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Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:13 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] W7pjcoqbmk7

How fortunate it was to live in these times. Such that one could frankly just ... get a hold of one of the heads of the noble houses. Byakuya's presence in the sereitei had certainly not gone unnoticed. Not only that he was out and about more than most other nobles, but the fact that he showed an invested interest in the shinigami of the Gotei was something even more intuiging. An interest that had even resulted in him taking several under his wing.

Naturally, she wasn't going to let such a situation go to waste, and so after a bit of snooping about the grapevine, she'd discovered a nice decent In. It seemed that some of the Academy instructors had been curious about Byakuya's activities, and were wanting to see if the man was interested in becomming a teacher at the academy. Naturally, as an active member of Academy staff, she volunteered to extend the offer, with of course... a few other things in mind as well.

And so Yuri found herself making her way to where the Noble had last been seen. She was in her uniform of course as she kept her eyes out for the man as she went, and it was only when she spotted those distinct hair clips that she promptly adjusted her trajectory and approach, taking a moment to survey the situation and see just what it was the man was actually doing. After all, she hardly wanted to just barge in on the man if he was in the middle of something.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:28 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

The last spot Byakuya was seen was in one of the market places that nobles frequented. He moved through a few shops, made a few purchases that included training equipment, furniture, and some high-end artwork for the Kuchiki Manor. Each of these orders would, of course, be delivered to his home, since it seemed he had no assistants following him around and was alone.

Finished with his shopping endeavors, Byakuya began making his way through the Seireitei and in the direction of the Kuchiki Manor. It was then that he stopped and looked over to Yuri, an expressionless gaze. She had arrived a few minutes ago and watched him finish up the artwork order. “Do you need something?”

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Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:15 am
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] W7pjcoqbmk7

The blank expression was taken in stride, that her own smile warmed as she folded her hands in front of her and gave a nod of acknowledgement to the man. She didn't go trying to sus out why the man was buying art in a place like this, then again it's not like she knew much about artists, so maybe there was a scene here she was just unaware of.

"Yes, actually! I'm here representing the Shino Academy, though admittedly in something of an unofficial capacity, specifically a few of the professors. Your more presence in the Gotei has been made note of, particularly that you've taken up some pupils. And so I admit, myself and some of the other staff was curious if you had intentions of pursuing instruction." She explained, no doutb the man had gotten more official offers in the past, not that this was really an offer. More the fact that a few of the professors were curious if he had intentions to become something more official. Be that a proper teacher or if something more like a Tutor that would offer limited assistance to students in need of additional help.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:22 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya’s expression softened enough to show a bit of interest when Shino Academy was mentioned. He had shown himself around there enough that it was not surprising someone would confront him. He turned to fully face Yuri, giving her his attention. If this was an unofficial, he wondered how real the offer was.

Byakuya crossed his arms and looked away, giving himself a moment to think. Becoming a teacher would allow him to interact with upcoming Shinigami more often. However, he was not sure how welcome he would be in that situation. He had no interest in the idiotic drama of those upset they weren't born nobility.

"Becoming an instructor for future generations of Shinigami could be interesting," Byakuya said, his arms falling back to his sides. He returned his gaze to Yuri. "However, if this is only an unofficial offer, I cannot give an accurate answer. There are many factors I would have to explore before making that decision."

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Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:38 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] W7pjcoqbmk7

Yuri raised a brow ever so slightly and couldn't help but smile just a little. a mirthful little smirk as she took a moment, reaching up and gently touching her knuckle to her lower lip as she cleared her throat, hardly rude enough to actually giggle at the man infront of him. But it was.... entertaining. "Lord Kuchiki, I do apologize for being a bit frank. But I think the notion that the Academy would turn you away is a bit silly. Regardless of how long you've been outside of active duty, you are an exemplary shinigami. Kido, Zanjutsu, Hoho. I frankly struggle to imagine some facet of Zankensoki you would not be a welcome addition to the Academy as a teacher for. Given the sheer number of talented shinigami that were lost or have fallen to the wayside in the past hundred years, such a sterling example would hardly be unwelcome." She pointed out, a gentle gesture to the side as she let her other hand rest on her hip.

"I'll tell you something that frankly I don't tell many. But I honestly think that if someone such as myself can manage to teach at the academy, then someone like you most certainly can. True, these days my position is more as a tutor. I confess, I prefer the one on one work, but I won't get too deep into that. But suffice to say, Lord Kuchiki, I don't really need much official backing to imagine that if you want it, the Job would certainly be there for you." She stated, all but brimming with mirth. There were quite a few expectations she had about this conversation, but getting to see Lord Byakuya's sudden interest was.... adorable.

Interest was something Nobles didn't often have. So many of them feigned disinteresat to maintain leverage, or just lked to worm things around. She of course HEARD plenty about the man, but that kind of stuff, especially about a clan head, could just be propoganda. But to see that earnest shifty in his behavior, even going so far as to turn away in solid contemplation. It was quite clear that he really WAS interested!

Truly she had made the correct choice in the noble to approach~
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:54 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya sensed this as being little more than intentional flattery, even if they were facts. He knew his skill would be a great asset for the Academy and he was a decent teacher, but that wasn’t exactly his worry about being “welcome.” The hatred toward nobility has been an annoyance for a while now. It was like dealing with a fly repeatedly flying around your head and refusing to fucking leave. Byakuya was concerned that taking on such an offer would invite more of that behavior…

“I suppose my boredom would be at least mildly sated by taking on additional responsibility,” Byakuya said and gave Yuri a curt nod. At this point, why not? “What process is currently in place for becoming an Academy instructor?”

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Wed Jun 26, 2024 7:09 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] W7pjcoqbmk7

Yuri canted her head to the side and chuckled softly at that. "There's hardly a singular avenue. It would be as simple as submitting a resume. though given your Noble status, I imagine you could simply speak with the headmaster. Though if you are concerned about publicity. You would simply need to see about finding some recommendation from an individual of repute. If I recall, our late Hollow Studies teacher attained a job with recommendation from the Captain Commander, as our most recent example. But I imagine any captain would suffice, an ex or current proffessor would probably give a bit more to the process. Perhaps Captain Yuuto. Or if you didn't want to bother one of the Captains, theres a number of instructors who recently joined the gotei. The third seat and Lieutenant of Eighth division come to mind."

It was perhaps a bit more information than need be. Frankly, he could probably just ask. Much as she was sure he simply dismissed her commentary as lip service, he was Byakuya friggin Kuchiki. IF he wanted to be an instructor, he could probably just make it happen. BUT, sure, whatever hangups he had, be they political or otherwise, she offered a bit of advice in the realm of what might add a bit more to such a shift into the academy space. Both high and low profile. Giving him ample time to respond before she went on with the conversation. Quite curious what course of action he'd take.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:00 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya had not ‘applied for a job’ for over a century, so he was on the assumption that things may have changed. Yuri was right about him getting some letters of recommendation, but he wouldn’t want just one. He knew a couple of people he could approach, and could figure out one or two others. He would not ask only those he knew from the past, but anyone that teaches the newer generations.

“I appreciate the offer and the advice,” Byakuya said and gave a light bow out of respect. “Was there anything else you needed?”

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Tue Jul 02, 2024 2:00 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] W7pjcoqbmk7

Yuri's brows raised once again as she watched the man give a gesture of appreciation. Now she wasn't going to go showing it, but having the head of a great noble family expressing gratitude? It wasn't something she frankly expected, and for just the moment she felt the buzz of a slight high, a warmth of importance and appreciation in her chest that put her in an uncharacteristically good mood.

"You're very welcome~ As a matter of fact I do admit, there was something else I also intended to speak with you about I admit." She noted with a gentle chuckle, folding her arms across her chest as she glanced over her shoulder briefly towards the Second Division, at leasty it's general direction. "It's something more in relation to my family actually. Lord Byakuya, you have something of a reputation, your tenure as a Captain had much to do with keeping order and law within the Soul Society. Not that that was anything less than the creed of your family, but well, the lengths to which you're known tor such things is a bit famous. The Aiban clan isn't a noble family by any stretch, but we still are very ingrained in the happenings of the rukongai.And well, as of the past few years, things have come to be a bit ... unstable."

She was sure he was aware. Not that the Rukongai had ever really TRULY been a paradise, but things were still different. "Naturally I understand you are a busy man. So if you don't have the time to speak about things, I understand if we would need to set something aside. But that said, if you'd be able to spare a bit of time to speak about the Sereitei as a whole. And some ...recent events that have a number of citizens in the rukongai a bit concerned."
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:13 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

"Kuchiki,” Byakuya quickly corrected. He would show gratitude where it was deserved, but certain respects must still be given. These two were not on a first name basis. Once she corrected that, he would ask her to continue.

So, the unrest in the Rukongai had not been calmed any? While he did not expect much of the outer districts, Byakuya thought some semblance of civilization would have begun to spread further than the inner-most. This was never his expertise though, as he focused more on policing the Seireitei, even when he was Captain.

"I have nothing else planned today," Byakuya said and turned toward the direction of the Kuchiki Manor. "We can discuss this on my way home, if you would like."

End Post
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