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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:25 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

Law was slightly surprised when Ulv once more appeared out of nowhere, and eagerly shoved his zanpakuto into his hand. He took it in stride, however. Even if they'd only met today, he'd come to expect the unexpected from this woman. She certainly seemed to have a knack for that. He took another hit off of the broken cigarette while listening to her speak, then flung it to the ground. Even if the cigarette hadn't been torn in half, he smoked them with no filter, so litter was never an issue.

"What? Oh, I see what you're talking about. You're mistaken though, this is me controlling its size. This is just the size I prefer, it suits my style of combat, and is what I've trained for. If you wanna see it full size though..."

He held Kikoku in one hand, letting it grow to full size rapidly. It near instantaneously became almost twice as large as it had been previously. This was no problem, as obviously he could move his zanpakuto around near effortlessly regardless of its size.

"No island, I guess, but it's nothing to laugh at."

Law then got a mischievous grin on his face, and spoke again.

"Oh, and I already planned on getting strong. I'll be stronger than you can imagine in a few months."

He then restrained Kikoku, and it returned to its regular, still rather large size. He then considered what else she'd said, and thought about it for a moment before responding.

"I think I'd like dinner, I vaguely remember hearing that. Plus I came to find out more about this place, and while I have done that, most of what I've found out has been about you. You're also raising more questions now, which would probably be best discussed over a meal. Plus I'm hungry as fuck. Know anywhere good?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:36 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

He certainly had a passion, she'd give him that. To be stronger than she could imagine was quite the claim though. A claim she thought she'd put to the test by showing him just what her imagination could muster. It took over a few seconds, the prefabricated Tulpa was so much easier than making something from her heart and mind.
"Ahh, I don't know about that, my imagination-" she smiled and suddenly, there was a giant wolf in the streets, a thing of black fur and great height, twice the size of Ulv, with fangs the size of knives, and claws the size of a man's head. "-it's pretty good"

Sure the joke might be lost on him since he didn't know that she had essentially 'imagined' the creature into existence, but still. Kicking off with a fair jump, she landed on the creature's back, and held out a hand to Law.
"I know a nice place. Although it is a fair distance away. We here haven't really built up industry enough to get restaurants up, so we'll have to go to the mainland for that" she grinned and would slide a bit back on the wolf to give herself some more stability to lift Law up. And were he to climb up onto the giant Wolf, she would form a bubble of The Wind around them, and the wolf would shoot off, fast as thought. The world blurred into nothing as they moved at speeds incomprehensible to the average mind.

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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:25 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

As the gigantic wolf simply materialized before him, Law looked it over with intrigue. He had no ability to be surprised left for today, and so he just accepted that this had happened. He was, however, impressed by its size. Such an animal would certainly cause quite a bit of trouble if it were to run wild. Because of the way she spoke about it, Law immediately realized that this was something she'd conjured from her imagination. In exactly what way, or by what power, he had no idea, but there was no doubt in his mind that she was showing him why she thought he was wrong. That was fine, an even greater challenge.

"Hmph, even still. Gotta admit though, that's pretty badass."

As he looked the wolf over, Ulv held out a hand to him. Apparently they'd be riding this thing to wherever it was they were going. He wasn't quite sure why this would be the faster way to get there, but hey, it wasn't his power. He grasped her hand firmly and hoisted himself up. It was actually a pretty comfortable spot, if he was being honest.

"Sounds good to m-"

Before he could even finish his sentence they were off at mind numbing speed. Law had never traveled this quickly in his life, and it was quite a lot to take in. In fact, his senses weren't even able to keep up with what was happening. While this was going on he made his best effort to determine exactly how fast they were going, based on how quickly the objects on the horizon became the objects to his immediate right. He thought that he got a pretty good estimate in the end, but he couldn't be sure because his eyes were simply too slow. Bummer. It took him a moment to reorient himself when they stopped moving, and he then looked around. He didn't notice anything that he saw, and so he felt the need to ask.

"Where exactly are we?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:36 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

"Used to be able to make a beautiful thing. Too complex for me to recreate - anything that isn't specifically mind needs to be remembered and brought out - but it looked beautiful. Giant statue, hundred hands. Understandably effective against the enemy" Ulv told Law as they ran. The man's great brain would quickly deduce that they could breathe and weren't being shredded down to the bone by ultra-high speed winds. Which clearly had something to do with the bubble covering them. And then finally, the wolf landed, and Ulv jumped down. Waiting for Law to do so too, the wolf disappeared from whence it came.

"We are a few minutes outside a lovely town in Japan that does an excellent indoor barbecue. I thought dropping into a city center with a fourteen foot wolf creature radiating hatred and a desire to slaughter everyone wasn't the best of ideas. So we can get a nice little jog and then nice lot of food. I've got enough money to buy a booth" She explained, bringing out her wallet before pointing in the right direction and moving that way.

"That Wolf is not exactly the proudest of my Tulpas, but it represents a need like any other"

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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Thu Feb 28, 2019 1:52 am

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

Law jumped down from the wolf deftly, looking over his shoulder as it disappeared. That was actually pretty cool. He had no idea about any of the specifics of this tulpa power she possessed, but once she mentioned the name he could picture the generalities of it. He had obviously heard the word before, and while he didn't assume that the two were exactly the same, he picked up on the contextual clues that Ulv had given him and determined that his understanding, while limited in scope, was good enough for now. If he wanted to know more about it he'd just ask her in a bit. He then heard her utter the word barbecue, and his stomach grumbled aggressively. He had built up quite a hunger, it seemed.

"Sounds good to me. Lead the way. Also yeah, probably wouldn't have been the best idea. People don't take too kindly to that kind of thing, for some reason."

He followed her, continuing their conversation as they moved towards their end destination. He wasn't usually one to be so talkative, but this woman said a lot of very strange things, which piqued his interest just enough for him to stay involved with their chat.

'What is the proudest of your Tulpa's then? I guess I'd be kind of interested in seeing that. After we get something to eat that is. Also, how did you come to possess such an ability? Is it natural or invented?"

An unusual question for him to ask, but then again this was an unusual situation. He generally didn't care much for what others had to say about themselves... or about anything at all really. You had to be a pretty interesting or eccentric person for him to take any notice whatsoever. She just happened to be both, which had kept their interaction much more lively than it would normally have been.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Thu Feb 28, 2019 5:15 am

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Ulv headed into the city while thinking about what her proudest Tulpa was. It was a hard one since she had a few of them these days. Not quite grasping the answer yet, she gave one to the easier, less strenuous answer first.
"Ahh, it is invented. By a guy called Ashigoi Kazuri. Masterful man, truly a prodigious mind in that guy's head. Although can't give him all the credit. He left a skeleton of his Tulpa-creating power, and said that anyone who could fill it in was deserving of having it. Which is why mine is different from his"

Arriving at the city and guiding Law to the barbecue place, where she secured the 12-seat family booth for them, she sat down, and looked up at the ceiling.
"As for proud Tulpa. Creationally, it would have to be Lady Caliburn. Split perfectly down the middle, so one part of her is a gleaming golden colour, and the other half is a pitch black. The black side of her face holds a warm and open smile, while the gleaming gold colour is covered by a mask similar to A Vizard Mask. Ethereal arms as well as physical, and no indication of which was which so it was hard to judge until you got hit by them.

But, power wise it is my Menacing Devil Arms. Which each blow I can strike a person at their very heart, replace their dark thoughts with thoughts of progression, thoughts of development, thoughts of betterment. Brighten the world and reduce the chance of the fight ending with one's death"

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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Thu Feb 28, 2019 5:23 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

Law listened fairly closely, as even if it wasn't something he wanted to invest in himself, he enjoyed learning about things he'd never encountered before. He also thought it could be useful if he ever encountered anyone else with an ability like this. He didn't know how likely that really was, but he did liked to be prepared for anything, just in case.

As they entered the restaurant Law could smell the invigorating aroma of cooking meat. He became filled with determination, ready to devour all that was lain before him. He followed Ulv to the large booth that she'd apparently decided was necessary, and continued to listen as she spoke.

'Huh, many armed multi-colored imaginary lady. Sounds creepy. So you can create things with your imagination and have them manifest physically, but you can also do more subtle things? Seems to be a pretty useful power."

After saying that, Law thought over the possibilities for a moment, just as his food arrived. A huge helping, cooked to perfection, and giving off the most enticing of smells. He couldn't help but dig in while he continued to think on what he'd just learned. As he did so he noticed that the taste was absolutely above and beyond what he'd been expecting, so much so that he felt he had to comment on it.

"Is this place famous or something? This is delicious."

He continued to eat very quickly for a bit, but once his hunger had been sated he began to take his time enjoying the taste of the dish.

"Anyway. You said you're in charge of the harbor now? How did that happen, and what are you planning on doing with it? That was my original reason for coming here, to find out more about what has been going on in that area, and to see if I can find out what its future will hold. "

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:11 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

"Creepy? Lady Caliburn was beautiful! A marvel to admire! Her construction was flawless and breathtaking! I stab at thee with the mighty Chopsticks Of Smiting for daring to decry the Lady" Ulv flailed her chopsticks at Law. While they could work as good weapons in a pinch - thread some reiatsu through them to reinforce their structure - they were not exactly the most threatening of weapons, and Ulv was using them comically rather than in an actual desire. "But the more subtle things are because of an auxiliary power. Resolve Flame works very well with it because they both draw from the same source, my Will. With that, I'm basically a Green Lantern"

Ulv grinned and got to omnoming a large part of the huge plate of meat that was coming. This was the snacks, as the rest of the meat came to be cooked as you wished. There was only so much because it was twelve people's worth of appetizers. Sticking a lot of the meat on the grill to cook, and sprinkling some herbs and spcies over it to give it a good pazzaz, before looking up at Law.

"Guy is actually a Cultivator. Surprising amount of them in modern society. His clan is small, and his heart was elsewhere. So when he got to Silver, he told his parents he wanted to open a grill shop instead. He uses Qi Alchemy to create a unique taste to his meats, and runs a small shop out the back for Cultivators who come down. It's a nice compromise. A foot in both realms"

Ulv then moved the meat so it would cook aswell as possible, before thinking back to the story that led her to become the Mayor of Minatumi Harbor.
"Serendipitous really. I was hunting sharks in the bay, because they had been damaging boats getting in and out. And there I saw Stefan rip the city out of the ground and pitch it into the harbor. Problem being there was a lot of people below that city that were relying on the people up top to not die. Stefan, didn't really care about it, so when I lent my hand, they decided to call me the Mayor. And I didn't really feel like arguing because they had that look about them. as for what I am planning, we are going to get the city remade and then live. No grand plans. Just, live"

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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Mon Mar 04, 2019 12:20 am

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Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

As Ulv rebuked him and comically assaulted him with her chopsticks, Law simply raised an eyebrow, and gave her a questioning look. He then thought of an apt reply that not many would understand, as it was an incredibly old reference.

"From hell's heart, I spit my last breath.... at thee."

She then made her own incredibly old reference. In fact, he wouldn't have even understood it a few weeks ago, he'd just happened to come across something online while he was doing completely unrelated research. He'd always found it strange that things like that happened, but he understood that the perception of the event was different to the reality of it. It seemed to happen more often than it should, but that was simply because it was unexpected, and stood out. When people made references that he didn't understand, or references that he did, and would have for ages, those situations faded into obscurity relatively quickly.

He followed Ulv's lead in cooking the meat, adding the same spices as she had, then placing it on the grill. She had begun to cook a lot, but he didn't know if they were meant to share it or not, and he suspected that he would like his meat much less cooked than she did. That was almost always the case.

While he did so he responded to what she'd said about the owner of this place, and shrugged. He found the tidbit interesting.

"Some people just don't want to become the strongest. They have their own goals and desires."

He then listened to her speak about how she'd come to be the Mayor of the Harbor. Pretty cool stuff, seemed lucky for the people involved that Ulv had been around to take them under her wing. He wasn't usually so generous, but after she'd explained so much to him, and was now treating him to this meal, he figured he'd offer to lend a hand.

"I can probably help out with a bit of rebuilding. I can fix things up much faster than by hand, it'll most likely tire me out pretty quickly though, so I'm not promising too much."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Mon Mar 04, 2019 5:12 am

Harboring a Burning Passion - Page 4 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

"You know, I saw that on a Youtube video, but I don't actually know what it is from. Although we weren't making a reference for that. We were just trying to make the chopsticks of smiting sound more auspicious by using Shakespearean English" Ulv told Law, before finishing cooking and starting to omnomnom. Apparently, the grill was to share, but you took off the meat you wanted when you wanted it, to easily accommodate tastes in cooking. The large, full grill made to feed a whole part of twelve people was quickly halved in meat by Ulv's chopstickjutsu, and she still looked like it was a drinking snack.

"As for the Harbor, well. Between miss Girders-For-Breakfast (that's me, by the way) and Vastime's investment, we have enough hands for construction. But what we do need is tutors. Most of the city are vagrant beggers of varying degrees. And while we have a few people with minor trades - Phil comes every day with his hot-dog stand and I am thinking of giving him a home soon - most people have the enthusiasm to do basic labor and very little else. We need tradesmen to come and teach their trade. Even if we have to send people out to do external apprenticeships. Something I might reach out to Vastime and Shadowfall about. Maybe K-world, but they sorta got that Shinigami hate-boner going on"

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