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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) Empty The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:48 am
Stella was leaning against a wall as she would watch the crowded train station in movement. Her train was supposed to get here within the next half hour, but a part of her wondered if that was even possible with how busy it was currently. She was wearing her more street friendly stuff as she had a pair of jeans, work boots, and a flannel shirt with a beanie sitting atop her head.

She had loved her time in the city of lights so far, but one thing she never was too fond of in the urban areas was the business. The people who were always in a hurry, and could come off as rude always shocked her. She thought it would easier and faster if everyone was just courteous of each other.

However maybe that wad the wrong mindset to have. Afterall she didn't really have a punch machine that she had to hit at a certain point. If she felt like sleeping in for the most part she was able to do so. However, she did keep her eyes out for anyone who may need help. She would also try to be out of the way of anyone who was in a hurry.
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Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:06 pm
The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) OXVj5fS


A small respite from his duties at an Administrator for the Vandenreich was more than welcome. While he was far from one to shirk his work, his age did not always allow him to throw himself into matters as easily, freely, and willingly as the younger members of the organization.

Reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a small, vintage pocket-watch, his expression turned to disappointment as he tapped the case gently.

The hands did not move, not even so much as a quiet tick to come from the old piece. Well, that was rather upsetting, but, it was of little consequence. There was nothing gained to panic from a trivial matter. He would simply need to take a look at it when he returned to his quarters, and see if there was a watchmaker in the city. But, there was the problem at hand of the time.

After all, he wanted to be sure that he wasn't too early for his train, nor late. So, quietly making his way over, he would gently tap Stella on the shoulder.

"Excuse me young lady, do you have the time? My watch seems to be having...problems at the moment, and I wanted to be certain. We all would like to get to our destination on time, after all."

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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:34 am
She would jump slightly as she didn't think she was close enough to anyone for them to bump into her. However, she would hear the voice as she would turn around and see an older gentleman as she would give him a friendly smile. She'd hear what he said as she would nod. "Yes sir, no problem at all." As she would reach into her pocket pulling out her phone and hitting the button. She'd read it before shutting the screen off, and looking back to the old timer.

"It's about.....9:30am" * As she would wait for just a minute as she would realize that they are on the same train as she would give a bright smile.

"Names Stella by the way."

As she would take another glance at the man, and realize that he reminded her of her grandfather. Atleasf in size way. Along with carring around an old watch.
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Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:59 pm
The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) OXVj5fS


Goodness, he hadn't meant to startle the young lady. She didn't seem too shake up, however, a bright friendly smile bringing one of his own to the elder's aged face. A soft look came to him as she responded -- earning a slightly wider smile. Such a polite young lady. It was a little ridiculous for even someone as old as him in the modern time to rely on such an ancient relic.

It wasn't as if he was unable to navigate and work a modern phone, he simply didn't want to use it for anything beyond it's original purpose: phone calls and text messaging. Too many distractions were on the phones of today, and keeping something like a pocket watch allowed him to stave them away, as well as appreciate the old relics of another time.

In reality, it was probably just him being a stubborn, prideful old man, but, it was what felt right and what worked for him. So, returning the warm smile, Johann tucked the malfunctioning watch into his pocket, leaning on his cane, his Spirit Weapon idly radiating with deftly hidden power.

"Johann Arant. Many thanks, my dear. Seems I still have some time left before the train arrives. Good, good."

Easing off the walking aid, Johann leaned lightly against the wall behind them, turning to look at the girl once more.

"Where are you heading today, Stella? If you don't mind me asking, of course."

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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Sat Feb 03, 2024 11:10 pm
"OH, I'm just going on an adventure really. I'm still fully new to the city, so I think I should spend my free time exploring what I can ya know? That way I don't have to pull out my phone if someone asks me where zomething is."

Stella would speak as she would give him a bright toothy smile as she would look at rhe people around them. Seeing so many on their phones in some sort of way.
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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Tue Feb 13, 2024 9:19 pm
The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) UP3gYmj


An adventure, hm? A smile came to the elder's face as he chuckled softly in response. It was good that she was spending some time to find her way around. It was good to make sure one knew where they were going, especially in a city such as this.

"It's good to have a strong sense of where you are. If there's anywhere that you're looking for in particular, perhaps I can be of assistance. I've been around this city quite a lot, and I may be able to help you find places without getting too lost."

Stepping away from the wall, Johann leaned a bit more on his cane, taking a look around to see if there was a clock within view, spotting it not far from the exit to the station. Not long now until the train arrived -- conversation with passersby always seemed to be a good way to pass the time.

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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:43 am
Stella would hear the offer as she would shake her head. She didn't want someone to waste their own time helping her find her way around the city. She didn't feel like she could ask someone who she just met that. She may feel bad, but then again he did offer. She would sigh giving in on her own as she knew he would probably insist anyway.

"W...well I am looking for like a clothing or dress store. I wanna get some new clothes while I have a little bit of money on me ya know? I didn't come here with too much stuff."

As she would be slightly bashful in admitting that to the man. It almost felt like she was talking to her grandfather in a slightly familiar way.
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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:35 am
The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) UP3gYmj


Ah, she was one of those types. Just from the way she spoke, he had a feeling she was under the impression that she was bothering him, somehow. Well, it wasn't as if he came here with some rigid plan in mind. In truth, he had just wanted to come out and enjoy his time away from the desk. So, with a soft, hearty chuckle, he reached out to gently pat the young lady on her shoulder.

"Well now, if it's a clothes store you're looking for, I know a few places that might be fitting. Not too demanding on a wallet, either."

As he spoke, he turned his head toward the track, hearing the distant sound of the train as it grew closer, eventually pulling into the station. As it pulled in, Johann took some steps away from the wall, the louder clicks of his cane tapping against the ground masking his footsteps as he gesturing lightly toward the mode of transport with the walking implement.

"I'd be more than happy to show you there. I didn't come with any particular location in mind, so there's little bother on my part."

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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:27 am
Stella would smile graciously at the man. She was glad to see that he mat not be all that in a hurry so she would nod at this before she would turn to see the train showing up. Something about this man was reminding her of her grandfather, but she would speak before the train would come to a halt.

"If you wouldn't mind, then I would certainly appreciate it"

She would also enjoy having company of someone else. When she's with someone else she doesn't get locked in her own thoughts of self- doubt.
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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:14 pm
The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) UP3gYmj


As the train arrived and the doors opened, Johann smiled as he walked onto the train and sat down next to her, resting the cane against the inner wall. She reminded him of his daughters when both they and he were young. From what he could tell, she had been raised well -- a polite, considerate young lady.

He was glad to see that, but also hoped that she would keep that aspect of herself later in life. Nevertheless, he rested his hands in his lap as he leaned forward slightly.

"Of course, my dear. Good company makes the way shorter, as they say. But, I am curious, you clearly aren't a native citizen of the city. What made you come?"

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