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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Sat Jun 08, 2024 4:27 pm
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"Not bad for a first Hollow hunt, eh?"

Daniel questioned as he gave her a weak grin before sending his spiritual weapon away while wiping his forehead with the sleeve of his uniform. Truth be told, he needed to work on his energy reserves, and work on his actual performance in terms of being able to cast spells more effectively. Right now it was far too taxing to spam spells over and over again if he intended to fight for a long time. And if all he was good at was spells, then that would need to be fixed and worked on. Some thoughts for the future visits to the library he thought to himself as he tried his best to stand up, succeeding, and wobbling around as he did so.

He would lend a hand to Stella if she needed it, hoping to help her up, and perhaps be a shoulder to lean on if she needed it as they would head back to the plane.

"Thanks again for the help, don't know if I could have flown this one solo."

He said honestly as he kept his hand out while still thinking about just what he needed to work on when he got back to the City. Perhaps a visit to Liltotto was in order? He didn't know if she had more time to give him, but he had to see if perhaps he could get another session with her. The first one had done wonders for him, but now that he was beginning to understand his weapon, he wondered if he could push the training a bit further. After all, he needed to become more well rounded.

End Post

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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 AQodtc6
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Sun Jun 09, 2024 11:59 am
Stella would nod at the comment. It wasn't her first hollow hunt as her first one was with Natasha. She wouldn't mind telling him thaf, but first she would accept the hand up. The one that her Nad Natasha had went on had a hollow that was much bigger and stronger than the ones here. She assumed it was more-so the fact that these hollows are weaker are the reason they are out here on an island without alot of people on it.

"Not my first hunt, but it was a good one. I assume we were sent cause these ones didn't pose a big threat, but still needed to be killed?"

She would question as to why they were sent there to begin with. She wasn't entirely sure how all of the inner vandenreich worked when it came to choosing where they would send soldiers. She actually had no idea. She would be able to walk on her own as she was just a but tired. Not really injured or anything.

"If you need anymore help with more hunts in the future you just gotta give me a heads up and I'll come."
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:58 pm
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"Yeah, I forgot you have been on a few of these! Still its' good to hear that this one at least had some hype surrounding it."

He said as he began to take note of how things had gone and would put down a few mental notes to improve his own training for potential solo hunts in the future. Not that he didn't mind the company when it came to this type of thing, but he did believe he needed to test his own capabilities in a lone endeavor type of way. Still, that would come later, and right now he needed to file a report on the completion of this particular mission.

"Apparently these wolves were attacking nearby villages and were just not able to be taken down by common folk. Strength in numbers probably played a role, after all not everyone is running around with our level of power."

Daniel said, noting that Stella was quite alright, a little tired, but more than capable of moving of her own accord. He decided to go collect his silver cylinders, as those had some value, and were necessary for him to cast spells after all.

"I mean if you are just going to come right out and offer to help me if I need it, who would I be to refuse some help?"

He said with a smile as he picked a few cylinders out of the mud.

End Post

Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 OlBPPj4
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 VewULRr
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 AQodtc6
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:44 am
"Yeah I agree, but I mean how do you actually accept missions? I've always been invited along or been given a phone call by a higher up. I'm not sure how to find these things on my own."

As she waited patiently for him to collect his cylinders before she would head back with him. They were on an island and he was the one with the plane after all. So she would wait for the answer as she was thinking about taking some solo missions for herself. Thinking it could lead to some good training, and potentially help her get stronger even faster.

She had been making good progress as of late, and didn't want that to slow down if she could help it. As he would collect his things she would make her way back towards the plane so that they could get back to the city.
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:32 am
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"I don't think you so much accept them as you are handed them down by a superior officer? I mean that is what happened in my case."

Daniel said as he finished collecting his things and packing them away, as neatly, and professionally as possible in their own place in his satchel. Not that it would do much good as they were covered in mud and more than likely just gonna make a massive mess anyway. He would have to make a note to get the satchel replaced, but for right now the two of them would head toward the plane.

"I'm sure there is a method to accepting missions without needing a prompt from a higher up, but I also assume there would be some form of safety measure to doing so. After all, don't want someone who is really weak taking on a mission way above their standing, right?"

Daniel thought out loud as he tried to figure things out, he could tell Stella was probably wanting to train against more Hollows to keep the train growing on her growth, and to Daniel that was fine. Still he hoped there was some kind of reasonable security to their allowance on missions, otherwise he could easily see someone biting off more than they could chew.

"I will do some digging when we get back to the city, see if I can't find some things out in my own circles. Wouldn't want to miss a training session, right?"

He asked as they neared the plane, the pilot jumping to attention as he noticed the two of them nearing, and going to get things going for the both of them to return to the City of Light. Daniel thought about how fruitful it had been today in terms of developing his skills and realized he had a much longer way to go if he wished to grow more. He never thought he would be the type of guy to train or to make an effort to improve his Quincy arts, but he was slowly getting used to it. And enjoying it if he was being honest. Still, he was a great deal behind Stella who had much more combat experience, and he would need to work harder if he was to catch up.

End Post

Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 OlBPPj4
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 VewULRr
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 AQodtc6
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Wed Jun 19, 2024 5:54 am
"Well I've been requested to tag along with higher ups like Natasha but I've also excepted one to. Although that was only one time, so it could easily be the exception and not the rule. So you're probably right."

Now that Stella thinks about it she's been assigned more missions than she has accepted. She was guessing if she was sick or wounded she could probably say no to a mission, but she wouldn't do thaf if she could help it. She was all about earning her spot in anything she's in, so she certainly wouldn't make excuses to miss out on a mission. As she made her way up on the plane taking a seat and looking out the window she would try to reflect on the fight. She wondered what she could have done differently, or considered maybe using a different weapon.

"Thanks for inviting me to tag along with ya. I need some more practical practice when it comes to fighting. Sparring with someone who has no intention of killing you really doesn't give you the same amount of experience as actually fighting something that will kill given the opportunity."
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:05 pm
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"Is it really that simple to accept requests?"

Daniel rubbed his chin and wondered HOW they really did hand out missions or even how they were made aware of the threats in the first place. Was there some kind of information network he wasn't aware of? He would have to probe for answers once they made it back to the mainland.

"So you are fighting death matches to get stronger? I don't know if that is what these requests were designed to do, but I can 'kind' of understand what you mean. Not that I would like you risking your life for gains. Not that I am one to scold anyone about their methods."

Daniel said honestly as he got closer to the plane, opening the door to the passenger compartment, and thinking about if her training methods were really what was giving her gains to this level or if it were just her natural talents. Maybe both? He wondered just what he was talented at and if he could make those sort of growth. He supposed he should be a little more confident, but he just didn't see how he could grow similarly.

"Just be careful, alright?"

He said with concern as he was worried that she might get hurt.

"And if you need help, make sure to ask me for anything. We are on the same team after all..."

End Post

Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 OlBPPj4
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 VewULRr
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 AQodtc6
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:52 am
Stella must have mis said what she had meant. She didn't go looking for death matches to get stronger, but she did gain more combat experience from fighting an opponent who is doing everything in their power to look for openings and get Stella. She was still fighting as hard as she can to win, and usually she wouldn't take unnecessary risks that could lead in her going to sleep permanently. She only meant that fighting something trying to take your life grants you more experience than something leaving openings in a training match, or something along those lines.

"I believe you misunderstood what I mean. I don't speak out missions where I believe I am going to die. I simply believe there is an inherent difference in experience gained between fighting a monster who's trying to do what they can to take you out, and fighting someone like let's say Solomon. Who may leave openings for you in a spar just to make sure you can recognize there is one. You know what I mean?"

Trying to explain herself so she didn't feel like a crazy person she continued to talk. She was glad to have friends that she could take on missions with her, and she would definitely keep Daniel in her mind when taking missions. He was around her strength so it wouldn't be like she was getting carried through the missions like if she were to bring Natasha or Solomon.

"Yeah, I'll definitely keep you in mind for my missions in the future."
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Sun Jun 30, 2024 3:01 pm
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"I suppose I am getting concerned over nothing really, but then again this is my first time fighting something that was trying to kill me, and since I don't have someone like Solomon on speed dial, I doubt I will ever have someone who will purposefully leave an opening for me to help educate myself."

Daniel spoke honestly, trying to make sure Stella understood he didn't view her as a crazy person, but as someone who was a tad bit concerned about her well being. He tried to be a nice guy most of the time, but he supposed some times he did come off a bit overbearing when it came to that concern. Could be from his mother's side of the family, he supposed, after all his father didn't seem to care much for him at all. But that was beside the point.

"Should we head back to the City? I'm sure I have some paperwork to sign about the mission and a full report to give. You have done a few missions so maybe you can walk me through the red tape surrounding the reports on the flight back?"

He said with a smile, a bit happier that she was willing to consider him as someone to bring along for a mission, and hopefully she would at least send him an invite for him to do so. Not like he would get any better sitting in a research lab where mounds of paperwork tended to pile up on a whim if you weren't paying attention.

End Post

Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 OlBPPj4
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 VewULRr
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 AQodtc6
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 4 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:02 am
Stella would think about it. He needed to find someone who was willing to teach him like Solomon and a few others were to her. She wasn't sure why so many people offered to train her as she thought of herself as a nuisance to these strong people. She didn't want to pull them away from their work, but they always insisted that she wasn't being annoying.

"Well, you just need to find someone who can act as a teacher for you. That'll make a pretty big difference."

As she would offer a solution to his problem with that. She was sure there were probably alot of people who would take Daniel under their wing to teach him the ropes. Hell if Stella was stronger and more knowledgeable she would probably do it herself. As a way of giving back to the community. Hearing the next bit she would think about it.

"We could probably just do the little bit of paperwork on the plane. It shouldn't take long and then we can just go back home when we get back to the City of Lights.
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