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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:37 am
"Well, it seems like I've been living under a rock for awhile. My mother used to tell me stories of the city while I was growing up, and she told me if I wanted to pursue becoming a strong quincy who can protect everyone. My best bet would be to come to the city of lights, but she kinda didn't tell me about the world events. W...we lived pretty back in the mountains of Germany, so I never really paid attention to things that didn't affect us directly ya know?"

Stella would speak openly, and almost like she was trying to make excuses. Her lack of knowledge was absolutely her fault, and she was aware of that. Why would she try to make excuses though? She should have researched or atleast looked into stuff before trying to move right away.
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Mon Mar 11, 2024 1:46 am
The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 UP3gYmj


The mountains of Germany? No wonder they were so uninformed of current events. But, there was a peace to that, in its own way. He didn't think less of them from it, though it did explain a lot. So, with a light chuckle, Johann waved his hand lightly.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes it's better for one's health to not be so concerned with worldly matters. Perhaps I would have less wrinkles and grey hairs if I heeded that advice myself."

Another light chuckle at his own humor -- as well as a slightly morbid reflection. Perhaps, had he not paid such careful attention to matters of the world, maybe things would have turned out differently. But, there was little to be gained by focusing on the past. The elder's face grew a tad more stern as he leaned back against the train.

"A noble endeavor, albeit one fraught with danger. Be careful in that journey, my dear. Train well and hard, and, should you require it, I will be there if you fall, especially so if you wish to join the Vandenreich. Think long and hard about that choice before making it. Don't enlist until you know what war you're fighting."

Yet again, advice he wishes he could have used when he was young, arrogant, foolish -- as a grandfather and father, and as a man.

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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:29 am
"OH I've already joined the candenreich sir. I turned my paper in a few days ago actually. Miss Anis took me to sign up when I mentioned I was interested in joining."

As Stella would continue talking to the man. It was beginning to be more enjoyable than she had thought as she wonder what kind of rank this man was in the vsndenreich. With his age he could be a higher up, but he seemed really friendly to be super high ranked.

"If you don't mind me asking what rank are ya?"
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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:20 pm
The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 UP3gYmj


She had already enlisted? Well, that was a tad bit embarrassing. Perhaps he had missed her when he looked over the paperwork for the day. It certainly made his little speech fall a bit flat, with that information in mind. But, what kind of man would he be if he crumpled under such meager pressure? Clearing his throat, the elder's smile returned, though far weaker than it had been before.

"Well, nevertheless, I hope you still consider that advice, even if it comes a bit late."

His advice was still that which he intended to fulfill, a flame of resolve burning brighter with how young and inexperienced she was. That was, after all, why he had come out of retirement -- to ensure that all under this banner would be ready, should the worst come.

"Administrator, of the Sternritter branch, specifically, my dear. But, this is no official business, so, don't feel any need to suddenly start saluting or something silly like that. We're just two people who both happen to be involved in the Vandenreich."

The train slowed, eventually coming to a stop, and Johann perked up slightly at hearing the announcement. This was the place. So, he stood up, using his cane to push him as he started toward the train door.

"Anyways! Come, come. That store isn't too far away now!"

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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Sat Mar 23, 2024 7:18 am
Stella would feel her heart drop as that was the branch she was in. She would take a deep breath as she felt her stomach drop, but hearing the second half she would let out a sigh of relief. The last thing she wants to do is offend someone higher rank than her, but it seems as if she was okay right now. She would follow behind him as they would head to the store.

"Then, would you happen to know Natasha and Solomon? They're 2 that I met, and have kinda helped take care of me since I've been here. This city is kind of out of my element."
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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Tue Apr 02, 2024 8:36 pm
The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 UP3gYmj


While he was not able to read minds, he had long since learned to be able to tell what that type of body language represented. It was only natural that some would be intimidated in the presence of a superior, no matter how approachable and friendly one tried to make themselves. But, he hoped that, if he hadn't done so already, he would be able to alleviate those worries.

"Ah, Mr. Richter. I knew of him even before I returned to service, though not personally. I knew of his family when I was younger, though. As for Miss Miller, while I also don't know her personally, I am aware of her presence within the Vandenreich."

Johann smiled at the thought of the members. They were good people -- Solomon especially so. Even though he was incredibly headstrong, it was with good intentions. It reminded the elder of himself when he was younger -- it was good that she came across those two especially.

"They're both good people. I'm glad that they were the ones to meet and help you."

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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:08 pm
"Yeah, Solomon is kinda like an older brother I didn't have by blood. Nat has kinda.... Become my role model since I've gotten here. She's kinda everything my mom told me to look for in someone over here. She's almost became like my mom away from home ya know?"

Stella would speak openly with the older gentleman as she would continue on her walk. Something would dawn on her from her talk with Lianne earlier. She did have a pretty big gap of knowledge in a pretty important area. That being her own people's history as she would start of stop at a bench before turning around and looking at the old man.

"Before I go and look for a dress, could you tell me about the history of our people? or what that arancar attack was not so long ago?"

she would ask as she would take a second to hopefully get a yes before sitting down for the story. She needed to figure all of this out.
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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:20 pm
The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 UP3gYmj


An older brother, hm? The young man certainly gave off that kind of energy -- though he had been an only child himself, he had seen a similar relationship between some of his own kin. And Natasha, a role model and motherly figure? Given what he had heard of her and from her, she certainly was not shy of that aspect. Good, it seemed like the young lady had met the best kind of people she could have in this city as a newcomer.

However, he turned to look at her, a bit confused as she stopped and sat down at a nearby bench. The history of their people and the Ichigo incident? Well, this was certainly a time to ask, now wasn't it. But, chuckling softly, he figured he'd oblige her as he sat down next to her, resting both hands on his cane.

"Well, this is certainly an interesting time to ask. Hmm, let's see...well, the Quincy have been a collective for far longer than I. Frankly, some days, it feels like a miracle that we've lasted this long. In the far past, one of our ancestors wished for the complete annihilation of Hollows, and saw Shinigami as an obstacle."

A weary sigh came from the elder as he recounted the history he remembered from his own studies. To many, it was considered the golden age of Quincy, that time. Perhaps it was -- given that the sheer power of the Five Pillars back then were enough to entertain the possibility that the Quincy were a threat.

"Then, in the eighteen-hundreds, while fighting for self-preservation, the Gotei believed us to be a threat, and sought to exterminate us again. Many of us scattered and rekindled our traditions, but we are considerably weaker and in far fewer numbers than we were back then. It's a rather sad tale, really."

Johann looked to the ground, briefly scanning the aged, yew-scented cane, sighing again, before clearing his throat and looking back to Stella with a warm smile.

"As for the incident involving the Arrancar, it would be best to speak with someone who was directly involved with the matter. I'm certain a more direct perspective is more accurate than what the report would say. Solomon or Kokuto Rooks are two in particular that come to mind."

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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:10 am
Stella remembered thst her mother said the way they exercised hollows were different than what the shinigami did. As Stella would listen she could feel a little sadness ache into her heart about the shinigami wanting to exterminate the quincies as she would look down at her shoes. She would sigh a slightly shaky sigh as she would continue listening. Once he would get to the Ichigo part she would nod as she understood. It would probably be better to get first hand story of what happened with him.

"I.....see. Well feels like I've been very out of the loop huh?"

Stella would feel shame building up in the back of her mind at how much she didn't know. She was not aware the shnigami and quincy had history like that, and it was causing her to have a bit of an ache in the back of her mind as she would let out a sigh. Her eyes were beginning to wafer as she really was a failure wasn't she?

"I guess I really am stupid aren't I? I wasn't even aware of my own peoples history....."
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The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 Empty Re: The old and The young (Stella/ Johann)

Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:50 pm
The old and The young (Stella/ Johann) - Page 2 UP3gYmj


Being out of the loop was nothing new or surprising. Some people simply didn't have a penchant for history as much as others -- and they were able to live life just as well without it. For him, it was merely a matter of interest to be delving so far back into their shared history, for the sake of tradition, as well as remembering where they came from, and what they could learn from.

Hearing her sigh, and then the next words out of her mouth, the elder clicked his tongue, reaching over to gently pat the younger woman on the head.

"Now, now, none of that. It isn't a crime to not know our history. I doubt many, if any, expect you to know it by heart. Knowing the key details is more than enough for some, myself included. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Additionally, I'm always willing to teach to those who are willing to learn."

Johann turned to face Stella, smiling warmly as he patted her on the back. It was a bit disappointing whenever someone didn't know their history -- especially if they had the ability to -- but, he knew that this young lady was far from that. He knew her circumstances and how isolated her and her family were. Pushing down on his cane, Johann rose from the bench, smiling as he gesturing down the street.

"Besides, I've yet to see you to that store, and what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't do that?"

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