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Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra)

Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:16 am
Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 HEADER_F6lIq_2agAAWLOO

Ehefra smiled a bit at that and glanced at the equipment. "That so? Well I imagine once you have time to mess with it, you'll think of something." She noted softly and watched Kaede closely for a few seconds. It was certainly interesting to see her curiosity about her stuff. Making her way over to a chair, she sat herself down on a recliner and gestured for Kaede to find a seat herself. Plenty of spots to sit. The one Ehefra had just hopped on, the couch, even a few padded stools.

"So I'm a little curious. I know I suggested it to you before. But what brings you to the city of lights? An island out in the middle of the ocean IS a bit of a jump all things considered. Not that I don't appreciate you showing up. I'm just curious what made you pull the trigger on the decision." She ventured. After all, she DID save the woman, she knew how influential that could be on peoples decision making. But there were also other things it could be. No harm in figuring out what had brought Kaede here.
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Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra)

Wed Jan 17, 2024 2:09 am
Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 KvhwSds


As Ehefra walked over to a chair and sat down, Kaede was quick to follow her, almost like a younger sibling, mimicking the older one. Sitting down on the couch, she held her hands awkwardly in her lap. She out of place here. This big, fancy place that was like its own workshop, and here she was, just some homeless gremlin scavenging for trash while exploring a city she was even more out of place in than the house itself.

"Well...a change of pace is nice. Trying to do the whole 'fresh start,' 'getting back on my feet' thing, so...someplace new kinda helps. Plus, y'know...someone familiar being there, too. Thought I could find some new stuff. Has a neat atmosphere, too. I guess, it just...felt like a good idea."

While those reasons weren't entirely lies, she didn't really want to mention the other one: that being the thrill of something new compelling her to go. It was a habit she was trying to keep somewhat in check. It's not like she had anything to really say goodbye to, or anything of super significant importance in Japan. Anyone or anything that was there were long gone.

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Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra)

Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:10 pm
Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 HEADER_F6lIq_2agAAWLOO

Ehefra smiled and nodded her head as she watched the girl talk. Idlt thinking to herself how pleasant it was. NOT that she ...ahem... fucking hated being around the bitches in the Vandenreich or anything like THAT. Fucking...Natasha. Liltotto. Helle. And a few others. It wasn't often, but there was still a certain level of competition she felt with some of her coworkers. But Kaede was relaxing to be around. Perhaps not necessarily because of of her physique. But the girl was just.....different. Quieter, more....curious. So many times people came into her house and they had a sortof awe and surprise. But not really a lot of understanding. It was just a lot of visual white noise to them.

But Kaede. She could SEE how curious the girl was. Not JUST to ask some inane question. But there was a semblance of understanding, and a desire to UNDERSTAND rather than just be given some shallow explanation. And well...perhaps some other part of the girl just reminded her of the people she met in Malaysia. The people who scrounged for some semblance of a life amidst constant threats. Maybe it was a bias, maybe it was the fact Kaede just wasn't some blonde foreigner. But she respected the struggle Kaede was living through.

There was something appealing about someone who wasn't just some other city girl.
"I like you. And I'm glad you wound up coming to the City. I was a little worried I wouldn't run into you again. All too often someone just vanishes, probably to some hollow's stomach. I certainly hope that bat I gave you pulled it's weight since I gave it to you." She smiled and ...folded her hands over her lap. And seemed to become a little....sheepish for a moment.

"Honestly uh.... being around City girls is kinda exhausting sometimes. So I'll admit. Having you around is ....well it's a breath of fresh air." She chuckled, a sigh of relief escaping her as she rubbed the back of her head. "Kinda hard to make friends when I come off so...I dunno...rough around the edges?"
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Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra)

Mon Feb 05, 2024 12:20 pm
Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 KvhwSds


Kaede's eyes widened, a small smile forming at such a simple affirmation. She didn't care if it was weird or stupid to feel that strongly about something so simple.

It felt nice to know that the whimsical decision to explore the City of Lights wasn't for nothing -- especially since she had someone she knew here. Her mention of the gifted bat immediately made her start fishing through her pack, pulling it out with a smile.

"Been trying to stay out of trouble,'s nice to have nearby. Makes me feel safe."

Her arms slowly coiled around the bat, almost defensively as she spoke of it. But, her attention was quickly pulled back to Ehefra as she continued to speak. Her head canted to the side for a moment, unsure of how she was a breath of fresh air. She hadn't really done anything -- if anything, she'd been the one to make a bad impression to her by showing interest in becoming a Quincy. Awkwardly rubbing her arm, she looked to her lap for a moment.

"Not the phrase I'd use, given our first meeting, but...I kinda get the feeling. It feels...nice to be wanted, though. Not...not really used to it."

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Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra)

Thu Feb 08, 2024 8:29 pm
Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 HEADER_F6lIq_2agAAWLOO

Ehefra gave a little smile as Kaede so immediately pulled out the weapon, and a little glimmer of pride in herself fluttered to the surface as she saw what care had been given to the object. No doubt it had served the woman well, it was made by HER after all. Heh.

She made her way over to the woman and glanced at the bat, before turning her attention to Kaede herself. A pause as she reached out and gently let her hand rest on the girl's shoulders. "Well get used to it. And if you don't mind me saying. I think you'd do well in the city. Even outside of the vandenreich, there's a lot of opportunities to be had around here. You could have a job. A carreer. A passion. There's a lot that you could do with yourself." She pointed out before folding her arms over her chest and giving a little shrug.

"And you don't have to worry about choosing. You can take your time. I know that you aren't used to it. But I see potential in you. Those pretty eyes of yours aren't just for show. You're smart. And that's a valuable tool. So... so long as you'ds like at least. You're free to stay here. Take your time. See the city. I'll keep a roof over your head. Clothes on your back. And food in your belly. When you find what you wanna do, I'll help you." She stated firmly, and without hesitation or question. She'd decided a long time ago that she wanted something better for Kaede. And right now, that feeling was stronger than ever. Because frankly.... she didn't see herself in Kaede in the slightest.

Kaede wasn't like her. she didn't have it in her to ... charge out into haunted territory and kill hollows. She wasn't a vicious, murderous beast. She was scare for her life. She was.,... curious, but cautiously so. And she was..... hurt in a way she could practically smell. The stain of 'I'm not good enough'.

Well. Maybe THAT is where she saw a bit of herself.
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Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra)

Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:46 pm
Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 KvhwSds


Kaede's eyes had been stuck downward, looking at both her lap and the bat she cradled defensively in her arms. So, as Ehefra set a hand on her shoulder, Kaede suddenly jumped, flinching and scooting back slightly at her touch. But, it didn't mean that she didn't hear what Ehefra had to say. She thought that someone like her could do well in the city?

Could she really hold down a job? Was there actually a job out there that she'd enjoy and fit her? Before she could really think about it, a hand rose up to her eyes in response to the compliment, the girl shrinking away a bit more.

"It's...s-shut up. Blue eyes are dime a dozen."

Then, the other part started to process. The invitation to stay, to be fed, clothed, kept warm, to have somewhere to call home for the time being. To be...normal again. Her lips started to part, as if to speak, but a memory suddenly sunk its teeth in, only needing one word to stop her.


Instinctively, she held the bat closer, fingers coiling tightly around the handle as she pushed herself away with her feet.

"...N-No. Don't...don't wanna be a lee- ...a-a problem. Won't look good for people to see you housin' me, after all. Don't wanna piss you off, either."

Excuses. It was what she was best at, really.

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Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra)

Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:24 pm
Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 HEADER_F6lIq_2agAAWLOO

Ehefra smirked softly and let her head cant to the side. Entertained by Kaede's immediate defensiveness about her eyes. Cute. But it was also nice to see her hesitating. Not just eager to take a free meal, as it might seem to some. Certainly if Ehefra had been on the receiving end she might think as much. But even so. That didn't mean she was going to abide by it.

"You won't be a problem. You're an investment. You think I LIKE being the only gal around with a brain? Heh. The best conversations I have are with Beeps, and well, that's just a little sad. I'm offering all of this to you because I believe that once you find what you want to do, you'll be worth the investment. Not to mention someone I can trust to watch my back." She stated simply. But even so, she made her way over to one of her desks and pulled out a phone. Setting it on there and gently holding the button down until it turned on.

"But as I said, you don't need to decide right now. You can leave whenever you want. And, I'd like you to have this. IT's a cheap little phone with a basic plan. So I can contact you, and vice versa, if need be. You could get a job washing dishes and still be able to afford it easily, so it's no big deal. And it'll be necessary when you want to get a job or pursue any interest in the city. I hope I can trust ya not to take it apart?" She ventured playfully.
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Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra)

Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:08 am
Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 KvhwSds


She was an...investment? That sounded worse. But, then again, it wasn't like she was some pure girl -- she'd fought to survive on the streets, even if it had meant selling herself or stealing. So, maybe it wasn't so bad after all, at least in comparison. But, she could admit that it was pretty sad to just have conversations with a robot.

As Ehefra went over to a desk and pulled out a phone, before coming back with it. Slowly, gingerly, Kaede reached out to take it, carefully cradling the object in her hands as she tapped and looked through the phone. She knew how these things worked, but she never had one truly of her own -- just the occasional ones she stole to disassemble or sell.

Her fingers slowly coiled around the back of the phone, before quietly holding it close to her chest, a small smile coming to her face. Even if it was cheap and basic according to her, just getting something like this meant a lot. Her head perked up as she mentioned not taking it apart, causing Kaede to pout, puffing her cheeks out as she moved her hands to her lap.

"...Fine. No promises, but...I'll try."

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Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra)

Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:21 am
Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 HEADER_F6lIq_2agAAWLOO

Ehefra smiled as she could see Kaede taking the phone. God why was she so cute? She sighed quietly and just gave an amused smirk to the woman, admiring them as they handled the phone like it was the most important thing in the world. Adorable. And at long last, Kaede seemed to finally concede.

"Alright enough making cute faces. Welcome to the household~" She chuckled, resisting the urge to give Kaede a hug and to tug on her face. Fuckin cute ass...

"Anywho. Pizza should be done in a few minutes. Why don't you take a shower and then by the time you get out food will be ready?" She offered with a tilt of her head. She was sure that a nice wash and some fresh clothes would do the woman good. Help her settle and get used to things. Of course what Ehefra WANTED to to was hug her and say how happy she was. But she knew better than that. She had to temper herself, especially with how nervous Kaede was about this whole situation. Last thing she wanted was to overstimulate the woman. Just give her time so she could settle in. ONe thing at a time right?

But even then. That smile was a bit wider than before. There was a bit in her voice.

She was happy.
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Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra)

Thu Feb 22, 2024 10:03 am
Still Kickin (Kaede, Ehefra) - Page 2 KvhwSds


Once again, Ehefra offered her a place to stay, get showered, to eat. A place to attempt to be normal again. Maybe she could kick all these bad habits, the addiction, the stealing...maybe she could go back to who she was. Kaede slowly scratched at her arm, bringing her knees close to her chest, slipping the phone into her jeans pocket as she wrapped her arms around her legs.

She didn't respond to Ehefra's inquiry. Instead, she just nodded as tears welled up in her eyes, slowly unfurling, standing, and quietly walking over to a nearby staircase, before stopping. She...didn't know where the shower was. So, turning around, awkwardly rubbing and scratching her arm, she looked sheepishly at Ehefra.

"Um...where's the shower?"

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