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 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  Empty La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]

Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:55 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  Nc14v0I


Far from the type to rest on his laurels, the training barracks within the Sternritter's divisional area had effectively turned into Solomon's temple, but that place was relatively occupied today, so he chose to take his efforts to the relatively empty public arena reserved for anyone and everyone. A constant presence, he occupied a place here every day, he applied himself with a madman's zeal. To the furthest extremes, he worked himself to exhaustion with one ideal in mind.

Immense strength. Overwhelming power. The ability to protect his loved ones, to ensure the safety of this city. Even now, standing within the center of the training field, he was studiously offering himself to nothing but refining his talents.

Every slash was executed with impassioned resolve, every bolt of lightning shot forth to find different applications with which he could apply to battle. Now, more than ever, he wanted to find ways of fighting in combat without relying on what he felt ought to be the last resort in his arsenal.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:06 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  HEADER_0271-006

"You certainly seem focused. But your pressure isn't stable."

Perhaps startling the young man, Ulquiorra spoke up not a few feet from Solomon, appearing as if from nowhere, perhaps seeing as she had somewhat stealthily made her way into the training room. Her endeavors in garnering companions had been a slow pace, and so she had slowly begun to ramp up her efforts. Social situations had mixed results, and so she had deigned herself to reach a bit more for something that had seemed to work. The Arena, when it had been active, had been a source of some conversations and approaches. Even if it had only been a few individuals stating familiarity and complimenting her performance, it seemed that even humans had a love for battle. And so, she had found herself at one of the public training areas.

She was dressed for the part of course. Her hair tied back into a pontail, and she was wearing biking shorts and a tank top beneath a long sleeve jacket. Standard workout attire, was it not?
"Do you mind if I join you?" She asked flatly.

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:12 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  Nc14v0I


"Of course. A fellow sparring partner is always welcomed."

Solomon paused the moment he turned around, his face moderately blanketed with perspiration. He heard a female voice, naturally expecting to turn to one of his fellow members in his division. Spiritual pressure and appearance told him, otherwise, however. His expectations were upturned in the blink of an eye. An arrancar's presence was the last thing he expected, but Ulquiorra's presence in this city was public knowledge by now.

She was authorized to operate here, after all. To what degree remained uncertain, but if it was widely accepted by others, he wouldn't turn her away because of his own bias against them. His gaze observed the woman quietly as he bowed politely. What was she like in person? He wondered. He'd heard about her in passing from her peers, most complimenting her looks, others squarely neutral. He supposed it was time to find out on his own.

Of course, his gaze absentmindedly wandered more than it should, if for nothing else than to reflect on what his male peers mentioned about her looks. It wasn't an outfit he found extremely out of place in a setting like this, but it was distracting enough to maintain his attention for a moment or two. Anyway! Eyes up there, Solomon! Gentleman, remember?

"Hello, Miss Cifer. I do believe this is the first time we've met."


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Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:43 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  HEADER_0271-006

She'd been more than aware of the effect clothing had on humans. Particularly those designed to endure the rigors of training. Limited material to allow proper ventilation, and material that hugged the form to prevent undue friction and allow breathability. And, coincidentally, left little to the imagination. The wandering of Solomon's attention was expected, noted, and then dismissed in the span of a second or two.

"I've seen you before, when the Arena was still in operation." She stated calmly, her eyes shifting toward the surrounding area which still held the crackle of the man's spiritual energy. Well, the ammount of it that wasn't reishi. Certainly Quincy were an interesting species. Her eyes shifted back to focus on the man before her. "From what I am familiar with, Quincy have a number of abilities. I've seen a number of them both in the Arena and at work at the Area of Operations in Africa." She noted, it was no secret that she'd been contributing to the work being done there. As it were, the both of them were off rotation, taking time to recuperate before they would be once again stationed in Africa. Cycles of endless fighting and resting, ensuring that fresh bodies were at all times available in case the steady flow of hollows from the place surged to larger assaults.

"As I understand, you've been training quite a bit. If you don't mind my curiosity. What is it that you would like to improve upon?"
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Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:10 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  Nc14v0I


"I do believe I recall hearing about your battle in this Arena as well. I'm honored to be in the presence of a strong warrior who could last with one of the stronger captains of the Gotei. Most of my peers who saw it were soundly impressed, Miss Cifer."

His words were spoken in genuine earnest as he promptly regained his composure. She certainly felt approachable, though he had hardly heard anything poor regarding the woman on that front. Her next words revealed information Solomon viewed as essential. Since he didn't know the extent to which this woman wished to assist them, it was important to learn about anything from small pieces of information. Of course, he noticed one thing about her that felt personable enough.

The observant nature. The soft voice. A lady who cut straight to the point with efficiency. He could definitely view himself interacting with this woman now. Offering a solemn nod as he followed her words, he paused to ponder her question momentarily. There were a myriad of things he wanted to improve on, but it felt more appropriate to offer a digestible answer here.

"Quite simply? Energy refinement. I know I'm capable of more, but all my battles have always seen me forced into positions where my Letz Stil feels more like a default option than a last resort. I want to be able to use my reishi in a way that can defeat my enemies without resorting to my final state of power."


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Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:38 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  HEADER_0271-006

"Is that so? So you've chosen the path of Letz stil. Interesting" She noted calmly, a moment of curiosity in her eyes. Certainly, she was aware of the release ability. It allowed one to push themselves to levels worlds beyond what a normal soul was generally able to attain. Even hollows of Menos clas would have trouble contending with someone within such a state. But of course, that came with it's own restrictions. Generally speaking, they had to be far more careful with their expenditure, not only that but without a general baseline release to make up for that shortcoming, they had a tendency to fall by the wayside.

In any lengthy conflict, they had to save their Letz for an enemy that would otherwise be impossible or too costly to engage. Executing the ability too soon could cost them an entire battle.

"If that is the case, then energy refinement will not be the only area you'll need to improve. You will need to improve every facet of your strength, until you can reach a point that you would be able to comfortably face enemies within their released state." She noted calmly as she walked to the edge of the training area. Promptly taking her phone out and setting it on the open consol. With a few presses of buttons, the surrounding area let out a dull hum. Ginto storage tanks promptly revved up, and the area surrounding the arena would slowly begin to fill in with several layers of energy. BArrier spells, which would encapsulate the training area. Something which usually was a bit too energy inefficient for normal citizens to be able to activate, using up so much stored reishi could be a bit rough. But it was something Ulquiorra had requested access to.

Otherwise she would not be able to properly train without disturbing the populace of the city. The arena itself was actually within a basement level several floors beneath the surface. After all, the City of Lights had ... a few citizens not in the vandenreich who were capable of unleashing tremendous ammounts of energy. OF course, in Ulquiorra's case, simply being underground would not be sufficient.

"I usually come here to practice the use of my Resureccion. That should be a sufficient pressure to assist in your training, I imagine." She reached out, and the air peeled open. Drawing her Zanpaku'to from a garganta and holding it out, gently resting it's tip in the floor beneath them.

"Is this an acceptable arrangement?"
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 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  Empty Re: La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]

Wed Jan 03, 2024 7:58 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  Nc14v0I


"Indeed. Compared to the versatile and constant nature of Vollstandig, I suppose it's become somewhat outdated, but I nevertheless value it as a great weapon when its presence is required. Unfortunately, I've found myself relying on it as my first option rather than my last, as I stated before."

Solomon returned to his prior mode of observation as he listened to her words. In order to master what he desired most, to refine his energy to such a degree that he improved well enough to face strong enemies without resorting to entering his Letz Stil early, she had concluded that he needed to improve in every facet of his strength. His eyes traveled toward the large array of energy overlaying the area, several barrier spells erected as defensive measures against large influxes of energy. Finally, they returned to Ulquiorra as her Zanpakuto rested deftly within her grasp. Solomon exhaled softly in preparation, preparing himself for the peril ahead, and nodded assent.

"That is more than agreeable, Miss Cifer. I find no fault with that suggestion."


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Wed Jan 03, 2024 9:10 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  HEADER_c3521bd12ba1cebc1cee5da64a9a316c

She could see the shift in his demeanor. That was to be expected, he would be well aware of the situation he was going to be experiencing. Good. He was bracing himself. But that was fine, he would not be experiencing her at her strongest. That would not suffice. A sudden shock of power would not yield the proper results.

This was perfect. An opportunity to exercise precise control over her release.

"Enclose." She murmured softly. A single word which brought with it a swelling of her spiritual pressure. Her blade glowing a deep green as it peeled away and dissolved into a fine woven mesh of spiritual energy around her, rather than the usual explosive burst. The seeping soak of that part of her soul being reintroduced to her body before the coccoon peeled away. Her hair spilling down her back as it lengthened, that ponytail now tied around her mid-back rather than near her head. That helmet filling out atip her head with sweeping horns. The workout clothes she'd been wearing before were roped into the transformation. Where once her espada uniform was warped into a long dress. Now the workout clothes she'd brought were similarly modified. A navel-length poncho and a short black skirt. The result of her spiritual energy saturating and changing her outfit. But other things did not change.

Namely the dark wings sprouted from her shoulder blades, flaring out behind her. And the air that was now dripping with her spiritual energy. A pattering of palpable droplets that saturated every single speck of space inside the barrier. An energy that would slowly simmer down as she confined her spiritual energy, a slow, steady sigh escaping her lips as she turned her attention toward Solomon.

"If you would be so kind as to form your bow, we can begin. "
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 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  Empty Re: La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]

Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:14 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  Nc14v0I


Solomon bore witness to the obsidian arrancar's transformation after she uttered that one phrase. Energy propagated, coalesced, and condensed around her body until each particle slowly vanished into humble wisps of emerald.

Ulquiorra's transformation complete, Solomon allowed his own body to pulsate with electrified reishi as his spirit weapon roared into existence, a silver blade of steel with an azure cross engraved across the center of its hilt.

He sheepishly smiled as he presented his sword. There was no shame in his choice of weapon, but bow proficiency never had been his forte. Thus, his spirit weapon of choice was a sword.

"About that... Archery was never my strong suit. My spirit weapon is a sword. Will that be satisfactory for what you wish to teach me?"


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 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  Empty Re: La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]

Fri Jan 05, 2024 5:56 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  HEADER_c3521bd12ba1cebc1cee5da64a9a316c

Her eyes did not shift despite the swivel of her attneiton to the blade forming in his grasp. Though those eyes ceaselessly bored into his own, her Reikaku adjusted along with her pesquisa to probe at the weapon as it was brought into existence. The reflection of coalescing reishi in her eyes afforded her far more insight than the normal individual. Watching it's construction, she could denote that his skill with the creation of his bow was indeed exceptional for a Quincy.

"That is not a problem. If it's a sword you're more familiar with handling, then I can match." She stated, before a crackle of green energy burst into being in her grasp. A typical spear that she so often produced, but one that slowly twisted and warped. Reforming into the shape of a blade instantaneously as the saturation of her energy in the air allowed such rapid adjustment.

She raised that sword up into the air and gently grasped it's handle in both hands as green energy twisted around her wrists to funnel up and into the blade of the Cero Weapon itself. Blooming into a large flourishing tongue of energetic flame in a pose she had once upon a time seen directed toward herself.

"Uno Corte."

With a downward swing, her blade drew a thing line in the air of brilliant green. A congealing of powerful energy before that attack exploded outward violently. A blistering gush of energy towards the man that would look very familiar indeed. After all, it was an attack that was in emulation of a foe she had faced a long time ago. All the same, the potency was dialed back. Just enough that it should force a proper expendature of Solomon's energy if he wanted to remain unscathed, but not so potent that if he was caught unprepared that he would receive anything more than some harsh burns and perhaps being thrown on his ass and driven into the floor tiles a few feet.

Nothing that she calculated would be too harsh on his person.
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