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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Empty Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Wed May 15, 2024 9:15 pm
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

For once, a calm day was her's to be enjoyed with a friend - though things were tumultuous for a while, she could finally spend an evening with Natasha, not a single worry as the two had gone by a clothing store as she had invited her along to get some fashion tips. She wasn't extraordinarily versed in what was considered attractive in this age's perception, but it seemed similar enough to the twenty-first century's that she could get a grasp at the very least. She already had a few outfits bought and in a bag, but she had taken them to a store she had a particular interest in...

"..Hey Nat?" She'd call up, her ears still red from the blush on her face that was building up as soon as they entered... This particular store. She was happy Natasha was enthusiastic in entertaining her interest, but it was still embarassing to be holding up a piece of rather dainty, floral lingerie of multiple segments,

"..Think this would look good? The material's comfy, reminds me a bit of the 20s... The uh, 1920s, that is."

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Thu May 16, 2024 9:07 am
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] GErtDg6


Calm days spent with her dear friend were sacred to Natasha. Compared to seeing her attempting to face her personal issues on her own, it was a true joy and then some to see her finally opening up enough to entertain an afternoon date shopping for clothing.

Now, Natasha wouldn't proclaim she was some fashionista extraordinaire or anything, but she felt confident enough in her shopping prowess to distinguish a good outfit from a bad one. Of course, she didn't quite expect lingerie to be featured on their shopping excursion, but that didn't mean she was complainin', either! If anything, a particularly motivated gleam swept through those hazel eyes as she observed the floral-themed lingerie in her hand. Stroking the fabric with a curious finger, Natasha nodded her head as though contemplating and imagining what she was aiming for.

"Goin' old-fashioned, eh? Can't go wrong there. Fabric's pretty good, too. Of course, if there's any lingerin' doubts, the dressin' room is a few meters away."

A playful grin danced across her face as her hands floated around some of the other pieces, a collection of lace and satin. A see-through gown or two, and some particularly risque numbers. She didn't intend on overwhelming her best friend or nothin', but she'd be a total liar if she said she didn't want to milk this entire situation for what it's worth.

"What made ya curious about lookin' into lingerie shopping, anyway, Lil'? Ready to put those drop-dead gorgeous looks to use and strut the good stuff to the next man that catches your eye?"

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Thu May 16, 2024 9:44 pm
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

It could not be possible for a person to be so red in the face yet have such a calm expression, yet Liltotto took a wrecking ball to that imagery every time. She'd calmly put the sampled attire back and look for one in her size - something she was plenty intimate with even after the jump in size. Wasn't hard to figure out what you fit into if your body hardly changed after all, though amidst her search she had the misfortune of her good friend calling attention to this interest, her face beaming bright red before calming back to a less head-rush shade of skin,

"Of course not, I just... Got some interest in getting new clothes. Keep getting prodded at by everyone to 'dress proper'. Even m- mmrph, Giselle's on my case about it time to time and I just..."

She exhaled, her wafting tone taking it's time to further express, "Look I normally dress practically and comfortably but maybe... Pretty and comfortably can happen at the same time? It's more for myself than any guy... It's not like I feel... Lacking."

Eyes drifting to the assortment of clothing, the tips of her ears turned a bit red again as she loosed a defeated sigh, "...Maybe I feel a little lacking."

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Sun May 26, 2024 1:50 am
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] GErtDg6


"Lackin'? Now, sugar, that simply won't do! I get not wantin' to look like a bombshell for the boys, but I can't let my gorgeous galpal go lookin' down on her looks. Ya chose the right woman for the job, sweetheart."

God, she could just squeeze her cheeks and tease her friend even more if left to her own devices. Of course, she supposed she understood her plight. After all, she imagined it couldn't have been easy making the transition from what was essentially the form of an underdeveloped little girl to a full-grown woman, prominent chest and all. On one hand, she thought about it and wondered.

Well, if they were here in the lingerie section, she supposed any of these spicier pieces that caught her eye were probably off the table now if she didn't intend on finding a handsome man to call her own. Reorienting her focus toward the floral pieces she spoke about, Natasha curiously turned back to Liltotto with a grin as she brought a specific piece toward her frame, as though measuring and envisioning how it might appear on her figure.

"I do wonder why we're here in the lingerie section, though. Most won't ever see what's under the clothes at that point. Or is it a matter of lookin' as pretty underneath as ya do on the surface?"

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Fri May 31, 2024 8:21 pm
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

She'd let out a reserved grunt behind her lips, rubbing her arm with Natasha's assertion. That was why she confided in her for this trip, as she personally didn't know much about fashion outside of something a college student would go with on campus or someone would generically go into an office building with - both ends were the extent of her fashionable social exposure, after all, and being in a tinier body meant anything particularly extravagant either looked strange or attracted very heinous attention.

But things were different now... Better.

Gently perking up with Natasha's questioning of why this particular clothing, her blush finally died down into a defeated sigh, a slightly weary look on her face, "Well, I wanted to practice at least looking nice in the bedroom. Life's full of surprises and... Maybe i'll get a guy who's actually interested in that next time."

Her expression withered a little bit, "Not that, I think poorly of Dorian, or anything, never... Just, what I wanted and what he wanted turned out to be very, different things. It wasn't gonna work... I'm just, kind of worried i'd be off putting to other options. I'm hardly someone to rush, but, i'd rather not wait another generation to pass by before I meet somebody else."

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:32 am
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] GErtDg6


"Aw, shucks. I could just hug the life out of ya right now, Lil."

Natasha giggled freely as she reflected on the woman's words. She certainly understood the intentions her dear friend was trying to convey. She was certainly none the wiser on why things fell through with Dorian, but that was neither here nor there. From her point of view, she thought Liltotto was a mightily attractive woman.

However it fell through, she would err on the side of the opinion that declared that it was his loss. Liltotto having laid out her intentions behind shopping in this particular section, Natasha grinned from ear to ear, grabbing onto the spicier pieces of lingerie that caught her eye before the revelation.

They were more relevant now than they were seconds ago, after all, and she wanted to ensure her friend's next experience with a man went on without a hitch. Was all of this excitement justified for the present for a single woman? Of course, it was!

"Don't you worry yer sweet little heart, Lil. I've dated plenty of boys in the past. I know a thing or two about the art of seduction and lookin' all nice for a man. First thing's first, we're goin' to the dressin' room. I need you, a mirror, and all the lingerie we've pecked out so far! Come on, let's hop to it!"

Lingerie in hand, Natasha pulled Liltotto along to the dressing room. Bringing along a testing piece or two for her intentions, she undressed and settled into a silk red teddy. This lacy little number was pretty revealing, but that was fine. She wasn't in the public eye. Instructing her to try out the floral piece she picked out earlier, Natasha allowed her a moment to prepare herself. In order to look sexy, one had to feel sexy.

"Probably didn't need to tell ya this, but part of the battle of wantin' to look good for the next guy is to feel good for the next guy. Moving past the fact he'll probably love ya for who you are If ya wanna look sexy, ya gotta feel sexy, ya know? Confidence in one's body goes a long way with men. The wink of an eye there, the sway of the hips here, a little sashay there, and yer sure to unlock somethin' primal in a man proud enough to call himself yer boyfriend."

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:58 am
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

"You sure can try," Her response came as lazily as it was joking, softly elbowing Natasha's arm with a slight wink, before falling a little silent. It was something they decided on together, there weren't any hard feelings.. But she couldn't help but feel a way, this and there - it made images that weren't her's pop behind her eyes, something that happened frequently with these types of things, something she had to calmly brush away. Her friend's words pulled her from her thoughts, her gaze lingering softly until she was abruptly pulled off with a hike of energy, "Ah, wai- wait slow it-!"

Too late, they were in and Nat was undressing. Respectfully averting her gaze while she got herself changed, her face getting redder and redder with her girl talk. Ah sheesh, she's awakened a demon, "Alright Nat alright... Show me your ways. Tastefully. You're definitely more experienced than I am."

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:00 pm
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] GErtDg6


"Tastefully, huh? I dunno bout' that one, Lil'. I'm feelin' a little spicy right now."

Voicing those playfully provocative words, Natasha winked in her direction as she slowly settled into her crimson teddy. The upper and lower sections of her body were visible through the see-through silk, but that was the intention of the first piece to begin with. Since she wanted tasteful, Natasha wanted to convey the sort of techniques that might be helpful in an intimate setting. After all, she couldn't exactly imagine Liltotto being some symbol of seduction, to say nothing of her current comfort level. Hell, her cheeks were already flush with red. Ease her in, soldier. Ease her in.

"Right, so first things first. There a variety o' moods in a bedroom settin'. If a man's feelin' particularly horny, he ain't fixin' to wait too long to get himself a piece of the pie. In those cases, seduction doesn't matter much. On the other hand, in the event yer tryin' to strike up a certain mood, that's where ya let the sexy flag fly, sister."

Natasha would approach Liltotto, motioning for her to turn around to face her properly. Once she did, Natasha would step back as she placed a finger against her lip with a wink.

"Now choose one of these fine lil' numbers so we can begin. First order of business is eye contact~!"

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:07 am
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

"Nat, please..." Her tone took a slight whining timbre in response to that rather inappropriate comment and stance, thankfully the heat fading from her ears and cheeks as she'd sigh. She really didn't wanna come across as a bimbo or anything, that was what mostly turned her off from wearing anything even remotely provocative but... Man, she couldn't just wear t-shirts or men's formal wear all the time and think she could get away with optics like that. She had that desire to get out there, especially after everything.. She deserved a proper go for once in her seemingly limitless life, huh?

"Woah woah okay, okay, Nat I didn't really mean..." Her hands would raise up quickly as she went straight for the bedroom talk, "..Look, I more meant approaching step one, not step seven. Like, sure i've read blogs but they all seem like movie theatric bullshit than something that'd actually rope a guy in..."

"I just wanna seem like i'm taking care of myself, but that's rough sometimes."

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:36 pm
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] GErtDg6


"Ho? Step one, huh? Well, I reckon that changes things a lil' bit."

She supposed that made sense. Did Liltotto even get that with Dorian? Natasha never really broached that subject with her dear friend. After all, that sorta stuff was personal. Grown folk business, as they say. Now, she was quite grown herself, but that didn't mean she had any right to know her personal business, right? Either way, she chortled softly as she patter her shoulders, nodding her head as she reeled in her mischievous energy. Easy there, cowgirl. No need to overwhelm your best friend, right?

Patting her on the shoulders, Natasha turned to a mirror as she warmly embraced her friend. Men weren't really complicated creatures when it came down to it. Though she had no idea what her friend was into with men, it was also true that most weren't exactly complicated about their feelings.

"Sorry bout' that. Guess I got bein' prepared for the next guy and bangin' the next guy all mixed up. Alright, step one it is. Again, my point still stands. Part of feelin' confident in the next one is feelin' like yer confident in yerself. At peace with yerself. Like... for one moment, just give me some eye contact and show me what a confident Liltotto looks like. A grin, a smile, a lopsided smirk... anything. However I can help, I'm gon' help. And I ain't takin' no for an answer, sugar."

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