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Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:37 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


Reishi continued to coalesce around his form. Azure whips of electrified reishi continued to dance around his blade. His hawklike gaze read every movement. From the formation of her lance to the damnably familiar stance of her form, his blue eyes absorbed all of it. The first thought that danced within his mind was a momentary flashback.

He knew that stance. The unmistakable way energy funneled into her form. To him, it was far from the recreation of the technique that nearly laid waste to his home, but that didn't make it any less imposing. Somewhere deep within, there was a rumbling emotion that could only be described as reflective rage.

Had he proven stronger that day, those events may have never occurred. Giselle might still be among their forces. Though Ulquiorra possibly couldn't have known, that was exactly what he needed to offer a proper expenditure of his energy. The emulation was enough for him to generate his spiritual energy, collect reishi from the atmosphere around him, and swing his sword forward with contempt behind his strike.

A column of lightning rushed forward to collide against her Cero, but Solomon was no fool. He hardly matched her to any degree to hope to overpower Ulquiorra Cifer. The vibrant clash of flame and thunder resulted in him being pushed back several meters by sheer merit of the whirlwind the colliding energies emitted. Naturally, the superior Cero won out, but Solomon hastily activated Blut Vene to blunt at least some of the pain he felt during his collision with the ground. Rising as quickly as he fell, Solomon exhaled softly.

"...That stance looks familiar."

Even if the battle had only started, his curiosity overpowered his concentration. He was still prepared for any follow-up, but his mind couldn't help but wonder. Even so, he had to maintain his wits about him. The attack she employed just now was nothing to scoff at, even with its power dialed back for his sake. For a mere footsoldier like him, he needed to remain diligent. Release energy. Refine energy. Grow stronger. That was the long-term goal in mind. An endless journey beginning now.


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Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:57 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 2 HEADER_c3521bd12ba1cebc1cee5da64a9a316c

The electrified response from Solomon fell within the expected parameters from the Quincy. Without the proper ability to match her output without straining himself, she watched expectantly as his own attack faltered and withered before the attack itself, and in that final moment, she observed the pattern flashing across his skin as he weathered the attack, the combination of his own natural hardiness and the initiation of Blut allowing him to endure the assault without any actual damage that she had calculated would be acceptable.

"I should very much hope so. From the information I've garnered, I derived that you had been present during the incident with Kurosaki. The gestures involved in this attack were intended to elicit a memory response, to a time when your life, and the lives of those you cared about where in danger." She noted calmly as she began walking calmly toward Solomon with that blade of Cero still in hand. Those eyes piecing as she stared intently at Solomon.

"Do you remember the emotion in the depths of your heart? A desperation inside of you. A voice that drove you toward a purpose. That feeling that 'I must win, or else I will lose everything'?" She inquired as she closed the distance between them, walking on the air, such that even though she was a fair head or so shorter than him, she looked down upon him as she approached.

And a second crackle of light formed in her other hand. A Second sword.

"If Kurosaki were to appear in the City of Lights in this very moment. What do you imagine would be the outcome of such a conflict?" Those cold eyes affixed to Solomon's own, driving home the gravity of her question as her spiritual pressure continued to rise. Intentionally pressing down on him. Enough to make his muscles creak. Enough to make his very bones feel the weight of her spiritual pressence, a gulf which would threaten to swallow him especially in her released form. The spiritual pressure of an entity so much more powerful than Solomon that even in his Letz Stil, he would not stand a chance.
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Sun Jan 07, 2024 6:26 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


"...Heh. What an interesting approach. It certainly elicited some measure of anger within me."

Solomon's expression grew decidedly stern. Maddening thoughts of his failures overwhelmed his mind like a malevolent curse. Ichigo's words repeated in an endless chant of ridicule. Ulquiorra's question mercilessly tore through his soul like a sharp blade. He was inferior. That was the cold reality he unearthed on that battlefield. No matter what he did, no matter how desperate his charge was, he was turned away from the battlefield, others sacrificing themselves at his expense.

No moment left so permanent a scar on his soul than that. To know that even his finest effort amounted to little more than a mere dent in that monstrous warrior's flesh if that. His reflection was short-lived. The obsidian arrancar posed a question regarding his emotions that day. Fury. Rage. A voice that demanded nothing but his death. A desperation that repeatedly cried out that Ichigo Kurosaki ought to pay for his actions. Of course, he remembered. Those malicious emotions never wavered. His defeat at Criella's hands, too, did little to sway the fury in his heart. Defeat was his sole constant in battle.

"Of course I do..."

Of course, his anger only intensified at those memories. Ulquiorra's approaching frame, the vast spiritual pressure that forced his body to the ground in an instant, the crippling sense of inferiority. Solomon was no fool. She was a being who could kill him with the gravity of her reiatsu alone. Even if he achieved his ultimate state, he would suffer a humiliating defeat as though he were little more than child's play. A mere afterthought. His body attempted to force itself to rise, but it was no use. As such, the only motion left to him was the ability to lift his head, barely stabbing his sword into the ground, his gaze one of unrestrained fury.

"We would all die. No matter what technique we hatched, no matter the gameplan... we would die. And the City of Lights would fall. No one would remember us. Our sacrifices. Our efforts. We would fall... and he would march onward without remorse..."

His voice was hoarse, his emotions genuine. That was the bitter reality of the outcome. They would die, he would march onward, and no one would remember their collected efforts, let alone the architects who built this city from the ground up. It would vanish into history, as though it never was. And he despised that with every iota of his soul.


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Mon Jan 08, 2024 9:31 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 2 HEADER_c3521bd12ba1cebc1cee5da64a9a316c

Watching as the man was thrown to the ground, she offered no reaction. Not a scrap of pity or regret. She had ensured that he would be pinned down, to ensure that he feel the weight of her strength wearing down on him. Were it not for the barrier, she would never unleash such energy within a populated area. But down here, she was free to do so.

She walked towards him as he began to speak, however strained an explanation it was with the weight on his lungs. As he painted a picture of destruction and carnage.

"Incorrect." She stated flatly, without any sense of argument or hostility. It was simply a statement of fact.


Her foot would connect with the ritter's face, launching him up from the ground, striking his neck and shoulder with enough force to lift him clean off the ground, launching him up just a few feet into the air before one of those blades vanished, her bare hand snaking out to clamp onto the man's face and force him back down onto his feet. It would be jarring to say the least, and in that instant, he might even struggle to find his balance despite being practically slammed down onto his feet. Wether he just crumpled back onto his ass or managed to stay upright would be up to him.

"Get up. I want you to show me the techniques you entrust with the lives of your friends." She commanded. A tall order given she didn't let up on her spiritual pressure. But that was the intent, was it not? He would have to push himself merely to move. But well, the alternative would be fighting her while on his hands and knees.
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Thu Jan 11, 2024 6:13 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 2 Nc14v0I



His face met her foot with relative ease as the obsidian woman handled him like a ragdoll. Little more than a slave to the force of gravity known as spiritual pressure, Solomon was left with no other action than to receive her harsh answer as it were. His spiritual pressure was inferior to her own. What form of defiance could he offer in return? Even under her dominion, his anger did not relent. He was no stranger to this familiar emotion, after all.

No matter how difficult it was to maintain balance, Solomon proved stubborn still, forcing his legs to bend themselves to his will. His body pulsated with the will of lightning as he gritted his teeth. It was so difficult to stand under this anchor of immense energy, but if he crumpled and fell to his feet now, he would achieve nothing.

Get up. I want you to show me the techniques you entrust with the lives of your friends.

His friends. His loved ones. The City of Lights. That's right. That was why he endured this madness with a madman's zeal. He sought strength to protect. But could he protect anyone in this miserable state? No, of course not. To prove himself worthy, she was to become but another stepping stone for him to overcome.

"Rise, damn you!"

As though commanding his own body to adhere to his word alone, he approached her with strained feet. Ulquiorra was not the first nor would she be the last. Every opponent he faced, every loss, that inferior ability... it invigorated his spirit as he forced his spiritual pressure to fight against the weight of her own. Stepping toward her, it felt as though his back was being crushed by a mountain, but he would fight through even that.

His spirit weapon crackled with voltaic reishi as his own essence of energy fiercely struggled against the superior weight of gravity that threatened to sink his body to the ground. His blade shot forward like a lightning bolt as he released a column of thunderous reishi toward her in a cleaving motion, aiming to slice against her frame.



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Wed Jan 17, 2024 4:46 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 2 HEADER_c3521bd12ba1cebc1cee5da64a9a316c

He was rising. Good. She continued to adjust her spiritual pressure, watching as he slowly forced himself up to his feet, his body creaking against the strain. Focusing on the output of her spiritual energy as she could feel that energy blooming through the entirety of her frame. And as he forced himself through that thick miasma of her spiritual energy, she made note of the flow of his own reiryoku and the reishi in the air around him bent by the man's force of will.


A comment punctuated by the flash of her Cero Blade across the man's throat. A precise slash aimed to slit the front of his neck without tearing through the jugular. All whilst her second blade tore upwards. Uno Corte.. A thin, concentrated burst of energy shredded up and through the bulk of that thunderous blast, cleaving a path as the rest of the attack crashed down onto the ground around her.

That blade dispersed as her hand struck out to clamp around his throat. Of course, he was not actually in danger, that surgical strike, the control of her energy ensure that those vital blood vessels would remain untouched. But of course, he wouldn't know that. For all he knew, he was going to start rapidly bleeding out. He would have to instinctively switch to blut vene to staunch his own bleeding, That way, he could not augment himself with arterie to artificially bull his way through her spiritual pressure.

A threat of death, and forcing him to focus on defense, so that the only thing working to keep him on his feet would be his own soul flaring against her own. Pushing him until he no longer had to THINK about pushing back against her spiritual pressure. And instead focus on the hand clamped around his neck. Not enough to crush his windpipe, but enough to provide further incentive to activate Vene.

"Free yourself." She instrucfted, as her other sword dispersed, and she pointed her finger between his eyes. He would get to watch in close, frantic detail as a black cero roared to life in his very face. The roar of energy no doubt almost deafening as a deadly attack was aimed at his face.

Pushing him. Threatening him. Perhaps even terrifying him.

Naturally, she had no intention of actually firing through his skull. If he froze up, she would simply have the cero fizzile out and disperse in a concussive wave of blinding, deafening, but otherwise harmless energy.

But hopefully he wouldn't. With his throat cut. With his windpipe clamped almost shut. And with death staring him in the face. She expected a ferocious retaliation. All as she focused on her own attacks. Pushing her control to it's limits. To give the impression of an impending deadly attack. Once upon a time, a man had once commented on how predictable her attacks could become.

Focusing. Adjusting the output. Carefully firing up and then quickly dispersing the energy back into her Encerre rather than actually unleashing the attack. All of this, to construct a charade of merciless, lethal intent for this Quincy. To push him further. Top dig him out of that pathetic mindset.

The mindset that defeat was an option.
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Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:25 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 2 Nc14v0I



Solomon felt a precise cut cleanly appearing across his throat. Were he of lesser will, his body would have frozen in that instant. His mind instinctively shifted into defense to stem the bleeding, azure veins roaring to life to signify the employment of Blut Vene. Arterie might have proved more effective in his bid to break through the gravity of spiritual pressure that weighed on his body like an anchor, but defense proved far more crucial right now.

Of course, devoting himself to that discipline, meant his offense would be somewhat delayed, but against an opponent of Ulquiorra's magnitude, speed was largely inconsequential to begin with. Proof of the gap in their skill was displayed the moment her hand sliced through the air, mercilessly seizing his throat in the process.

His sword was raised upright as he viciously attempted to work between several systems of thought. His blut to slow the bleeding. His spiritual energy to fight and clash against her own. His progress was halted the moment placed her at the center of his eyes. Simultaneously, A torrent of black energy formed around her finger. A fatal beam of light that would mark the end of his life the moment she fired. The roaring energy alone told him such. Therefore, Ulquiorra presented him with two options.

Adapt or Die.

An explosion of electrified reishi roared to life around his body. His fight-or-flight response exceeded critical mass as his blut vene, for a single instant, pulsated to such a degree that it felt as though it were temporarily attempting to push her hand away from his throat. Combined with his spiritual pressure, Solomon's eyes were set afire with pure azure.


Answering the familiar fear of death with furious retaliation, he lifted his sword upward, like a guillotine, swinging it forward to cut her arm off in an attempt to free himself. Even if that proved insufficient, his energy continued to rise, to grow even more fervent than before, prompted by his will to survive and his energy slowly but surely adapting to the superior force that weighed him down.

He wanted to push her back. To force a measure of distance between them, but he was no fool. He had to force himself past his limit without the boon of Letz Stil to guide him. It was no small task, to be certain, but that never stopped him from fighting against impossible odds in the past. It certainly wouldn't stop him now.


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Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:12 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 2 HEADER_c3521bd12ba1cebc1cee5da64a9a316c

The fervor with which he pushed back was, if nothing else, something of note. Admirable even given his condition, as she viciously assailed him. As he struggled against her torrential spiritual pressure, as he forged himself forward and weathered the strain to raise his sword in an aggressive strike. Too slow. She raised her hand and fired the cero up into his blade. That roaring burst of dark energy plunging clean through his weapon, destroying the attack he'd been generating, as well as obliterating the weapon itself in the process as she swung. Aiming to slash him again. This time just slow enough so that he could generate another spirit weapon in time to block. Bulling him, pushing him. Using her own vicious flurry of strikes, stabs, and slashes to batter him about.

Of course, he managed. Those surges of energy, even as she tore into them, broke upon her body. Vestiges of his attacks that when shattered still were flung about the environment. Every time she broke one of his swords, there was the hazard of the broken pieces which scathed her skin. Her own intentionally weakened hierro showing these little trinkets. The faintest glimmer of hope that he could injure her. Even as the speed of her attacks slowly ramped up, forcing him on the defensive, keeping him from trying to build up any sort of larger attacks. She still continued to correct him.

His stance. His reaction speed. What it was he was focusing on. Not just with her words, but intentionally barring him from actions that were too slow or unwieldy.Even as she whittled away at his frame, She continued to keep pushing him. Forcing him to his feet when he buckled, throwing him around when he paused to try and catch his breath. To force that sense of hopelessness in him. Until at long last, she paused and allowed him to stumble away from her. That blade of a cero pointed at the young man as she did.

"If you feel that you can't win. Do you simply plan on surrendering? On giving up your life, and absolving yourself that you and your allies will be wiped out?"
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Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:26 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


Each clash whittled away at his confidence, his physical stamina, repeatedly testing the limits of what he could reasonably endure. He was no god of war. Nor was he the unyielding image of the fallen hero who toppled him and his peers. He was a foolish man swinging a sword against a superior opponent. Pathetic. It won't work. It won't work. It won't work. It won't work. Too Slow. Too Slow. Too Slow. Inefficient. Inefficient. Inefficient. Lackluster. Lackluster. These words, like curses, flashed through his mind as he bolted toward her with the zeal of a madman.

Each time he opposed her, his body was wounded, his sword was shattered. Swirls of reishi formed in his hand the moment his spirit weapon was shattered, reforming his weapon at an alarming rate, simply to keep up with her superior performance. The pace of this battle was such that forming secondary spirit weapons was currently out of the question. His energy was rapidly expanding through so many channels that the thought simply didn't feel feasible.

Nothing seemed feasible. Nothing felt feasible. Every momentary victory was a setback. The faintest glimmer of hope might as well be an illusion to he who could not overcome the insurmountable mountain that lorded over him. Any moment of respite he found saw his body being thrown around to remind him of how erroneous hesitation was in a battle of this nature. Stumbling forward, using his blade to keep his body upright, his azure gaze unsteady, his mind reflecting on her inquiry, Ulquiorra's cero blade pointed squarely at him.

If you feel that you can't win. Do you simply plan on surrendering? On giving up your life, and absolving yourself that you and your allies will be wiped out?

What was the defining emotion he felt when he was pushed into a position where defeat was a certainty? Where he could die? Surrender? Give up his life? Absolve himself that he and his allies would be wiped out? No... Like a film on rewind, the scene of the defeated played back to him. The monstrous image of the warrior who left his people near death's door. Giselle's charred and bloodied form.

His inability to surpass his limits disgusted him. To achieve what he desired, he needed strength. He needed power. He needed to break past the current scope of his ability, and exceed even that. Thus, his answer became abundantly clear. His body stumbled forward, approaching the woman as another torrent of thunderous reishi encompassed his frame. That is, whatever remained of it.

Surrender was not an option. So as long as he breathed, it never would be.

"No. Call it futile. Consider it the stubbornness of a foolish man who has lost his mind, but I can't abide the idea of surrender. I would rather my soul be purged from existence than absolve myself of responsibility. As long as I breathe, I will fight. As long as I stand, I will fight. If I can't win, I'll keep surpassing my limits until I overcome what stands before me. Surrender is not an option."


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Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:35 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 2 HEADER_c3521bd12ba1cebc1cee5da64a9a316c

"Well. I don't know about all that." She lowered her blade, and allowed her spiritual pressure to taper off and vanish, her ressurected form slowly fading from her frame, reforming as her zanpaku'to. "Death by combat is not the only alternative. I think there is something to be said about doing what needs to be done, and ensuring that you don't needlessly throw your life away. But it's certainly better than the answer you gave before." She stated softly, the barriers slowly powering down as she glanced at the wounds on her body, and in an instant they simply vanished as she activated her regeneration. Glancing to the side as a few medical personnel moved in to tend to Solomon's injuries.

"I certainly hope you keep a firm grasp on that sentiment. And refrain from allowing yourself to fall to such things as despair. You can ill-afford such things in your position."
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