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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:50 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari smiled at him and began to walk along. They were going to be leaving this village and making a trip to another that was at least an hour run away from here. She was glad she wasn't making this trip alone this time. On thing was on her mind though. "Who's Piero?" she thought to herself, raising an eyebrow at him as they walked.

His first question she thought was slightly cute. She shook her head no, "It's not that I like eating healthy, but this food isn't for me. There are a lot of starving kids where I come from, so I usually bring them as much food as I can on whatever I get paid. Since joining Gotei 13, my wages have gone up slightly, which allowed me to buy all of this. Usually I can only go with a single sack and it's only half way full. They'll be happy about this." She said with a softened look. She loved the village kids and wanted to make sure they grew up to be healthy and strong.

Kaminari looked up to him, listening to his story. She lowered her head with a saddened look. "I'm sorry..." was all she said about it. She didn't really know how to react to people when they told her something like that. She really was sorry, but she assumed he had heard that a thousand times over, so she didn't think it meant that much to him. "What do I remember?" she asked herself as she adjusted the sack on her shoulder.

"I don't remember much..." she explained to him, "I remember wanting to leave that place... I remember being hurt a lot by my Mother and Father. They were constantly drinking and treated me like a slave. When I turned eighteen they realized I was going to try and run away, so they tried to stop me... I don't remember how but I died that night." The two of them finally exited that village and were now in a large field going up a small hill. Their next stop was going to be the Rukongai Forest. This was why she told him to bring his Zanpakutō.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:04 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


...she really cares about them... Kuro thought to himself bluntly. She must be pretty good with kids then too. He thought as she continued to drag him along, the bag on his shoulder now containing much more meaning than it had previously, and Kuro was quite glad to carry this burden.

When she told him about her past, he looked at her, knowing already what he wsa going to say. "...Even as a Lieutenant, I'd never treat anyone that way." He said clearly, his mouth running before he could try to stop it. "...Especially not you." He said, blinking at her as they reached the forest, as he tightened his hand in her grip for a moment.

"...Hmm. Hang on tight; you might learn a thing or two about how to move faster..." He trailed off with a smile, as he felt Piero's energy running through his legs. He looked straight ahead at the forest, as suddenly the two of them SHOT off, vanishing from that spot. Kuro held onto Kaminari's hand tightly, as they appeared in a field a good ways away from where they had been before, at least half way to their destination. Kuro knew this because he had not been the only one who had had Piero's energy in his feet; through the contact they shared, he had sent the ziamichi spirit's energy through Kaminari, and allowed her desires of where they should go take control. In addition, her legs and body would most likely feel the superior speed in a strange way; Kuro had just enhanced her limit for speed in Shunpo, although he himself did not know it.

"...This is as far as I can get us with my arm like this." He said as they stopped, blinking as the bag swayed slightly, his eyes wide at the forest around them.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:24 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Hearing his words about the way he would treat her, she couldn't help but tighten her hand around his own just slightly. She felt something when she was around him, but didn't know exactly what it was. When he told her to hang on tight, Kaminari looked up to him giving a 'what are you about to do' type look.

She suddenly felt something within her legs, something she did not know or understand. She clenched onto his hand even tighter and tightened her grip on the bag as well. The two of them began to move faster than she was used to. Her eyes widened and once they came to a stop she was slightly dizzy. She looked around and was impressed at the fact that she could tell exactly where they were.

"It's okay.. You cut out trip in half, at least." She said with a slight giggle as she loosened her hand only slightly. She glanced around and saw an opening in the trees. Pointing through them at a large mountain, "That's where we are going. At the base of that mountain, there is a village I used to live in." She told him with a smile.

Unknown to Kaminari, there was a band of thieves and murderer's that had been running through the area. Known to only the people who constantly lived in the area, the thieves ran through towns stealing, killing, and destroying homes. They enjoy young woman along with murdering children and anyone else who gets in their way.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:45 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


Kuro's eyes widened immensely, his jaw dropping and his shoulders slumping forwards as he blinked at the mountain. "I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEY HAD MOUNTAINS IN THE RUKONGAI!" He exclaimed loudly, the shock plain on his face as he stared at the mountain... although his hand still didn't let go of Kaminari's. He blinked, before turning back to her. "Well, let's get going, shall we?" He asked her, as he executed a regular shunpo, hoping she'd gotten the point and would be following properly as they flew out towards the village, and they stopped a little outside it, as Kuro's eyes narrowed.

"...Smoke." He said, his sensitive nose twitching as the scent of fire came to him, his eyes widening slightly as he looked at Kaminari, wondering what they were going to do...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:04 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari smiled very big at his excitement. It's true that there weren't really any mountains near the Seireitei, but what did he think the Sokyoku Hill actually was? Although it was thousands of years ago, Kaminari assumed that to build the Seireitei, they had to carve into that mountain to keep it flat. She had never really looked into this, but it was just what she had assumed. She nodded to him when he said for them to go and followed him, using shunpo as well.

When they stopped the two of them were now on a hill, although you could not see it yet because of the trees. They were close. Kaminari could tell, but when she heard Kuro mention smoke, her eyes widened and she moved forward. Stepping through the trees, she looked down on a horrible sight. She tried taking in a deep breath, but she was horrified. She could now hear the screams of so many people that she knew. She could see children running from the village, one that she recognized. A young child looking no more than seven years old was being chased down by a large man with a sword that was similar to a Zanpakutō.

"Invade The Air Shiroka!" She yelled as both of her arms reached back. First she used her left hand to grab the smaller of the two, pulling it out. Her right hand then took hold of the katana and unsheathed it as well. Before it was even completely unsheathed, the wakazashi transformed and even a few flowers shot out from the sheath. She held it out in front of her and the orchids that were created shot forward, faster than she had used them ever before. They slammed into the body of the man that was chasing her friend and kept going. She raised her Zanpakutō, the man's body being pushed into the air. Twisting her wrist, suddenly the flowers all exploded. The man's body fell to the floor dead and she ran forward.

This had obviously caught the attention of the rest of the disgusting men that had come to terrify the people of the village and they all regrouped, yelling at her like they were going to do something about it. Kaminari counted them all up, "Thirty... One dead, leaving twenty nine." She stopped by the child she had just saved. "Stay away, okay?" The child nodded and ran off, hiding behind one of the trees of the forest.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:19 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


Kuro blinked as he saw the child being chased, his eyes catching sight of the big man behind the child as his gaze became intense, his eyes clouding for a moment as memories roared through his mind, and his arm shifted in shape.

"It's time... FOR A SHOW!"

That same voice cried out of Kuro's lips as his entire body glowed once again, before the cloak covered his whole body, and he pointed the Shadow Rifle at the man chasing the child. However, the man soon stopped... or was stopped, in this case, by Kaminari, as she pointed out the next few men. JUST LIKE THE MEN WHO KILLED ME...! Kuro's eyes widened in rage as he pointed his Shadow Rifle at them point blank, his mouth speaking the words even he barely knew.

"I SENTENCE EACH OF YOU TO DEATH!" He said harshly, his entire body straight and his eyes clear, having returned to that Kuro that had fought the hollow; his focus greatly increasing as he pulled the trigger of the gun; ten shots firing off, each one hitting a marauder, as suddenly Kuro pulled back on the gun, a wide smile coming onto his face as he let out a laugh. "A-WAHAHHHAHAHAHA!" The voice that was not his own said as he shot out in a frenzy, his blade appearing in his right hand as he appeared in front of one of the bandits, his right arm cutting up cleanly as he divided the man in half, bisecting him as blood spilled on Kuro's white cloak. His eyes moved to the right side as his zanpkatou followed, bisecting another horizontally as he leaped back, still laughing madly as he pointed his gun at a group of four, before an absolutely demented smile came to his face. "SAY... CHEESE!" The voice that was not his stated as he fired a large blast of energy, like a cero... and leaving no remains.

He laughed wildly; there were only thirteen left by this point, as he landed directly in front of Kaminari, the smile wide on his face as he kept laughing, staring at the remaining ones as he waited for his gun to recharge, the smile absolutely scary on his face...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:09 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari had witnessed this transformation within her friend once more, but she didn't remember him being so... crazy sounding. She wondered what was going through his head at the moment, but was forced to push those thoughts off when four of the men went for her. She narrowed her eyes at them, swinging her right arm around. The Orchids that had already been created soon followed suit and pushed all of them to the side. She raised her left arm upwards, and like the man before, all four of them were lifted into the air. Right as she turned her wrist, the orchids all exploded and killed those four, but Kaminari had not been paying very good attention.

Out of absolute no where, a sharp and immense pain shot through her back. She just barely turned her head to see a tall man with white hair, wearing a rather fancy haori over a kimono that resembled the Shinigami Uniform, but was a darkened blue. Her own blood shot up off of her back, her body being sent forward about twenty feet. She did not let go of her Zanpakutō as her body was rolling along the floor.

She some how got to her feet and went to attack, but her body was in very much pain. She dropped down to one knee and narrowed her eyes at this man. She noticed at that moment, that three of these thieves were standing off as if they were the leaders. Their spiritual pressure wasn't too much different than her own, and the only reason they had taken her off guard was because of the four men they had used as a distraction. She knew that with her injured like this and with Kuro's arm, they would have a hard time taking on all four of these more powerful men, the one that cut her and the three that were standing off to the side.

"Oh no..." was all she could say as she thought desperately for a plan. She looked back to see multiple villagers. "Get out of here. Run!" She told them and they nodded. The villagers all ran off, knowing that Kaminari cared about them all and would fight to protect them. The unfortunate part, the young girl that Kaminari had told to stay still was now positioned behind the four men and if they noticed she was there, she'd be done for. "No... Not again. Please not again." She pushed herself to her feet and took in a deep breath.

She called back Shiroka and rather quickly her blade reformed. She moved her right foot back and raised both of her swords doing her best to ignore the pain in her back. She was determined to take down the enemy before her, no matter their power levels compared to her own.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:34 am

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


Kuro looked over at Kaminari, following her eyes to the young girl huddled behind the strange men. He pointed his gun at them, his sling pressed against his chest under his cloak as his eyes narrowed. Suddenly, he vanished, reappearing behind them and in front of the girl, as his right hand came up. "Bind them within the holy symbol!" Kuro's own voice cried out, the laughing stopping as he returned to normal; this girl reminded him of himself. "Bakudo 20, Binding Cross!" Kuro yelled as the bandits suddenly froze up, a blue field of energy all around them as large blue crosses rose up behind their bodies.

Ropes of powerful reaitsu came from behind them, crucifying them on the crosses as Kuro turned around, shielding the young girl's view as he picked her up in his arms, Pulse Stepping away from the men as he reappeared behind Kaminari, letting her down. "...Kaminari, please finish off the last of them." He said simply, turning his head as his eyes widened at the wound at her back. W-When did...? W-What did...? PIERO!! He cried out within his mind, as he clenched a fist on the outside. What? WAHAHA! I merely did as YOU desired, MASTER. WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The spirit laughed as Kuro closed his eyes, taking a deep brath. ...I will NOT allow it to happen again. He determined as he waited, watching her closely...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:07 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was thankful that Kuro paid enough attention to her that he could tell what she was worried about. Seeing him cast the Kidō he had and then coming over to her with the child. The little girl immediately ran over to Kaminari, "Kami, Kami... Are you okay?!" Kaminari nodded to her, taking in a stressed breath. She listened to Kuro's words and then looked to the remaining men.

Still on a single knee, she raised both of her hands. The blade in her left hand reformed, having her now hold two swords. She pushed herself to her feet and the remaining men didn't seem to know what to do. There were thirty of them before, now their numbers being dwindled down to such a small amount. She narrowed her eyes, "Invade The Air Hanayaku..." she said those words with malice. She held out her right hand the blade turning into a dark pink sand and then spreading through the air.

After it spread away from her, the sand seemed to disappear. Her narrowed eyes went even more closed as the men just looked around. It didn't take long at all because of their weak spiritual pressue. Only a few seconds before they started feeling the effects. Soon, none of them were able to move their bodies. She walked over to them. One of them beginning to yell for help, other begging her not to hurt them. For a single second she hesitated, but then the sound of wood falling to the floor from the fires that now burnt the houses behind them. The thought of what these men were doing to the people she cared so much about.

No more hesitation. In two swift swings, she mercilessly cut the rest of their heads off. Blood splattered everywhere, including onto her clothes and her face. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Turning her body only slightly, she looked over to Kuro and stared at him. Her face was emotionless, yet it was calm at the same time, like this had not effected her at all. She still had that slightly innocent shine in her eyes.

"Thank you." She smiled and walked over to him. As she walked, her eyes suddenly widened and she lost balance. She fell forward and everything for her went black. The loss of blood had finally gotten to her. The gash on her back was deep and needed to be taken care of soon, otherwise, she could die.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:35 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


Kuro watched, blinking as he removed the last two men's heads. He personally had no problem with it; he could tell that these men had committed horrendous crimes against Kaminari, so he decided to allow her to treat the situation as she desired. However, as she walked back over, he heard Piero's voice. SHOOT FORWARDS BOY,NOW! He roared, and Kuro did so, catching her on his right shoulder, as his cloak vanished, throwing shi ehad up to teh sky and letting out a huge cry of pain as his left arm fell limply to his side; it was still wounded.

He turned around to the people behind him, his mouth slightly downturned from the pain. "Those bags of food... are for you... take them... and thank Kamiari for them!" He said as his entire body felt like it was on fire; his entire body shivering as it went through a change, something different than it had ever been before. Small ears shot up from the top of his head; they were like a cat's, but as big as a dogs, as he held Kaminari tightly to himself, before he simply... vanished.

His speed was shocking even himself; he had never experienced anything like it as he shot through the forest, hitting through the Gotei at a speed he hadn't expected at all as he reached his room in the barracks, tripping up a doctor outside of his door, as he laid Kaminari out on the bed he had been using, not caring how the room looked, as he went back outside, grabbing the medic and forcing him to examine her, an extremely worried look on his face as the doctor worked on the wound on her back...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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