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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Wed Jul 03, 2024 4:34 am
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 5 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"Maybe. Just need to find someone willing to teach me things...maybe my commander? Though I doubt she would have time for someone like me with how busy she is."

He said as a joke, but only half jokingly. His commander was a busy lady, but he didn't doubt that she could help him if he could just lock her down for a training session. Which was the equivalent of making an appointment and needed to be made way in advance. Something that was quite difficult for a guy who didn't even know what tomorrow's work load would look like, let alone had the foresight to know which day would be ideal to make said appointment.

"Yeah! That would be helpful. At least then I could..."

The thought that he had project work to do when he got back made him let out a sigh rather audibly.

"At least then I can get back to work on my projects."

Daniel stated, defeated, and still rather gassed from their fights with the Hollows earlier. Still, his work was important, it could save lives after all, and perhaps pave the way for even more important work in the future. He did appreciate her offering to help him with his paperwork, that would way he could focus his mind elsewhere, multitasking was a rough thing at times.

End Post

Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 5 OlBPPj4
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 5 VewULRr
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 5 AQodtc6
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 5 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Thu Jul 04, 2024 8:14 am
"Well, I was told that training those who ask or may need it is a part of the job of the higher ups. They can't drop everything they're doing that day, but they will probably make some time for you. Even if it's just giving you pointers on what you should be working on. Just learning a few things here and there can make a huge difference in the pay off of training.'

She would speak on the lessons she's learned so far. She has spent quite a bit of time training but putting all of the tips and ways others train to use has made it feel like she has her own unique way of going about it. It makes her feel like she's improving a little quicker since she's using a bunch of different techniques and frying to master the efficiency of the amount of time she trains. In fact she was making the attempt to cut down on the time, but improving the quality.

"For example, right now I'm working on cutting down the time it takes me to train. However I'm working on the quality of the training in the shorter window"
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