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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Norwegian Werewolf in Stadt [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Norwegian Werewolf in Stadt [open]

Mon Dec 26, 2016 1:38 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja allowed herself to bed led to the couch and given tea. She didn't drink it, just stared into it as the surface was distorted by tears. She had come here in such high spirits, baking a cake for her friend and hopefully getting to know her better. But it turned out her friend was the leader of all the Quincies and that she couldn't have friends like Mirja. It was a sad thought, people clung to the memory of things like it was a slight done to them personally. Mirja could never fathom that idea. Never truly understood why.

"I thought...I thought it would be fine. I have never been in any war, I have never even met a Quincy until you. I couldn't comprehend the concept of being attacked for something I had no part in. And so when the child, too young to have ever been out anywhere, shot me....his arrow didn't even scuff my skin. Were we not in the city, were I a different person, he would have died in seconds, not even an irritation. I couldn't wrap my head around exactly what drove someone to do something so reckless. And so I couldn't keep a handle on the truth, and it slipped out" she intoned, emotion leached from her voice until she was a drone.

"I hate it. I know what I am and I hate it but I hoped I could be surrounded by people who didn't know, people who were friendly and happy, and I could ignore what I was" she muttered, before looking up at Nilfhiem, and shaking her head. "I am not between anything. Whatever you have to do to me to keep your people's trust. Weither it is Maid, Slave, or Death. I can't stand living in a world were memory is given more importance than the living"

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Norwegian Werewolf in Stadt [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Norwegian Werewolf in Stadt [open]

Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:38 pm



Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja was distressed, but the leader of the vandenreich’s face didn’t waver from it’s neutral firmness. This girl was probably just as strong as she was, but behind that strength there was a lack of experience. The longer the elect actually listened to mirja, the more she understood and accepted this fact. Mirja after all grew up in a very different time-period than what Niflheim herself grew up in.

One of them had grown up in a world where everything while chaotic, had hope, some semblance of order to combat the chaos. While the other was grown in a time of true chaos, where father turned on mother, and mother smothered their own children to keep them from suffering starvation. One of them had never been in war, the other had been alive for the very war that basically was the near-complete genocide of her race.

So yes, Niflheim understood Mirja’s situation more than she cared to actually admit. However, that didn’t mean she could be soft of this girl, that she could make an acception to the very rigid law’s she had laid down to keep this organization afloat to this very day and age. Because of this as the elect knew more than most, the burden of the past. How it could potentially haunt a person. However, unlike many she wasn’t a prisoner to the past. Rather she thought of the past as a guide to making a better tomorrow, for this reason her expression softened momentarily as she said.

”..I am still your friend Mirja, if i wasn’t you’d probably be in a Jail cell right now. You weren’t wrong in your handling of the situation, and it was amiable given the abruptness that it presented itself. You believe in humanity’s better nature, in the inherent goodness that does indeed lurk in each and every being’s heart of hearts. “

Niflheim’s words floated out like clear undulating chords. There was a crispness that was balanced by the matter of fact way she said it, yet there was also the softest hint of kindness, of compassion that would show mirja what she said was true. It wasn’t that they Couldn’t be friends. It was that her race came before everything else, nothing could be placed above the safety of her brethren, because the same blood that flowed through their veins, flowed through her’s as well. Their pain was her pain, their sin was ultimately her sin. Now she continued to speak a hardness in her tone when mirja spoke of slavery or death.

”..Mirja, when you die as a shinigami or a Quincy there is a very slim chance you will be reincarnated. Even then, you Aren’t You. There is no replacing the memories, the cherished loved one’s, and the time you have existed here , in this place; as Mirja. That is something this younger generation simply can’t wrap their head around with all these technological advancements. When i was a human, there was no guns, no robots , and we didn’t know of America, we simply lived as best as we could and when we died? That was it.

There are no do overs when you are gone, because even if your soul does reincarnate it’s even rarer that you will have memories of the you that exists now. This is why the quincy race bears such memories of the shinigami deep within their hearts. It isn’t because we hate shinigami, it’s because each and every one of us, especially those like me who have been a quincy since the beginning, Lost someone in that horrific war.

I swore i would never let that happen again, the bodies which in the end were piled so high that they became literal mountains of corpses. The stench was so horrid that you would retch even if you were miles away from it. Almost All of our race was wiped out following the delusional dreams of a man who was too drunk on his own power to care about the betterment of our race. Children attack you in part because of the mistrust of their parent’s and the hatred of their ancestors. They don’t know better, because they haven’t gotten ability to adeptly bury their emotions and grievances within their hearts away. The reason adults are serene is because they have had a hell of alot more time to master it.

Niflheim’s expression was still calm, but there was a weariness that sagged down into her very core. Leading the quincy was a burden she willingly bore, and she lovingly looked after. It was their job, the older generation to fix this mess. Many people in this world outstripped her in raw power, but it wasn’t power that ultimately made a good home, it was experience that was tempered by time. As the light shone on the regal being known as the elect of the quincy, her chair scraped on wood as she stood and turned her back to look out at the window. And her voice echoed once more.

”..If there comes a time where i perish for my people, i will do so willingly and i will return to the embrace of the endless void in which everything becomes meaningless. I will die knowing that i have led my people to a better place, a better tommorow. Until then though, even if i must drag my corpse from the mouth of hell itself i will survive. Also once you become a slave to another, there is no turning back, unless released you are bound. This is why Mirja, despite the exasperation you cause me, you are not my maid, my pet, my slave, or my significant other. You are a friend that i am fortunate to have found in my old age, and for this i am grateful.

Eventually as the storms batter against you, you will understand what separates your young views from the wizened old words that this old lady has imparted to you. Time, is what ultimately shapes you, it is what allowed me to become the woman i am today, and it is what will show you that believing in the good, sometimes cannot fix the bad. “

The elect’s expression shifted to a thoughtful one, her face hidden by the light that illuminated her silver-hued hair.

”..But, i hope even after the millenia i have lived, that i can be proven wrong by a young pup such as yourself. Age isn’t everything after all, even the young can teach the old new things, but remember us old folk are here because we have something left to do. A purpose that drives us, and the Quincy are mine. I view them as one would their own child, and each and every one of them is precious to me, irreplaceable to me. “

As she finished her mouth shut and silence filled the gap as she waited, with her back to mirja. Curiously wondering just what the wolf would have to say about her musings.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Norwegian Werewolf in Stadt [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Norwegian Werewolf in Stadt [open]

Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:52 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja listened intensely to the words that were being said. She didn't understand them, the girl seeemed to be talking for her effect more than Mirja's own. But she did seem to have a disdain for the idea of being dead. Mirja knew what to say to that one, and knew Nilfhiem would probably not like it. She was that sort of girl, after all.
"I don't have any loved ones. I just have a line of corpses, a pair of stalkers - of which I can only kill one of them - and miraculously two places I really enjoy being that don't return the favour. The Girl that was once me died a long time ago, for a reason I was never told. Some man broke into the old girl's house in Rukongai and decided the best place to store his axe was in the girl's head" Mirja scratched an old and vicious looking scar on her forehead, and her glassy eyes more in the past than the present.

"I survived, somehow, but the girl didn't. She died, and left me here to live in her place. She was gone, never coming back, and all that was left was me. She wanted me to live in her stead, but I couldn't. It was to much to do while knowing she came before me.....I don't fear death, it would be a welcome relief to the perpetual nightmare of living. Never found anyone to live for, despite my best efforts" she suddenly snorted, and blinked, giving Nilf a strange little smile and standing up.

"Well, this has been awkward for everyone. But it always is the first time you go round to someone's house. I'll send you a letter next time, maybe we can avoid getting shot in the back, aye?" She asked, her voice too happy, to jubilant. Like she had kicked everything emotional into the cupboard and locked the door on it. "But, I will say it is your loss, I make an excellent maid. At least, I think I do. I guess as long as she was sticking it in I'd make an excellent anything. Hmm. Great, now I am unsure of my maidliness..." She had derailed, pushing away anything that might be touching on topics she tried so hard to avoid, and focused on something that was irrelevant and pointless.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Norwegian Werewolf in Stadt [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Norwegian Werewolf in Stadt [open]

Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:11 am



Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

”..She’s so difficult.” Niflheim exhaled softly as she paused; she saw the way that the girl had reacted to her comments. Eventually she got an answer in through the sense of a question. The girl before her had more to her than simply the aloofness she seemed to portray most of the time. A dark undertone that often was hidden from the surface; and as niflheim listened her lips pressed softly into an expression of thought. Her silver eyes softly illuminating the room around them, before eventually she nodded. She couldn’t say that she understood the same sentiments, even though she had felt something very similar to her feelings of confusion, and of sadness even. As she paused and walked over to the girl, mirja she eventually let out a sigh and pulled her into a hug, patting her shoulder as she softly said.

”..Life is merely a series of situations strung together to in our case last the yawning gap that is our eternities. There are blips of happiness, and there are cavernous strings of loneliness, betrayal and heartache. Don’t be quick to think deaths the release you are looking for “

Her words drew on the wisdom stemming from the years just after her own home; the date clan had shunned her as an unaging monster in the feudal era. She had so often thought them to be better than they really were, blinded by the love she had for her kinsman. Only after had she been cast adrift, without purpose; without aim after being taught ever so brief by nozomi, the first quincy. Eventually she had found her purpose again through the vandenreich, a second home. A second family that she would do anything to protect, this is why she told Mirja to not think of the calm waters of death as release, since they weren’t a release. They were a form of finality, the ending of this chapter of the souls existence, only to be swept clean to start once more anew, redeemed; reborn.

Hence as she slowly rubbed the girls back, and heard her quip about how Excellent of a maid she was, the lone leader of the quincy couldn’t help but let the melodious tones of her voice softly echo in the room they were within. She was quite the character, this girl. Even if she did so often manage to get caught in situations that caused the quincy leader to want to rip her own hair out. So she eventually parted her lips and said in a light tone.

”..If you come back, while you aren’t a maid; you are more than welcome to tidy up the vandenreich. Heaven knows dust loves to collect~”

It was a light joke, but it was also a compromise and a hidden meaning. She was welcome to come back whenever she liked; so long as she kept a more vigilant eye out for those who might decide to seek her out to inflict harm. After the fact, Niflheim had exhaled and unwound her arms from the female, making her way back to her desk to slowly ease herself back into it. Picking up the pen with her right hand and clicking the end of it, she then pulled over a stack of files, and began reading through them. Once more sliding into the monotonous task of paperwork, trying to get the never-ending pile of the stuff once more under control.

Norwegian Werewolf in Stadt [open] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Norwegian Werewolf in Stadt [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Norwegian Werewolf in Stadt [open]

Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:37 am
Pondering if her skills as a maid were appreciated simply because of the other service she provided Arianda, she was caught off guard when Niflheim dragged Mirja into a hug. It was surprising, she was usually the chaser, and being dragged like this was surprising. She, felt a soft flame in her heart ignite as Niflheim took the initiative, and dammed Mirja's attempts to stay in control. It was a new feeling, but one she liked. She was all aflutter as Niflheim patted her shoulder softly and told her that life, was simply things happening. Sometimes they were good things, sometimes they were bad things, but they were always just things.

It was nice to hear someone put it into words that she could understand. Something basic and that she could understand. Mirja's body was reacting in a way she had never known before. Her heart was a flutter, and her cheeks where flushed and she felt like she had totally lost the fight to stay on top.
"I could come clean up. I'll bring my uniform as well, so people know I am here to clean and not eat babies or whatever it is they think we do in our spare time" Mirja got up an straightened her hair, brushing her Shihakusho down before looking to Nif. She had no idea where this feeling was blossoming from every time she looked at the girl, but she liked it.

And then, paperwork. Curses, it was the universally recognized wordless dismissal. If you started to play with your papers, then you were n longer interested in the current party. For some reason it hurt, that she was brushed off like that, but Nif was a busy woman, had a whole vandenrich to run, and couldn't spend it all with Mirja. She was tempted to make some flirtious comment, but anything she thought of made her tongue-tied and butterflies erupt in her stomach. So she just turned to the door.
"I shall vacate your city of one crazy wolf girl. Bye, Niflheim" she said, before going through the door and leaving.

[exit thread]
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