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Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] Empty Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]

Tue May 21, 2024 2:41 pm
Although he should've been training in his own barracks at this hour, Patel found himself pacing outside the 6th division barracks, walking up and down the promenade that divided the enforcement division's commons and training area. He had an unfurled scroll in front of him that had begun to discolor from handling and weathering. Upon it was a list of names, with ranks and locations, as well as a brief paragraph of notes for each. Patel was fixated with one particular entry on the scroll:

"J. Saionji
Noble, 6th Squad, Head of Men's Association

Patel sought a skilled expert in Kido to learn from, but despite pursuing a master for years, he had little more than his notes from Shin'o academy and what little he gleaned from the occasional exhibition. He had even tried to access the records of the old Kido Corps---but with his very lowly rank, Patel doubted he would receive an answer to his document requests for at least a decade. He needed to learn from a live person... -but, masters of Kido comprised a lofty elite, all of which probably had no time for an unseated commoner.

Instead, Patel had a new idea: appeal to a noble expert's status by challenging them in public. He doubted he could be ignored then. At worst, he might be exploited---he'd certainly lose---but as long as he lost while witnessing spellcraft, Patel didn't mind crawling to the medics and going on crutches for a while.

Patel rolled his scroll shut and then set forward, entering the 6th Division's barracks during regular training hours. He tried to carry his scroll of personal notes like it was an important document, perhaps hoping the other Shinigami would assume it was a message for someone and thus let Patel slip by, but he soon encountered another problem: there were at least a few dozen Shinigami out in the open air and within the open doors of a dojo, populating the 6th division training grounds with plenty of unfamiliar faces. He hadn't even seen J. Saionji in person yet, how could he pick him out from a crowd-?

He decided on approaching a large group, holding his scroll in the crook of his arm. Patel cleared his throat and did his best to sound formal: "Is J. Saionji present?" Patel inquired aloud, as if he were here on orders.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] Empty Re: Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]

Tue May 21, 2024 3:33 pm
Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

J had his own training area at home, but often made appearances at his Division’s training grounds. He wanted to keep his face in the Division, while also analyzing the progress of those he worked with and offering help if they seemed to require it. Today was one of those days he spent outside of his home and in the public eye. He made his way through toward the training ground, giving little attention to those he walked by. His mind was on more important matters…

It was an active day. J saw more and more people move in and out of the Training area. The man turned a corner just in time to hear his named called aloud. He looked up to see an unfamiliar man and walked over. The group he was talking to told Patel that J was not around until one or two noticed the man coming over and pointed behind Patel. J stopped a few feet behind Patel before speaking. “I am J. Saionji. What is it?” J asked, glancing to the note Patel was holding.

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Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] Empty Re: Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]

Tue May 21, 2024 3:59 pm
Patel turned-around, but soon double-took before a 6'4" giant of a man. Patel was at least two heads shorter than him! -and not a physical equal in the slightest; a comparison of their bodies would've been like holding sticks beside trunks. Truthfully, Patel was not sure what he had expected, but it certainly wasn't a goliath.

More than towering bulk---at least when compared to Patel---J was different: he looked clean and dignified. He wasn't the first 'giant' Patel had seen, but he was one of the first noblemen Patel had ever met in-person, and the physical disparity between them played into Patel's biases about the upper class. Albeit, this time- Patel just felt inferior rather than jealous or angry.

No time to gawk, though. Patel tried to wipe the fear and awe off his face before doing his best to stare-down a man that was an order of magnitude greater than him in stature, status and rank. "I've come to challenge you to a duel: my Kido against yours." Patel declares matter-of-factly, mostly keeping a composed and serious look about him as though he had some deep-seated reason to come after J. Saionji specifically. Though, in spite of his best efforts, it's a little hard taking Patel seriously if only for the angle he has to tilt his head up at just to hold eye contact with the 6th Division officer.
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Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] Empty Re: Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]

Tue May 21, 2024 4:10 pm
Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

J certainly did carry himself in the manner a noble should: great posture, clean, dignified... regal. J had no hair out of place. He had no opinion on this shorter man’s appearance. He expected very few to keep up with their appearance the way he did. He also interacted with many from different backgrounds, so there was no judgment in his eyes, just a touch of curiosity as he expected to be handed the note. J definitely was not expecting the sudden challenge, and stared at this man.

Blinking once, J turned his head to the surrounding crowd. Hearing a challenge like that caught everyone’s attention and brought that attention all inward at J and this guy. J looked back to Patel. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” J asked, his tone calm and collected, with no hint of intention behind his next step. He looked directly in Patel’s eyes, hinting a warning through their sternness, but he doubted that would cause Patel to back down. It was a tad too public, and as men, they had their pride.

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Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] Empty Re: Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]

Tue May 21, 2024 6:59 pm
Hearing that little warning in J's tone---a polite, dispassionate reminder of what was at stake---reminded Patel of the risks he faced here. Unlike J, Patel did not have any pride on the line, but he was a thin reed putting itself against the strong winds of a large storm; humiliation would be nothing, but it was very likely that he would soon be in great pain.

Patel felt a natural instinct to nervously laugh it off and just hand-over the scroll as expected, like it was all a joke. In the brief milliseconds after J's warning, and Patel's processing thereof, Patel already lusted after that option. Several thoughts buzzed through his brain like bubbles in a pot of boiling stew: "We'll find someone else", "This is too improper to be correct", "We're too outmatched..."

But Patel also knew the dread of not progressing, of getting nowhere. He may have become Shinigami but he was still a lowly wretch with no connections that could bring him the knowledge he needed: he would have to take it, somehow, even at hardship. "I am Patel Kuzunoha." He introduces- pausing only because he wasn't sure what else he could say that might make his challenge authentic. But then, he remembers Sasori...

Tucking his scroll away, he does his best to feign a cold and intense stare up at the taller man's head. "If my Kido can defeat yours, it will be the same as layering the Kuzunoha name atop your house's." Patel says... uncomfortably, if only because it felt like something a different person would say, but he was sure that'd get the rise out of J that he needed.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] Empty Re: Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]

Tue May 21, 2024 7:48 pm
Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

A quick look and a momentary use of J’s reikaku told him that Patel had promise, but was likely new. He doubted Patel was in his Division, since J had not seen his file, so he must have come from somewhere else, seeking J out specifically. That gave him more clue to what was likely in Patel’s hand. Either way, Patel sparked some curiosity in J, so he was definitely going to at least spar with Patel.

And then that came out of Patel’s mouth. J’s expression darkened, an intense sharpness in his eyes as he stared Patel down. He could tell Patel was taunting him, something he normally would have ignored, have it not been for mentioning his family. At this point, it was an attack, not only on his pride, but on his mother and sister. That was not something J could turn the other cheek over.

“I planned on accepting your challenge if you had merely claimed you were serious, boy,” J said, voice firm, as he waved to the surrounding Division members. They all began to back up as J turned away from Patel and walked a few feet away. He had no zanpakuto with him, having left that at home, so it was a good thing Patel seemed to want to challenge his kido. J turned back toward Patel and stared at him once more. “Challenge accepted, Patel Kuzunoha. Begin at your own risk.”

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Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] Empty Re: Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]

Tue May 21, 2024 8:13 pm
Like a first-time cook who uses far too much heat and salt, Patel reeled internally for the intense sharpness in J's glare: it sliced through all the pretenses, all his preparation---there was nothing left to clothe the impudent upstart from his mistake.

But he still had his prize. It would only cost him more in the end. Patel backed-away towards a growing ring of 6th division members who cast a variety of expressions toward him. Entertainment- apprehension- anxiety- Patel could see a lot of emotions in the crowd, but they all pointed towards his defeat. Rather than feel discouraged, though, Patel felt refreshed that not a single onlooker showed any confidence in him.

It meant that J was the real deal. Everything move he made, he'd be at a disadvantage, so he decided on opening with the best move he could make quickly.
"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini-" Patel spoke in a frenetic tone. His right index finger draws glyphs and mantras in crimson light through the air, before finally pointing in accusation toward J himself. "-Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat! Bakudo #9: Geki!" Patel shouts, planning to first catch J in Bakudo before attempting a Hadō follow-up... though he expected not to catch him on the first try, not even with Geki.
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Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] Empty Re: Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]

Tue May 21, 2024 8:34 pm
Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

Patel’s incantation was quickly recognized and felt contradictory to the spirit of the initial challenge. If you are testing your kido against another’s kido, why would you initiate with a kido that rendered them motionless? J expected a show of Hadō strength, but of course, there was the quickness of one’s incantation, the power behind the chosen spell, and even the ability to aim. The problem here was that Patel was simply outclassed and it was the incantation that would prove it.

Patel began, at his own risk, and so J’s recognition of the kido chosen gave J the advantage. He mimicked Patel’s attempt, but without even using an incantation. “Geki.” He held up two fingers and focused for a second before red energy moved to surround Patel and immobilize him first, using the man’s distraction with completing the incantation to give him the time. If he succeeded in holding Patel with Geki, he would then point his index toward Patel, firing off his own Hadō.

“Shō.” Dispelling a small amount of reiryoku from the tip of his finger, the energy would fire forward at Patel, aiming for center mass, and with enough power to send the man back onto his ass if struck. If hit by the Shō, the Geki would disappear.

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Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] Empty Re: Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]

Tue May 21, 2024 9:06 pm
Patel was making an effort, but paid too much attention to what J was doing when he should've been paying more attention to his own spell. It looked like J was going to perform the same spell as him, only... “Geki.” ... no, it couldn't be!

A brilliant red light enveloped Patel's dark skin in a cloak of oppressive power, weighed against the lesser Shinigami. Patel clearly tried to resist: his head lurches up and back, showing a bobbing adam's apple that battles for breath. His entire body shakes, trying to push himself just a little more to cast the spell- ... but J. Saionji was of such a superior level of both power and mastery, even Patel's diaphragm had been paralyzed, and could no longer rise-and-fall to make him breathe. The blood slowed in his body and his heart stuttered; even without incantation, J's Geki had cast a penetrating paralysis that ran systemic throughout Patel's body.

The only thing he could do was think: 'how was that possible?!', but before Patel could manage any meaningful analysis J had propelled his own Hadō in sequence upon Patel, using the very same strategy Patel himself had in mind. It was only Shō, the most basic Hadō, so Patel's spirit wasn't quite broken yet and he willed himself to stay calm so that after this spell he could retali- ... *shrr-iip!*

Patel's spiritual pressure was so miniscule against the weight of J's own power, it couldn't resist the superior Shinigami's Shō in the slightest: the chest of Patel's gi tore immediately upon impact, blown-outwards with so much force it ripped before it could stretch. The young Shinigami himself flew backwards directly into the chest of another Shinigami, a tall well-built sort like J. Saionji himself, who seemed not to budge in the slightest as Patel bounced off him into a face-down heap against the ground.

Patel did not have much experience, but immediately reflected on what combat he had been in previously: that Hadō #1 had felt exactly like being punched or swiped by a large Hollow. Patel looked up with wide and desperate eyes like a cornered animal. He hadn't seen any tricks, did not even have a clue as to how J skipped incantation yet retained such power, and worst of all feared he was about to soon lose without learning anything. "-sorry, but I need your help again, just a little longer!" Patel spoke while drawing his Zanpakuto without grace: he felt just just a bit disoriented from the sheer physical shock of J's Hadō #1.

Some Shinigami watching the 'duel' groaned or clamored at the low-ranking Shinigami daring to draw his sword against an unarmed opponent. Others, however, looked more interested as Patel flicked his wrist to rotate the katana and point its rusted edge at himself. "Persecute him, Yomi!" Patel recited, while pressing his thumbnail into the Zanpakuto's edge as if to divide the pages of a book. His own blood is drawn from a cut underneath the nail, but then- the sword actually begins to open like a book.

Yomi's rusted blade loses integrity, slowly liquefying while a foul black-red cloud of gore both liquid and particulate billows-up from where Patel had 'opened' it. The remains of the Zanpakuto collapse inward, seeming to decay and rot into a mass of skin that grotesquely reshapes itself into a book. A devilish face protrudes through the skin of its front-cover, opening two bloodshot eyes to behold the world in complete malice. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation..." Patel began in incantation---at which the book of Yomi began to stir, its skin-pages undulating with a foul life of their own.

But in spite of it all, Patel had probably run out of time- for in the time it took him to release his Shikai, he would likely find himself on the receiving end of J's own attack. The only way he would finish Shakkaho's incantation would be if J let him do it.
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Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] Empty Re: Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]

Tue May 21, 2024 9:31 pm
Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

Watching this young man struggle was expected, and J seemed apathetic toward the situation. The challenge was accepted, and he would win. The only question was when he would decide to win. Though he had his pride, the expansive gap between their reiryoku reserves and skill in kido were what really told J the outcome of this match. When Patel was thrown back and bumped into another, J’s concern was more with the man he bumped into. He did not want to harm a comrade.

J looked around to the rest as Patel hit the ground. “Please, back up as far as you can.” Everyone else pushed to the ends of the room, lining the wall as far from the duel as they could. J returned his gaze to Patel as the young man pushed himself back to his feet. ‘Determined.’ J thought. He knew that he had not hit him hard enough to knock him out, but it was similar to a powerless individual being punched in the stomach. J also took note of what Patel said, ‘he needs my help?’

Once again, Patel went against the ‘kido vs kido’ theme that he had assumed this duel was about. With Patel’s first comments on it, the fact that he was willing to pull out his zanpakuto here was interesting, especially since J was not carrying his. The crowed seemed to feel the same way, likely understanding that J held his honor in high value and this was turning into something… disgraceful. J’s shoulders raised as he took in a breath and sighed it out. “If you are that desperate… fine.”

Patel even released his shikai? J blinked, surprised at the form his zanpakuto took. It was quite unique to what J had seen in the past, only piquing his curiosity, though also grossing him out somewhat. Was that thing made of skin? Hearing the incantation, J decided to let it finish. The boost a shikai would give his kido might be impressive. However, J countered with his own incantation, repeating the same thing and doing his best to keep with the kido vs kido theming of their duel.

As J’s incantation finished, he fired forth his shakkhaho at the center of Patel’s as a way of countering it, but he did angle it upwards away from the audience. It was possible to hurt those around depending on the strength of Patels. J’s shakkaho was masterful, controlled, and wouldn’t just explode or being torn apart here.

End Post
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