Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Sat May 11, 2024 4:32 pm
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"Fine, but I doubt he will reply to my text. Probably will just go unread."

He felt his forehead with his hand and shot a look at Stella. This had been the second time that she had bonked him on the head and knowing his behavior it probably wouldn't be the last, but he was happy to have her along. She was more experienced than he was at this sort of thing and grabbed his phone to begin typing a message to his dad as the engines of the plane began to stir awake. He turned the phone to her, pressed send, and nodded.

"Better? Now lets talk about strategy. Clearly you are physically stronger than me, so I would like you to front line if you wouldn't mind. I can cast spells, but my bow is...a work in progress?"

He said, putting on his seat belt, and remembering the lessons Liltotto had taught him not too long ago. He had been working on the mechanics of what he felt his spiritual weapon was capable of, but it still was a bit underdeveloped. He knew it was close, but he needed to work on fine tuning the accuracy and fully understanding it. He still had his magic and he was quite capable in that regard, so he knew he wouldn't be a liability.

"You've had more lessons with your mentor, I take it? Hopefully those lessons pay off against these particular Hollows."
End Post

Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 OlBPPj4
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 VewULRr
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 AQodtc6
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Sun May 12, 2024 8:06 am
Stella would take a seat on the plane as she would lean back and buckle up. She had only been on a plane a handful of times in her life, so she could feel her stomach flip a little as the plane was starting to take off.

"Bows still a work in progress? Can you form it or are you still trying to figure that part out?"

As she would wait for the answer she guessed that she could make a bow, but she was much more comfortable with the axe that she had. She was much more comfortable using a melee weapon than ranged, and that may be strange for a quincy but she didn't really care. As she would scroll her phone as they were beginning to take off as she would hear the second thing that he says.

"Well yeah I've had a few lessons and a lot of spars, but what kinda hollows are we supposed to be fighting? You say these particular ones. Are they different?"
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Sun May 12, 2024 5:51 pm
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"I can form my bow and fire perfectly fine, but the shots have a tendency to ricochet. I've taken classes to improve my aim and even read a handful of manuals, and still it is a little wobbly at best. Kind of sad that a Quincy can't even use their bow right, right?"

He said with a little bit of a chuckle as he summoned his bow, a faintly glowing teal hand crossbow that covered his non-gauntlet covered hand. To any Quincy it would look fine, in fact it looked perfect and stable, but to Daniel several problems seemed to always pop up when he fired it. The trajectory of his shot was always off by a bit when the shots did hit and when they didn't they always bounced like a ball only to impale a different non-target nearby. It was humiliating for him, but he was not beaten yet, and he would keep working on it.

"I will be fine because I have spells, but I trust someone with your experience more than my inexperience."

When she asked about what type of Hollows they were dealing with, he would look out the window of the plane, and out at the ocean below as they flew out to where these particular Hollows were terrorizing a village.

"A pack of wolf-like Hollows have been raiding a village. They have been capable of keeping it safe most of the time, but they are getting worn down as their defenders aren't necessarily trained to deal with threats like this like we are. The number of the Hollows is unknown, but the two of us should be fine."

Daniel felt confident that with a more natural Hollow Killer like Stella he would be safe at the least and could gain a bit of experience. He would watch her back and she would watch his so to speak.

"I'm going to be leaning on your experience, so thanks again for the help."
End Post

Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 OlBPPj4
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 VewULRr
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 AQodtc6
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Sun May 12, 2024 6:34 pm
"Well atleast the problem you're having isn't the forming of the bow. well be fine then, and I'll just keep it in mind when I see you shooting okay? I do want you to shoot while we're on this mission though. No reason to not ger some practice in."

As she would look out the plane window as she would wonder how long of a flight this was going to be. It couldn't be too long considering they could have went by sea as well. As she would look back over to Daniel as she would admit that she is fine with taking the lead, but she does still want him to use his bow.

"Perhaps having an ally you could potentially wound will assist you with your arrows not rebounding. If they're like a pack of wolves then I'll definitely need some range assistance because if I get circled that wouldn't be great."
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Mon May 13, 2024 6:32 pm
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

A bit of panic spread across his face as he realized that he had not thought an iota on the idea that he could hurt Stella with his shooting. To be honest, he had hoped that he could avoid using his bow in this confrontation with the Hollows, and had that Stella would not encourage him to shoot, but things couldn't be more of the opposite. She was encouraging him to take shots with his bow and risk potential injury to herself just so he could get a little practice in. He shook his head a bit and looked at her.

"I will use my spiritual weapon as a last resort. I am not risking killing a friend with a stray shot over something like practice. I have to be mindful of my limitations and about your safety as much as killing these Hollows."

He said honestly as he conceded that he might need to use his spiritual weapon if things got dicey, but only if things got dicey. He didn't want to hurt her, not only because she was helping him, but because she was probably the only true friend that he had ever had. A fact he probably wouldn't admit out loud, but definitely that was definitely the truth.

"But I appreciate the thought in terms of helping me practice."
End Post

Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 OlBPPj4
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 VewULRr
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 AQodtc6
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Tue May 14, 2024 6:45 am
Stella would look at him with a tilted head. Certainly he was confident in his power to be able to kill her with one shot. Her blut wasn't the weak! She tended to fight with blut vene on unless she was either desperate or thought that arterie could push her into hitting the killing blow. As she would lean back with a huff.

"I'll have you know my blut can stop some arancars balas from outright killing me, so I don't think it would be easy to kill me with just one stray arrow."

She would speak as she leaned back closing her eyes. she wasn't sure how long the flight was going to be, so she would relax a bit before cracking one eye open just slightly.

"How long is this flight supposed to be anyway?"
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Wed May 15, 2024 7:31 am
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"I'm not trying to be insulting, but there is always a chance something goes wrong, and I would rather not be responsible for that. That's all I'm saying."

She was stronger than him, he didn't want to make her angry, or anything, but he was being careful for her sake and his own. He had no idea how truly strong his spiritual weapon was or just what it was capable of as most spiritual weapons had some kind of ability that correlated with them. He had no idea on what his was or if he could fully control it once he found out what it was. So, he leaned more heavily on his magic, something he could control more readily.

"All it takes is one arrow in the right spot, Stella. I don't want to hurt I have said you are my only friend and I don't want to see you hurt if I can avoid it. I don't think I could deal with it if I hurt you, I would hope it would be the same if the role was reversed."

He sent his spiritual weapon away, putting his non-gauntlet covered hand in his pocket as he once again looked out the window.

"An hour tops, it would have taken longer for us to go by boat, and I want to get their as quickly as possible."

End Post

Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 OlBPPj4
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 VewULRr
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 AQodtc6
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Wed May 15, 2024 12:43 pm
"By the way you said that anyone could buy a plane earlier? That's a big statement to make, but I appreciate the confidence in my ability with money."

She would try to joke to lighten the mood a bit. The thing he had said hit her in the pride a little bit, but she didn't want that to be the mood the rest of the time they were on the mission again. She wasn't aware that she was the other quincies only friend though as she would tack on.

"Also, I'm sure thst you'll meet a ton of friends out here in the City of Lights. You just have to be willing to really throw yourself out there, and I'm sure you're bound to meet at least a few people."

She would speak trying to look back to her own experience to help him out. Being lonely was a very bad feeling, and she didn't think that anyone should have to experience that. It truly was miserable.
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Fri May 17, 2024 3:40 pm
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"I didn't buy the plane...I rented it. My dad owns his own jet, but there was no way I was going to... oh, you are making a joke."

Daniel gave her a grin, a bit of truth slipping out, and then quickly being buried underneath a fit of laughter. He felt a bit awkward at the admittance that his dad had his own jet, but he wanted to be honest with her. When she began to bring up things about how he should be more outgoing, he gave her a funny look, and then began to laugh some more.

"Jeeze, I must sound kind of pathetic admitting that out loud, eh? Your the only friend that I have met who isn't interested in using me for my namesake or money. You don't care about that crap and to be honest, its a lot harder than you would think to find people like that. Though, I do appreciate the advice, and will definitely keep it in mind."

For a while, Daniel was quiet until finally the pilot announced they were going to land on the island soon, and Daniel nodded his head at Stella as he put his satchel back on.


End Post

Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 OlBPPj4
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 VewULRr
Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 AQodtc6
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Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Hunting (Stella/Daniel)

Sat May 18, 2024 7:18 pm
"Well it's just how I was raised. I wouldn't want people to just treat me like a direct link to my father. He didn't have a jet but he does have a pretty successful small logging company in Germany. It was enough to pay for us and he helps out the small village we live in quite alot."

As she would give him a reassuring smile. she didn't look down on anyone, and the way she was raised she doesn't want to take hand outs if she doesn't need to. She still wants to pay Solomon back for that month of staying in the hotel on his dime.

"Anyway, the game plan for these hollows will be ill act as Bait. Well dispatch them as quickly as possible then head back home. Sound alright to you?"

She would ask to see if he had any remaining input. She didn't want to take very long with this as these hollows were causing an issue. She took no pride in killing them, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
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