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Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama)

Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:09 am
Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Genshin-impact-kuki-4

It seemed that her words had awoken whatever brain cells the Quincy had, resulting in her actually using a spell. The chant was familiar enough and as the ball came towards her, Kalama would place her hands out before her, calling out a spell of her own. “Bakudō #39. Enkōsen.” A yellow spinning disk of spiritual energy would appear before, taking the brunt of the spell and causing it to be wrapped by the Quincies Gebet rather than herself. The two spells met ferociously but Kalama’s Kido just about did the job.

Unfortunately for her, it left her open to the redhead’s axe attack and an angry scream of pain left her as the weapon hit her in the side. There was simply not enough time for her to get a defence up and she grit her teeth, anger building up within her even more now that she was wounded. A burst of shunpo and she’d make distance between the two of them again, turning around, favouring her side. Yet, she wasn’t going to let a single blow stop her and all it did was amplify her hatred.

“Fucking bitch!” She hissed, grasping her zanpakuto and moving back in towards her foe once more, leaping up to try and slash at her opponents face. Meanwhile, with her free hand, she’d point at her opponent and snap. “Hadō #32. Ōkasen.” Releasing a yellow arc of energy towards her opponent, hoping to catch with either one or the other of her attacks.


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Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama)

Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:33 pm
Stella would raise her hand as the blade would cut through it. She would feel resistance on the blade from the blut vene, but it did still travel through her hand as crimson would slowly leak out dripping downward. Stella seeking the next spell would move slightly out of the way, but she would try to stay on top of her. Pushing the pain pulsing through her hand as she would feel a shock that had came through it.

Wincing with a shiver she would push the blade up forcefully with her hand sliding to the side to dodge the spell. Moving the now blood covered hand and attempting to elbow the woman in the stomach. If this fight had to happen, then Stella fully was going to try to keep herself close. She did better fighting up close than any other way. Not only that, but Stella was slowly understanding that she has a bit of a strength advantage on the shinigami. However, she was quicker and much more vicious. Not only that, but shinigami also had many more spells at their disposal.
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Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama)

Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:38 am
Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Genshin-impact-kuki-4

The assassin hated Blut so damn much and her eyes flashed with irritation as her attack was somewhat negated by it. Still, at least contact was made and the sight of the woman shivering did bring her some pleasure. She’d be doing more than just that by the time Kalama was finished and even though she was wounded herself, the green haired woman’s determination wasn’t dampened. Kalama had taken plenty of hard shots before and no doubt would take a fucking lot more in the future.

An elbow came towards her although due to the size difference, it ended up heading a little higher than her stomach. She was able to do something about it though, hardening her body again with her Hakuda, enough that she could catch the woman’s attack and push her aggressively away. Kalama could tell from the woman’s physique that she was fairly strong physically and she could definitely swing that bloody axe.

If the Quincy wanted to fight close then Kalama wouldn’t back off either, getting in close to theredhead’s body and launching a powerful punch to her midsection. She would’ve aimed higher but with her lack of range and knowing that Stella had a natural defence with those damn pillows of hers, it was probably wise to go low. There would be noticeable power behind her strike, amplifying it with her rather well trained Hakuda.


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Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama)

Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:58 am
Stella would try to move her hand down to block the punch, but she wouldn't be quick enough. Taking a strike to the stomach Stella felt some of the worst pain she's felt. She thought it was worse than the cut in her hand, but she couldn't afford to spend any time catching her breath. Thankfully the blut helped cushion the punch a tad, but it still hurt like mad. As she thought about what to do next she would make the attempt to headbutt grab the woman by her shoulders.

Allowing the axe to stick in the ground as it was no use if they were to close for her to swing it. If she was able to grab her shoulders she would attempt to headbutt the woman. Stella wasn't the most skilled fighter, but she surely did want to win. She knew her axe would be of no use so close range so Stella wouldn't use it for now. Trying to focus more on the close range fight at hand. The woman had a dagger sized sword so Stella was trying to keep an eye on that at all costs.
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Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama)

Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:01 am
Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Genshin-impact-kuki-4

It wasn’t a pleasant clash of heads and even with her Hakuda helping to cushion the blow, there was only so much it could do about such a direct hit. It stung like mad and her eyes briefly watered but the rage that was always building helped Kalama to shake the cobwebs out. The Quincy wanted to play like that, did she? Fine. Every moment of pain that the Shinigami felt was going to be paid in full and then some. The petite green haired woman wouldn’t accept anything else.

Pushing Stella’s arms up and off of her shoulders, Kalama would then jump into the air, before trying to slam her head into the Quincies as a receipt for the previous attack. She channelled her spiritual energy again in order to increase the potency although with the woman’s Blut, the assassin didn’t know how much damage it might do. It didn’t fucking matter though, as the Shinigami’s mind was almost completely blinded by wrath. All the while, her zanpakuto would remain menacingly in her hand, just waiting for the opportunity to strike at the redhead.


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Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama)

Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:04 am
As Stella would be recovering from her own headbutt the green haired woman would rear back and head butt her. This would cause Stella to lose her footing and fall on her behind..As dhe did this she would try to push herself up quickly. She couldn't afford to be on the ground any longer than she had to be. It was easier to stab someone laying on the ground than it was if they were standing up. The headbutts had caused Stella to have a stinging head ache for the most part as she pushed herself up off the ground.

Trying to not keep her sight off the woman. The next thing she was going to do though was charge at her attempting to tackle her. Trying to keep one of her free hands up and grabbing the woman's hand that carried her sword. If she could grapple the woman it would increase her chance to win. Or at the very least that's what Stella thought. At this point she wasn't talking. She was thinking about survival and how to make sure this woman faces a trial for what she's done.
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Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama)

Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:08 pm
Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Genshin-impact-kuki-4

Returning the favour via headbutt might not have been the brightest idea and even though Kalama almost now had a nasty headache to go with her painful side, the assassin wasn’t deterred. The Quincy had deserved what she’d gotten and to see her fall on her fat backside was a pleasure for the green haired Shinigami to see. Soon enough, she’d be out for the count for good but for the time being, just getting a little space helped Kalama to recover her senses, even if it was only a few precious seconds.

The redhead’s next move was rather reckless and Kalama was able to see the tackle coming and while she was a little wobbly, the assassin was able to turn to the side, letting the Quincy run right past her. The dagger wielder could see what her opponent's strategy was at this point and knew that at range, the advantage clearly was with her. It appeared that her opponent needed to work on her magic indeed and Kalama wasted no time in tapping her own potent skills again.

Channelling an orb of lightning into her hands, she’d shout, again skipping the chant to cut her casting time. “Hadō #63. Raikōhō.” The orb would explode into motion, heading towards the Quincy at quick speed.


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Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama)

Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:15 am
Stella would fall forward making sure to try to catch herself on all fours. Spotting her axe she needed to grab it again, but before she would do that she had to try to do something about the woman. She would see the woman's hand move up, so Stella would stop her movement holding her hand up as the ball of energy would appear, however just as she was about to speak the incantation the woman's spell had already shot towards Stella.

Stella didn't know that the shinigami were able to skip their incantations. The ball of energy would fly towards Stella, and since she had been attempting to cast a spell she got caught out. Stella would attempt to use her free hand to cover her face as the spell would explode sending her back a few feet and knocking her back down, but this time flat on her back. She'd roll over putting her hands on the ground doing a push up.

Her arm was no singed and in extreme pain. Thankfully the blut absorbed some of the impact from.the spell, but it certainly still stung. Stella could barely feel her free arm as she would struggle pushing herself back up. However, she would look to her axe grabbing and pulling it out of her hand. She would rush forward swinging down with the axe like she had before, but this one was a feint. She would really use her right leg to attempt to kick the side she had hit with the axe earlier.
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Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama)

Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:42 am
Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Genshin-impact-kuki-4

The woman’s Blut was starting to get on Kalama’s nerves, taking some of the damage out of the assassin’s well cast spell. It was typical of the fucking Quincy, ruining her fun as usual and the purple eyes of the Shinigami narrowed again. Yes, she’d knocked the woman down but yet again the redhead rose. It seemed that the petite warrior was going to have to increase the pace, which wasn’t exactly easy with the gnawing pain in her side but there was nothing else for it.

Kalama had an ace in the hole of course, one that she knew would most definitely turn the fight in her favour but there was just a touch of wariness in the assassin’s mind. It was so difficult to control and the Shinigami already knew what happened when she did lose it. She recalled her last training session with it well and the burns she received had taken quite a while to heal. Yet, the more aggressive and far more vocal part of her mind was yelling at her to use it.

For now though, she focused on the woman’s attack, attempting to evade the axe attack by moving her body. Yet, that wasn’t where the Quincy was aiming for and a groan of pain escaped the Shinigami as she felt the redhead’s foot catch her in the side. A growl left Kalama’s lips and in order to try and give herself a moment to recover, she’d shout. “Bakudō #21. Sekienton.”

From her position, a red cloud of smoke would envelop the area, hopefully allowing Kalama the chance to shunpo backwards to a safe distance, giving herself a much needed moment. Her side was starting to sting and the pain was causing her anger and rage to build up to a crescendo. This woman was pissing her off and the desire to rip her head off and put it on a spike was overwhelming.


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Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama) - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Hatreds (Stella, Kalama)

Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:48 pm
Stella could feel herself getting more and more worn down. Keeping her blut up was beginning to become a very taxing thing to do. As the smoke would appear around her she would cough a few times before trying to get out of the smoke. Once she did she would lean herself against a tree for just a moment while she would try to calm herself down. She could tell she wouldn't be able to hold onto her blut for very much longer. If she could she needed to end this quickly and soon.

She would pant slightly as she caught her breath and look for the woman. Perhaps she had left because of the injury? Stella wasn't sure cause the woman's spiritual pressure was infused in the cloud. Making it very hard for Stella to lock onto her in the cloud. She would try to ready herself.
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