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Harboring a Burning Passion Empty Harboring a Burning Passion

Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:40 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

There had been some strange goings on lately in Minatumi Harbor, and since Karakura wasn't too excruciatingly far away, Law had decided to pay a visit and have a look around. He wasn't quite sure what he expected to find when he bought his ticket and boarded the train, but now that he was stepping off of it he realized that he didn't really have anything to go on. Oh well, it couldn't hurt to ask around and see what the locals had to say. With that in mind he began making his way down the first street that caught his eye. There were plenty of open stalls peddling their various wares, but any time he attempted to speak to someone running one of these they gave him little to no information at all. Eventually he decided he'd have to look elsewhere if he actually wanted to find anything out.

He followed the street he'd chosen to its end, and found himself in a much more open area now. This was most likely something like a town center, but he couldn't be quite sure. There were still a few open stalls, but there were also more long standing shops in this area, due to the higher population density. The first store that caught his eye was an antique book store. He thought that if anyone would be interested in talking about strange happenings it would be the owner of this place right? That turned out to be very far from the case, but in the end his visit to the bookstore did turn out for the best. He chatted with the woman behind the counter for a good thirty minutes before getting her phone number and departing.

Having accomplished a whole lot of nothing Law decided this would be a good time for a short break. He visited one of the nearby food stalls, and after waiting in line for a brief moment procured himself a nice little rice and fish dish. Afterwards, he made his way to one of the many benches that adorned this more open area, and began to enjoy his meal. While he did so he kept his eyes on the crowd moving by, just in case someone or something interesting appeared.

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Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Sat Nov 17, 2018 6:17 am

Harboring a Burning Passion 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Upon entering Minatumi Harbor, Law would feel warm, and happy. As if the stresses of life had melted away and left him with the joys of life. It could easily account for the vibrancy of life despite the fact that the city looked like a half-renovated slum. Staying here for a long time could really affect a person's vigor to be better, and could knock out the old, encrusted doubts and grudges. How such a city could manage this effect, was probably due to the strange, semi-visible haze that surrounded it, an amber colour that seemed to waft out from the buildings and form the atmosphere.

However, this didn't mean that when a woman cheerfully walked past carrying a shark, it was not a surprise. The woman was a very muscular type girl, with strong back muscles and firm arm muscles. She had a tank top on and not much else bar her trousers, and her short hair still glistened with the water she had just come out of. Sun glistening off her abs, she gave the shark to the food stall Law had just patronised. And then, with wet clothes and shining amber eyes, she looked over to Law, and walked towards him.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around before. Have you come for a purpose?"

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Harboring a Burning Passion Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Sun Nov 18, 2018 12:19 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

As Law sat enjoying his meal he noticed that he was feeling significantly less pissed than he usually would. He wasn't sure he liked that. Only seconds after having this revelation though something else caught his attention. An attractive, muscular, red-haired woman was strolling down the street, her outfit leaving the perfect amount to the imagination. That would have been enough to catch his attention either way, but even more interestingly she was lugging around an exceptionally ferocious looking shark. Well, a shark's body. He looked on with interest as she deposited her haul at the stall he'd just been to, and wondered if there was any shark in his own meal. He wasn't quite sure. Before he had time to check he noticed that she was looking his way, and seemingly approaching him. That worked. He looked her way until she was standing directly in front of him and waited for whatever it was she had to say.

"Yo. You wouldn't have, it's my first visit. Just checking out the scenery. Bein' nosy. Law, you?"

In the middle of his sentence Law crossed his hands behind his head and stretched his back somewhat, letting out a faint yawn. He was feeling unusually tired for this time of day, but he shrugged it off rather quickly. Hopefully now that he was talking to someone who seemed to know more about what was going on around them he'd be able to find something out. With how things had been going since he'd gotten here though, he wasn't counting on it.

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Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Sun Nov 18, 2018 2:12 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv listened attentively, and then suddenly perked up and smiled at him, holding out a finger.
"One minute" she said, before abruptly vanishing in a soft gust of wind. True to her word, returned a minute or so later, both hands clutching hot dogs, and a dozen other arms clutching additional hot dogs. The arms floated from her, constructs of her will, and with a blazing look to them, as if solidified amber flames. It was the exact shade of the colour that blossomed from the buildings, and it made it pretty obvious that the woman holding a dozen hotdogs was the reason behind all this city stuff.

"Well, I hope you have a nice stay. You don't look like a refugee running from something, so doyou want a hotel or something? We are still making furniture for the buildings, but I am sure we could rustle up something" Ulv asked, taking a large bite out of one of the hotdogs and pondering the supposed question. " actually a good question. I mean, we got the usual ones, but do I want anything special for my city? Do I make people work out so I can ogle the muscular women around here? Am I that sort of mayor?" she eventually shrugged and finished off the first hot-dog with a big bit, and totally displayed her obliviousness in these situations.

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Harboring a Burning Passion Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Thu Nov 22, 2018 1:18 am

Harboring a Burning Passion 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

Not quite sure how to react to what was unfolding before him, Law simply sat quietly, as he usually did. As he did so the woman before him simply vanished, returning moments later sporting a large number of arms more than she'd left with, all of them holding a hot dog. He felt like he was in a Saturday morning cartoon with all of the nonsense that was going around lately. Not looking to cause any confrontations at the moment, Law decided to keep his mouth shut about any crazy antics, although it was a bit forced. One thing did become quite clear to him immediately though. The woman he was dealing with, for better or for worse, was seemingly in charge of this city. If not outright in charge then she was in some way connected to it at the highest level, but for some reason he doubted that she was anyone other than the big boss. All in all, he couldn't call it a bad development. He'd run directly into the person he'd need to talk to if he wanted to find out anything about what had been happening around here lately, and if that person just happened to be an attractive, large breasted woman, well, how was he to blame?

"Refugee? No, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. A hotel room though, that could be nice. Am I sharing it with you? Also no, I meant they call me Law, how about yourself."

Even in situations such as these, Law couldn't refrain from being somewhat crass. Fortunately for him his attempts were usually either successful or taken light-heartedly enough that they had no real impact on further conversation. He was sure that this wouldn't always be the case, but he did hope it was the case now, as if he blew his only lead it would be a bit difficult to explain why he'd made the trip out here in the first place. At least he'd discovered one thing. This woman was in fact the leader of this city.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:44 am

Harboring a Burning Passion 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

"Ohh, the whole 'I Am The Law' thing huh? It's an interesting thing to have in the current world, but you've got your work cut out for you. A lot of trouble about basically everywhere. But I am sure we can get you a bed for the night" Ulv giggled softly at that. It would be a bed, for the night, since her Tulpas never lasted a long time. She'd make him a bed for the night and focus on keeping it coherent, but eventually it would lose form and collapse. Wouldn't be for a good day if she was focused on it though. Simple things were much easier than her Combat Tulpas.

She ate another hot dog, and then picked two more off the arms, having the arms vanish after the work was done.
"Mmm, no. I don't actually live here, I just run the place. We don't have enough places for me to live here so I just live elsewhere and commute to work every day to help them out with the heavy lifting and occasionally the cooking and reinforcing the economy by buying lots of food for them. We get a lot of help from Zian-Zi because they want to be a part of this city, but a hand is always welcomed by the people. So I give many"

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Harboring a Burning Passion Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Tue Nov 27, 2018 7:42 am

Harboring a Burning Passion 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

It seemed that his flirting had either gone entirely over her head, or else she was ignoring it. That was fine, he hadn't really expected that to work anyway. Besides, there were still a few hours of daylight left if he really began to desire company. Law put those thoughts aside rather quickly however, when she mentioned trouble. He imagined she was speaking in a more general sense, and not specifically about the harbor, but still, the segue was there. This seemed like the best time to ask about it either way, as he wasn't sure how much further this conversation could devolve into commonplace discussion.

"Well aren't you hilarious. While we're on the subject, has there been any trouble around here lately? I've heard a few stories, which is the main reason I've come to visit, although to be honest part of it was just that I wanted to get out of the rut I've found myself in lately. Same thing day in and day out. You know how it goes."

Law hoped that he would now learn at least something about what had happened here recently, but somehow he thought that this would be too easy. There would most likely be some other obstacle in the way before he could actually discover why this areas ownership had shifted. Another question had also been raised. This woman had mentioned something he'd never heard of before. Zian-Zi. He wondered what on earth that could be, and at the risk of sounding foolish, decided he would ask.

"By the way, you mentioned something I've never heard of. Zian-zi, what is that? Perhaps we could talk about it on the way to wherever it is I'll be sleeping though. For some reason I've been feeling a bit tired ever since i arrived. Not quite sure why, maybe there's something in the air."

Having said that, Law finally stood from the bench he'd been sitting on for the past several minutes, looked around for a trashcan, and in the most obvious display of power ever utilized his room to instantly alter the position of the now empty container he held in his hands. In the blink of an eye it had disappeared, now safely held within the waste bin.

"If you'd be so kind as to lead the way?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:07 am

Harboring a Burning Passion 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Finishing off the rest of her food, she nodded and got up, looking for a nearby communial building. So far, everyone had a place to sleep but it was far from comfortable, beds almost touching each other from the need to fit in enough beds for everyone. Her Devil's Heart was strong enough to do cool stuff, but not strong enough to do all the cool stuff, even now.
"Hmm, trouble. Aside from Stefan breaking the city above us and leading to this whole thing, there hasn't been much trouble. Average amount of hollows attracted to the city's energy signature but nothing seriously troublesome. We are decidedly anti-trouble, here" she told him, heading to the building where he could grab some sleep.

Not every bed was filled all the time, people worked in shifts, so there would always be some free beds for people. And he, seemed to have an interesting set of powers to poof stuff elsewhere. But that was for later. So she led the way to the building of beds.
"Ahh, Zian-Zi. It's, Atlantis, Shambala, Shangra-la. Incredibly long time ago, there was a valley in China called Zian, and a very long backstory started there, so it is called Zian-Zi"

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Harboring a Burning Passion Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:48 am

Harboring a Burning Passion 0i0taF7


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

He followed her, hand in his pockets, only his thumbs sticking out. As they came upon the place he was intended to sleep he couldn't help but feel a slight distaste. He'd never been much of a people person, so this cramped setup was less than desirable. Still, it would do in a pinch. Ulv began to speak as he looked over the accommodations, and something she said caught his attention immediately, but he held his tongue. She was still speaking after all, and he didn't think it would be beneficial to interrupt. Then something else immediately caught his attention, and while he was fairly certain she was done speaking, at this point it didn't matter. He blinked several times, an incredulous look on his face.

"Wh... what did you just say?"

Atlantis, Shambhala, Shangri-La. He couldn't just let that pass by without any explanation whatsoever. What she was saying was preposterous, but at the same time he found himself incredibly interested in whatever it was that she happened to be babbling about. A rare occurrence indeed.

"I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to ask you to repeat that whole bit about Atlantis. Maybe go into a bit more detail as well, you can't just drop a bomb like that on someone and not clarify in any way. It's rude."

He fell into one of the beds that was not occupied at the moment, sitting lazily with his back propped up against the wall. This wasn't exactly what he'd come to find out about, but he knew when to shut up and listen, and it usually payed off. As he leaned against the wall he thought about the fact that this could have been any other day just a few hours ago, and would have been if he hadn't decided to come out here to do some digging around. What a missed opportunity that would have been.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Harboring a Burning Passion Empty Re: Harboring a Burning Passion

Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:09 pm

Harboring a Burning Passion 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Ulv giggled as he asked for more clarification about Atlantis. Admittedly, claiming with such confidence that a place was such a mythological location would get people's ears up. So she shouldn't tease him too much about it. There was a ping of disdain walking into this hostel, which she was sure most people would feel. It wasn't the best place to be, just beds sprawled across the whole floor with the most basic of amanites present. It was the best she could do for now, but it would improve as time went on and everyone started being better.

"Ahh, sorry to get your hopes up but it's entirely mythological. Atlantis as it is represented in the myths doesn't exist. It is not some great country that sunk beneath the waves in a night of terror. Shangra-la does exist, but it isn't mystical, it's just a hidden temple where Monks contemplate existence in isolation. Shambala is just another name for Shangra-la. As for more detail, it's hard to explain. They are mostly on the edge of extinction these days so you won't know a lot about them, but a two, maybe three thousand years ago, there was a society that existed in the shadow of normal society.

A collection of martial artists, of heroes and villains, of masters and monks. Of great Wuxia and terrible Kuei. They studied great Kung-Fu - not the martial art, but the concept that translates as "Work Of Man", meaning basically anything you can achieve with effort and labour - and it was good. These days it's a very secular, very insular society. Partially because there just ins't enough of them to handle being active in the world. This is the first city they call home outside of Zian-Zi in a long time. Zian-Zi is their home. It is the legecy of the origin of Tai Chi. Zian was a valley where the very first man was enlightened to the art of Tai Chi, and where the Zi came from, I couldn't tell you"

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