Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 5 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:34 am

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 5 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

Law took his own meal off of the grill at this point, still in a state most people would call "barely cooked". It couldn't be helped, that was just how he liked it. Plus, the longer you cooked it, the less nutritious it was. He listened to Ulv as she explained the situation more thoroughly, and considered what she said. If they didn't need help with building then he didn't really have much to offer. Sure, he could probably learn anything necessary to train others in the basics of a craft in about half a day, but that wasn't really his style. He wasn't someone who enjoyed interacting with most people, and he could already see that he would become annoyed rather quickly if he were to take on that job. So, with that in mind, he would respond.

"Well, tutoring isn't really my style. If anything else comes up I can maybe help out though. Depending on what it is."

It would be incorrect to say that he felt bad about not being able to help out, but he did recognize that she'd been helpful to him, and so if possible he would repay the favor. As long as it wasn't something he would thoroughly dislike. He began to eat more quickly now, getting more into the meal. Ever since that pesky inner hollow had awakened he seemed to be even more ravenous than he usually was. That was to be expected, he supposed.

"Now that I think about it, there are plenty of skilled tradesmen in Karakura City, maybe you could try that out. I might be able to swing something. K world sounds like a bad idea though."

With that he would continue eating, and await her response. While he did so he thought over exactly who he knew that could help out. He could probably ask Urahara as well, he was better connected for sure.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 5 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Tue Mar 05, 2019 4:50 am

The Burning Heart

More meat was added onto the grill with the added condiments and Ulv finished off what was there. She had eaten an entire shark in one sitting once, so it was good to be fed. Still, there was work to be done about the place, and the place had plenty of food for her to consume elsewhere, so Ulv left Law with the meat and stood up from the booth.
"Mmm, Karakura would also be something to look into. K-World pretty dangerous to send people to with how Kin runs the place" Ulv commented, before putting a hand on Law's shoulder and looking at him directly, to show that this was quite the serious situation and not simply an idle conversation.

"Got a lot to look into. Thanks for the day out. If you need any help with the Hollow you got, hit me up. I'm pretty well versed with that sort of thing these days. If you need physical help or metaphysical help, I can provide either of them" she nodded to him, and waited long enough for him to say anything else that he wanted to say before she would head out to her town.

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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 5 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:02 am

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 5 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

He noticed Ulv stand, but continued to eat. When he felt her hand on his shoulder, however, he paused momentarily and looked towards her. As she began to speak he noticed that she was actually pretty intense. More so than he'd seen her so far, which piqued his interest. He frowned when she mentioned his inner hollow, as it was something he didn't prefer to talk much about. He wasn't too keen on them, and to now have to deal with one all the time was frustrating. He could tell that she was only trying to be helpful though, so her words did not anger him.

"No problem, and thanks, but for now I think I can handle it. If I do need anything I'll find you. Good luck with the rebuilding."

"You can't handle it."

"Shut up, I'll fucking kill you."

The internal dialogue with his hollow was always interesting. They didn't see eye to eye, but this was something Law wanted to take care of himself. He had no interest in making friends with the hollow that had invaded his body, especially considering where it had come from. He would either subjugate it completely, or find a way to get rid of it once and for all. In his eyes there was no middle ground. As Ulv left he would call out to her one final time.

"See ya around."

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