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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Two Friends, One Arm, No Patience [Closed] Empty Two Friends, One Arm, No Patience [Closed]

Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:48 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari had just gotten the news that she was accepted into Squad One after their first mission was declared a success. Although she felt slightly different about calling it a 'success', she did accept the honor with pride and a smile. Taking in a deep breath, she felt as if she was finally moving along with her life. A dream that she had been working towards for a long time now had finally become a reality. At first she did have a tough time dealing with certain things, along with picking a Squad, but that time had passed and she was ready for whatever life would throw at her.

She was happily skipping through the hallways of the Squad Four Barracks when she realized she had not seen her Lieutenant. Kaminari stopped and turned around, hurrying to his room. She knocked just loud enough for him to hear. For a second there, she was ready to just charge in, but she stopped before she made a fool of herself. This man was now her Lieutenant and she will definitely respect him like one. At that, she didn't even know whether he was actually inside or not. She hadn't gotten any word on his condition since they had gotten back, but she was hoping that he was okay and had gotten word of her being accepted into his Squad.

"Hm... Now that I think about it... Isn't it Lieutenant Okami's job to accept or deny applications into his Squad? So... Is he the one that allowed me in?" she thought and tilted her head to the side as she waited for someone to answer the door. She knocked again with her other, and then cupped her hands within each other behind her back.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Last edited by SerenityVerdant on Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:45 am; edited 1 time in total
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:00 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


That mission had not been very good for Kuro. Those people at that hospital had found his arm to be unlike anything they had ever seen before, and had had to do surgery on it with large blades and needles that had made Kuro scream painfully many times. As it was, they eventually stopped and just fit him in a sling, hanging his arm around his neck when he went home. However, he had still been able to sign the paperwork for Kaminari to join the squad, and for that he was very glad.

...Bleh. He had thought as he had rolled out of bed that morning, landing on the floor on his back. His face was a sleepy one, and he cracked one eye open. MORNING, MASTER SUNSHINE! WAHAHA! The now-familiar ziamichi spirit's voice yelled within the vice captain's mind. Oh, be quiet Piero... He told it in reply, getting up. He and the squad had the day off today; as it was, Kuro had been planning to lay around at home all day. He went into his kitchen, grabbing a waterbottle, before she knocked. Kuro, blinking sleepily, went to the door, opening it up.

The site that greeted Kaminari wasn't necessarily... unpleasant, but it WAS unexpected. A water bottle in his good arm, and a sling holding the other. His sleepy blinking face as he looked at his guest, wearing little other than an undershirt and some boxer-like pajama shorts, literally looking like he had just gotten out of bed, as his mouth opened in a little O shape on his face, his eyes remaining half closed and his face mostly relaxed, but still showing in his pleasant surprise that a guest was here at this hour, and especially being Kaminari.

"Oh, Kaminari, good morning! How are you?" He asked, completely oblivious to himself...

..As usual.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:22 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was looking away when he answered the door. Once it opened, she looked back and glanced him up and down. His hair was slightly messy, he looked tired, and obviously was not completely dressed. This didn't really bug her though. She only tilted her head to the side and smiled. That changed rather quickly. Her smile turned into a frown when she saw his arm being held up by a sling. She looked guilty for a moment, but tried to push the feeling away when he greeted her. She looked back up to his eyes and smiled happily, nodding to him.

"I am actually doing rather... Great!" She said excitedly. She froze for a second, watching him to see if for that moment she had lost control, but she had not, so she continued talking to him, "I got accepted into you Squad! I pretty much figured that you might already know, but I still wanted to come tell you!" She had an innocent look in her eyes as she looked off and short of rocked her shoulders back and forth, her hands still cupped behind her back.

"I was actually wondering if you'd want to come to Rukongai to go shopping with me..." she said to him, "I usually go and spend a bit of money to buy some of the kids there some candy and foods. The village I use to live in isn't the richest and a lot of kids don't do to well when it comes to eating..." She glanced down to his arm and shook her head, "But I don't want to bug you with it, so I'll just see you later." She smiled softly and went to walk off, "Get better okay?" She said waving to him.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:38 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


He blinked at her for a moment, seeing the look in her eyes as she looked at his cast. "O-Oh! Don't feel bad about it, please! This is nothing, compared to what would've happened to you if I hadn't leaped in." He said bluntly, but he was being honest. He blinked as she said she was "Great!", surprised at how much happiness and emotion she was showing as she had as opposed to normal, as she explained about her new rank. He blinked at her, returning her happiness and enthusiasm right back to her. "That's great!" He exclaimed; but really, who would've signed the paperwork, Xaver?!?!? He had more important things to worry about, which is why Squad 1 was typically taken care of by Kuro.

He listened to her explanation with a curious look on his face, downing a gulp of his water bottle as he did so. As he listened to her, memories of his own past... his own childhood, his animals... he blinked for a moment, looking at the ground as he moved the waterbottle from his mouth, before she suddenly turned around, told him to get better, and ran off.

He was left standing there for a few moments, his face the very essence of "..." as his mind tried to catch up to what she had juts done. He ran out of his room, his feet slamming on the boards, before Piero's voice made him turn around on the spot. YOUR CLOTHES, YOU MORON, YOUR CLOTHES! The spirit shouted as Kuro ran back into his room, grabbing a pair of regular human shorts, not having any time to grab his shinigami ones, barely getting a belt around them as he ran out of the room, wincing as his casted arm hit against his chest, but keeping up his pace before he saw her, his face brightening as he realized the surface he was running on was quite slippery as his face moved downwards, the shinigami-ziamichi slamming onto the ground and sliding like a penquin in front of her, panting as he looked up at her face from the ground, his waist just past her feet and smiling.

"I... would like... to come... please..." He panted, as he reached out his right arm. "Help... me... up...?"


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Two Friends, One Arm, No Patience [Closed] Empty Re: Two Friends, One Arm, No Patience [Closed]

Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:55 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari had continued walking, moving deeper into her own thoughts as she began her little journey towards Rukongai. She was not expecting her Lieutenant to suddenly appear. As he did, jumped back onto one foot, her eyes widening as her hair and clothes seemed to stand on end. She stared down at him for a brief moment when she heard his words.

"You... want to come with me?" She asked as she reached out and grabbed his right hand. She stepped back and helped him to his feet, staring up at him in slight confusion. "Shouldn't you be getting rest? If you're called out on anot-"

"Kaminari... Hun... Shut up." She heard Shiroka's voice and blinked a few times, "If he wants to come, let him come with us." Hearing these words, Kaminari stopped complaining and smiled to him. "All right then. Let's go!" She took his right hand within her own, without really thinking, and began leading him away, but then stopped. "Um... You should probably get your Zanpakutō and go ahead and change into something you're comfortable fighting in. The place I'm taking you is a little far off and we might come across a few Hollows on the way."

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Two Friends, One Arm, No Patience [Closed] Empty Re: Two Friends, One Arm, No Patience [Closed]

Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:05 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


Kuro stood up straight, before nodding to her. It didn't even occur to him but it occured to Piero., moron, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO BUY CANDY THAT HAS HOLLOWS NEAR IT?!?!? The ziamichi spirit shouted at Kuro, as he suddenly stopped mid skip-walk-leap thing, his cast hanging on his neck as he blinked, once. It'll be fine. He determined as he kept leaping, before getting back to his room.

Quickly grabbing his special black cloak that he wore over his haori, he didn't need to put on anymore clothes as he grabbed his zanpaktou, having a clever thought as he grabbed two onigiri, holding one in each hand as he walked back over to Kaminari, still panting slightly. "Alright. I'm all ready to go. Lead the way!" He said enthusiastically, before blinking. "Oh yeah, that's right. I brought us lunch... but it's a bit awkward carrying these... So here!" He said as he thrust the one in his right hand into her arms, before smiling at her, and beginning to walk forwards...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:22 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari waited patiently for Kuro to return. She began humming to herself until he arrived and held out an onigiri to her. "Thank you." she said as she took it. Seeing that it was wrapped in plastic, she set it on the inside of her haori in a decent sized pocket. "Well.. Let's go!" She said and once again, without thinking, grabbed his hand and began leading him through the Seireitei. It took a few minutes, but they made it to the gate and walked out and into the Rukongai. She had her Zanpakutō placed on her back as usual, and was actually sort of proud to say she did not forget a med-kit. After what had happened, she sort of carries one around with her all of the time.

"Okay..." She pulled out a little sack that carried her money and walked up to a man. "Can I take two of these bags please?" She asked and the man gladly nodded. She paid for them and walked back to Kuro, laying the bag onto his shoulder. "We are going to buy some fruits, vegetables, and breads here... Then we'll head out to my old village, okay?" She told him and then began walking through the town. She bought a few oranges, apples, carrots, celery, and multiple loafs of bread. She even bought a sack of rice and another of beans. After dragging Lieutenant Kuro around everywhere, she looked up to him with a smile.

She picked up all the stuff she had bought and evened out the weights. Putting half into his sack and then half into hers, she dusted her hands together and looked up to him, "They didn't have any candy, but that's okay. We can get this food to them. You ready?" She asked kindly. She sort of felt like she was using him as a pack-mule, but he was the one that said he wanted to come along with her.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:39 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


He felt as his only free hand was suddenly grabbed and the lieutenant was turned around, before eventually being dragged off byt htis girl that he had met. She dragged him over to buy soemthing, and she laid a bag over his shoulder, as his nose twitched slightly as he was dragged. ...PIERO... WAHT... DID... YOU... DO...? He asked, his words funny as he felt an irratation from his arm. However, Kaminari didn't take notice as she continued tugging the shinigami along, and he felt like crying; he couldn't even tell her as she drug him comically along.

Finally, she looked back up at him. He didn't really mind being used as a packmule, but there was one thing he had to ask, looking at the ground. "...Kaminari, could you please scratch at the base of my cast? It... ittttttches... and you're holding my other hand." He told her, looking pitifully at the ground and hoping that she would help him, but was worried that she wouldn't. He found that he would rather her scratch it then release his grip on her hand, and it kind of surprised the lieutenant. However, other then that, he was all ready to wherever she decided to drag him to next...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Two Friends, One Arm, No Patience [Closed] Empty Re: Two Friends, One Arm, No Patience [Closed]

Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:51 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari stared blankly up at him as he asked her to help him scratch an itch in his cast. She blinked a couple times and then smiled, nodding to him. She went to let go of his hand, but noticed there was a slight resistance and decided not to. Using her free hand, she gently scratched around the base of his cast, careful not to scratch him to hard. After going around the entirety of the casts base, she stopped and picked up the sack full of food. "Are you ready to go?" she asked him nicely as she threw her sack of her shoulder. "Will you be able to carry yours?"

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Two Friends, One Arm, No Patience [Closed] Empty Re: Two Friends, One Arm, No Patience [Closed]

Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:12 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


Kuro blinked back pitiably at her blank stare for a moment, before she smiled at him and nodded, as a smile came to his own face. He felt her trying to let go, but kept his hand slightly firm in its grip, as she used her free hand, reaching over into the sling and scratching at his cast, as he gave a sigh of relief and his entire face relaxed. "I didn't even know that this arm could get itchy~ Piero can be silly..." He said as she scratched around his cast, before eventually finishing, and he blinked, kind of sad she stopped but glad that the irritation was gone, as he blinked at her.

"...I can carry mine fine. But there is one thing I would like to say... you like eating healthy, don't you?" He asked her, blinking at the bag on his shoulder. "...I normally eat junk food.. and pancakes... so I don't really get it... never had anyone to look over me..." He said simply as he looked back at her, before blinking. "Kaminari, what do you remember of your human life? All I know is that... I was killed by bandits... outside a cave... where I took care of hurt animals... and they howled all around me as I died from bloodloss..." He muttered, not really thinking about what he was saying as he looked at the ground; however, it was all the truth, every bit of it.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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