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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] Empty A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Thu Feb 29, 2024 5:30 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] J7kzc3a98k7

It wasn't often that Yuri made her way to this section of the Sereitei, but as it were. For once, her duties as an Heiress came into play. The old Lady wanted her to take a bit more responsibilities from the household. And that meant paying visits to other Families in the area. Her head was already spinning a little. So many new faces, so many shallow platitudes. Walking out into the cool evening air, she let out a slow, steady sigh as she let her shoulders finally relax.

She'd said she was going out for a walk, but honestly, she just wanted a bit of space for herself. All of the actual work was done. Now everyone was just...socializing. But she was exhausted, and so she'd taken the opportunity o excuse herself. Walking out through the streets of the rukongai proper, her wits not quite about her. She just....walked.

As a mess of social puzzles, her work at the Gotei.

And of course...her own personal brand of inner turmoil.
If nothing else, it was nice to have everything outside of her head bea bit more quiet.
It was a start.

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:24 am
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] 1295340

There wasn’t much more that the black haired woman needed to buy and as she dawdled over to the final stall and started to haggle over price, Momo felt rather pleased with herself. She’d saved a bundle while doing her shopping today, thanks in no small part to the fact that the petite woman had a way with words these days which could cut through the flannel that the sellers tried to bombard her with. No doubt there were a few shopkeepers who dreaded her appearances but she was never rude with them, on the contrary, she was always kind, just not a walkover.

The shopkeeper that she was speaking with now, however, had somewhat of a reputation and soon enough Momo found herself having quite the debate with him over the price of his wares. They were almost extortionate and the brown eyes of the woman narrowed with slight annoyance. He wasn’t budging and neither was she, leading to quite the predicament but eventually, she managed to overcome him, with more patience than he probably deserved.

Placing the money down on the table, Momo would then turn and walk off, her basket rather full at this point. Her mind was still pondering about the shopkeeper though and that absent mindedness almost caused her to walk straight into a woman coming from the other direction, stopping just in time.

“Oops, sorry about that, mind was on other things.” She said with a smile, glancing at the other woman, who was slightly taller than her.


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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:20 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] J7kzc3a98k7

The soft impact of someone else startled her from her thoughts, and for just an instant, she cursed herself, wincing as the rounded on the other person, only to blink in surprise when she noticed the little woman that it was. A sheepish smile on her features, the last thing she needed was to make a scene. Stupid, she shouldn't have let herself get so distracted.

"I'm so sorry, are you alright?" She asked in the very same moment that Momo offered her own apology. A slight chuckle escaping Yuri as she took a moment to ...consider them. Some rukongai citizen? She herself thankfully was out of uniform, wearing something a bit on the fancy and formal side of things. She DID come from a party after all. Ugh, she really needed to change out of this.

"I hope none of your stuff was damaged." Not like she couldn't just reimburse them. This wasn't THAT rich of a district. "I'm very sorry, I'm just a bit distracted so I didn't see you." She noted, reaching up to gently brush her hair back before her hand froze and she blinked. Wait...

She gently felt around, and then touched her ear.

"Shit..." She hissed in a whisper, looking around. One of her damn earrings had popped out. And not the gaudy shit that she'd gotten as some gift from one of their neighbors. It was one of the ones Lady Yui had given her. A pair of little pale beads. Barely even noticeable, and most assumed they were marble or pearl. But she remembered so incredibly well the look on the woman's face. The absolute sly mischeif when she'd told Yuri that it was, in fact, glossed and polished bone. Rat bone in fact. And that she'd enjoyed nothing more than to get compliments on them whenever she want to more...upper class gatherings. She got a kick out of noblemen giving shallow platitudes abut what was essentially just a bit of rat carcass in her ears.

What a crazy old bitch.

Which was exactly why she never went to a party without them. And why she was determined to find the one that had dropped.

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Sat Mar 02, 2024 2:18 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] 1295340

“Not to worry, I’m pretty easy to miss.” Momo replied with a chuckle of her own, before having a look through her basket to make sure everything was fine. As it turned out, she’d gotten lucky this time and there didn’t seem to be anything amiss. The black haired woman wasn’t dressed all that fancifully and she probably didn’t stick out all that much compared to everyone else around her. Honestly, the petite woman tried not to stand out too much if she could help it. Life was easier that way and being the centre of attention could be a real pain. “Everything looks to be in order so no harm done. I should’ve watched where I was going.”

The woman before her did look rather fancy though and Momo didn’t need to be a scientist to tell that she wasn’t simply a Rukongai citizen. She looked like she’d come from a party and the dark haired woman couldn’t help but wonder what she was doing in an average district like this. Momo wasn’t exactly a native to it either, coming from a higher one but the best prices were here, so she had little choice but to come. She never could say no to a bargain and there was a recipe that she was dying to try out.

Noting the other woman looking around, she’d ask softly. “Something wrong?”


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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:44 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] J7kzc3a98k7

A brow raised slightly as she glanced at the woman. Huh, what a nice little thing. Still, she was a bit relieved to see that nothing was damaged, would have been a pain in her ass if she had to replace something. "Ah, well I'm glad. Still, that was my fault, I should have been looking where I was going." She noted with a sheepish smile before she proceeded on her little hunt for her earring. So focused on her search that she didn't even realize that the woman was still looking at her. A pause given as she glanced toward them and blinked a few times. Ah, she was still here.

"Ah no it's ... I just think one of my earrings came out. I need to just... hm. Stay still for a moment, if you don't mind? I'm going to see if I can find it. Don't worry this will only take a second" She assured the woman before letting out a sloiw, steadied breath and holding her hand up infront of her, raising a finger to her lips as she focused her spiritual energy. A soft bloom of spiritual energy at the very tip of her finger before a pulse gently spread out.

"Daichi Tenyō"

A Hadō spell of unique type, that pulse of spiritual energy which usually was used to levatate and attack with large pieces of rubble or by pulling up the ground. But this was intentionally power down significantly. Just enough so that a cloud of little particulates and small stones levatated off of the ground around them. Once the spell was cast, she lowered her hand and began looking around. Though Momo would see it not far from her. A little shining bead hovering in the air.
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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Mon Mar 04, 2024 7:49 am
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] 1295340

The ex Lieutenant simply nodded in response, curious to see just what the woman before her was going to do and having no real need to dash off just yet. Her interest was well and truly piqued as she felt a build up of spiritual energy build up from inside the fancy looking woman, followed by a smile as a kido spell was used that Momo hadn’t encountered before. It was a delightful technique and the control displayed was impressive. It appeared that she was in the presence of another Shinigami which gave the basket carrying woman a brief moment of pause. The Gotei were hardly her favourite topic of conversation and she couldn’t help but feel slightly wary.

That being said, once she caught sight of the small earring, hovering in the air close by, Momo couldn’t help but join in with the little display. Raising her left hand, she’d simply utter, only needing a moment to gather the required spiritual energy.

“Hikari no ori.”

A gentle stream of light would emerge from her hand and travel towards the earring, before wrapping around it and creating a small cage of light, hovering in mid air still due to the other woman’s spell. If used at full force, it would prove a difficult prison for a foe to escape from but as it was, the bakudo would merely be a container for the earring.

“There we go. We’ve found our little runaway.”
Momo would say with a cheerful laugh, before adding to the woman. “That’s quite the spell you have there.”


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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Tue Mar 05, 2024 1:28 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] W7pjcoqbmk7

Almost instantly, she perked up when she noticed the shimmer of spiritual pressure, and for just an instant she wondered if this little bitch was about to attack her. But to her surprise, she noticed the intricate weave of a spell! She knew Kido! Yuri's expression lit up as she watched the woman not only show off her spell, but also presented her earring back to her! "Oh my! That was impressive. It's not often I run into a Kido user out in the rukongai, where did you learn that?" She asked with a smile, promptly pleased as she accepted the little earring and gently slotted it back where it belonged, a bright smile shining on her face, feeling much more complete with the set~

Then she turned her attention to Hinamori as they praised her use of the spell, offering a lopsided little smirk. "Oh? It's nothing special. I admit it's not usually something many people use. Since it requires a medium to manipulate, but I'm glad someone can appreciate the finer points of Kido Control." She hummed, a bit of snoot to her voice, but beneath that she was actually quite genuinely pleased. This woman wasn't JUST being nice and praising her, but also showed competence in something she herself was interested in, and that promptly had Yuri's full attention on the woman.

"The name is Yuri Aiban, bye the bye. Seventh Seat of Squad Six, and Heir of the Aiban Family." She introduced herself, no doubt something that would trigger a few things. First being that she probably would recognize her son's squad, potentially even Yuri's name if he had mentioned her. But also her family. While they weren't noble, they id have some reputation amongst rukongai familities in a couple of the mid rukongai districts. Nothing really impressive, but a last name she might recognize at the very least.
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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:41 am
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] 1295340

“I’ve been experimenting with kido for a long time now. Only so long that we can keep using the same spells before we feel the need to make our own, right?” Momo answered with a smile, appreciating the fact that the Shinigami before her seemed to be as interested in the art as she was. She had no idea if the same stigma surrounding kido still existed now but back during her time, there were certain groups who frowned upon it. Honestly, Momo never understood why but there was much about the mindsets of her former squadmates that she never quite got. Thinking back on it, that was part of the reason why she’d quit in the first place. A lack of empathy and understanding. “I was once in the academy too although that was a long time ago.”

Momo had to smile at the confidence of the woman before her, not reacting all that much to the slightly arrogant tone. “I consider kido to be a form of art these days and to see it used in unique ways always brings a smile to my face. You’re awfully talented to be able to perform such feats and I confess that it’s been a while since I last came across such a skillful Shinigami.” Well, almost anyone, she was well aware of her son’s growing abilities in the field. He was a natural but considering his parentage…Momo hadn’t been surprised and had taught him whatever she could. The academy was rather limited when it came to creativity, after all.

When the woman introduced herself, Momo raised a brow, recalling that her beloved son was in the same squad as Yuri. Her smile growing, she’d reply. “It’s nice to meet you, Yuri, I’m Momo Hinamori. If I remember right, you’re in the same squad as my son, yeah?”


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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:14 am
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] W7pjcoqbmk7

Yuri's brows perked as the woman offered quite a bit of information. Not only was this woman a shinigami, an interesting little insight to be sure, but she also was a former officer. And a famous one at that. No less, the very Mother of her own Subordinate, well. He couldn't be her subordinate much longer, but even so, she smiled as she folded her arms across her chest and chuckled softly to herself. "I quite agree. It's always refreshing to see Kido that strays from the beaten path. But more than that...I confess I'm not all that skilled. Creative? Certainly. But I can't quite pull off the unique feats someone of your calibur would." She noted in a surprising feat of humility for the woman. BEcause as it were, she quite respected the woman infront of her. Ancient history didn't interest her. Perhaps if she hadn't known Toki, things might have been different. But having seen the fine young man Hinamori had raised, well. She could think only of how pleased she was with the job she did.

"You must be Toki's mother then! Yes He's one of my subordinates. And one I'm rather fond of at that. Not often someone so fresh off the vine has the work ethic to throw themselves into things that that young man does. I admit it makes me a little jealous. " She hummed and closed her eyes, smiling a bit to herself. To someone else, it might have seemed like she was thinking of some fond personal memory.

No. She was just thinking about how often she got to his work for review and DIDN'T have to fix anything. Impressive thoroughness with paperwork. Excellent following of protocol. The man truly did care about this particular...example of a squad, and it took quite the special someone to appreciate it at times. Still, looking back up to Hinamori she couldn't help but smile behind her hand. "Honestly I should have expected his Mother would be just as helpful. I was about to take a bit of a walk. Why don't I walk you to your house? I can help you carry some of those, the least I can do for almost knocking them out of your hands." She offered. An excuse to NOT head back to the party? Yes please.
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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Mon Mar 11, 2024 1:27 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] 1295340

Momo smiled softly at the compliment that was directed her way but she didn’t make an effort to boast about her own abilities. With enough practice and effort, she believed that any Shinigami could reach the level that they desired in their field of choice. It was simply having the willpower to put in the time and to overcome the inevitable mistakes that would come during the journey. “Keep pushing on with your training and I’m sure that one day you’ll be creating spells that’ll make mine look like parlour tricks. Creativity, passion and a love for the art are all you need to succeed.” She replied cheerfully.

When Yuri spoke about Toki, Momo’s smile grew, pleased to hear such praise from his superior. “When he sets his mind on achieving something, he’ll do whatever he needs to in order to do so. I know it hasn’t been easy for him being in the Gotei but I take great pride in the fact that he was willing to face his doubters and become who he wants to be. There’s no greater pleasure for me than to hear about the successes he’s had so far.”

She didn’t expect Yuri’s offer but Momo gladly accepted it, offering the Shinigami one of the baskets of groceries that she was holding on to, a laugh escaping her. “I’d appreciate that if it’s not too much trouble. I swear that everytime I go out, I end up buying double what I mean to.”

As she then started to lead the way back to her home, Momo would take a second look at Yuri’s elegant attire and ask, curious. “Either the Shinigami have introduced a new uniform that I’m not aware of or you’ve had quite the day yourself. Been to a party?”


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