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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:26 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

"I do not think it will be as much of a problem as you think it will."

Law spoke with confidence, even a bit of arrogance. That didn't mean he would underestimate his opponent though. In fact, from now on he would be even more wary of what she had to throw at him. After a few moments she seemed ready to attack him again, and once more he expended all of his mental energy on determining exactly what the best course of action was. He couldn't determine what the initial force of her blow would be, and because of that he found himself reacting exceptionally cautiously towards this attack. In fact, he was so perturbed by the lack on information at his disposal that he decided to use one of he most evasive, and defensive, tools in his arsenal.

As Ulv's fist began to near him Law catapulted himself into the air, doing a front-flip before launching his own attack. His target was anywhere from the back of her head to the middle of her back. If everything were to go according to plan he would evade any blows coming his own way, while at the same time launching an attack that would be hard to defend against because it was coming from a blind spot. He was not over-presumptuous, however, and in the case that she managed to deflect or hamper his attack in any way, he was ready to immediately remove himself from her range. This wasn't something he would normally prepare, but in this case, due to how little he understood the onslaught that he was facing, he felt that it was somewhat necessary. She had already demonstrated that she was more than capable, and although she was limiting her power greatly, he still felt that he had to be on edge. One did not acquire that level of power without knowing how to use it, after all.

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Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:58 pm

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Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Well, this was certainly interesting. The areal evasion was a great idea, and would do have cleared Ulv's attack radius well, had he not jumped forward and over her like he had never watched Star Wars. Ulv was not repressing any of her physical skill, and so when he hit the 180 mark that dictated he was now behind her rather than in front of her, Ulv's body twisted, using the momentum of the now missing punch to spin so she was partially turned, and then lashing out a foot to hit his attack. And just in case he really needed to feel the force, the incredible "Wulin Splitting Legs" was used to empower the attack. And hopefully break something.

The 'Attack his attack' technique was something she had done with abloom against Demonica, and it had grown on her. So now, she wanted to try it out a bit more. And sure, this was hardly the most stable stance, so the kick wouldn't be the most powerful thing she could call upon, but enhanced with Tai Chi, that wasn't as much of an issue as it seemed.

Then he moved out of immediate range and Ulv used this opportunity to turn around fully, and nod.
"Interesting action...has that worked before?"

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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Sat Feb 09, 2019 8:34 pm

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Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

As Law arced through the air over Ulv's head he had the sinking suspicion that he'd made a grave mistake. This suspicion was quickly confirmed. He had continuously underestimated his opponent, which he was not happy about. It couldn't be said that he was completely off of his game, however. Yes, he had come off the worse in these exchanges, but he was against someone who's mastery of these attacks was unprecedented. His analysis would have even been accurate against someone even slightly lesser, but this one continued to surprise him.

Ulv was able to easily dodge his own attack, and in doing so she launched one of her own, her leg speeding towards his own. There was nothing he could do to avoid this, so he simply did the best he could to remain the durability of his leg. They were certainly the most durable part of his body already, due to the large number of kicks he casually doled out, but he wasn't sure if that would be enough. The best he could do was hope.

Law felt the crushing force slam into his leg and let out something akin to a growl. He could feel the bone in his leg fracture in multiple places, which was definitely a problem for this current fight, but it didn't mean he couldn't continue. The fractures weren't in danger of splintering of creating full breaks... yet, and that meant that he wasn't done. When he'd confirmed that Ulv was not immediately attacking him once more he removed his jacket, which was made out of a quite sturdy material, and fashioned himself an incredibly make shift leg brace. Nothing spectacular, but it would do in a pinch. With that, he looked to Ulv once more, signifying that he was more than ready to continue. He could feel his energy spiraling inside of himself in a way that he never had before. Even though he wasn't using any of his abilities or his zanpakuto, he could still tell that he was at max output right now. No, it was more than what his previous max output had been, that was for sure. How much more? He wasn't quite sure, but it was nothing mind blowing.


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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:35 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Ulv's tactile sensitivity allowed her to feel the splintering bone as she counter-blowed it. Law was fortunate that the situations mounted against Ulv, as even restrained as she was, a full fracture was not out of the picture where she properly grounded. He landed, but having a fracture like that was pretty much the end of the training session, since even with a brace, he would be putting pressure on it and aggravating the wound. So she was going to have to end the fight, but he was the stubborn kind of person that wouldn't accept the game being over without it being turned off.

"Admittedly, it might actually work in lower circles. It's a flashy enough move to surprise people and puts you in a good position. The problem being it only eventually puts you in a good position and you are in a bad one until then. Anyone not amazed by your flippy flip is going to take the advantage to kick you in the crotch" she blew him a kissed, and then settled into the Earth Grasping Step. Feeling the Earth beneath her, she grasped it and activated the ultimate technique of Tai Chi.

"I feel it is always good to see what you are striving for. So it can be firmly set in your mind" Ulv told Law, before Breaching Heaven's Gate rushed her body with intense power. Even restrained as she was, she took off with a cracka-boom, the ground denting from the force and the sound barrier breaking from her movements. There wasn't anything fancy, not that there needed to be, just a supersonic shoulder strike to his chest. It'd be a good thing for him to see. Wonder and trauma mingled together, an emotion that drove Mirja to such incredible heights.

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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:04 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

Law stood his ground, putting slightly less weight on the leg that was less stable, and stared down Ulv. It was true that he was on the losing end of this encounter, but that didn't affect the fiery passion that always burned within him. He was never one to accept defeat, not even when the combat was a simple training session. He gave every battle his absolute all, and that frequently fucked him over, but it also helped him to grow, and rapidly at that. Because of that fact, it wasn't something he was willing to disregard, not even when he was getting knocked around. Especially not when he was getting knocked around.

As Ulv spoke he kept his cool, however he did once more raise on eyebrow at what he said.

"I appreciate the advice, but we're in the middle of a fight, are we not? Let's keep things moving."

Shortly after he'd said this he noticed that she was indeed keeping things moving, and had probably been intending to do so whether or not he'd spoken. Still, snarky remarks had a mind of their own, and they would come and go as they pleased. Within the next second she was moving towards him at what could only be considered super-sonic speeds. Yes, he was certain he'd hear the boom shortly after she reached him. With only the smallest fraction of a second to determine what her exact speed and trajectory were, his brain set off at super speed. He could determine by the way her body had originally been positioned just what she was aiming for, now the real test of wits came into play. Luckily, mentally, he was no slouch. As Ulv rocketed towards him he determined her exact velocity, and measured that against the speed with which he could move his arms to determine exactly when he should make his move.

As Ulv's shoulder slammed into his own chest Law's arms tightly gripped themselves around her entire torso, ensuring that she would be taking this ride with him, wherever that took them. He'd already determined the amount of force this attack would hold, but that didn't mean that he was any less affected by it when it did hit him. He could feel every bit of air he'd held in his lungs instantly escape. Both of his shoulders were severely dislocated, his sternum was fractured, all of his ribs were severely damaged, the upper ones taking the brunt of the force and breaking, but there were fractures all the way down his rib cage, as well as a few more internal injuries he couldn't accurately asses at the moment. At the same time he could feel her body pressed firmly against his own, warm and comforting as it was. A worthwhile compensation, in the end. As his back slammed against the ground, Law looked up into the face of this extraordinarily muscular woman. Her muscularity was something he was all the more aware of at this moment, but at the same time he could feel the softness that a woman would normally have. It was jarring, but pleasant nonetheless. He smiled, and gave her a wink, hoping to show that even though he was physically outclassed, he wasn't at a complete loss in terms of what to do. A bit of blood trickled from his lips as he did so.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:25 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Man had......well, he certainly had something. His reactions were good enough to respond to supersonic movement, even if he didn't seem capable of reacting to it. She saw and felt his arms go around her, and her first thought was Utsusemi, one of the Shinigami's onmitsu techniques. But, ego was a strange thing. While it needed slapping down were it too brought, it also needed feeding so it could grow and become broad. The delacate balancing act that was ego, became the fuel for one's eternal drive. So instead she didn't, and let herself get dragged along.

Admittedly, it wasn't the best of things to do. As he launched backwards and into the wall, he recoiled into Ulv's unyielding body and so the radiating force that would have escaped through the open front was instead bounced of Ulv and send back into him. Still, he was already down for getting hurt, and so Ulv didn't gripe that extra smack, although she sort of griped his entire front end collapsing, feeling the breaking bones under her body. It was a good job Doctor Chu was around.... Although his arms were shock-stiff, and probably couldn't move if he wanted to, so it was then that she used the onmitsu technique, escaping his bear-hug clutches and leaving a sweat-coated tank top as memory of her. Ulv proper, stood a few feet from him with her muscles clear on show and nothing but a simple bra to cover her.

"Can, you talk?"

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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Sat Feb 16, 2019 9:12 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

Law could tell that his body was a bit fucked, but he wasn't really too concerned. Sure, it hurt like crazy, but he could fix himself up by morning. He could also tell that he was imminently close to blacking out, which would almost certainly not be good, but he could hold that off for a while longer yet. He was a bit surprised when Ulv managed to remove herself from the shirt he now held in his arms, but he supposed he should have expected something like that.Looking towards Ulv, he gave her a bloody smile, winced slightly, and then began to speak. His words weren't really in response to her own, in fact they were entirely unrelated, but to be fair he was sort of out of it at the moment, so that couldn't be held against him.

"Is this a souvenir? Fuck that, I'd rather have the bra."

Closing his eyes for a moment, Law could tell that he needed to deal with his injuries as soon as possible, but walking on his own back into the building was clearly out of the question. He realized now that he should have brought his Zanpakuto along with him, even if he wasn't planning on using it, but oh well, you live and you learn. Hopefully Ulv would bring it to him.

"Could you bring me the big ass sword I left on that bed? I kinda need it."

After saying this Law blacked out for about a second and a half, then opened his eyes once more. He began to cough, which caused the pain in his ribs to increase exponentially, and the metallic taste of blood in his mouth was almost overwhelming. He really needed that sword. He also realized that he hadn't actually said why it was that he needed it, but he hoped that wouldn't matter.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Sun Feb 17, 2019 6:49 am

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

"Sorry, bra is reserved for my wife" Ulv said, before giving Law a wink, and gently picking him up, ditching the Devil Bonds. Sure, might be emasculating to be picked up like a princess by a woman, but Ulv was a six foot slab of muscle and temper, so it wasn't really the picking up that was the problem in making people feel less manly. With a simple kick off, she traversed her city in a moment, landing outside a doctor's establishment and looking to Law.
"This guy has healing powers, so he'll get you on your feet in a few hours. I'll grab your sword and then we can meet back here when you are done and go out for some dinner. I can imagine you needing something to eat after all that"

Ulv explained the situation, and then entered the shop, the smell of medicinal incense and herbs wafted around as soon as they did. The one-armed doctor gave Ulv a wordless scowl as she brought in a broken Law, but came over anyway and took over as Ulv broke down into a fit of giggles.
"I....I broke the Law!" She exclaimed, before continuing her giggling tirade.

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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:54 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

Law allowed himself to be transported without much protest. After all, it wasn't like he had much left in him. The sensation of traveling across the city so quickly was slightly disconcerting, however. He wished that Ulv would have simply brought him his sword instead of moving him across the city though. After all, it wasn't like he was unable to repair himself. Still, it made sense that she would have done this. He didn't exactly explain why it was that he simply wanted his sword, and he didn't expect her to intuitively know that he could heal himself with his powers.

As they arrived at the place of business of this local healer, Law could feel himself slipping into unconsciousness. He recognized that Ulv was making noise, and that the noises she was making were almost certainly words, but he didn't actually understand what it was that she was saying. Oh well, he didn't concern himself too much with it, and just allowed himself to black out.

When he did finally awaken from his slumber Law sat up before remembering why it was that he was here in the first place. Even so, it didn't seem to make much difference. He inspected his body thoroughly, and soon discovered that he was perfectly fine once more. That wasn't something he'd expected, but it turned out that this healer Ulv had brought him too was quite skilled. There was hardly a trace of the grueling combat he'd just been through left on his body, and that was good enough for him.

It was around this time that he began to crave a smoke, and so he removed himself from the bed and looked around. Upon finding nobody in his immediate vicinity he exited the building and rested his body against the wall. Moments later he fished the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and brought one to his lips. It was then that he realized they'd all been destroyed.


He ripped one of the mangled cigarettes in half so that it could actually be smoked to any reasonable degree, then planted it firmly in his mouth. He then took out the silver lighter that he always carried with him, struck it, and lit the flimsy excuse for a cigarette that hung from his lips.

"Better than nothing... I guess."

He had the strange feeling that Ulv would be returning to this place, and because of that he didn't simply walk off. Instead he stood patiently as he smoked the cigarette, and awaited her return. Still needed that sword after all.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:06 am

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

With Law under Cho's watch, Ulv returned to the bed house and picked up the abnormally large sword. She felt almost immediately that familiar feel of power, and knew exactly what it was. The size of it made her smile. Bigger than normal but not massive like what Ulv's could have been if she still had one.
"Sudden realisation of cool shit!" Ulv exclaimed, shocking people around her before hoisting it onto her shoulder and going about the city helping people out. It was a few hours before Law woke up, but the energy that permeated the city told her of his motion.

So she flashed over there, and handed him his sword.
"Get strong. I don't have a Zanpaktou anymore so I need you to get strong and test me theory of hitting someone with an Island-sized Zanpaktou! Clearly you don't control the size of it very much so you are the best candidate for such a job" Ulv nodded, her grin broad and beaming. "Aside from that, you are now fixed, walking, and well knowledgeable on the capabilities of my Martial Superpower. Do you have anything else you wanna do or are you heading home?"

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