Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
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A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] Empty A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria]

Wed Jan 24, 2024 1:47 am
A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] Y7MU5O6

Neighborhood Brat

Peering around, Eiji huffed and puffed to himself. The Vandenreich training grounds weren't exactly a place that he was supposed to be wandering, let alone on a rain filled day. Not only had Natasha told him, repeatedly at that, that he shouldn't be getting into any of her work business, the boy wasn't exactly given permission to just... wander. That said, the silver-haired idiot couldn't help himself. Wanting to learn more about Natasha and, albeit as a secondary notion, the City of Light, left him traveling a bit out of his assigned area.

Shuffling back and forth, Eiji did his best to remain inconspicuous, wasn't everyday a nobody like him could watch first hand Vandenreich soldiers training so diligently. It seemed at the time it was just a small grouping of people, not much of the training grounds were occupied. The group seemed focused on a lady, their boss? Eiji wasn't exactly sure, didn't really matter either. To him, watching was enough for him to sate any urge he had at the time. So much so that he creeped towards the group.


The young man's mouth was ajar, he was lost in thought. It seemed that most of his efforts at being a background character weren't exactly taken seriously. Crossed arms and stretched neck led him closer and closer, inch by inch. Before long, Eiji was nearly on top of the group. If anything, he was more a nusience at this point than an innocent bystander. So much for inconspicuous huh?

"Y'all always take it this serious?"

Yeah, so much for inconspicuous. Smart kid.

Ain't No Place For A Rat

A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] FXpoQxJ
A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] 2Y9rqGk

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A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] Empty Re: A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria]

Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:47 pm
A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] IByFdgw


Water gently fell from the sky, soaking Victoria's dress and pressing it into her skin, and matting her long black locks onto her cheeks and neck. Her silvery blue eyes gazed out across the dampened training grounds observing the most recent crop of new cadets she had taken under her wing. Standing shoulder to shoulder, every one of their motions, every single action they took, was taken in and analyzed by Victoria who stripped it all apart to find anything and everything needing to be fixed. Victoria opened her mouth to speak and then...


Having been so focused on her cadets, the Sternritter didn't even notice the arrival and slow creeping of some strange young man. As he questioned their seriousness, the group of Quincies suddenly stopped what they were doing and stood at attention, all while giving the interloper a dirty look. Victoria's eyes washed over the white haired man. She noticed he wasn't dressed like a Vandenreich member, though even if he had been she'd still be suspicious given his choice to walk up and interrupt training. Still, she couldn't be sure of his identity or presence here and chose to err on the side of caution.

Victoria walked toward Eiji and questioned him with a raised brow "Hi, I'm Victoria, Sternritter of the Vandenreich. Can I ask why you're here? Is there something I can help you with?" Though she met his eyes with a look of suspicion, Victoria's words and tone lacked any kind of aggression.

Living is Hard | END POST
The Hybrid King
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A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] Empty Re: A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria]

Sun Feb 04, 2024 7:41 pm
A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] Y7MU5O6

Neighborhood Brat

Eiji was a tad confused, if he were being honest. The Vandenreich had been lauded by Natasha in ways that he would fail to really explain, that didn't keep his confusion from boiling over. Even if he hadn't asked out of disrespect, the cadets doing what they were expected to do just to have it questioned by, for all intents and purposes, a kid? It must not have felt great.

Crossed arms moved to stretch behind his back, a quiet lean backwards followed suit. Why did these guys take themselves so seriously, Eiji thought. They were like rigid little dolls, lacking any serious uniqueness to their beings. It was kinda creepy.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. No reason, I guess."

As the rain pitter pattered against his clothing and skin, Eiji gave a short sniffle before looking back to all the cadets that were now eyeing him. So much for being so disciplined, their mean mugs left him as annoyed as they were. For grown men and women they sure weren't exactly fond of youngin's trying to learn about things of their own accord.

He turned back to Victoria, cocking his head. "These guys got somethin' up their behinds? Natasha told me y'all were super cool and stuff but I don't know, I was just tryna learn 'bout you guys and all. I ain't harmin' anyone or anything, yeah?"

Still oblivious to why the group may find him annoying at the very least, Eiji sniffled again and stood aimlessly around, not really getting the message.

Ain't No Place For A Rat

A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] FXpoQxJ
A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] 2Y9rqGk

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A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] Empty Re: A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria]

Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:17 pm
A Crow In The Hawk's Nest [Eiji/Victoria] IByFdgw


What a strange guy. As Victoria's steel eyes scanned the young boy, who couldn't have been older than a teenager, she was both confused and amused by his presence. Not many people would have the guts to intrude upon a military training grounds and act like everyone else was strange for being annoyed by the interruption. Then again, she thought, maybe it was less guts and just...a lack of self awareness.

That name! At the mention of Natasha, Victoria perked up and immediately responded to the boy "Natasha Miller? Southern belle sweetheart? If you're okay in her book, you're okay in mine." A couple seconds passed, then she spoke again, this time in a more commanding tone "However, you're an unaccompanied stranger in the Vandenreich's training grounds. This is a military base, and without proper paperwork I can't allow you to wander about as you please. Do you understand?" Her cold eyes bore into Eiji with an authority irrespective of her Vandenreich position, born from her previous work and her time as a mother.

Then, as if a switch had flipped, Victoria was as gentle and sweet as ever once again. "Now, why don't you introduce yourself to me and these soldiers. I also think they would appreciate an apology. After all, they're training every day to put their lives on the line to protect people and you interrupted them." Her smile, thought soft, accompanied an air of forcefulness any mother talking to a child could replicate.

Living is Hard | END POST
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