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The catch up(Stella/Akira) - Page 2 Empty Re: The catch up(Stella/Akira)

Sat Jan 13, 2024 2:30 am
As Stella would think back to all the conversations and stories thst she had with her mother it did make her heart ache to an extent. She hadn't been gone from home for very long, but she does miss being able to see her family every day. She would take a deep breath before explaining to him.

"She told me that she wanted me to surpass where she had beem do , and both of my parents were very supportive of me just leaving the village in general. A they wanted me to make my own way. To answer your other question, yes me.and my mother were very close."
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Mon Jan 15, 2024 4:25 pm
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There was a warm smile that radiated from the man, evidently finding it rather sweet. Akira didnt have anything to actually correlate or compete with this type of affection or intimacy, actually in the grand scheme of anything and everything, not alot of role models in his life. Stella was the kind of individual that reinforced his conviction within the battles to come.

."It must be rather warm to know she supports you like this, I can only imagine the difficulty of leaving her behind for the sake of this goal though. I actually do not dispute nor doubt the idea that you’ll surpass your mother. Anyone willing to fight tooh and claw to get here already has more will than I.

He chuckled lightly.

."Have you chosen one of the segments to join Stella? Sternritter and the others?


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The catch up(Stella/Akira) - Page 2 Empty Re: The catch up(Stella/Akira)

Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:22 am
"So, I was mainly thinking that I want to join the sternritters. I'm not really cut out for the other one as I don't think that I'm smart enough. I don't think im dumb, but my specialty is in my physicality I believe. So, I think that I should play to my strengths right?"

Stella would ask as if she was unsure about this herself. She thought that the best way to get your goal was to play towards your strengths. As there was no reason to play towards a weakness. However, out of everyone thst she's met she thinks she's behind. It isn't something that she can control herself, and she knows that but it's hard seeling all these strong people and then comparing herself to them.
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The catch up(Stella/Akira) - Page 2 Empty Re: The catch up(Stella/Akira)

Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:53 am
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His eyelids fluttered a few times at the evident discourse in her core.

There wasn’t enough within the realms to offer enough to make an individual feel better about themselves, a cycle that repeated constantly. Unfortunate. Stella had so much potential but he didn’t intend to disparage her mindset going forward, only offer the small tidbits about life that wouldn't mold a metaphorical pessimist. It wasn’t like he didn’t suffer terribly from this brutal realization that catching up was both daunting and exhausting, though each had their goals to achieve.

."Playing to your strength is often rather wise Stella though if I may add something a bit more? Ones own strength can be a weakness. You may not be able to advance without not only acknowledging those weaknesses but finding situations that force you to adapt to them. Battle is by itself an unpredictable affair..

He chuckled a little, shifting a bit to glance about the bustling streets of the City with a smile adorning his features.

."I believe the Sternritters could use someone like you, most of them so far are posh boys with an odd outlook on our world and sour creatures, jaded by conflict and their past. You could do alot not only for yourself but them.


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The catch up(Stella/Akira) - Page 2 Empty Re: The catch up(Stella/Akira)

Thu Jan 18, 2024 10:54 pm
Stella would blush at the last statement. Her face would be red to the tip of her ears as she would shake her head. She didn't believe that for a second, and she really couldn't be all that special. I mean look at Natasha. She was a positive figure for the sternritter, and jn Stella's eyes she had a great personality.

"I'm going to have to disagree with you on that point. Pretty much everyone I've met who I believe are sternritter, or at the. very lest in the vandenreich aren't all that different. Solomon might be a little more on the wealthy side, but he seems to genuinely mean good. I'm not really sure how much he understands the other side of the wealth spectrum, but I think that he's a great person. Natasha as well, and she doesn't seem to have been affected much even at an older age."

Stella would speak honestly about her experiences so far. She genuinely didn't think anyone that she has met so far have been bad people, and she bad a high opinion of her friends so far.

"Also you Akira. I'm not sure how honest you are with me about your heritage, but I don't think you're a bad person. Maybe someone who's just caught in a fog."
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The catch up(Stella/Akira) - Page 2 Empty Re: The catch up(Stella/Akira)

Fri Jan 19, 2024 11:37 am
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There was a soft chuckle that emanated from the man, offering an idle exhale before glancing once again at the larger chaffe of individuals that meandered about with their own lives. How many of them held little care for the outside world? Which of them chose to exist in ignorance and which of them were forced into that mould? He couldn’t help but contemp-

Wait why is she bright red? Stella having a heart attack? Then it struck him like a pike through a charging soldiers ribcage, a statement that utterly felt like every assault in the past was suddenly rushing back at once. He wasn’t a bad guy. The smile faltered slightly before letting out a more somber chuckle.

."My deceit about my heritage is natural Stella, though Solomon atleast isn’t bad per say but has alot of ideas about our world. It is afterall a cruel reality that we sometimes have to act in a way to protects others, do we not? Even now….The Vandenreich deploys to Africa so the rest of the world doesnt have too. We are all fighting a form of war for one reason or another. I feel your nature could be enough to anchor Solomon.


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The catch up(Stella/Akira) - Page 2 Empty Re: The catch up(Stella/Akira)

Sun Jan 21, 2024 10:29 am
Stella was a little confused as to what he meant my anchor Solomon. Did he mean that Solomon may put himself in danger when he shouldn't? Of course he wouldn't he seemed like he had a sane mind.

"I don't know about all really not all that special. Thanks for the thoughts though, Akira."

Truthfully she didn't think she had an outcome on anyone in the city yet. She didn't think she was anything special at all, and even on the first day she realized that.
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The catch up(Stella/Akira) - Page 2 Empty Re: The catch up(Stella/Akira)

Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:41 am
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There was a soft chuckle that emanated from the back of his throat, moving a little to face the outwardness of the City, bringing an idle gesture about. He couldn’t help that need to assure others knew the value of their existence. A gentle exhale followed in suit with his words, raising a brow at Stella.

."Not special? I’m afraid Stella that isn't accurate. All those we surround ourselves with are special, those more so who have the desire to be good on the basis of choice. You take me as a loving individual by choice, many believe they are acting good because it is their choice yet reality? They are merely following law.

Akira raised a finger to enforce his point.

."Remember that you’re a snowflake. Unique. Non identical. Able to combine with others to create something truly beautiful.


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The catch up(Stella/Akira) - Page 2 Empty Re: The catch up(Stella/Akira)

Wed Jan 24, 2024 9:42 pm
"Gonna have to disagree with ya there Akira"

Compared to pretty much all of you I am rally nothing special. She doesn't think she is particularly useful in anything that she does. The Training has been getting more to her as she was beginning to self doubt her worth at all. Natasha was stronger and prettier than her, Solomon was like a super hero, yumiko is scary smart, Natsumi can fly.

And Stella is just......Stella.
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The catch up(Stella/Akira) - Page 2 Empty Re: The catch up(Stella/Akira)

Sat Feb 03, 2024 8:12 am
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He cut through the softness for a brief moment with a concerned look washing over his features, shaking his crown of white fluff. It didn’t feel right to let Stella remain there within a stupor when far worse individuals held a life of ecstasy. Isamu. That man crossed his mind briefly.

."The death of motivation starts with the corrosion of self actualisation. If you can’t appreciate the uniqueness that is you as a human being, then how can you rise to those who do? I once fell behind and people I cared about got hurt…That’s what occurs when you don’t appreciate yourself.


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