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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:22 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 W7pjcoqbmk7

She couldn't help but smile warmly at the woman's assurances. Well she certainly hoped so. That was the goal wasn't it? To leave those in the past in the dust? That one might push themselves further than the retread steps that lay before them? She wanted to not just be great. she needed to be better. Not because she needed to be better than anyone else. But because she needed to be the best she possibly could be. And that, was a long ways from where she was now. "That's the plan." She noted with a soft sigh, one that wasn't hollowed with spite or arrogance, but a slightly breathless one. One that held just the tiniest bit of fatigue to it. It had been hard to keep improving. At least where she currently was.

"So I've noticed. Though I can't help but wonder about that." She noted quietly, folding her arms across her chest as she took a moment to think of the young man. "You have a good point. But at times, I do wonder that he isn't particualrly ambitious. He has a lot of potential. But well. Whether he wants to fufil it or not. I don't know if I can feel that from him. But I suppose not everyone's happy trying to push themselves in that way." She conceded. In truth, she envied it. What he dedicated to his job, well. She did dedicate toward her own self betterment. Didn't she? Was she perhaps not as driven? Did she just not have the same potential?

Or was she maybe just imagining things? He was young after all. Growth was natural. But perhaps, she was imposing something on him that wasn't actually there. Ugh, she needed to get her fucking head out of investigation reports. This was what being in this fucking squad was doing to her.

"Uniform? Ah...right..." She realized she was still in her dress. Looking down to herself and sighing. "Obligations. Family stuff. Under technical terms, it's supposed ot be a party. But well, I wasn't quite feeling very festive." She explained as she followed the woman towards her home, walking side by side as she looked to the path ahead of them. "And what about yourself? Any plans for the evening?"
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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:18 am
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 1295340

Momo’s smile flickered for just a moment or two as Yuri mentioned Toki’s seemingly lack of ambition, her mind briefly drifting to somewhere seemingly a million miles away. It didn’t last too long though and soon enough she was back with it, offering a thoughtful answer. “Ambition is great but it destroys many a person when it becomes the be all and end all in their life. I’m sure that Toki wishes to prove himself and already he has come on leaps and bounds from what you’ve told me but he knows better than most regarding just how far to push.”

She was rather glad when the topic came back around to Yuri’s elegant dress and Momo’s smile returned. “Oh. Some kind of posh doo for the nobility or something? No wonder you look so bored with it all. I for one couldn’t go through all that on a regular basis. My family isn’t nobility or anything but we’ve managed to find a comfortable life for ourselves.” It’d been a long road but one that the ex Gotei member was glad that she followed. It had been necessary, both for her and her son.

In regards to her own plans, Momo would simply shrug. “It’s probably going to be quiet tonight for me. I live a far simpler life these days than I used to and I spend a lot of it just tinkering with my kido or finding a place to dabble with my artwork. I don’t have a partner and my social circle is pretty small so I have a lot of time to myself.” She didn’t sound upset about it and had come to accept that it was what it was.

“What about you? Any more family functions or Gotei work?” She asked kindly, with a slightly humorous touch in her tone of voice. “I hope your Captain isn’t the type to pile a load of paperwork on you.”


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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Sun Mar 31, 2024 2:50 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 W7pjcoqbmk7

She paused for a moment as she noticed that far off stare, and her mind wandered to what she imagined it might be about. annoying it must be. She wasn't even that big into history, but for just a moment, she imagined how it must look. Yuri herself glanced off to the side. This woman was in a situation she herself dreaded. Infamy. That even such a brief, far off look. That MOST people would be able to look at you and think to themselves. 'I bet theyre thinking of x'. It didn't even matter if they were right. It was still how they saw her. Some small part of her had wondered why the woman still wasn't in active duty. She surmised that perhaps, she wondered that a little bit less.

"There's always such a thing as too much of a good thing, I suppose. Do you think that Toki worries about too much ambition?" She ventured without a second thought. Her eyes shifting back to Hinamori with a calm look in her eyes. Uninterested in prying or attempting to coddle the woman's emotions. It was a simple question and something she'd wondered herself. If perhaps that Toki intentionally tempered himself out of worry or concern for such things.

But well, thankfully there were also lighter subjects on the table. And she snorted a little at Momo's comment. [color=peru]"I think you give it too much credit. We're hardly nobles. We're just inner Rukongai families. Built mostly from bonds over blood. The Parties tend to be more....sincere than some stuffy Noble gathering. Honestly, they can be a bit fun. But I admit, It's just a little overwhelming." She stated simply. Though even so, she gave a little lopsided smile to Hinamori. "I'd be careful about calling it a Noble Get together though. Lady Yui would chew your ear." She noted with no shortage of mirth. That old bitch loved to scold people for things like that.

"Well we're both in the same boat in that department." She chuckled lightly, certainly not for lack of some idiots trying. "I don't have much planned at this point. As things are, things are..... busy, but not quite in a busy way." She sighed. The Investigations had stagnated, restoration efforts were still underfoot, but it was nothing like it'd been when things first went to hell. Now it was just a matter of the work being done. And so the explosion of work had, to some degree, ebbed.

That said, that last comment put a smirk on her face. "Ah~ I'm flattered that you think my skills sufficient enough for a higher officer. But I'm afraid I don't really know my Captain personally enough to answer that question. Most often I work with the Lieutenant or the lower seats. But to answer your question. I have an open afternoon. "
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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Mon Apr 01, 2024 3:39 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 1295340

“There are times where he seems so absent minded that nothing seems to worry him.” Momo answered with a chuckle, deciding to try and speak about the topic in a more jovial way. She’d spent enough time worrying over the years and the ex Lieutenant did try to keep things positive if she could. “I don’t think he’s worried about overambition. He marches to the beat of his own drum, if you’ll pardon the expression and I believe that he feels as though he’ll get to where he wants to be, in his own time.”

Her smile grew as Yuri spoke a little more in depth about her social function, shaking her head. “I’m glad that you managed to escape. It doesn’t sound like it’d be something that I’d enjoy much. Big gatherings aren’t something that I have the stomach for much these days. I’m far happier with just a few friends.who I am dearly close to.” It was much a matter of trust as anything else but the brown eyed woman would be the first to admit that she should try and mingle more. She couldn’t hide at home forever, leaving just for shopping or a kido demonstration.

Noticing the sigh from Yuri, Momo would cock a brow, curious as to the reason. “Busy but not busy? That’s quite the turn of phrase.” Her knowledge of the workings of the Gotei these days was limited which she honestly thought was good for her. Sure, the name may have changed but Momo wasn’t all that sure if there was any more to it than that. Gotei United sounded less…militarial but were they any less judgemental?

With a nod, she’d answer the last question with a cheeky smile. “Ah, I see. I hope you don’t give your Lieutenant much trouble. They no doubt have plenty on their plate as it is.”


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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:20 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 6yxkc2memo7


Yuri tilted her head ever so slightly as Hinamori spoke in regards to the topic of Toki's ambitions. She supposed that was very likely the ...Mom sort of thing to think. But she honestly felt it was a waste. All too familiar with all of the ....Drama surrounding the family, there was simply no way that there wouldn't be some drop down. And not purely because of the Aizen side of things. She'd done a bit of digging after finding out Toki would be joining his squad. And she was all too aware of the fact that the woman standing before her was ALSO very willful and ambitious. Multiple prison breaks. Incredible Talent. Fearlessness in the face of turmoil. Prior to the treason, she had fought aggressively to earn the title of lieutenant, and she was a respected member of a Squad that was well known for producing elite shinigami.

"And what about yourself? I recall you were a Lieutenant back during your Tenure. Did you fall out of love with authority?" She ventured a bit more pointedly.

She paused upon the confession about big gatherings, and more and more she became a bit ....dienchanted with the fellow Kido user. No...perhaps that was what made it all the more disappointing. Before her stood a woman with considerable talents. But she was out here. Doing..... nothing? Living a quiet life? Perhaps just honing her craft as a hobby. And some part of her could already see why being raised by such a woman would have resulted in Toki being where he was. Steeped in complacency. Denying not only their potential, but their passion?

She'd seen the look in Hinamori's eyes when she had used her spell. Even if the woman had no love for being an officer. Not even a position at the academy? to further explore her love of demon arts? To even just express and share her passion for it? Hiding away from the public eyes. She attempted to sympathize of course. She was under no dellussion that the Father had caused issue, and no shortage of social stigma.


Was a few morons giving her dirty looks all it took break the woman? She hardly seemed at all like the woman she'd read about in the archives. What better a case to ward against idolizing others. Well whatever. It wasn't her business anymore. Toki was not going to be her subordinate for much longer, and frankly, as fun as it would be to grill the woman. She was much more content just with this meek little bundle of friendly company for the time being.

"It's a bit complicated. We have a lot to do... but we also have to worry about timelines and procedure. So as much as we have n our plate, we cant' exactly eat it all at once. things take time. So we're backed up. But also.... sortof sitting on our hands in some regards." She noted, before she smiled a bit wider. "Oh, I think our Lieutenant probably gets enough.....'trouble' from her girlfriend." She pointed out smugly.
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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Sun Apr 14, 2024 12:36 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 1295340

“I lost all faith in the Gotei altogether.” Momo replied, her tone rock solid, losing just a touch of the friendliness that there’d once been. “The trust that I once had in them completely faded away and I felt that the best course of action was to leave. They made no effort to encourage me from not doing so and honestly, it seems to have benefitted all involved. If It’d had my way, Toki wouldn’t have joined them either but it’s not for me to tell him where his path lies. I trust him to do what is right for him.”

After a moment of pause, a smile returned but it was a slightly different type, more of a smirk. “Believe me though. I haven’t stopped my studies and I still take great joy in developing my own skills. If you truly wish to know what my current ambition is, it’s to surpass Toki’s father when it comes to the kido arts, a feat that may well take decades more practice and development. I also have been known to teach a student or two at my home from time to time. I have no interest in rejoining the Gotei but I will help those who want to learn something a little different.”

That smirk didn’t leave her features either and even when the topic of conversation returned to other matters, there was a sparkle in her eyes that had been lacking before.

Momo wasn’t certain if she should offer a comparison between how her squad had been and how Yuri’s appeared to be. A part of her dreaded bringing up the past at all but after what she’d just said, perhaps it wouldn’t do much harm. She couldn’t leave it buried forever, right?

“She seems to be rather busier than I was back in the day. The…Captain was rather eager to do most of the paperwork himself.” There was a noticeable distasteful tone to her voice but that’s what tended to happen when she spoke of him.


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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:41 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 6yxkc2memo7

A pause given to that as the subject of the Gotei came up. "Eh? Who said anything about trusting the Gotei? It's always been pretty touch and go. The laws being so absolute, and then well. Perhaps a bit too loose under some commanders. But still, I understand that as a reason not to rejoin the Gotei. But what about outside of that? You could have started something up in the rukongai. Or hell, you could have gone to the world of the living." She pointed out, folding her arms across her chest ant tapping her chin.

"The world certainly doesn't begin and end with the Gotei. I suppose I just figured you would figure something else out. But I guess a lot of veterans from those days haven't really done much with themselves." She murmured, her mind briefly shifting to those OLD faces and geezers that she sometimes spoke with. Tch.

Still, she smiled just a little at the mention of teaching others. "Oh? Well that at least I can respect. You wouldn't believe how capable young souls can be with a bit of direction. I've had quite a few students of my own." She chimed, nothing less than a pleased, self-adoring grin spread across her face, a rare peek of her real emotions.

"Tch, things would be easier if I were in charge. Some of those captains treat Paperwork like its their sole duty. Why even have officers if you're going to do everything yourself? IT's so inefficient, some of these squads run like shit down a gravel hill." She paused for a moment at that and blinked. Ah, Lady Yui was rubbing off on her a bit too much, catching herself in something of a heinous statement.

She smiled unapologetically. Not like she worked for Momo or they were a noble or something. If it bothered the woman she was sure they could speak up about it. And it would be taken into consideration (Ignored).
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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:49 pm
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 1295340

There was a moment where Momo wanted to give Yuri a piece of her mind over the first comments that the Shinigami made. Yet, the former Lieutenant decided against it, knowing that the other woman had no idea about just what she’d been through. Who’d want to run a kido workshop after their entire life had been ruined? It’d taken a great deal for her to overcome her self doubt and it certainly wasn’t an experience that she’d want anyone else to go through. Still, Yuri made a valid point and Momo eventually gave a slightly cryptic answer. “There’s still time, isn’t there?”

She raised an eyebrow as Yuri went on to talk about her own attempts at teaching, resulting in a slightly cheeky smile crossing Momo’s face. “I bet that your students just love listening to your lectures.” It was meant as a dry joke, with Momo unable to stop herself from poking the bear just a little. Yuri certainly had a way about her, of that there could be no debate. “I admit that it’s quite fun teaching others though and perhaps I do need to think about offering a proper alternative to the academy. I’m sure that I could make it more entertaining than the old fossils there.”

Momo actually laughed out loud as Yuri took a swipe at the Gotei, completely unconcerned with the woman’s disrespect for her own organisation. “You won’t hear any arguments from me. There were some pretty poorly run squads in my time too. Just be thankful that you don’t have the 11th nowadays, which was complete chaos.”


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A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri]

Tue May 07, 2024 9:57 am
A Bright Young Man [Hinamori, Yuri] - Page 2 6yxkc2memo7

Yuri smiled all the more fondly. "There certainly is" She noted in agreement. If nothing else, being outside of the gotei did ensure one thing. Momo wouldn't have to worry about an unceremonious end. She had all the time in the afterlife to see about doing something with herself. "And they certainly do~ It's quite often that students that spend a semester with me will request I tutor them again the following semested. Why I've even had some of my peers ask for assistance as well." She noted with quite the lack of humility. Pausing for a moment as she thought to herself. She really SHOULD check on Kyo again sometime. Thoughts for later. Especially since Momo seemed to quite like the idea as well. Yuri's smile widening just a bit as the woman seemed to mull it over. Certainly it would be entertaining to see the woman perhaps take on pupils.

However, in terms of the Gotei, she waved a hand dismissively. "It was rolled into the new Fourth Division, actually. And it still causes its own problems. Not that long ago, a Member of Eigth Division was injured as a result of some unsportsmanlike behavior. Suffice to say there's a number of both famous and infamous members of the squad. But honestly they are doing what they do best. THEY, I have no issue with. They handle their jobs." She stated simply enough before turning to look a bit more closely at Hinamori. A lopsided little smile as she did. "I really should be getting back to my Party. I don't suppose you'd want to come along so I don't pass out from annoyance?" A sortof playful venture, well aware that Hinamori had already stated she hated such functions. But still, it was a bit of a tease, as well as an establishment that she ought be heading off.

She hardly wanted to take up the woman's entire afternoon.
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