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Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle]

Tue May 07, 2024 3:43 pm
Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 P7bwcokjna7

Ehefra raised a brow at that and gestured at the piles of paper. "Then they've failed in giving you the critical information you need in order to do your job. In any Man-" She thinned her lips as she caught herself about to slip into what was essentially a lecture. A slow, steady exhale through her nostrils as she rubbed her brow. "This is work that Administrators and Coordinators should be doing. You're the Director. You should be concerning yourself with larger issues. If YOU are going through every single report, it means that the Administrators either arent, and thus failing to do their job, or theyre doing it for no real reason." She noted with a calm, controlled tone that belied just how much she wanted to say something far more derogatory.

And when given the task, she smiled. And snapped her fingers. Beeps promptly floated over to the pile and began rapidly sorting it.

"There are things that ONLY you are capable of, Director. Things go wrong, and people need you available to give orders, or if need be, show up to assist in dealing with a problem. Your value as a Director, is not being buried in a pile of paperwork." She glanced over to Beeps as they promptly finished the task, and a holographic display projected above the cube's head, showing that it had not only sorted the pile, but also scanned the contents. A soft ping sounding as Helle's own personal console would beep. Signaling it had been delivered.

"Perhaps you're old fashioned."' She noted as she leaned forward and rested her hands on the woman's desk, before she smiled lightly. "So old fashioned, that you're amazing. What you're doing is fucking insane in terms of ineffieciency. And yet... you ARE managing to do it. You manage to do this piss work AND the upper management tasks that you're also supposed to be doing. And rather than face down iwith blod running down your nose like any mortal would be, you're looking dead tired. But still not bad." She looked Helle in the eyes and smiled a bit wider.

"While we're still on the subject of work, before we see about hanging out. I'd like to extend an olive branch. I have some things. Be they tech, or just some practices, to make your days a bit less about avoiding papercuts. So that you don't quite HAVE to be a superhuman to keep up the pace you have. And so that pretty face of yours is a little bit less sunken." She stated, before waving a hand dismissively. "Anywho the papers are sorted. Anything else you needed help with?"
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Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle]

Tue May 07, 2024 5:27 pm
Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 IUgL7jN

Impressive as it may be, Helle found Ehefra's derogatory way of exemplifying how she likes doing her business as insulting as the few moments she said it before. Yes. Some may find it inefficient for her to sift through paper after paper, and some will call her old fashioned, outdated, and whatever term they can come up with, but Helle enjoys what she does. She enjoys it to an extent that overworking herself is barely a consideration at times. Maybe that trait will be her downfall, but they do not call them quirks for nothing. It has nothing to do with anyone not doing their job. It is all her, and will always be her.

These papers do not require her to look through them, but she finds herself incapable of not checking on every little thing that goes on with the Sternritter.

"..." Yet, Helle's unable to respond. Despite the thoughts in her head, the only indication that she heard Ehefra was her green eyes narrowing, a sudden amount of stress and strain painfully apparent in her gaze. With a silent sigh, her breath but a tired whimper, she sat back. It's a wonder why she suddenly deflated, but it's simply impossible to know what's going on in someone's head at all times, and whether she wished to indulge Ehefra's inquires seemed out of her hand at the moment.

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Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle]

Tue May 07, 2024 5:34 pm
Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 3yrgcon5db4

Oh she can see it. That dull stare, subtext: derogatory. She knows quite well that Helle isn't a fan of what she was being prodded with. But well, Ehefr was quite fine with that. Because as much as she utterly despised Helle, she ALSO had to work with them. And, ultimately, she was aware that her own name brand of sterling silver racism was perhaps something that she should try to curb, even if in the slightest degree. As fun and enjoyable as it would be to avoid helle and just fuck her over indirectly. They all worked for the same team. And hey.

She didn't have to steamroll Helle's life with unsolicited aid. She just offered a bit of help, and if Helle didn't want it, that was fine. Ehefra smirked just a little as Helle sank into the chair and stood upright, removing her hands from the woman's desk. "I'll take that as a 'duly noted'. So, whens the last time you had something to eat hm? I figure if I'm going to torture you with my preference I should at least feed you. Whatcha in the mood for?"
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Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle]

Sun May 12, 2024 7:59 am
Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 IUgL7jN

Mmm... Weighing the advantages of an automated system over manual labor, Helle could not help but find disdain in the idea of not having to physically work. She found satisfaction in looking over every paper, but that'd be beating a dead horse. Ehefra and her have different views of handling work or what kind of work they should handle. Trying to break it down and fight over what's best is but a simple contest of philosophy. Though, Ehefra probably understood in some fashion why Helle enjoyed working this way, and Helle can admit that she understands the advantages of Ehefra's way. Maybe a middle ground could be met, but that's also a thought for another time.

"Order some Chinese," Helle ordered, putting on a more coherent sounding voice that obviously made fun of that fact that she is technically over Ehefra in the Vandenreich food chain. She's sure the other woman loves that.

Her thoughts retracted to their conversation from a while ago about the now vs the future. Another thought to revisit, Helle sighed as everyone around her seemed so intent on starting a new age while she found herself content with old mannerisms. Her eyes opened and stared at nothing.

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Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle]

Sun May 12, 2024 8:11 am
Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 3yrgcon5db4

Why it was that Helle resisted putting proper responsibility in her Administrators and Coordinators was beyond her, especially with that ever present trust she totally seemed to have. But Ehefra had already put the ball in Helle’s court. She nodded as Helle voiced what she wanted to eat, pausing only briefly to tilt her head. ”Huh, didn’t figure you one for ‘Asian Food’” She noted before pulling out her phone and holding it out to Beeps. A soft ping as a store was found nearby…. Only for Ehefra to make a face. Beeps had pulled up the number for a dairy queen.

”Very funny.” she murmured to her assistant before looking up a chinese restraunt herself and calling in. ”Whatcha lookin to eat, Helly?” she asked as she waited for them to pick up.
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Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle]

Sun May 12, 2024 8:40 pm
Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 IUgL7jN

H-Helly? What a preposterous nickname. Though, Ehefra is lucky Helle cannot see what her little creature is up to. She would have thrown both of them out of her office; through the window.

"The ribs with lo mein, no onions, duck sauce, sweet and sour sauce, and whatever else you think I want. I know you think I'm fat."

She then idly spun in her chair, seemingly bored all of a sudden, her demeanor retracting from her usual stoicism. Some usually forget Helle is only in her early twenties, barely an adult. So it is usually a spectacle when she gives in to her childish ways and acts out of her norm.

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Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle]

Sun May 12, 2024 9:12 pm
Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 W7pjc6qmxo7

Ehefra blinked.

"What? Y.-.." She was about to respond when she remembered she was still on the phone. Thinning her lips before glancing back to Helle who was.....was she fuckin POUTING? Ehefra was thoroughly startled by the behavior of the woman and turning back to her phone, she quickly finished ordering, giving the final instructions for the food to be delivered and setting her phone down, and then turning to look at Helle as they swiveled around. Acting like some kinda...Kid.

Now, naturally, she LOVED taking the high road. It allowed a sense of superiority. But like....mature low roading. Like throwing some jabs or being passive aggressive. But this was ... not what she expected at all. Was tHIS her plan? Because....she had no fucking idea how to beat this. Her face tensed as she narrowed her eyes, waiting for some....slip...some sign that this was an act. But even the feeling of Helle's spiritual pressure seemed to relax ever so slightly. And for just a moment she pondered, she hadn't actually ever looked into Helle's file. She was just used to that stony expression.

But then she thought back. To that flower ship. And that impulsive act of just buying the whole thing out.
Wanting to read every damn report, as if that was actually a viable means of keeping an eye on her division.

How old WAS Helle? And suddenly, she was reminded of a sensation she often had, when seeing ...well...other young adults her age. fucking around. Going around clubs. Getting into trouble. Making rash, jarring decisions. And she suddenly felt she had to be responsible here.


"Helle... I don't think you're fat. I think you have a very...healthy figure, that frankly a lot of women would kill for. But I don't think you are 'Fat'. She noted firmly, walking around Helle's desk and gently setting her palm on the woman's chair to stop her from spinning. Her brows furrowed slightly. "Helle, It's not like I hate you. I'm not here to ..... necessarily make your life a living hell. Yes... I am you shit. But I'm giving you shit because .... well because it makes me feel better. But I still respect you as a leader, and .... as a very attractive woman." That last part said through gritted teeth. "Helle, if I thought you were fat, or if I really like...hated you or whatever. Would I be offering you help? Or buying you dinner? No. I'd have had that first conversation of ours, walked out that door, and then told Cyrus what an incompetent bitch I thought you were. But I'm not doing that now am I?"
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Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle]

Sun May 12, 2024 9:23 pm
Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 IUgL7jN

"Bitch? Mmm..."

To say the least, Helle did not expect Ehefra to be so dissatisfied by her actual character. Many are not prepared to learn just how childish the Director is behind her stoic visage. Cyrus was not prepared for Helle's playfulness. Ninsianna wasn't ready for Helle's infantile outlook of life. Liltotto couldn't even comprehend Helle's sudden aloofness when they had reunited. Though, some took it in stride like Giselle or Santa. Ehefra's sudden seriousness, in a sense, is cute despite the edge to her voice. It's like when a Chihuahua licks your fingers instead of biting them.

"Of course I know you don't hate me. I'm not that daft, Ehefra, but it's nice to see you being honest."

With a little grin, Helle's green eyes shined a bit, the obvious bait she laid out working a bit too well. Ever since they first met, Helle had known Ehefra's disdain for her. Of course, she had figured it was for reasons that couldn't be helped, and now she knows it's because Ehefra's struggling with something.

"If you want to talk about it, I'm all ears. You did help me, so it's only fair I help you out with anything you need."

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Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle]

Sun May 12, 2024 9:44 pm
Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 W7pjc6qmxo7

Another blink.

She resisted the urge to verbally respond to that first sentiment. And then promptly lost the ability when Helle talked about her being Honest. And after that, of all things she grinned up at her. Not the soft, muted little curve of lips that she saw so very often. Or even like... a normal smile. No, Helle...GRINNED up at her. An act that was so incredibly unlike the Helle that she knew, that she ...well it was not really your business what happened. Certainly Helle wouldn't be privy to it, not unless she could sense heart rates. But what Helle would be privy to was the shift in color along Ehefra's ears and cheeks as her face twisted into an indignant scowl.

"What the hell do you think I would need HELP f-" Ah but she was too smart for her own good. Even in this state, her mind snapped back to her own words. That bullying Helle made her 'feel better'. And her shoulders immediately tensed as she realized what she'd let slip. "I don't..... theres nothing for -... I don't NEED help with anything. I was just trying to get you ... to stop pouting like a- WOULD YOU STOP SMILING?!" Her voice rose in volume, and she struggled to contain her sudden spike of anxiety as Helle, presumably, would just keep on grinning up at her, she really aught to have just looked away, but she was having difficulty with that. No, looking away would be admitting weakness, she wouldn't be the one to break eye contact. And it would be a whole. Lot. Easier. If she would . Fucking. STOP. SMILING.
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Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle]

Sun May 12, 2024 10:31 pm
Professional Courtesy [Ehefra, Helle] - Page 2 IUgL7jN

Helle giggled at Ehefra's blush. Well, it seems the one who's always smirking and full of herself is now full of butterflies. It'd be a cold day in Hell if Helle did not delight herself in Ehefra's moment of weakness.

"It's okay Ehe-fra," Helle mused, making it sound like she laughed out the other's name before she reached up and gave her stumbling companion a gentle pat on the head. Now that little childish grin had turned into an obnoxious smug mug.

"If you enjoy the banter, then we can keep at it. Just our little secret."

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