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Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:49 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] - Page 2 W7pjcoqbmk7

"Lord Kuchiki, of course." She corrected herself, hardly minding it. It was something she was all too familiar with, and she could practically hear the chuckle of Lady Aina in the back of her head. Thankfully she wasn't quite on the docket for a visit, no this was more of an outreach. Like Lady Aina always said, life isn't a race, so no reason to trip yourself. Thankfully, it seemed the man wasn't as busy as she might have worried. And she gave a light nod as he turned and proceeded to follow him as he began walking towards the Noble District. A bit of a timer as frankly she had no intention of entering the noble district. Polite as he seemed, she hardly wanted to get to the Kuchiki estate and then have to walk her ass back out of the district on her own. Much as the Lord himself seemed amicable for a noble, she had no desire to go into the nest.

"On the surface, it's easy to imagine that things could be considered more peaceful. Random violence and the like is a bit more under wraps. The formation of the Rukongai Police department under Commander Kyoraku's tenure, with the support of the gotei, has certainly seen dividends. However, I myself have a rather extensive awareness of the actual situation. And while Petty and low level crime has dwindled in much of the inner districts. A number of more....sophisticated issues have taken place." She explained calmly enough, a hand resting on her hip as she lightly rubbed at her temples.

"As a former member of Realm Enforcement, I saw my own share of things, and no doubt I'm sure you yourself have at least some awareness of some rather startling incidents recently. In some ways, this has been somewhat constrained to issues out in the rukongai. More organized gangs forming, likely in response to a present police force. But also the influence of the Noble Families isn't what it once was." No doubt that would get his attention. She looked over her shoulder to the man.

"I'm not interested in naming any names. And I'm sure with your position as head of a Great Noble House. You're more than familiar that in the past, there have been a fair share of untoward practices lined with noble gold. The Nobles had their hands on the sword arm of the Gotei. That meant that a lot of activity went uncontested. But even so, sour as they may have been, Nobles operate within certain parameters. There are things of an unsightly nature, but there were constraints to them." She explained calmly as she went, turning her attention to the west and nodding that way.

"Almost a year ago, an arrancar had been sighted in the Mid Rukongai districts. It caused some chaos and confusion. And in that confusion, a coordinated attack occurred. More than fifteen rukongai citizens were found in alleyways. Their bodies reduced to charcoal. A Gotei Member on the scene was able to respond, but sustained injury in the process. They sustained injury, but were able to make a full recovery. And in more recent history. Well. I'm sure you're aware of the events that have resulted in the current lockdown." The man no doubt would be very aware of the situation, though perhaps not for the reasons Yuri would be aware of. After all, that very incident involved the Arrancar she'd mentioned before when it came to instructors.

"Dangerous outbursts of violence, but without the grace of being isolated incidents. Following the bombings, there have even been a few scares in outter districts where there have been gangs 'inspired' by the incident at the hospital." aN investigation that thankfully had concluded, or she wouldn't have brought it up. But all the same, a few raids uncovering bomb materials had not been comforting. "Lady Aiban has been keeping her eye on these activities, but there's really only so much that can be done. At least without assistance. Cooperation with the Sixth is already something, but complications in the gotei means that their attention is horribly split. Especially in reference to the Lockdown investigation. Areas that previously were under a tight hold, have begun slipping as a result of redirected manpower and resources." She turned her attention to the Noble Head.

"Now, Suffice to say, I don't think either of us wants things to go back to the way things were. Crime being held under wraps by larger, more organized and restrained crime, is not a caveat I think worth entertaining. However, I'm sure that in the past, given the Creed of the family, that the Kuchiki family has experience in dealing with such situations. When they had full control, it was nobles who kept one another in check. As such, Lady Aina wants to know if you would be interested in cooperation."

She kept her attention straight ahead as she gave her explanation and pitch. there was no real need to see if he was paying attention. After all, she imagined with how he was raised, he would be controlling his expression anyway. Perhaps he might not even care. After all, the nobles had their own problems to be concerned about, and though he certainly had a history of zeal toward order and upholding of the law. And even if this DID allign with that. The Aiban Family was no noble house, and if there was anything she'd learned not to put faith into, it was noble politics keeping from interfering with one's intentions. Any smooth sailing was to be considered a pleasant surprise.
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Thu Jul 04, 2024 11:59 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] - Page 2 Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya had little interest in things returning to the old ways. Tradition kept the Soul Society in the past and stopped any progress, and caused more than its fair share of problems. Byakuya stopped walking and closed his eyes for a moment of thought. The chaos in the Rukongai did not come off much more or less than in previous years. If anything, the advancements being done there were only changing the types of chaos, not making things worse. He was interested in bringing some order to as much of the Rukongai as possible, so this offer deserved consideration.

"I have made attempts in modernizing different parts of the Rukongai, but I am not certain about the effectiveness of it all," Byakuya said, partially wishing he could be more hands on, but he had many other concerns. "I have different connections I could utilize to this effort; if Lady Aiban wishes to cooperate with one another, then I'm willing to consider doing so. I would prefer speaking with her in person."

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Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:18 pm
Spider under Stones [Yuri, Byakuya] - Page 2 W7pjcoqbmk7

That was news to her. Modernization of the rukongai? Sure she was aware of the efforts by the late Captain Commander, which did garner some support, but the Kuchiki's hand to that end was not something she was aware of. Tch, she felt a bit caught off guard with that one, no doubt if Lady Aiban was here she'd have that look she always had when she was smug about something. Still, she pushed that aside and focused on the important part: Acceptance! Of course, Yuri at no point considered the notion of failure. Even though, logically, she understood it. In her heart of hearts, this conversation could have ended no other way, and so a warm flood of self validation swept her heart as she, externally, simply let that calm smile of hers deepen the slightest.

"Thank you, Lord Kuchiki. I'll be sure to inform Lady Aiban of your response. Officially, I can't speak on her behalf. But I believe you can expect a response soon." She noted, the barest hint of fond anticipation in her voice as she offered a respecvtful bow to the noble, resisting the urge to pump her fist and do a little jig on the spot. Yes yes yes, wait until he was gone, THEN a victory dance! But until then? Composure.

"In the meantime, you have my deepest gratitude for your time."
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