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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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fefefe - Sablier Etzel's G/FX tests - Page 16 Empty Re: Sablier Etzel's G/FX tests

Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:52 pm

Song: Marble Soda - By: Shawn Wasabi - Word Count: N/A

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sagittis mattis nisl nec rutrum. Nulla tristique arcu nunc, iaculis elementum nisl egestas nec. Mauris rutrum nisi ut velit laoreet, non hendrerit massa laoreet. Cras sodales ac turpis quis elementum. Fusce posuere arcu nec leo volutpat, ut molestie lorem condimentum. Donec neque lacus, scelerisque id auctor eu, accumsan a neque. Pellentesque nisl urna, suscipit vel bibendum ut, dapibus in tellus. Integer rutrum pulvinar tellus, tempor dictum justo fringilla nec. Praesent interdum dapibus justo id dapibus. Pellentesque sit amet odio luctus, aliquam velit pellentesque, lobortis est. Nunc nec ipsum sed sem eleifend egestas. Praesent mollis mi a neque tempus, a sodales lectus egestas. Nulla vitae felis id quam lacinia condimentum eu sit amet mi.

Curabitur semper orci quis elit scelerisque eleifend. Maecenas eu gravida neque. Aenean fringilla porta commodo. Donec blandit vehicula dolor, et pellentesque metus accumsan ac. Donec eget interdum elit, nec scelerisque nunc. Nunc pulvinar est at velit bibendum, a consectetur tellus gravida. Vestibulum feugiat faucibus metus. Suspendisse non nunc quis magna interdum auctor.

Aliquam adipiscing, elit sit amet congue feugiat, quam est ultrices metus, eu venenatis ligula ante vel est. Sed et enim vitae ligula pretium euismod. Quisque quis fermentum velit, eu consequat tellus. Nullam posuere auctor massa bibendum dignissim. Ut sodales vehicula nibh, vitae bibendum ante. Fusce mollis purus non volutpat ornare. Ut nec libero lectus.

In lacus velit, fermentum id arcu sed, cursus interdum sapien. Ut quis gravida nulla, id facilisis elit. Sed dictum lectus eros, fermentum mattis tellus fringilla eu. Integer mollis augue vitae arcu egestas, at imperdiet erat dictum. Proin ullamcorper aliquet viverra. Vestibulum fringilla, lorem id euismod vestibulum, tellus ligula mattis enim, eu sagittis mi metus vitae dui. Ut non vestibulum nunc. Sed tincidunt at quam eget gravida. Mauris consequat faucibus sem, hendrerit laoreet nunc. Nunc ante velit, auctor sit amet placerat in, euismod eget ipsum. Proin adipiscing pulvinar mi et luctus. Integer egestas odio turpis, in euismod mauris pretium ut. Integer sit amet elit dictum quam ultricies placerat. Fusce a porttitor nisi, sed tincidunt elit. Vivamus a leo sed augue dictum ullamcorper.

Nulla eu eros facilisis, mollis leo et, malesuada tortor. Vestibulum pretium nec lorem vitae congue. In suscipit bibendum ligula tincidunt mattis. Praesent arcu turpis, pretium et commodo id, porta vel dui. Cras eros metus, eleifend vitae congue quis, tristique vitae leo. Nam lobortis malesuada nunc non facilisis. Suspendisse ultricies auctor eleifend. Ut posuere consequat vestibulum. Maecenas dictum aliquet lorem sit amet egestas.

Sed ultricies faucibus ornare. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nec tristique elit. Proin dapibus nibh urna, quis auctor massa vehicula ac. Quisque tristique et lorem vitae luctus. Suspendisse suscipit lorem vel urna bibendum pellentesque. Integer vel vulputate nunc. Morbi at lacinia sem. Etiam tristique neque ac eros cursus tristique. Aenean molestie tincidunt magna, sed varius purus lobortis gravida. Praesent eu venenatis odio. Nam ut odio eu odio venenatis pulvinar. Sed sit amet tincidunt elit. Nullam magna leo, venenatis at dignissim sit amet, varius a sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Sed ac sem fringilla, pharetra eros vitae, fringilla arcu. Nullam lacinia felis quis lorem euismod, ut adipiscing elit tincidunt. Quisque lobortis commodo lorem, ac placerat leo suscipit feugiat. Proin malesuada dolor nec mi accumsan, ullamcorper aliquet tortor adipiscing. Aenean aliquam egestas sodales. In ornare porttitor ornare. Aenean imperdiet mauris eget ante molestie, vitae commodo felis faucibus. Maecenas quis mauris tempor tellus tincidunt viverra. Aenean vel facilisis tellus. In elementum auctor dignissim. Duis eget neque tempus, porta ante sed, mattis dolor.

Integer venenatis ipsum et consequat rutrum. Pellentesque lectus lacus, adipiscing at dui sed, aliquet mollis turpis. Cras interdum non ante eget laoreet. Phasellus eget lacinia nisi, eget varius urna. Nulla a mattis nulla. Nunc quis hendrerit odio. Sed luctus eleifend sagittis. Proin turpis sem, sodales sit amet imperdiet ut, consectetur vel metus.

Morbi facilisis leo et porttitor porttitor. Phasellus augue dolor, adipiscing sit amet pulvinar nec, hendrerit nec nisl. Donec eget neque luctus, molestie dolor imperdiet, blandit nunc. Vivamus accumsan, dui nec rhoncus scelerisque, purus mauris ullamcorper purus, ut lobortis justo nisl vel odio. Nullam scelerisque scelerisque diam, fringilla mollis nisi volutpat convallis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi in nisl porttitor, ornare urna eget, sodales erat. Praesent ipsum lectus, porttitor vitae libero eget, pellentesque ornare eros. Mauris dignissim, lacus sit amet interdum luctus, dolor tellus facilisis nulla, quis sollicitudin tortor lorem non lacus. Nulla consectetur nunc a orci pretium, convallis imperdiet ligula congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer vel purus a ipsum commodo rhoncus. Sed hendrerit iaculis nulla nec semper. Duis metus ipsum, fringilla at tempus non, rhoncus a diam.

Donec suscipit nulla at metus imperdiet imperdiet. Fusce eu nulla vitae nulla fermentum iaculis. Ut pellentesque magna at lacinia dignissim. Nam vitae interdum lorem. Mauris hendrerit, nisi at pellentesque interdum, nunc orci mattis ipsum, vel tincidunt magna dolor ut turpis. Duis fermentum rutrum libero, vitae pretium tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum tempus felis nulla, sit amet ullamcorper tellus aliquet ut. Ut dignissim lacus at auctor euismod. Vivamus sed cursus tellus. Quisque ac vestibulum justo, at ornare ligula. Pellentesque lectus orci, hendrerit vitae ligula nec, adipiscing lacinia justo. Sed imperdiet porta tellus, ut volutpat nibh volutpat ut. Proin scelerisque, risus sit amet fermentum pharetra, ipsum erat ultricies ipsum, eu porta felis lorem vel mauris. Curabitur rutrum nunc est, vel commodo urna faucibus ac. Nunc dignissim leo sed rutrum dignissim.

Fusce libero nunc, imperdiet ut ligula a, blandit lobortis turpis. Nunc placerat ipsum risus, vel luctus elit laoreet vel. Ut a neque ut leo convallis pellentesque sit amet in erat. Quisque rutrum, augue non suscipit malesuada, massa eros vestibulum eros, id vulputate mauris ante nec arcu. Ut tempor arcu quis urna ultrices vehicula. Sed id nisi metus. Pellentesque et ipsum nisi. Donec non dui consectetur, vehicula nulla at, congue massa. Etiam at enim vitae ante posuere dictum sit amet in purus.

Donec posuere purus quis dolor dignissim, id egestas enim laoreet. Vestibulum porta hendrerit massa, sit amet ullamcorper ante sodales in. Vivamus eu tempor dolor. In luctus lectus in lectus volutpat ultrices quis et mi. Sed dignissim enim at odio pulvinar sollicitudin. Suspendisse faucibus malesuada magna nec pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed consectetur scelerisque neque. Vestibulum imperdiet risus eu dignissim lacinia.

Phasellus in enim lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer lacus libero, ultricies posuere orci gravida, condimentum sagittis tellus. Donec pulvinar arcu id ipsum pellentesque, eu ornare leo ultricies. Nam luctus gravida nibh, nec gravida mi molestie ut. Cras quam tortor, luctus vitae porttitor vel, tristique a orci. Integer eu facilisis eros. Aliquam accumsan suscipit nisi, et semper nisl gravida ac. Duis rutrum eu quam vel placerat.

Maecenas eu molestie sem, vel consectetur nisi. Donec rhoncus vestibulum nunc, a consequat dolor. Integer porta ac lorem at adipiscing. Maecenas eu varius elit, id volutpat odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse commodo neque ac est mollis, quis sollicitudin turpis fringilla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque quis condimentum justo. Ut tristique et nisl in molestie. Curabitur ut nulla odio. Quisque placerat lacinia faucibus.

Proin egestas pharetra dui. Morbi in luctus risus. Integer in risus libero. Donec at tellus cursus turpis suscipit varius. Nam ac arcu congue, mollis nibh vitae, gravida velit. Duis consequat id ligula dictum aliquam. Maecenas sit amet eros feugiat, sagittis arcu sed, blandit urna. Curabitur blandit, urna id blandit varius, ante purus interdum orci, id bibendum nisl felis et nulla. Donec et ante felis. Nam id lectus diam. Mauris nec ornare augue, at egestas ante. Integer quam nunc, bibendum et suscipit id, euismod vitae diam. Nulla porta dapibus scelerisque. Ut volutpat libero sed hendrerit interdum. Mauris faucibus porttitor elit, quis pharetra quam gravida nec. Integer vitae magna tortor.

Morbi venenatis blandit tincidunt. Donec varius volutpat mauris, vel aliquet erat sodales sit amet. In non volutpat nulla. Phasellus tristique est vel mattis ultricies. Etiam nibh est, malesuada a ante vel, sodales rhoncus tortor. Mauris placerat turpis aliquet luctus hendrerit. Sed fringilla lacus a mi pulvinar, at venenatis diam laoreet. Donec sollicitudin placerat felis sed sollicitudin. Donec elementum lorem ac dui malesuada rutrum. Vestibulum sed venenatis dui. Duis lobortis commodo ipsum, non auctor orci hendrerit et. Mauris eleifend imperdiet elit non egestas.

Sed enim nisl, venenatis et sem vel, luctus pharetra orci. Praesent fringilla libero accumsan venenatis blandit. Pellentesque dui nisi, volutpat eget neque in, scelerisque sollicitudin nulla. In quis dui sit amet eros congue aliquam nec nec nulla. Phasellus libero lacus, pretium laoreet nunc at, interdum volutpat justo. Phasellus aliquam risus vel metus elementum sodales. Mauris sem ligula, suscipit eu leo ac, gravida hendrerit lacus. Praesent molestie hendrerit lorem et congue.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent laoreet tincidunt facilisis. Maecenas volutpat sem quis posuere tincidunt. Integer non risus semper, tempor erat tempor, ornare magna. Curabitur in risus id ligula pretium fermentum ac nec leo. Morbi faucibus porttitor lorem eget euismod. Etiam nec nibh interdum, cursus tortor eget, volutpat tellus. Quisque laoreet tellus eget erat facilisis mollis. Donec mauris nisi, commodo id velit vitae, euismod vestibulum felis.

Nulla malesuada diam id facilisis ultrices. Mauris vitae interdum nulla, sit amet ullamcorper metus. Fusce consequat ultricies dolor vitae cursus. Morbi in lectus quis risus commodo vehicula vitae sed dolor. Integer pulvinar tempor lacus vel tristique. Praesent suscipit fermentum mi eget molestie. Vivamus vehicula suscipit fringilla. Ut varius metus in neque malesuada lobortis. Sed vel tortor a ligula porta pretium. Phasellus mattis mauris vel velit ullamcorper, id vestibulum nisl venenatis. Mauris sed bibendum augue. Quisque sed leo mollis, blandit augue tempor, venenatis dui. Nam pretium nibh quis faucibus lobortis. Mauris aliquam tincidunt elementum.

Curabitur ut urna erat. In sed fermentum elit. Cras quis quam id enim egestas pharetra. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce posuere felis tortor, nec vulputate mauris porta quis. Aliquam ut porttitor nibh, id iaculis justo. Ut ornare ac magna et luctus. Ut feugiat purus ullamcorper dolor vestibulum eleifend. Mauris ultricies enim euismod dui pharetra tempus. Duis semper ipsum et hendrerit bibendum. Praesent fermentum, nulla eget semper luctus, quam nibh rhoncus diam, ut elementum neque risus a augue. Duis augue purus, commodo sit amet sapien eget, pulvinar tincidunt erat. Aliquam consectetur nisi vitae blandit pharetra.

Mauris eget facilisis dolor, vitae aliquam quam. Morbi et vestibulum augue. Cras vel consequat nisl, sit amet adipiscing massa. Morbi a tellus nisl. Praesent velit odio, lobortis at tincidunt sed, consequat vitae quam. Morbi ac egestas purus, eu ornare massa. In metus nisi, fringilla vitae pharetra nec, aliquet vitae ante.

Phasellus tincidunt gravida arcu sed fringilla. Etiam eget nisl adipiscing, pharetra felis ut, ornare odio. Curabitur rhoncus eget tortor eget tempor. Curabitur in elementum nisi. Curabitur pretium quam iaculis sapien consequat ornare. Curabitur ac sem sagittis, facilisis lacus a, volutpat dui. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque malesuada euismod ipsum, quis condimentum nibh feugiat tincidunt. Aliquam euismod commodo neque, non mollis massa scelerisque vel. Aliquam lectus felis, vulputate at eros sit amet, semper aliquet ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer in ligula pellentesque eros convallis fringilla nec ac odio. Sed aliquet malesuada auctor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Maecenas pellentesque auctor dignissim. Etiam egestas mattis est semper vulputate. Vestibulum luctus arcu eu enim elementum, sed placerat tellus consequat. Nulla consequat ornare ultrices. Duis elit nulla, vehicula vel elit a, sollicitudin aliquet magna. Vestibulum quis blandit velit. Integer ultrices velit et diam fermentum, non lacinia velit pretium. Proin at mi et mauris blandit ullamcorper. Nullam semper non augue non vestibulum. Maecenas suscipit vehicula enim, quis vulputate justo commodo at. Aenean euismod commodo ligula eget faucibus. Proin elit sapien, porttitor quis mauris id, dignissim venenatis ligula.

Morbi dictum sem magna, dapibus lobortis urna pretium at. Nullam auctor scelerisque nibh, vel pharetra leo dignissim quis. Fusce adipiscing convallis lacinia. Mauris blandit tincidunt arcu, sed scelerisque orci ultricies eget. Donec rhoncus dictum mi, in blandit dolor gravida.

Last edited by Sage on Fri Oct 05, 2018 11:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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casual post:
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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fefefe - Sablier Etzel's G/FX tests - Page 16 Empty Re: Sablier Etzel's G/FX tests

Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:52 pm

Song: Marble Soda - By: Shawn Wasabi - Word Count: N/A

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sagittis mattis nisl nec rutrum. Nulla tristique arcu nunc, iaculis elementum nisl egestas nec. Mauris rutrum nisi ut velit laoreet, non hendrerit massa laoreet. Cras sodales ac turpis quis elementum. Fusce posuere arcu nec leo volutpat, ut molestie lorem condimentum. Donec neque lacus, scelerisque id auctor eu, accumsan a neque. Pellentesque nisl urna, suscipit vel bibendum ut, dapibus in tellus. Integer rutrum pulvinar tellus, tempor dictum justo fringilla nec. Praesent interdum dapibus justo id dapibus. Pellentesque sit amet odio luctus, aliquam velit pellentesque, lobortis est. Nunc nec ipsum sed sem eleifend egestas. Praesent mollis mi a neque tempus, a sodales lectus egestas. Nulla vitae felis id quam lacinia condimentum eu sit amet mi.

Curabitur semper orci quis elit scelerisque eleifend. Maecenas eu gravida neque. Aenean fringilla porta commodo. Donec blandit vehicula dolor, et pellentesque metus accumsan ac. Donec eget interdum elit, nec scelerisque nunc. Nunc pulvinar est at velit bibendum, a consectetur tellus gravida. Vestibulum feugiat faucibus metus. Suspendisse non nunc quis magna interdum auctor.

Aliquam adipiscing, elit sit amet congue feugiat, quam est ultrices metus, eu venenatis ligula ante vel est. Sed et enim vitae ligula pretium euismod. Quisque quis fermentum velit, eu consequat tellus. Nullam posuere auctor massa bibendum dignissim. Ut sodales vehicula nibh, vitae bibendum ante. Fusce mollis purus non volutpat ornare. Ut nec libero lectus.

In lacus velit, fermentum id arcu sed, cursus interdum sapien. Ut quis gravida nulla, id facilisis elit. Sed dictum lectus eros, fermentum mattis tellus fringilla eu. Integer mollis augue vitae arcu egestas, at imperdiet erat dictum. Proin ullamcorper aliquet viverra. Vestibulum fringilla, lorem id euismod vestibulum, tellus ligula mattis enim, eu sagittis mi metus vitae dui. Ut non vestibulum nunc. Sed tincidunt at quam eget gravida. Mauris consequat faucibus sem, hendrerit laoreet nunc. Nunc ante velit, auctor sit amet placerat in, euismod eget ipsum. Proin adipiscing pulvinar mi et luctus. Integer egestas odio turpis, in euismod mauris pretium ut. Integer sit amet elit dictum quam ultricies placerat. Fusce a porttitor nisi, sed tincidunt elit. Vivamus a leo sed augue dictum ullamcorper.

Nulla eu eros facilisis, mollis leo et, malesuada tortor. Vestibulum pretium nec lorem vitae congue. In suscipit bibendum ligula tincidunt mattis. Praesent arcu turpis, pretium et commodo id, porta vel dui. Cras eros metus, eleifend vitae congue quis, tristique vitae leo. Nam lobortis malesuada nunc non facilisis. Suspendisse ultricies auctor eleifend. Ut posuere consequat vestibulum. Maecenas dictum aliquet lorem sit amet egestas.

Sed ultricies faucibus ornare. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nec tristique elit. Proin dapibus nibh urna, quis auctor massa vehicula ac. Quisque tristique et lorem vitae luctus. Suspendisse suscipit lorem vel urna bibendum pellentesque. Integer vel vulputate nunc. Morbi at lacinia sem. Etiam tristique neque ac eros cursus tristique. Aenean molestie tincidunt magna, sed varius purus lobortis gravida. Praesent eu venenatis odio. Nam ut odio eu odio venenatis pulvinar. Sed sit amet tincidunt elit. Nullam magna leo, venenatis at dignissim sit amet, varius a sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Sed ac sem fringilla, pharetra eros vitae, fringilla arcu. Nullam lacinia felis quis lorem euismod, ut adipiscing elit tincidunt. Quisque lobortis commodo lorem, ac placerat leo suscipit feugiat. Proin malesuada dolor nec mi accumsan, ullamcorper aliquet tortor adipiscing. Aenean aliquam egestas sodales. In ornare porttitor ornare. Aenean imperdiet mauris eget ante molestie, vitae commodo felis faucibus. Maecenas quis mauris tempor tellus tincidunt viverra. Aenean vel facilisis tellus. In elementum auctor dignissim. Duis eget neque tempus, porta ante sed, mattis dolor.

Integer venenatis ipsum et consequat rutrum. Pellentesque lectus lacus, adipiscing at dui sed, aliquet mollis turpis. Cras interdum non ante eget laoreet. Phasellus eget lacinia nisi, eget varius urna. Nulla a mattis nulla. Nunc quis hendrerit odio. Sed luctus eleifend sagittis. Proin turpis sem, sodales sit amet imperdiet ut, consectetur vel metus.

Morbi facilisis leo et porttitor porttitor. Phasellus augue dolor, adipiscing sit amet pulvinar nec, hendrerit nec nisl. Donec eget neque luctus, molestie dolor imperdiet, blandit nunc. Vivamus accumsan, dui nec rhoncus scelerisque, purus mauris ullamcorper purus, ut lobortis justo nisl vel odio. Nullam scelerisque scelerisque diam, fringilla mollis nisi volutpat convallis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi in nisl porttitor, ornare urna eget, sodales erat. Praesent ipsum lectus, porttitor vitae libero eget, pellentesque ornare eros. Mauris dignissim, lacus sit amet interdum luctus, dolor tellus facilisis nulla, quis sollicitudin tortor lorem non lacus. Nulla consectetur nunc a orci pretium, convallis imperdiet ligula congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer vel purus a ipsum commodo rhoncus. Sed hendrerit iaculis nulla nec semper. Duis metus ipsum, fringilla at tempus non, rhoncus a diam.

Donec suscipit nulla at metus imperdiet imperdiet. Fusce eu nulla vitae nulla fermentum iaculis. Ut pellentesque magna at lacinia dignissim. Nam vitae interdum lorem. Mauris hendrerit, nisi at pellentesque interdum, nunc orci mattis ipsum, vel tincidunt magna dolor ut turpis. Duis fermentum rutrum libero, vitae pretium tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum tempus felis nulla, sit amet ullamcorper tellus aliquet ut. Ut dignissim lacus at auctor euismod. Vivamus sed cursus tellus. Quisque ac vestibulum justo, at ornare ligula. Pellentesque lectus orci, hendrerit vitae ligula nec, adipiscing lacinia justo. Sed imperdiet porta tellus, ut volutpat nibh volutpat ut. Proin scelerisque, risus sit amet fermentum pharetra, ipsum erat ultricies ipsum, eu porta felis lorem vel mauris. Curabitur rutrum nunc est, vel commodo urna faucibus ac. Nunc dignissim leo sed rutrum dignissim.

Fusce libero nunc, imperdiet ut ligula a, blandit lobortis turpis. Nunc placerat ipsum risus, vel luctus elit laoreet vel. Ut a neque ut leo convallis pellentesque sit amet in erat. Quisque rutrum, augue non suscipit malesuada, massa eros vestibulum eros, id vulputate mauris ante nec arcu. Ut tempor arcu quis urna ultrices vehicula. Sed id nisi metus. Pellentesque et ipsum nisi. Donec non dui consectetur, vehicula nulla at, congue massa. Etiam at enim vitae ante posuere dictum sit amet in purus.

Donec posuere purus quis dolor dignissim, id egestas enim laoreet. Vestibulum porta hendrerit massa, sit amet ullamcorper ante sodales in. Vivamus eu tempor dolor. In luctus lectus in lectus volutpat ultrices quis et mi. Sed dignissim enim at odio pulvinar sollicitudin. Suspendisse faucibus malesuada magna nec pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed consectetur scelerisque neque. Vestibulum imperdiet risus eu dignissim lacinia.

Phasellus in enim lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer lacus libero, ultricies posuere orci gravida, condimentum sagittis tellus. Donec pulvinar arcu id ipsum pellentesque, eu ornare leo ultricies. Nam luctus gravida nibh, nec gravida mi molestie ut. Cras quam tortor, luctus vitae porttitor vel, tristique a orci. Integer eu facilisis eros. Aliquam accumsan suscipit nisi, et semper nisl gravida ac. Duis rutrum eu quam vel placerat.

Maecenas eu molestie sem, vel consectetur nisi. Donec rhoncus vestibulum nunc, a consequat dolor. Integer porta ac lorem at adipiscing. Maecenas eu varius elit, id volutpat odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse commodo neque ac est mollis, quis sollicitudin turpis fringilla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque quis condimentum justo. Ut tristique et nisl in molestie. Curabitur ut nulla odio. Quisque placerat lacinia faucibus.

Proin egestas pharetra dui. Morbi in luctus risus. Integer in risus libero. Donec at tellus cursus turpis suscipit varius. Nam ac arcu congue, mollis nibh vitae, gravida velit. Duis consequat id ligula dictum aliquam. Maecenas sit amet eros feugiat, sagittis arcu sed, blandit urna. Curabitur blandit, urna id blandit varius, ante purus interdum orci, id bibendum nisl felis et nulla. Donec et ante felis. Nam id lectus diam. Mauris nec ornare augue, at egestas ante. Integer quam nunc, bibendum et suscipit id, euismod vitae diam. Nulla porta dapibus scelerisque. Ut volutpat libero sed hendrerit interdum. Mauris faucibus porttitor elit, quis pharetra quam gravida nec. Integer vitae magna tortor.

Morbi venenatis blandit tincidunt. Donec varius volutpat mauris, vel aliquet erat sodales sit amet. In non volutpat nulla. Phasellus tristique est vel mattis ultricies. Etiam nibh est, malesuada a ante vel, sodales rhoncus tortor. Mauris placerat turpis aliquet luctus hendrerit. Sed fringilla lacus a mi pulvinar, at venenatis diam laoreet. Donec sollicitudin placerat felis sed sollicitudin. Donec elementum lorem ac dui malesuada rutrum. Vestibulum sed venenatis dui. Duis lobortis commodo ipsum, non auctor orci hendrerit et. Mauris eleifend imperdiet elit non egestas.

Sed enim nisl, venenatis et sem vel, luctus pharetra orci. Praesent fringilla libero accumsan venenatis blandit. Pellentesque dui nisi, volutpat eget neque in, scelerisque sollicitudin nulla. In quis dui sit amet eros congue aliquam nec nec nulla. Phasellus libero lacus, pretium laoreet nunc at, interdum volutpat justo. Phasellus aliquam risus vel metus elementum sodales. Mauris sem ligula, suscipit eu leo ac, gravida hendrerit lacus. Praesent molestie hendrerit lorem et congue.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent laoreet tincidunt facilisis. Maecenas volutpat sem quis posuere tincidunt. Integer non risus semper, tempor erat tempor, ornare magna. Curabitur in risus id ligula pretium fermentum ac nec leo. Morbi faucibus porttitor lorem eget euismod. Etiam nec nibh interdum, cursus tortor eget, volutpat tellus. Quisque laoreet tellus eget erat facilisis mollis. Donec mauris nisi, commodo id velit vitae, euismod vestibulum felis.

Nulla malesuada diam id facilisis ultrices. Mauris vitae interdum nulla, sit amet ullamcorper metus. Fusce consequat ultricies dolor vitae cursus. Morbi in lectus quis risus commodo vehicula vitae sed dolor. Integer pulvinar tempor lacus vel tristique. Praesent suscipit fermentum mi eget molestie. Vivamus vehicula suscipit fringilla. Ut varius metus in neque malesuada lobortis. Sed vel tortor a ligula porta pretium. Phasellus mattis mauris vel velit ullamcorper, id vestibulum nisl venenatis. Mauris sed bibendum augue. Quisque sed leo mollis, blandit augue tempor, venenatis dui. Nam pretium nibh quis faucibus lobortis. Mauris aliquam tincidunt elementum.

Curabitur ut urna erat. In sed fermentum elit. Cras quis quam id enim egestas pharetra. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce posuere felis tortor, nec vulputate mauris porta quis. Aliquam ut porttitor nibh, id iaculis justo. Ut ornare ac magna et luctus. Ut feugiat purus ullamcorper dolor vestibulum eleifend. Mauris ultricies enim euismod dui pharetra tempus. Duis semper ipsum et hendrerit bibendum. Praesent fermentum, nulla eget semper luctus, quam nibh rhoncus diam, ut elementum neque risus a augue. Duis augue purus, commodo sit amet sapien eget, pulvinar tincidunt erat. Aliquam consectetur nisi vitae blandit pharetra.

Mauris eget facilisis dolor, vitae aliquam quam. Morbi et vestibulum augue. Cras vel consequat nisl, sit amet adipiscing massa. Morbi a tellus nisl. Praesent velit odio, lobortis at tincidunt sed, consequat vitae quam. Morbi ac egestas purus, eu ornare massa. In metus nisi, fringilla vitae pharetra nec, aliquet vitae ante.

Phasellus tincidunt gravida arcu sed fringilla. Etiam eget nisl adipiscing, pharetra felis ut, ornare odio. Curabitur rhoncus eget tortor eget tempor. Curabitur in elementum nisi. Curabitur pretium quam iaculis sapien consequat ornare. Curabitur ac sem sagittis, facilisis lacus a, volutpat dui. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque malesuada euismod ipsum, quis condimentum nibh feugiat tincidunt. Aliquam euismod commodo neque, non mollis massa scelerisque vel. Aliquam lectus felis, vulputate at eros sit amet, semper aliquet ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer in ligula pellentesque eros convallis fringilla nec ac odio. Sed aliquet malesuada auctor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Maecenas pellentesque auctor dignissim. Etiam egestas mattis est semper vulputate. Vestibulum luctus arcu eu enim elementum, sed placerat tellus consequat. Nulla consequat ornare ultrices. Duis elit nulla, vehicula vel elit a, sollicitudin aliquet magna. Vestibulum quis blandit velit. Integer ultrices velit et diam fermentum, non lacinia velit pretium. Proin at mi et mauris blandit ullamcorper. Nullam semper non augue non vestibulum. Maecenas suscipit vehicula enim, quis vulputate justo commodo at. Aenean euismod commodo ligula eget faucibus. Proin elit sapien, porttitor quis mauris id, dignissim venenatis ligula.

Morbi dictum sem magna, dapibus lobortis urna pretium at. Nullam auctor scelerisque nibh, vel pharetra leo dignissim quis. Fusce adipiscing convallis lacinia. Mauris blandit tincidunt arcu, sed scelerisque orci ultricies eget. Donec rhoncus dictum mi, in blandit dolor gravida.

Last edited by Sage on Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:00 am; edited 1 time in total

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
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fefefe - Sablier Etzel's G/FX tests - Page 16 Empty Re: Sablier Etzel's G/FX tests

Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:51 pm

Song: Evangelion X - By: Anonymuz - Word Count: N/A

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sagittis mattis nisl nec rutrum. Nulla tristique arcu nunc, iaculis elementum nisl egestas nec. Mauris rutrum nisi ut velit laoreet, non hendrerit massa laoreet. Cras sodales ac turpis quis elementum. Fusce posuere arcu nec leo volutpat, ut molestie lorem condimentum. Donec neque lacus, scelerisque id auctor eu, accumsan a neque. Pellentesque nisl urna, suscipit vel bibendum ut, dapibus in tellus. Integer rutrum pulvinar tellus, tempor dictum justo fringilla nec. Praesent interdum dapibus justo id dapibus. Pellentesque sit amet odio luctus, aliquam velit pellentesque, lobortis est. Nunc nec ipsum sed sem eleifend egestas. Praesent mollis mi a neque tempus, a sodales lectus egestas. Nulla vitae felis id quam lacinia condimentum eu sit amet mi.

Curabitur semper orci quis elit scelerisque eleifend. Maecenas eu gravida neque. Aenean fringilla porta commodo. Donec blandit vehicula dolor, et pellentesque metus accumsan ac. Donec eget interdum elit, nec scelerisque nunc. Nunc pulvinar est at velit bibendum, a consectetur tellus gravida. Vestibulum feugiat faucibus metus. Suspendisse non nunc quis magna interdum auctor.

Aliquam adipiscing, elit sit amet congue feugiat, quam est ultrices metus, eu venenatis ligula ante vel est. Sed et enim vitae ligula pretium euismod. Quisque quis fermentum velit, eu consequat tellus. Nullam posuere auctor massa bibendum dignissim. Ut sodales vehicula nibh, vitae bibendum ante. Fusce mollis purus non volutpat ornare. Ut nec libero lectus.

In lacus velit, fermentum id arcu sed, cursus interdum sapien. Ut quis gravida nulla, id facilisis elit. Sed dictum lectus eros, fermentum mattis tellus fringilla eu. Integer mollis augue vitae arcu egestas, at imperdiet erat dictum. Proin ullamcorper aliquet viverra. Vestibulum fringilla, lorem id euismod vestibulum, tellus ligula mattis enim, eu sagittis mi metus vitae dui. Ut non vestibulum nunc. Sed tincidunt at quam eget gravida. Mauris consequat faucibus sem, hendrerit laoreet nunc. Nunc ante velit, auctor sit amet placerat in, euismod eget ipsum. Proin adipiscing pulvinar mi et luctus. Integer egestas odio turpis, in euismod mauris pretium ut. Integer sit amet elit dictum quam ultricies placerat. Fusce a porttitor nisi, sed tincidunt elit. Vivamus a leo sed augue dictum ullamcorper.

Nulla eu eros facilisis, mollis leo et, malesuada tortor. Vestibulum pretium nec lorem vitae congue. In suscipit bibendum ligula tincidunt mattis. Praesent arcu turpis, pretium et commodo id, porta vel dui. Cras eros metus, eleifend vitae congue quis, tristique vitae leo. Nam lobortis malesuada nunc non facilisis. Suspendisse ultricies auctor eleifend. Ut posuere consequat vestibulum. Maecenas dictum aliquet lorem sit amet egestas.

Sed ultricies faucibus ornare. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nec tristique elit. Proin dapibus nibh urna, quis auctor massa vehicula ac. Quisque tristique et lorem vitae luctus. Suspendisse suscipit lorem vel urna bibendum pellentesque. Integer vel vulputate nunc. Morbi at lacinia sem. Etiam tristique neque ac eros cursus tristique. Aenean molestie tincidunt magna, sed varius purus lobortis gravida. Praesent eu venenatis odio. Nam ut odio eu odio venenatis pulvinar. Sed sit amet tincidunt elit. Nullam magna leo, venenatis at dignissim sit amet, varius a sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Sed ac sem fringilla, pharetra eros vitae, fringilla arcu. Nullam lacinia felis quis lorem euismod, ut adipiscing elit tincidunt. Quisque lobortis commodo lorem, ac placerat leo suscipit feugiat. Proin malesuada dolor nec mi accumsan, ullamcorper aliquet tortor adipiscing. Aenean aliquam egestas sodales. In ornare porttitor ornare. Aenean imperdiet mauris eget ante molestie, vitae commodo felis faucibus. Maecenas quis mauris tempor tellus tincidunt viverra. Aenean vel facilisis tellus. In elementum auctor dignissim. Duis eget neque tempus, porta ante sed, mattis dolor.

Integer venenatis ipsum et consequat rutrum. Pellentesque lectus lacus, adipiscing at dui sed, aliquet mollis turpis. Cras interdum non ante eget laoreet. Phasellus eget lacinia nisi, eget varius urna. Nulla a mattis nulla. Nunc quis hendrerit odio. Sed luctus eleifend sagittis. Proin turpis sem, sodales sit amet imperdiet ut, consectetur vel metus.

Morbi facilisis leo et porttitor porttitor. Phasellus augue dolor, adipiscing sit amet pulvinar nec, hendrerit nec nisl. Donec eget neque luctus, molestie dolor imperdiet, blandit nunc. Vivamus accumsan, dui nec rhoncus scelerisque, purus mauris ullamcorper purus, ut lobortis justo nisl vel odio. Nullam scelerisque scelerisque diam, fringilla mollis nisi volutpat convallis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi in nisl porttitor, ornare urna eget, sodales erat. Praesent ipsum lectus, porttitor vitae libero eget, pellentesque ornare eros. Mauris dignissim, lacus sit amet interdum luctus, dolor tellus facilisis nulla, quis sollicitudin tortor lorem non lacus. Nulla consectetur nunc a orci pretium, convallis imperdiet ligula congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer vel purus a ipsum commodo rhoncus. Sed hendrerit iaculis nulla nec semper. Duis metus ipsum, fringilla at tempus non, rhoncus a diam.

Donec suscipit nulla at metus imperdiet imperdiet. Fusce eu nulla vitae nulla fermentum iaculis. Ut pellentesque magna at lacinia dignissim. Nam vitae interdum lorem. Mauris hendrerit, nisi at pellentesque interdum, nunc orci mattis ipsum, vel tincidunt magna dolor ut turpis. Duis fermentum rutrum libero, vitae pretium tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum tempus felis nulla, sit amet ullamcorper tellus aliquet ut. Ut dignissim lacus at auctor euismod. Vivamus sed cursus tellus. Quisque ac vestibulum justo, at ornare ligula. Pellentesque lectus orci, hendrerit vitae ligula nec, adipiscing lacinia justo. Sed imperdiet porta tellus, ut volutpat nibh volutpat ut. Proin scelerisque, risus sit amet fermentum pharetra, ipsum erat ultricies ipsum, eu porta felis lorem vel mauris. Curabitur rutrum nunc est, vel commodo urna faucibus ac. Nunc dignissim leo sed rutrum dignissim.

Fusce libero nunc, imperdiet ut ligula a, blandit lobortis turpis. Nunc placerat ipsum risus, vel luctus elit laoreet vel. Ut a neque ut leo convallis pellentesque sit amet in erat. Quisque rutrum, augue non suscipit malesuada, massa eros vestibulum eros, id vulputate mauris ante nec arcu. Ut tempor arcu quis urna ultrices vehicula. Sed id nisi metus. Pellentesque et ipsum nisi. Donec non dui consectetur, vehicula nulla at, congue massa. Etiam at enim vitae ante posuere dictum sit amet in purus.

Donec posuere purus quis dolor dignissim, id egestas enim laoreet. Vestibulum porta hendrerit massa, sit amet ullamcorper ante sodales in. Vivamus eu tempor dolor. In luctus lectus in lectus volutpat ultrices quis et mi. Sed dignissim enim at odio pulvinar sollicitudin. Suspendisse faucibus malesuada magna nec pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed consectetur scelerisque neque. Vestibulum imperdiet risus eu dignissim lacinia.

Phasellus in enim lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer lacus libero, ultricies posuere orci gravida, condimentum sagittis tellus. Donec pulvinar arcu id ipsum pellentesque, eu ornare leo ultricies. Nam luctus gravida nibh, nec gravida mi molestie ut. Cras quam tortor, luctus vitae porttitor vel, tristique a orci. Integer eu facilisis eros. Aliquam accumsan suscipit nisi, et semper nisl gravida ac. Duis rutrum eu quam vel placerat.

Maecenas eu molestie sem, vel consectetur nisi. Donec rhoncus vestibulum nunc, a consequat dolor. Integer porta ac lorem at adipiscing. Maecenas eu varius elit, id volutpat odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse commodo neque ac est mollis, quis sollicitudin turpis fringilla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque quis condimentum justo. Ut tristique et nisl in molestie. Curabitur ut nulla odio. Quisque placerat lacinia faucibus.

Proin egestas pharetra dui. Morbi in luctus risus. Integer in risus libero. Donec at tellus cursus turpis suscipit varius. Nam ac arcu congue, mollis nibh vitae, gravida velit. Duis consequat id ligula dictum aliquam. Maecenas sit amet eros feugiat, sagittis arcu sed, blandit urna. Curabitur blandit, urna id blandit varius, ante purus interdum orci, id bibendum nisl felis et nulla. Donec et ante felis. Nam id lectus diam. Mauris nec ornare augue, at egestas ante. Integer quam nunc, bibendum et suscipit id, euismod vitae diam. Nulla porta dapibus scelerisque. Ut volutpat libero sed hendrerit interdum. Mauris faucibus porttitor elit, quis pharetra quam gravida nec. Integer vitae magna tortor.

Morbi venenatis blandit tincidunt. Donec varius volutpat mauris, vel aliquet erat sodales sit amet. In non volutpat nulla. Phasellus tristique est vel mattis ultricies. Etiam nibh est, malesuada a ante vel, sodales rhoncus tortor. Mauris placerat turpis aliquet luctus hendrerit. Sed fringilla lacus a mi pulvinar, at venenatis diam laoreet. Donec sollicitudin placerat felis sed sollicitudin. Donec elementum lorem ac dui malesuada rutrum. Vestibulum sed venenatis dui. Duis lobortis commodo ipsum, non auctor orci hendrerit et. Mauris eleifend imperdiet elit non egestas.

Sed enim nisl, venenatis et sem vel, luctus pharetra orci. Praesent fringilla libero accumsan venenatis blandit. Pellentesque dui nisi, volutpat eget neque in, scelerisque sollicitudin nulla. In quis dui sit amet eros congue aliquam nec nec nulla. Phasellus libero lacus, pretium laoreet nunc at, interdum volutpat justo. Phasellus aliquam risus vel metus elementum sodales. Mauris sem ligula, suscipit eu leo ac, gravida hendrerit lacus. Praesent molestie hendrerit lorem et congue.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent laoreet tincidunt facilisis. Maecenas volutpat sem quis posuere tincidunt. Integer non risus semper, tempor erat tempor, ornare magna. Curabitur in risus id ligula pretium fermentum ac nec leo. Morbi faucibus porttitor lorem eget euismod. Etiam nec nibh interdum, cursus tortor eget, volutpat tellus. Quisque laoreet tellus eget erat facilisis mollis. Donec mauris nisi, commodo id velit vitae, euismod vestibulum felis.

Nulla malesuada diam id facilisis ultrices. Mauris vitae interdum nulla, sit amet ullamcorper metus. Fusce consequat ultricies dolor vitae cursus. Morbi in lectus quis risus commodo vehicula vitae sed dolor. Integer pulvinar tempor lacus vel tristique. Praesent suscipit fermentum mi eget molestie. Vivamus vehicula suscipit fringilla. Ut varius metus in neque malesuada lobortis. Sed vel tortor a ligula porta pretium. Phasellus mattis mauris vel velit ullamcorper, id vestibulum nisl venenatis. Mauris sed bibendum augue. Quisque sed leo mollis, blandit augue tempor, venenatis dui. Nam pretium nibh quis faucibus lobortis. Mauris aliquam tincidunt elementum.

Curabitur ut urna erat. In sed fermentum elit. Cras quis quam id enim egestas pharetra. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce posuere felis tortor, nec vulputate mauris porta quis. Aliquam ut porttitor nibh, id iaculis justo. Ut ornare ac magna et luctus. Ut feugiat purus ullamcorper dolor vestibulum eleifend. Mauris ultricies enim euismod dui pharetra tempus. Duis semper ipsum et hendrerit bibendum. Praesent fermentum, nulla eget semper luctus, quam nibh rhoncus diam, ut elementum neque risus a augue. Duis augue purus, commodo sit amet sapien eget, pulvinar tincidunt erat. Aliquam consectetur nisi vitae blandit pharetra.

Mauris eget facilisis dolor, vitae aliquam quam. Morbi et vestibulum augue. Cras vel consequat nisl, sit amet adipiscing massa. Morbi a tellus nisl. Praesent velit odio, lobortis at tincidunt sed, consequat vitae quam. Morbi ac egestas purus, eu ornare massa. In metus nisi, fringilla vitae pharetra nec, aliquet vitae ante.

Phasellus tincidunt gravida arcu sed fringilla. Etiam eget nisl adipiscing, pharetra felis ut, ornare odio. Curabitur rhoncus eget tortor eget tempor. Curabitur in elementum nisi. Curabitur pretium quam iaculis sapien consequat ornare. Curabitur ac sem sagittis, facilisis lacus a, volutpat dui. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque malesuada euismod ipsum, quis condimentum nibh feugiat tincidunt. Aliquam euismod commodo neque, non mollis massa scelerisque vel. Aliquam lectus felis, vulputate at eros sit amet, semper aliquet ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer in ligula pellentesque eros convallis fringilla nec ac odio. Sed aliquet malesuada auctor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Maecenas pellentesque auctor dignissim. Etiam egestas mattis est semper vulputate. Vestibulum luctus arcu eu enim elementum, sed placerat tellus consequat. Nulla consequat ornare ultrices. Duis elit nulla, vehicula vel elit a, sollicitudin aliquet magna. Vestibulum quis blandit velit. Integer ultrices velit et diam fermentum, non lacinia velit pretium. Proin at mi et mauris blandit ullamcorper. Nullam semper non augue non vestibulum. Maecenas suscipit vehicula enim, quis vulputate justo commodo at. Aenean euismod commodo ligula eget faucibus. Proin elit sapien, porttitor quis mauris id, dignissim venenatis ligula.

Morbi dictum sem magna, dapibus lobortis urna pretium at. Nullam auctor scelerisque nibh, vel pharetra leo dignissim quis. Fusce adipiscing convallis lacinia. Mauris blandit tincidunt arcu, sed scelerisque orci ultricies eget. Donec rhoncus dictum mi, in blandit dolor gravida.

Last edited by Sage on Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:00 am; edited 1 time in total

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casual post:
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
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fefefe - Sablier Etzel's G/FX tests - Page 16 Empty Re: Sablier Etzel's G/FX tests

Mon Jul 18, 2016 4:26 pm

Song: Reasonable Doubt - By: Anonymuz - Word Count: N/A

"I'm starting to reconsider that."

Silvia was the one that wanted to wait. Kuanastha, like the time before, intended to step in front of Calypso immediately and shoo her away, but at Silvia's mercy she abated herself. The time in wait only served to fester the anger, the sense of betrayal. Kuanastha was behind Silvia, reluctant to even face her niece. The nether energy seeping from her coiled around her body like tendrils, licking at the fabric of the realm and tearing, letting the world around them bleed out za koa. The intensity, the density of the energy coalesced so thickly around Kuanastha that she merely formed a silhouette, the only feature of her body visible being her piercing eyes, unraveling Calpyso's entire being. Through them, a choir of voices whispered their malcontent.

Silvia said she was disappointed, and that was the difference between the two sisters. Kuanastha was a hybrid; her demonic blood had less influence on her perceptions. Contrary to many demons, her emotions were more measured, contained, notably "uncharacteristic" to take control of her to the same degree as most members of her lineage. So it was something of note to say that Kuanastha was seething.

She was so merciful towards her family--to a fault. By extension, her heart was more open to them, filled with love and expectations. It was, or at least should have been, made clear Kuanastha's terms of return to the family: Vicara was not to be touched by Asthavon hands. Contrary to many countries within Demon World, these Planes were rich in people, culture, and prosperity. It was a monument to what Demon World could be. To have these wishes marred by the greed, the egotistical ambitions of the usual Asthavon folly... It hurt like no other.

"My patience has run out. Leave."

This wasn't a request.

Last edited by Sage on Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:29 am; edited 2 times in total

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casual post:
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
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Sun Jul 31, 2016 4:44 am
Wayfaring Stranger
little boy enters small single-room building, like a storage room-sized building. Addresses painter inside (ma'am), saying he has the oil paints they requested. Painted beckons them with one hand after putting down their palette. Their other hand is still dragging some brushes across the canvas, with a calm smile on their face. After beckoning the child over, she takes the paints and pats their head merrily, giving the boy some money in return. "nee-san, you know i don't do it for the money" they pout, but she reprimands them, saying "it's the cost for the paint, silly. I won't be letting you squeeze money out of your mother just to buy me paint; i can afford it on my own." they giggle and sharply reply, "i wouldn't have guessed it" while purposely sweeping his gaze all across the single-room house. "You rascal," the painter replies admiringly, "you've a razor to your words for a boy so young." The boy shined an adoring smile back. the boy directs his attention to the canvas, asking the painter what it was. "it's the family of a person i know." The boy questions, "A person you know? Why are the people dressed in 21st century clothing, then?" "because that was when i knew them," the painter replies. "Nee-san, are you one of those super people?" Which would of course explain her knowing a family back in the 21st century.

The painter shows an amused face, turning her face from the child back to the easel in reminiscence. "what if nee-san told you she was one of those demon or hollows, and that i know this family because i gobbled them up?" The boy laughs in ridicule, "c'mon, Nee-san; this is Japan, not even too many kilometres off from the big city, where a bunch of the super peoples are. You won't trick me." The girl responds in just laughter, picking her palette back up and resuming her painting. For a few minutes, the boy simply leans over the armrest of her chair and watches her work in silence. The painter breaks the silence suddenly, "you know, you're actually the first person i ever met in Japan." The boy looks to her turned face in surprise. "I thought you said you've been to Japan before?" Her lips forced dimples onto her cheeks, "I have, more or less. Not in person, not as this person--but a part of me has." The boy's forehead creases in confusion. "Both you and Mamma says I'm smart for my age, but you always say things I can't understand. I don't believe that's an adult thing, though." The painter shakes, holding in laughter, enough for her to put down her brush and palette for a moment. "No, it isn't an adult thing, I think. But for someone like me, this sort of thing did come along with age."

"I still don't get it, but anyways, Nee-san, I have to go now. I'll bring back some more paint, or maybe a book, tomorrow, okay?" With that, the boy rose to a full stand and scurried off, careful to close the door properly after exiting. Upon his departure, the painter breathed out a long sigh. "I warn you over and over again, Kuana. You had your two years to paint and make merry. For your own good, now is the time to venture out and temper yourself." the painter's look of ease quickly morphed to a fiendish frown. "Just, shut up already. I know... I know that. But don't try to lever those two years over me. You know that if it were there were any kind of painting to be done, it would be with blood. It was anything but merry." The painter turned to look at their canvas, in it the faces of a few children. "Also, it's Kuanastha, now. No surname." With that last correction, Kuanastha rose from her seat and put the painting of the young Asthavon sisters away, opening an indigo portal into the Nether to stow it.

Blah blah, kuanastha asks about what're these currents of chaos you keep going on about--you're always so roundabout when it comes to these things, and it's super irritating. Blah blah, you heard about the moon? The nether asks; Kuanastha responds saying, 'yeah i saw some shadowfall propaganda. something about the moon, and the vanguard's leader blowing it up or something exaggerated. I didn't pay attention in full--you know i don't put effort into knowing the politics of the world. Neither part of me did, ever." nether asks "did you also know about what your sister did? Can you not at least feel it?" "stop asking these damn questions and just tell me already." "do you not feel the presence of a new realm? A part of you had been able to feel such energies even across dimensions, before." "well that part of me was diluted a bit, so excuse me. Also, what new realm? Is it just that?" "of course not just that. It's that, combined with all the other bits of chaos in the world. Feel through your asthavon blood, not just a few important figures have fallen from the random large organisations around--even your niece." astonished kuanastha, she asks abuot it, then gets dressed, reverts her appearance to her natural appearance, thinks about and mentally apologises to the child who came over all the time. She pauses, her eyes glow with a colourless glow, and threads all over the world appear. As the entirety of the house she was in sinks into a portal on the gruond connecting to the nether, she goes out, spreading her energy to create a domain while she bends the laws to make herself invisible, before finding the boy and severing the karmic threads that tied them together. After that she brings him into his bedroom to rest, before flying off, looking towards the direction of the big city the boy mentioned. "Karakura... Now why do my threads cross through here?"


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:06 pm
Wayfaring Stranger
little boy enters small single-room building, like a storage room-sized building. Addresses painter inside (ma'am), saying he has the oil paints they requested. Painted beckons them with one hand after putting down their palette. Their other hand is still dragging some brushes across the canvas, with a calm smile on their face. After beckoning the child over, she takes the paints and pats their head merrily, giving the boy some money in return. "nee-san, you know i don't do it for the money" they pout, but she reprimands them, saying "it's the cost for the paint, silly. I won't be letting you squeeze money out of your mother just to buy me paint; i can afford it on my own." they giggle and sharply reply, "i wouldn't have guessed it" while purposely sweeping his gaze all across the single-room house. "You rascal," the painter replies admiringly, "you've a razor to your words for a boy so young." The boy shined an adoring smile back. the boy directs his attention to the canvas, asking the painter what it was. "it's the family of a person i know." The boy questions, "A person you know? Why are the people dressed in 21st century clothing, then?" "because that was when i knew them," the painter replies. "Nee-san, are you one of those super people?" Which would of course explain her knowing a family back in the 21st century.

The painter shows an amused face, turning her face from the child back to the easel in reminiscence. "what if nee-san told you she was one of those demon or hollows, and that i know this family because i gobbled them up?" The boy laughs in ridicule, "c'mon, Nee-san; this is Japan, not even too many kilometres off from the big city, where a bunch of the super peoples are. You won't trick me." The girl responds in just laughter, picking her palette back up and resuming her painting. For a few minutes, the boy simply leans over the armrest of her chair and watches her work in silence. The painter breaks the silence suddenly, "you know, you're actually the first person i ever met in Japan." The boy looks to her turned face in surprise. "I thought you said you've been to Japan before?" Her lips forced dimples onto her cheeks, "I have, more or less. Not in person, not as this person--but a part of me has." The boy's forehead creases in confusion. "Both you and Mamma says I'm smart for my age, but you always say things I can't understand. I don't believe that's an adult thing, though." The painter shakes, holding in laughter, enough for her to put down her brush and palette for a moment. "No, it isn't an adult thing, I think. But for someone like me, this sort of thing did come along with age."

"I still don't get it, but anyways, Nee-san, I have to go now. I'll bring back some more paint, or maybe a book, tomorrow, okay?" With that, the boy rose to a full stand and scurried off, careful to close the door properly after exiting. Upon his departure, the painter breathed out a long sigh. "I warn you over and over again, Kuana. You had your two years to paint and make merry. For your own good, now is the time to venture out and temper yourself." the painter's look of ease quickly morphed to a fiendish frown. "Just, shut up already. I know... I know that. But don't try to lever those two years over me. You know that if it were there were any kind of painting to be done, it would be with blood. It was anything but merry." The painter turned to look at their canvas, in it the faces of a few children. "Also, it's Kuanastha, now. No surname." With that last correction, Kuanastha rose from her seat and put the painting of the young Asthavon sisters away, opening an indigo portal into the Nether to stow it.

Blah blah, kuanastha asks about what're these currents of chaos you keep going on about--you're always so roundabout when it comes to these things, and it's super irritating. Blah blah, you heard about the moon? The nether asks; Kuanastha responds saying, 'yeah i saw some shadowfall propaganda. something about the moon, and the vanguard's leader blowing it up or something exaggerated. I didn't pay attention in full--you know i don't put effort into knowing the politics of the world. Neither part of me did, ever." nether asks "did you also know about what your sister did? Can you not at least feel it?" "stop asking these damn questions and just tell me already." "do you not feel the presence of a new realm? A part of you had been able to feel such energies even across dimensions, before." "well that part of me was diluted a bit, so excuse me. Also, what new realm? Is it just that?" "of course not just that. It's that, combined with all the other bits of chaos in the world. Feel through your asthavon blood, not just a few important figures have fallen from the random large organisations around--even your niece." astonished kuanastha, she asks abuot it, then gets dressed, reverts her appearance to her natural appearance, thinks about and mentally apologises to the child who came over all the time. She pauses, her eyes glow with a colourless glow, and threads all over the world appear. As the entirety of the house she was in sinks into a portal on the gruond connecting to the nether, she goes out, spreading her energy to create a domain while she bends the laws to make herself invisible, before finding the boy and severing the karmic threads that tied them together. After that she brings him into his bedroom to rest, before flying off, looking towards the direction of the big city the boy mentioned. "Karakura... Now why do my threads cross through here?"


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Lord of the Understream
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Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:46 pm
the devil particle
posting after hayden

Last edited by Sage on Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:55 am
Omnipresent Trap
Out through a Tānāgati portal, Kuanastha stepped forth just at the barrier of Karakura Central. To her geographic knowledge concerning Earth--thin as it may be, she had arrived at the outskirts of the metropolis. Considering her primary motive for coming here was in pursuit of her Karma Threads, and the whole idea surrounding her travels around Earth and all other realms was just to follow her Karma Threads, there really was no reason to hesitate entering. Except, perhaps, for the fact that Karakura represented likely the worst place on Earth for someone of antagonist origin such as Kuanastha. Especially considering the Asthavon blood running through her veins, to which she held no doubt that the powerhouses residing in Karakura Central would detect.

Well, maybe they wouldn't mind her entering anyway. She held no bad intentions, and all the terrible deeds she had done were, for one, on other demons and hollows, and for two, solely in the Wastelands, America, Demon World, and Hueco Mundo. So, maybe they wouldn't have any beef with her. If anything, should things come down to it, Kuanastha would make a quick getaway after coming across anything life-threatening. To some extent, the girl held some level of confidence in her capacity to run away, given her multiple avenues of instantaneous escape, and natural speed on top of her abilities that worked quite well in weakening her opponents.

That in mind, Kuanastha stepped through the barrier, a tinge of pain coursing through her body. At this point, though? That level of pain was easily shrugged off. There have been far too many occasions where she has felt worse. Even the sweet embrace of Death, almost to a literal extent at some point, was taken with gritting teeth. Thus, Kuanastha failed to even wince, at least until the power behind what bore down on her steadily increased in an attempt to subdue her.

"Oh... Maybe I'm actually, literally, incompetent."

With those self-deprecating words in mind--spoken aloud actually--Kuanastha closed her eyes for a moment. As she opened them, the world changed to an incredible degree. She could see, hear, feel, and even spiritually sense the existence of an infinite number of threads crossing about, some going from just a simple pebble on the ground to the dirt at her feet, others going from the sap on some tree all the way up to space, some even tying Earth to other dimensions. They varied in thickness, length, textures, the sound of their *twang* was different. Most noticeably, a variation in colours, with some coiled in spirals and others just running straight through, strained almost.

"It'll just be for a bit... nothing too drastic..."

With a focused face and furrowed brow, Kuanastha's eyes and hands were drawn to the millions of threads surrounding and connecting to her. As a Visera Demonio, as with most creatures of some hollow-descent, or any entity that gained stability or power off of devouring and consuming the souls of others, Kuanastha held a considerably large number of Karma Threads bound to her, so it took a few moments for her to find the thousands of threads she sought. With some delicate pinches and tugs here and there on various threads and various parts of those threads, any remnants that connected Kuanastha to various events in her lives--namely any that connected her to the Asthavons--temporarily did not exist, not a single trace to be found.

With that, Kuanastha took the next step to her attempt to go incognito and shifted her body into a different appearance--that of a normal girl, around her early twenties perhaps, with clear japanese descent in her numerous features that honestly made her look like a natural born citizen. Unfortunately, the energy she exuded wasn't as easily disguised, so she instead prompted to entirely cut off any sort of energy her Visera Demonio genes provided. Of course, many functions of her body would be utterly inaccessible had it not been for the sudden burst of Nether Energy flowing through her veins, replacing any sort of necessary energy-relative sustenance her body required.

That, unfortunately, would not have erased the fact that her entrance was already recorded by Karakura's natural defense system, and the event of this happening was something that completely went over the girl's head, thus her failure to look for it in her Karma Threads and temporarily remove. With that, given the nature of her energy signature, and the initial burst of power she instinctively gave off to counteract the pressure from the city's barrier in order to suppress her, it was a little too late to take things back. If it wasn't for her simply releasing that burst of energy as opposed to actually directing it towards anywhere, such as any residential zones, perhaps the alarm would have sounded beyond just the local area where Kuanastha entered. Whether that was lucky of her or not, depending on the actions of a nearby Vanguard Higher-Up Vizard, was up to fate.

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Sat Nov 26, 2016 6:45 pm

The Monsuta
The Rampant Vagrants

(Final Fantasy XIII-2 Original Soundtrack - Last Hunter ~Battle Theme~ -3- (Disc 2))

Background Information

Who are The Monsuta? The Monsuta are a dedicated group of vizards who have banded together under the control of one man: Hakai Chikara. Hakai Chikara had established The Monsuta as a team of Vizards to band together and oppose the sides of light that people such as Zin so desperately fought for. The Monsuta are the polar-extreme opposite of those within the Vizard Corps who fight for justice and the good of the living realm, alongside their allies. The Monsuta are opposed to the Vizard Corps as a main, but also their allegiance lies heavily on Shadow Fall and The Kokryuteishi. As they are aligned with these two major groups, Monsuta quickly became a target, being aimed at by the Gotei 13, The Yayjuu, The Vizard Corps and even The Vanguard. As they held such strong ideals against the Vizards within the Corps, these warriors are best known for their destructive tendencies and ability to wreak havoc over the areas of their choice, if pushed to that extreme. This isn't to say that they are just mindless beings however, they are filled with extreme intelligent types. In short, the members of The Monsuta definitely know how to put up a fight; and would rip off your head if given the opportunity.

The origins of The Monsuta dates back to over three hundred years ago. Until the recent years, The Monsuta acted as a small group of rebel Vizard led by Hakai Chikara as a revolutionary movement to overthrow Zin from his position in the Vizard Corps. This wasn't successful however, and eventually stemmed into Hakai forcing investments and allies with K-world and Shadow Fall who could provide funding for his upbringing of his new organization. Once having a stable base and income, the few members within the Monsuta quickly spread and searched far and wide for the members the could potentially recruit, to combat the forces that opposed them. As this slowly established, and time went by, more members joined and built it into a full-blown organization of people fighting against the people allied on the other side of the spectrum. Since then, Hakai had been replaced by a man known as Stefan Soan, who had long since been a commander in the Monsuta, for a few years leading the Organization into a more neutral place. This man sought to create a paradise for warriors, and didn't focus on merely 'fighting the good guys'. Unhappy with their direction, Hakai had come back into eventually, and currently, assume control of the Monsuta, to throw them back onto the track that they wished they would be on, the path the he built them on after Stefan left.

The Monsuta have always been known for being devising and evil beings, Hakai wished for it to stay that way. Never the less, the kingdom built was a haven for all vagrants in need of a home to join and built up their resources to combat in the name of their beliefs, or to serve a cause that follows the decimation of others. True mongrels fighting for a cause. However in recent years the changes and struggles in the monsuta has forced a change in leadership, Hakai leaving the vizards in the hands of one Tora Lionus. Tora was the first true stereotypical villain leader the Monsuta had, and as such their goals and meaning shifted to represent that. This was something that differed from both of the previous leaders, Hakai and Stefan. While the original had a specific goal in mind, and his successor was more focused on fighting in general, the new leader had been a representation of evil and strife. However, change was around the corner yet again for the Monsuta organization.

With the departure of Tora Lionus from the leadership position, the previous Monsuta King Stefan Soan returned to reclaim his place on the throne. Disliking the paths both Hakai and Tora set the Monsuta on, Stefan believes his return will be the final leadership change the organization will go through, dead set on bringing it to new heights. While he himself does have plans for both him and the Monsuta, the objective the organization will focus on for now revolves around the recruitment and advancement of new members.


Note: The Monsuta is open to members of all races and creeds

Monsuta Imperator

Monsuta Dux


Elite Division

The Dark:
Azuma Lazarus

The Light :

The Beginning:
Zwei Yuki (Cookies)


Dead Guard Commander

Dead Guard Lieutenant



Combat Specialist Commander
Akuma Aisudoragon (Gin)

Combat Specialist lieutenant



Medical Expert Commander

Medical Expert Lieutenant



Black Operations Commander

Black Operations lieutenant



Research and Development Commander

Research and Development Lieutenant



Advancement Zone Head

Advancement Zone Second

Advancement Zone Members


Division Information

The Dead Guard

Equivalent to that of the former Royal guard sector this group acts as a sort of reserve force there to back up other groups when needed. In addition to acting as a sort of home defense, this group also has a secondary position as the Organisations security force acting as both an internal affairs group and the security force that will seek out insurgence among the Monsuta's members. Because of the amount of trust placed into them this is usually made of the most loyal members to the Monsuta and often times the strongest making the division one of the highest honors to be apart of, some members among them on par with even those from the Elite unit.

Combat Specialists

The Combat Specialists of The Monsuta are, as the name suggests, the people within the organization that are hungry and specialists for combat. The combat specialists is led by a single leader that usually coordinates their division without having to answer to the head of monsuta, meaning they have often been found to conduct their own procedures without actually contacting the leaders. The former Front Lines has combined with the Combat Specialists and these members are usually the first people to get some of the action, the first people called in when a danger or assault is taking progress.

Medical Experts

The Medical Experts are the people who look after the wounded within the organization, The Monsuta. They are responsible for making sure the wounded they come into contact with are healed to full health; although they aren't likely to heal their enemies, simply working to heal the forces of their allies and themselves. The Medical Experts don't have to be pure medical based either, they can also be quite advanced in combat; so to fit this position, it isn't a total healer-type character that is needed.

Black Operations

The Black Operations division is considered to be the stealth side of the Monsuta division. Members put into this category are usually found to be that of great speed as well as capable of sneaking through many areas, not just simply attacking an enemy head on. In regards to the Gotei, they could be compared to those within the Omnitsukido. These members carry out missions that could be considered highly clandestine and with great secrecy, part of what makes this group 'Black' Operatives.

Research and Development

Implied by the name, the Research and Development sector of the Monsuta is to create, develop and research all of the different aspects that could be used to advance the Monsuta and their allies. This doesn't simply mean combat means of aid, but it also means that development in transportation, communication, war readiness, etc, all of this is encompassed within the Research and Development sector. Although the Research and Development also develops personal and unique items for combat; meaning they can create things similar to that of Kenpachi's eye patch which consumes his reiatsu.

Elite Division

The Elite Division is a part of the Monsuta that only takes the highest quality of warriors and recruits them. This elite unit is usually lead by the position known as "the dark" each person selected for this role will be screened, as this position in theory may be thought of as the head of the elites, though each member holds as much sway as the next the Dark has final say and may overrule other members of this sector in times of need. of As of right now, there are four positions that are needed to be filled. Usually, these members are in the range of 0 tiers. Although, one thing that is noted is that the members don't need to be this tier to join this section it is prefered though. On top of this, once the person has taken a title in this elite section; they are also allowed underlings; which are usually close to them in abilities and/or tier.

Advancement Zone

The Advancement Zone is a new division created by Stefan Soan for a specific purpose: to train and empower a new generation of warriors and members. Basically, members of this group are essentially students of Stefan himself and as such may benefit from what he can provide. Joining this division puts individuals on the fast track to unlocking their potential and rising to new heights they've never experienced before. Applying to this division can net you incentives and upgrades at the Monsuta's (and Stefan's) disposal.


Co Vizard head pay: 520,000 Yen
Elite Division: 480,000 Yen
Commanders: 450,000 Yen
Lieutenants: 330,000 Yen
Underlings of the squads: 100,000 Yen

Template for Joining

[b]Name: [/b] (What is your character called?)
[b]Link to Application:[/b]
[b]Tier: [/b] (What tier level is your vizard?)
[b]Division:[/b] (Which division do you wish to join?)
[b]Position applying for: [/b] (What position do you wish to obtain?)
[b]Extra notes:[/b] (Anything extra about your character is written here.)

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Sat Nov 26, 2016 11:37 pm

Song: Evangelion X - By: Anonymuz - Word Count: N/A

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sagittis mattis nisl nec rutrum. Nulla tristique arcu nunc, iaculis elementum nisl egestas nec. Mauris rutrum nisi ut velit laoreet, non hendrerit massa laoreet. Cras sodales ac turpis quis elementum. Fusce posuere arcu nec leo volutpat, ut molestie lorem condimentum. Donec neque lacus, scelerisque id auctor eu, accumsan a neque. Pellentesque nisl urna, suscipit vel bibendum ut, dapibus in tellus. Integer rutrum pulvinar tellus, tempor dictum justo fringilla nec. Praesent interdum dapibus justo id dapibus. Pellentesque sit amet odio luctus, aliquam velit pellentesque, lobortis est. Nunc nec ipsum sed sem eleifend egestas. Praesent mollis mi a neque tempus, a sodales lectus egestas. Nulla vitae felis id quam lacinia condimentum eu sit amet mi.

Curabitur semper orci quis elit scelerisque eleifend. Maecenas eu gravida neque. Aenean fringilla porta commodo. Donec blandit vehicula dolor, et pellentesque metus accumsan ac. Donec eget interdum elit, nec scelerisque nunc. Nunc pulvinar est at velit bibendum, a consectetur tellus gravida. Vestibulum feugiat faucibus metus. Suspendisse non nunc quis magna interdum auctor.

Aliquam adipiscing, elit sit amet congue feugiat, quam est ultrices metus, eu venenatis ligula ante vel est. Sed et enim vitae ligula pretium euismod. Quisque quis fermentum velit, eu consequat tellus. Nullam posuere auctor massa bibendum dignissim. Ut sodales vehicula nibh, vitae bibendum ante. Fusce mollis purus non volutpat ornare. Ut nec libero lectus.

In lacus velit, fermentum id arcu sed, cursus interdum sapien. Ut quis gravida nulla, id facilisis elit. Sed dictum lectus eros, fermentum mattis tellus fringilla eu. Integer mollis augue vitae arcu egestas, at imperdiet erat dictum. Proin ullamcorper aliquet viverra. Vestibulum fringilla, lorem id euismod vestibulum, tellus ligula mattis enim, eu sagittis mi metus vitae dui. Ut non vestibulum nunc. Sed tincidunt at quam eget gravida. Mauris consequat faucibus sem, hendrerit laoreet nunc. Nunc ante velit, auctor sit amet placerat in, euismod eget ipsum. Proin adipiscing pulvinar mi et luctus. Integer egestas odio turpis, in euismod mauris pretium ut. Integer sit amet elit dictum quam ultricies placerat. Fusce a porttitor nisi, sed tincidunt elit. Vivamus a leo sed augue dictum ullamcorper.

Nulla eu eros facilisis, mollis leo et, malesuada tortor. Vestibulum pretium nec lorem vitae congue. In suscipit bibendum ligula tincidunt mattis. Praesent arcu turpis, pretium et commodo id, porta vel dui. Cras eros metus, eleifend vitae congue quis, tristique vitae leo. Nam lobortis malesuada nunc non facilisis. Suspendisse ultricies auctor eleifend. Ut posuere consequat vestibulum. Maecenas dictum aliquet lorem sit amet egestas.

Sed ultricies faucibus ornare. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nec tristique elit. Proin dapibus nibh urna, quis auctor massa vehicula ac. Quisque tristique et lorem vitae luctus. Suspendisse suscipit lorem vel urna bibendum pellentesque. Integer vel vulputate nunc. Morbi at lacinia sem. Etiam tristique neque ac eros cursus tristique. Aenean molestie tincidunt magna, sed varius purus lobortis gravida. Praesent eu venenatis odio. Nam ut odio eu odio venenatis pulvinar. Sed sit amet tincidunt elit. Nullam magna leo, venenatis at dignissim sit amet, varius a sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Sed ac sem fringilla, pharetra eros vitae, fringilla arcu. Nullam lacinia felis quis lorem euismod, ut adipiscing elit tincidunt. Quisque lobortis commodo lorem, ac placerat leo suscipit feugiat. Proin malesuada dolor nec mi accumsan, ullamcorper aliquet tortor adipiscing. Aenean aliquam egestas sodales. In ornare porttitor ornare. Aenean imperdiet mauris eget ante molestie, vitae commodo felis faucibus. Maecenas quis mauris tempor tellus tincidunt viverra. Aenean vel facilisis tellus. In elementum auctor dignissim. Duis eget neque tempus, porta ante sed, mattis dolor.

Integer venenatis ipsum et consequat rutrum. Pellentesque lectus lacus, adipiscing at dui sed, aliquet mollis turpis. Cras interdum non ante eget laoreet. Phasellus eget lacinia nisi, eget varius urna. Nulla a mattis nulla. Nunc quis hendrerit odio. Sed luctus eleifend sagittis. Proin turpis sem, sodales sit amet imperdiet ut, consectetur vel metus.

Morbi facilisis leo et porttitor porttitor. Phasellus augue dolor, adipiscing sit amet pulvinar nec, hendrerit nec nisl. Donec eget neque luctus, molestie dolor imperdiet, blandit nunc. Vivamus accumsan, dui nec rhoncus scelerisque, purus mauris ullamcorper purus, ut lobortis justo nisl vel odio. Nullam scelerisque scelerisque diam, fringilla mollis nisi volutpat convallis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi in nisl porttitor, ornare urna eget, sodales erat. Praesent ipsum lectus, porttitor vitae libero eget, pellentesque ornare eros. Mauris dignissim, lacus sit amet interdum luctus, dolor tellus facilisis nulla, quis sollicitudin tortor lorem non lacus. Nulla consectetur nunc a orci pretium, convallis imperdiet ligula congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer vel purus a ipsum commodo rhoncus. Sed hendrerit iaculis nulla nec semper. Duis metus ipsum, fringilla at tempus non, rhoncus a diam.

Donec suscipit nulla at metus imperdiet imperdiet. Fusce eu nulla vitae nulla fermentum iaculis. Ut pellentesque magna at lacinia dignissim. Nam vitae interdum lorem. Mauris hendrerit, nisi at pellentesque interdum, nunc orci mattis ipsum, vel tincidunt magna dolor ut turpis. Duis fermentum rutrum libero, vitae pretium tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum tempus felis nulla, sit amet ullamcorper tellus aliquet ut. Ut dignissim lacus at auctor euismod. Vivamus sed cursus tellus. Quisque ac vestibulum justo, at ornare ligula. Pellentesque lectus orci, hendrerit vitae ligula nec, adipiscing lacinia justo. Sed imperdiet porta tellus, ut volutpat nibh volutpat ut. Proin scelerisque, risus sit amet fermentum pharetra, ipsum erat ultricies ipsum, eu porta felis lorem vel mauris. Curabitur rutrum nunc est, vel commodo urna faucibus ac. Nunc dignissim leo sed rutrum dignissim.

Fusce libero nunc, imperdiet ut ligula a, blandit lobortis turpis. Nunc placerat ipsum risus, vel luctus elit laoreet vel. Ut a neque ut leo convallis pellentesque sit amet in erat. Quisque rutrum, augue non suscipit malesuada, massa eros vestibulum eros, id vulputate mauris ante nec arcu. Ut tempor arcu quis urna ultrices vehicula. Sed id nisi metus. Pellentesque et ipsum nisi. Donec non dui consectetur, vehicula nulla at, congue massa. Etiam at enim vitae ante posuere dictum sit amet in purus.

Donec posuere purus quis dolor dignissim, id egestas enim laoreet. Vestibulum porta hendrerit massa, sit amet ullamcorper ante sodales in. Vivamus eu tempor dolor. In luctus lectus in lectus volutpat ultrices quis et mi. Sed dignissim enim at odio pulvinar sollicitudin. Suspendisse faucibus malesuada magna nec pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed consectetur scelerisque neque. Vestibulum imperdiet risus eu dignissim lacinia.

Phasellus in enim lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer lacus libero, ultricies posuere orci gravida, condimentum sagittis tellus. Donec pulvinar arcu id ipsum pellentesque, eu ornare leo ultricies. Nam luctus gravida nibh, nec gravida mi molestie ut. Cras quam tortor, luctus vitae porttitor vel, tristique a orci. Integer eu facilisis eros. Aliquam accumsan suscipit nisi, et semper nisl gravida ac. Duis rutrum eu quam vel placerat.

Last edited by Sage on Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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