart lessons, not poor memories, but Stella nevertheless took things in stride, earning his genuine respect in the process. Even if her skill was fundamentally lacking, her spirit was undeniable. If she kept at it, Solomon certainly viewed her potential as boundless. Assuming a defense stance, his blade held outward in a two-handed grip, Solomon held his ground in preparation for Stella's next attack.

It was a fierce overhead, directed at his center, but it did not end there. At the very last moment, she activated her arterie, thereby increasing the overall speed and reaction time of her strike. Prepared in advance, he resorted to shifting his system to Arterie as well, parrying her axe upward before pointing her sword at his chest. Should his counter prove successful, he would move back a few meters, offering his instruction.

"A sound maneuver. I recommend stringing an array of strikes together and then using the offensive system. Against a prepared opponent, they can easily read your intent. Overwhelming them with a flurry and then activating your increase in power would fundamentally leave them unable to defend you after the initial clash. Do note that this likely doesn't apply to every opponent. Some will be faster than you, others slower. In other words, pick your spots carefully, Stella."


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