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Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] Empty Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:11 am
Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] W12oBTL

"Catherine Reed"

God this city felt like a maze to navigate at times...

Her phone was open to follow the navigation, the route to the address plain as day on her phone, but she was already taking shortcuts through alleyways and fence-hopping; guess they didn't get the GPS all sorted out yet, annoying. City planning must've been a nightmare, if there was any planning at all, dropping a city in the middle of the ocean and whatever.

Finally, she was at the apartments and going up the elevator to the designated floor, pulling the small parcel out of her bag as she'd walk up to the recipient's door, raise a fist to knock, but stop. She'd instead open her texts and send a message that she was here with the item. She was dressed rather nicely, a long-sleeved summer dress with her legs entirely obscured by stockings that reached far past her long skirt's length.

Now to wait, she said she'd be home at this time...

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:31 am
Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] HEADER_0229-005

The sound of her phone going off picked up her attention. That, and of course her pesquisa picking up the spiritual pressure of the familiar human. An unexpected surprise. She'd been relaxing after a trip to the gym. It was certainly...interesting. The titanic weights offered and what was in place for spiritual beings certainly was unique, and it was .... cathartic. To put her body through strains usually only available in combat. But that wasn't why she went there. She went there to socialize.

Humans seemed to bond through such locales, and already a few had shown interest in getting to know her. But as it were, it did mean she had to bathe more regularly. And so, Ulquiorra turned off her shower and promptly wrung out her hair manually. Letting the rest of itrest wet and wild over her shoulders as she dried herself off and made her way to the door itself.

She cracked the door open and poked her head out.

"Catherine. I wasn't expecting you. Is everything alright?" she ventured. No, she could tell nothing was wrong. The woman's spiritual pressure was stable, she didn't seem agitated. But it was one of those ...humanisms that came up regardless. At least she'd learned not to stand half naked in the doorway to her apartment.
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Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:41 am
Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] W12oBTL

"Catherine Reed"

There she was, a pale face poking out to greet her. Though when questioned as to if everything was alright, she'd raise an eyebrow and put a fist on her hip, her other hand occupied with the order, "Huh? Yeah everything's fine. I just came by to visit and drop off your commission. Getting around this city's fucking annoying."

Glancing at what little she could see past that dark head, she'd return eye contact, "Bad time? I can just leave it at the door."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:01 am
Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] HEADER_0229-005

Ulquiorra perked up at that. Her eyes shifting to what Catherine was holding. Ah. The jewelry. "Not at all. Please come in. I've been looking forward to this." She noted, opening the door and stepping aside. As Ulquiorra was mostly dry and with a towrl resting over her left shoulder., Once Catherine was inside, she closed the door behind them and promptly reached out, patting the woman on their head.

"I actually had another piece I wanted you to work with." She added, making her way over to her nightstand and bending over, rummaging through one of the drawers and then retreiving a handful of stone. Quartz, from hueco mundo. "I was curious if you could work with this material. "
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Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:43 pm
Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] W12oBTL

"Catherine Reed"

Sounded good to her. Though she was privy to a rather upsetting sight when she walked in, immediately averting her gaze when she caught even a small glance of someone she considered a subject of research and an acquaintance in the nude. Flush hit her face hard when she thought it reasonable to pat her on the head, waving her hand away and turning away fully.

"Could you at least wrap the towel around your body so I don't have to see all your junk?" She'd say with a bout of frustration, putting the package on the nearest stable surface. She knew Ulqi was kind of weird, so it wasn't like this was unexpected, but seeing other people naked just made her feel uncomfortable if it was something that could be changed quickly, "Also quit patting my head, you watch too much anime."

Another piece for her to work with? She kept her eyes averted if Ulquiorra didn't otherwise make an indication she covered herself up, covering them with her hands to only narrowly see what was being offered to her.

"Huh, never seen quartz like that before. From Hueco Mundo?" She'd question with a bit of curiosity, never did she really manage to get her hands on any materials from there, "If you got any extra or think you could get more, I could take that as payment instead of cash this time."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:59 pm
Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] HEADER_0229-005

Ulquiorra paused for a moment when Catherine made a comment in regards to her state of dress. Oh? She was a bit surprised. " I thought you were more pragmatic than that. That's fine." She noted simply, peeling her towel off and taking a moment to finish drying herself off as a bit of more residual moisture had seeped from her pores. With that taken care of, she opened her dresser and promptly slipped into a large shirt and athletic underwear. Once she was covered up, she returned her attention to Catherine, pausing as she noticed the fixation that Catherine had as soon as she caught sight of the material.

"It is. It's a special type of quartz that grows there. It takes on the shape of trees. as it were." she explained, gently holding her hand out for Catherine's and then gently setting a portion of it in her hand. "There are a few variants. But this one is one that was around where I was first born. If you want more of it, I can certainly see about obtaining more for you." She reasoned. Certainly she knew that Catherine had fascinations with these sorts of things. But it was still...interesting to see how quickly she fixated on such things.
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Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:19 pm
Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] W12oBTL

"Catherine Reed"

A resigned sigh left her, "There's being pragmatic and there's being naked when you got company over..."

Relief came over when she heard her put clothes on, dropping her hands and looking her way. Man, for someone as seemingly dignified and graceful as her, she sure did dress like a dork and did poor with social cues. It was quirks like that which convinced more of a sense of comfort in her company - the weird, stupid, or visibly imperfect types were the least likely to lie and backstab her.

"Oh yeah, I always forget you don't have actual plants over there. Weird," She gave the piece handed to her a good look. It was clear, yet well endowed with inclusions - definitely was naturally grown and riddled with it's own eccentricities.

"There's variants? Yeah, if you're able to grab a sampling of a few different ones and what kind of tree they came from, that'd be great," Still inspecting the piece quite thoroughly, she'd nod, "I've been trying to figure out how to emulate Bala and Ceros, but every material i've used for a rod either melts or deteriorates quickly with hollow energy."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:29 pm
Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] HEADER_0229-005

"Clothing isn't afforded much thought in hueco mundo. But I'll try and be sensitive to your preferences about seeing as little of me as possible." She noted calmly, taking the package that Catherine had made and promptly opening it with care. It was a simple piece.A bracelet with a single emerald charm hanging from the chain itself. She promptly settled herself onto her bed and fastened it around her ankle, The little charm was subtle and wouldn't catch much light. In fact most wouldn't even likely notice it. But that was her intent after all.

She had considered a necklace, but given her proportions, the jewel itself would have spent most of its time in her cleavage.

A pause, glancing toward Catherine as she mentioned her ....experiments. "Then you aren't doing it properly. Charging a cero should not injure you in the process." She stated simply enough. scooting to the side for a moment and patting the spot beside her for Catherine to join her.

"Come here. And I'll demonstrate."
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Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:39 pm
Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] W12oBTL

"Catherine Reed"

That made too much sense that it actually made her a bit upset, but she put her feelings on that aside. She was quite proud of her work, as any craftsman should be, and seemed to have some subtle glow of joy with Ulquiorra putting it on, even in such a discreet place. It wasn't like she was dying to advertise - she had several projects that had to be done when she was finished here. The choice in emerald definitely matched her eyes, as jewelry should.

"Well I didn't mean I was... Okay nevermind." She'd sigh, there was no need to divulge into the raw details of something that wasn't required to be spoken about, coming over and sitting next to her. If it meant she got a demonstration, well she had her notepad ready.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:48 pm
Good Tidings [Catherine, Ulquiorra] HEADER_0229-005

Ulquiorra watched as Catherine seemed to hesitate slightly when beckoned over. She didn't mind this. And she quite expected it. The woman's nature was cautious in general. When Catherine took a moment to slip in beside her on the bed. Ulquiorra took a moment to hold her hand out. "A Cero is simply bringing one's soul to bear in order to attack. Many arrancar have garnered enough skill to fire it not only from their body, but even from objects and weapons. Give me your hand. And I'll channle a caro through your arm. And you'll see that you won't feel the slightest bit of discomfort." She explained.

She wasn't just going to go ahead and do it on her won. Catherine was far too spookable for that. And so, she simply explained what it was she intended to do, and held her hand out. To give plenty of time for Catherine to decline if she preferred. " By using you as a conduit. If you focus your raikaku. You'll be able to precisely feel what it should feel like, to cast a cero of your own, through the motion of my spiritual energy through your body." She clarified.
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