Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 3 Empty Re: La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]

Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:13 pm
 La Conquistadora[Solomon, Ulquiorra]  - Page 3 Nc14v0I


"Of course, I---"

In an instant, the reishi crackling around his body dissipated. Whatever bursts of energy that carried him before had vanished. Of course, that was to be expected. He pushed his body to a limit it hadn't quite reached in some time without the boon of Letz Stil.

His bones felt heavy, his mind felt dazed. There was good advice Ulquiorra offered, but his mind only registered her words. In the next moment, he stumbled around until he fell to the ground, azure eyes catching glimpses of Ulquiorra's regenerating form, and finally, medical personnel rushing over to tend to his condition.

Fortunately, he was nowhere near the verge of death as he had been in other battles, but that didn't mean his body was in any condition to continue. There was a valuable lesson to gleam from this spar, but any such reflections would be ruminated on in the realm of dreams, his eyes closing, his consciousness fading. He had, by all accounts, fainted.


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